It's Bonnaroo week, so The What Podcast welcomed a group of Bonnaroovians onto the show for a live episode. Brad, Barry, and Lord Taco were joined by Tara and Kai, Jake from the RooHamm podcast, Bryan Stone from Camp Nutbutter, and Daniel and Sharia from The Real Roo Bus to discuss what they're excited about, changes to the Farm, and lineup picks.
Listen to the episode here or watch it via YouTube. As you make the annual pilgrimage back to Bonnaroo, make sure to like, review, and subscribe to The What Podcast wherever you get your podcasts.
Topics: Bonnaroo, Roo Bus, RooHamm
Guests: Jake Dably, Daniel Horton, Sharla Horton, Tara Viland, Kai Viland
Hey guys.
What's happening?
Look at that.
Look at Tarik.
Now see, now we finally got a show.
Now we get something that matters.
We made it.
How are you guys?
We're great.
We had a Riverbend this weekend and Four Castle the weekend before and it's been really awesome.
I can't believe it.
That's Tara.
You have a grown adult female next to you.
I know.
How is that possible?
I know.
I know.
We've been raising her right though, so we're ready.
I mean, when were we at Music Midtown?
Were you nine?
How old were you?
She did our first Sunday at Rue at ten and then this will be her fourth year.
So we're here.
And still have seen more shows than Bryan Stone.
I'm keeping the list.
You know this was common, Bryan.
Come on, baby.
How are you beautiful?
I'm fine.
I'm glad I was able to make it on time.
You know, just like his radio career, his microphone doesn't work and you can't see.
You can't hear me?
Nothing about this makes it...
What is wrong with you?
You're literally sitting in front of a microphone and it doesn't work.
You just told me.
It's a prop.
It's a prop.
It's not really there.
You can't hear me.
You can't.
I can't understand what he's saying.
Thank God for the cat, right, Kai?
At least there's something interesting on that screen.
Can we talk to the cat instead?
Yeah, the guy.
Make some introductions.
Who all's here?
And then we got a Daniel.
And then we got a Daniel.
What's up?
We got Daniel from the RealRoo bus.
What's happening, buddy?
I'm good.
Charlotte might drop in in a minute.
She just got back to the house a minute ago.
Everything is happening.
We're trying to get ready and chill at the same time this week.
Are you packed?
Are you in?
Are you ready to go?
Is the bus going?
Is it fast up?
Pretty much.
Yeah, I was just telling them before you jumped on, I'm very thankful that we filled
it up last year and haven't driven it much since then when diesel was about $350.
It's a little over $5 now, so it saves.
Wait, are you telling me that you've still got the same gas in it that you started with
last year?
Pretty much.
I mean, yeah, we topped it off on the way back from Lindsay's Minteroo Farm and then
just kind of drove just a couple of places around town here, so I haven't been far away
since then.
I need to consult with my car guy, Mr. Lord Rust Taco.
Is that okay?
Can you keep gas on our car?
Is that okay?
Can you keep gas in a car for that long?
Well, he doesn't use gas.
He uses diesel.
Well, you know what I mean.
Okay, no, I don't know what you mean.
I never know what you mean.
I didn't know.
I didn't tune into car talk.
How did you?
What the heck just happened?
When did we go?
Does diesel not expire?
It's making a strange noise when I turn right.
I've had to learn a lot of this.
You can add additives to stabilize the fuel if you're going to keep it in there long term.
888 Monterey, this is Slop and Shop.
What do you want to tell me?
What happened?
When did we get hijacked?
Sorry, I'm going around the room, Barry.
I'm saying how everybody's life is.
I'm worried about his safety.
We got into car talk all of a sudden.
Bryan Stone was so mad about the car talk, he hung up.
Honestly, it's better that way.
It's better that way.
Yeah, good move.
If that's what it took, good move.
Barry, how are you?
I'm good.
I put the shirt on for you.
My man.
And I don't know if you noticed, but I've been listening to my morning jacket all day since we posted our show or I've listened to it.
I'm getting pretty doggone excited.
I got a note from Tara today, which is why Tara and Kai are on.
They're going to be at Camp Nut Butter.
Yeah, they got their whatever you call them, passes or whatever.
So they're coming.
Now I'm excited.
I'm getting all excited about it again.
Daniel, where are you camping?
Do you know your pod yet?
Is that still the day of thing?
I forget how they do it out there.
We will be at the Groot Plaza.
So we're going to be next to the new tent that they have over there.
Bonnaroo has been very kind to let us use their facilities to host flip turn and some of the other crazy stuff that we're doing.
Hey, so you tweeted a picture that I saw today about the site, right?
The picture of the site.
And there's a couple of things that we noticed about this.
Does anything stick out to you?
Yeah, someone posted that on Reddit yesterday, I believe.
I don't know where in the heck they got it.
But it was clear that it was taken in the past couple of days because that road that comes from Bushy Branch up to the main entrance next to the arch or whatever was paved.
And they only did that a month or two ago.
There's a couple of things.
That's a stop and stop here right there.
That's the first thing Barry and I noticed.
There's a person there is a paved road right through center.
Such a long way.
Did you notice that, Russ? Did you see the paved road that comes right down through right past the Ferris wheel all the way down to the what stage?
Yeah, but I'm so unfamiliar with the layout that I wouldn't even know what I'm looking at.
I've studied it all day.
We knew they paved around.
I've only been there twice.
But yeah, you don't remember half of it.
Sorry. You know, you being the paving expert that you are, did it look like the paved road ended like halfway through and turned back into dirt?
That's what I couldn't tell.
It just it looked it looked like it went between what I would consider center in the main stage, the what stage area.
It's the bathrooms and the dirt road you walk right up to that tent.
Yeah, that comes out of media and all that where we usually come out.
So yeah, which is the one that normally would get wet and muddy and have puddles.
So I was not unhappy about it.
What else did you notice on the picture, Daniel?
Sorry, I had to hit the mute button because I was over in another tab looking at it.
A couple of things they put out what looks to be a couple of new things out in the campgrounds.
I noticed some tents kind of near our area that I don't remember from last time.
I'm sure you noticed this too, Brad. They moved the wall.
The hill. I know it. I know it. They did it again.
But it definitely looks like they moved the wall in.
Sharla thinks that they did move the hill.
We went over there last summer to see the Abbott Brothers and she looked at that and she was like, you know, it does look different.
I know. I know.
Hey, this is my suggestion. Get enough mushrooms and everybody that hill is going to start moving all day.
They could just keep moving up, down, around.
So I noticed the walls too. Did you do any sort of side by side from an aerial photo from years past?
Because that seems like something you would do.
I did one of those a couple of years ago just to disprove you about the hill, I thought, anyways.
Well, let's do that again to another topic.
No, I'd like to see what it looks like with these walls because I'm not going to lie.
Perry, we talked about this before during the LCD Pearl Jam year, you know, the greatest year of Bryan Stone's existence.
They we literally walked in and we said these walls are in closer.
Yeah, for sure. And we're convinced that they're going to do it again this year with 25,000 tickets sold.
Yeah, they're going to have to. It definitely is in closer, which is, you know, that's what you do.
You make it comfortable.
I suggest pipe and drape. I suggest pipe and drape.
Tara, you can you got a pipe and drape guy.
Oh, yeah, I got a couple.
Speaking of large pipes, hey, Brian, you excited?
Does my microphone work, first of all?
No, of course not.
But we can hear you.
We can hear you.
I can hear you.
How does my microphone not work yet you can hear me? That doesn't make sense to me.
So you can hear me. I mean, I can't hear you, but you're sitting in front of a microphone that is obviously not.
No, this is a prop. I don't have a microphone.
You sound like you're in a storm drain.
Speaking of prop, Bryan Stone.
I'm fine. I'm good.
Why do you like you? You literally have not been in radio for this long. You're just playing radio in your basement.
I'm so happy to see you, Brian.
I got all right.
Brian, what are you excited about? We're going to be there next week.
Before you get there, just so you know how Brian is, Brian is the quick like he is the episode of Seinfeld where George has the jerk store.
The ultimate jerk store guy, whereas he will listen and take every piece of abuse ever throw at him.
And then as he's driving home, damn it, that's a great line when it was really worse line.
You ever heard of your life? He is the walking, talking jerk store.
It's very true.
I get there. You know, I need a few minutes.
You know what? I do want to say Brian is probably the only I know he is. He's the only one in this group who's been to every single one. Right.
Sure. Well, I have been to every one of them. Yeah.
The first year I just was there, I jumped the fence on Saturday and hung out for the night. So I didn't camp. I didn't I didn't know what I was doing.
I just heard of this thing. Jam band music was just becoming a thing to me at that time.
But ever since then, I've been there all weekend every year.
Setting in your car, sitting in your car, listening to the shins is not going to bond. That was one year.
It was an entire year. It was literally an entire festival. I was really into the shins that year.
Do you remember when Brian sat in his car all day listening to the shins show and then he went to the shins show and he came back? Do you remember what he said?
No, please remind me. That shit sucked. I'm never going back.
No, I said I'm done with this shit. I'm done with this shit. Done. It was a phase for three days.
So back to what Barry was saying. What are you excited about this year?
Really only two that are just absolute pretty pretty excited about the war on drugs.
I was really hoping to get them on the what stage early. I wanted that sound so bad.
Just have to deal with the witch on Saturday afternoon and then I get the opportunity to see tool three, four or five times in my life.
And so this will be the time I make sure to knock that out.
Remind me when when and where so it's on which where's war on drugs? What time?
7 45 Saturday on the witch. That's going to be that's going to be a mess. And absolutely even even with a small crowd, that's going to be a mess.
Yeah, I think that your inclination of like six o'clock, six thirty on the what that would be really sort of ideal for them.
That'd been beautiful.
You know, we were talking we were talking about this last week, Barry and Daniels felt it a million times. There's just a moment there on Friday and you hope it's early on Saturday.
You really hope it's on Friday where the right bands on the what and then the sun's going down and then the soundscape just becomes the becomes Bonnaroo.
It is literally the sound of the entire festival. And war on drugs would have been at Friday evening, six o'clock.
What a man would have been fantastic. And then just a bunch of other stuff that just got a little minor highlight.
You know, I'll go see Robert Plant and Alison Krauss because it's on the what stage and that'll be that'll sound to be fun. Sound good.
Lord Huron. Everybody loves that band. I guess I need to see what the fuss is all about.
And then how about this just for the for the what stage on Saturday?
Twenty one Savage, then Billy String, then Tool.
Ever seen they can see a lineup like that anywhere in the world.
So I thought that was interesting. OK, OK. I know what you're doing here.
I know what you're doing. You're trying to pretend that you know anything about 21 Savage and you're acting as if, oh, isn't this weird, guys?
Tell me something about 21 Savage. Stop. Stop. Stop it right now.
You know, I know 21 Savage doesn't sound like Billy String and Tool. That's my point.
You know, I don't know what 21 Savage is.
You do or you don't? I do not know what it is. Pop. I mean, I don't know.
Well, how do you know if it's not? It could it could be country. How do you know? I know enough to know it's not country. Stop, Brad.
On your on your schedule, Brian, how many are actually circled as in don't miss?
There's there's just one drug and two 90 to one drug. Yeah, that's why they're 90 acts. You're going to see two.
It depends on the weather. It depends on the weather.
Let me just be honest with you. If you're listening to this and you have blue hair, run.
The standard rate is on the one stage on Sunday afternoon. If I'm around, that'll be fun.
I don't have to be it, but that'll be fun.
Jude and the Lion on Saturday. The fact that you, Brian, I know you.
The fact that I do this to him every year. So there is always a band that I tell you you have to see.
And when have I ever been wrong to you? You have never been wrong. So give me one this year.
I cannot believe you are poopooing a proper poo poo on Nathaniel Rateliff.
You will adore him. He's more in your lane than any other band that's playing that weekend.
Oh, that's not entirely true. But it's no, I've seen Nathaniel Rateliff. I know what I know all about it.
It's just it's not it's not must be stopped on a Sunday afternoon. I don't know that I'll be there on Sunday afternoon.
You always make it to the end of Sunday. Usually. But I'm worried about this year.
This is my life and death of Monroe this year. I don't I'm afraid of my baby's gone.
I'm afraid I'm going to walk away very disappointed. I hate to say that.
You know, Russ, you're not Russ, what did we say about Brian last week when we were trying to explain who Brian was?
Oh, he loves he hates sunshine, hates kittens. There's a cat right there. He hates that cat.
He's literally looking at your cat, Daniel. Yeah.
Stupid cat. Why is it green? There's so many things that I like a lot.
Name two quick. This would be the longest show in the world. What is it?
I ordered the two. I said beer and blue haired girls. And by the way, by the way, to Brian's credit, the last time I saw Kai and Brian together, she was putting ribbons in his hair.
So I give Brian props for that. We did facial. Yeah.
I saw me together. We were doing a podcast as well. That's right. So good for Brian for that. I'm a team player, man. I'm a team player.
I'm a team player.
Daniel, what are your we went through our camp misses last week. We I didn't do anything. What are what are yours?
Tammem Paula in the car. You listen to a tan on the bus over and over. Close King Gizzard and the lizard wizard. Yeah, it's a good one.
I can't believe that's on yours, Brian. What's wrong with you? I don't I'm not familiar. I've only heard the name. It's such a weird band name. I was like, what? Who the hell would that could that possibly be?
They probably suck.
Is it rock and roll? Is it something I need to listen to? Yeah, there's this whole sub genre that I've fallen in love with the past couple of years that isn't just Tammem Paula. It's like a lot of Australian psych rock bands.
So it's same as King Gizzard. It's pond. A lot of others. Another one that got introduced to me back at Okeechobee was Ocean Alley. All those are out of my alley. I haven't seen King Gizzard live before. It's right up your Ocean Alley.
Yeah, I totally get that. Okay. Well, that sounds right. I haven't heard of Ocean Alley. That's all right. That that tent at a that's late. Eleven thirty at night.
I'm getting old. I don't know if I can pull that off.
Eleven thirty. Jesus. You got plans? Where you gonna be? Eleven years old. I'm not gonna be asleep. I'm not gonna be asleep. I'm gonna be drunk or I'm gonna be lost somewhere. I don't know. I made a mark right there.
You and the other pop of Smurf are gonna be chasing blue hairs. I get it. You never know. Don't make don't make rock solid plans because it's not gonna come to go through most of the time.
Well, that's exactly right. That's exactly right. King Gizzard. Who else you got?
I'm kind of bummed out that they scheduled King Gizzard right at the same time as disclosure because that was gonna be number one and two for me. So at best, I can bolt it from King Gizzard and see like ten minutes of disclosure, but I'm really looking forward to flume a lot of our campus looking forward to that.
Honestly, this Bonnaroo, I'm purposely not trying to like over schedule myself. I'm just gonna be there to chill. Oh boy. That's a tough tough ask. Don't over schedule yourself with this Bonnaroo.
But the other big have to for me is goth babe on Thursday night. I have absolutely fallen in love with that band. I saw him at Okeechobee blew me away. I can't wait to see him at Rue because they're originally from Tennessee. So you know this is gonna be a big deal for them.
It's what tacos dreaming of is a goth babe.
Yeah, she had blue hair. What's the story? Dashboard mom equals goth babe. I don't so I hear you on especially on King Gizzard and I think that we mentioned it last week Barry about the one. It feels like the biggest conflict would be disclosure and and King Gizzard right?
Yeah, yeah, Daniel mentioned it. Yeah, I think that's it for for a lot of us anyway. We'll manage. I keep I keep seeing Kai's head and I can't wait to hear. We'll get to that. I'm sure.
But I see keep seeing the.
Yeah, I don't even plan.
At a baby. We're just going honestly going honestly terror terror. That's the best attitude that you can have for Bonnaroo.
For me, it's like 6040 it's like we're there for the music, but we're there for the people and we're there to have a good weekend and catch what we catch and Kai will drag me around to see new bands and I don't know about some excited for that.
Yeah, and other than that I'm just excited to to be in it. So Barry, I think that you're your way up there in the hierarchy of camp but when it comes to my soul sister when it comes to decorating and making camp goofy there's nobody that even comes close to Tara.
She's right. She's the only one that's going to keep camp nut butter alive this year. She's that.
Yeah, you know it's not going to be me or Russ, we're going to come and hang a towel on a tree tree limb and call it good.
We'll have the battery toaster, you know, and all the decor and facials and we're going to have a good time glitter everywhere.
I just I just want to know if we're able to all come together the way we're used to I mean I don't know how much you guys want to go into that but I mean that that that guest camping is gone Brad that's what that's not there anymore I don't know how much you're
That's not what I heard that is not at all platinum camping it absolutely is I've seen it with my own eyes.
Very, very do you want to Daniel shaking his head Daniel. What, what do you know Daniel Oh I just know the same thing that taco knows we've been gossiping about that.
I don't know nothing.
You think you think we're good.
I'm not going on insider information I've seen it with my eyes. It's a black. Okay, okay. Brian, what, what, what do you see with your eyes, tell me what those I see the beautiful blue light.
I see it like an old based on like an older, older VIP. It's based on a bell ticket for platinum camping. I've been back there where we exactly where we camp, and there's a big fucking sign that platinum camping.
I don't need an insider from CBS to tell me this.
So you're telling me that in the middle of the field. During October, that when you draw drove to the bottom field you saw a sign that said platinum camping next to our.
This was September of last year, one week after the cancellation, I went to Nashville anyway. And the configuration is the exact same this year from up from what I can tell I haven't seen this year with my own eyes, but why would they not do the exact same thing they did last year, when it's mapped out that way still.
I'm telling you, I'm not.
I was looking at a map last night, and I couldn't find it. It wasn't on the map. It's never been on the map though it's never been on the map always is cuts off.
Now Brad for everybody pulled up right now behind there there is now a platinum.
No, there isn't.
I'll have to come camp in your.
See this is what I knew you were going to get to you're going to bring up the map and the map is the same taco brought this up a couple weeks ago that's the same map that they use two years ago.
It's the same map. Yes, it is. There's nothing different about it.
I'd rather talk about diesel.
Can we go back to the thing I can tell you about it.
I'm actually serious about this. I didn't know that that diesel gas didn't go bad.
So it does. And that's why we can't yes all gas goes bad driving around the block a little bit the past few weeks because it had to burn off some of the diesel that gunked up it white smoke comes out the back as if it's announcing the next hope.
And then it for a few miles it's just fine. So we're good to go. Taco was right. You have to give it a little additive like right when the weather starts getting cold so it doesn't get too gunky.
But yeah, we're good.
All right, so Kai who you're looking forward to here. See him. Okay, so this year.
I'm excited because it seems like to be like a lot of up and coming artists who in a couple years you're going to see how much they've changed and they'll be like, I saw them when they were small.
One like some big artists that I'm excited for are still loosey. Jay Cole, and just people like that there's not a lot of big artists this year I love still.
He's so fantastic.
We missed him at forecast of the other weekend and I was heartbroken so this is my thing but some smaller artists I'm really excited for are like flip turn and the backseat lovers.
I love the backseat lovers because I was one of the only guys in the country playing that song kill be girl.
Talk about it. Talk about a song that fits that kid that Bonnaroo sound so well, Barry. Oh my god. It is, it is almost like the war on drugs Brian you'd like it a little bit.
But that song could be the, like, if you made a sizzle reel of Bonnaroo with the sun going down kill be girl would be the sound song that you choose. They absolutely destroyed at Okeechobee we were on the rail for that, and we absolutely loved it I can't wait to see them again.
One more guy this.
I'm interrupting this will be how many for you. How many years this is going to be my fourth year it should be my sixth, but yeah.
I'll come back you go ahead go ahead with your picks. What I want to talk about is Southern Avenue they played riverfront nights last summer, and they're not, they're really one of the smaller bands they're playing at 115 in the morning, not in the morning in the afternoon.
And their lead singer she just has an amazing stage presence and I love the sound lots of happy memories from that band. So it's really impressive to see them going from riverfront nights to playing upon her.
No kidding, riverfront night band huh.
Follow it you weren't you're alive for this but you know that's played over front night time off terror remembers, that'd be the bear naked ladies.
Yeah, the greatest year of Brian's life.
Everybody has to start somewhere that I'm glad to hear you say that you're looking for, you're looking forward to seeing some of the smaller ones and and seeing how they come.
That's kind of the whole reason this show started was every day.
Hey, Charlotte. Yeah, we become a tad jaded since then.
I remember seeing Mumford and Sons on the small stage. You know I mean that's, it's really like one of my favorite things is being able to walk around to see the smaller acts and see them grow.
KG elephant playing Riverbend the other night and then getting to see them at Rhythm and Brews and then at Bonnaroo and then just watching these artists is special.
Well look I mean I still I still never forget the time that we stumbled upon this little band in a cafe called Black Keys. And the only reason I went there was because I confused them with another band that was playing, and I had a similar name and I was like I don't know who these guys are and then the next year they're on this tent and that tent and the witch stage and then headlining, you know, on the wet stage.
Hey kitty look there's a cat for Brian to hate.
I like that.
Are you excited about you ready you ready to go. Yes, I'm very excited to see Goose.
It's Goose. Yeah, you, you and I both that the, the show last year right the the virtual show that they did that's when I first heard about him yeah that blew me away and I think you, you were the same simultaneously texted each other watching that saying, Who is this?
And they're, yeah, this is terrific right now we're so happy that King Gizzard and Goose didn't have a conflict we feared that for months.
So Goose and who else? Goose and Zach Brian.
Yes, yep.
Zach, Zach Brian the country guy. Yes, yes.
Did I miss him on the lineup Barry we haven't talked, I don't think we've even said his name out loud. That's a new one. Good for you. No, we didn't. Good for you.
I've been preaching him for like two months. He is amazing.
Yeah, he's got a really cool story too.
Yeah, Joe, husband Joe loves that, loves that. How's Joe?
He's good. He's good. He's excited to spend his father's day.
With us at the farm. That's something that we actually haven't talked much about Barry. Every time, every year this falls on Father's Day.
And you tell me if I'm wrong about this but there's there's always a time inside Father's Day where I feel as though you guys get really emotional.
Well, I don't know about that. Brandy Carlisle put all of you guys underneath. Oh, well that was that was pretty strong. That was pretty strong. And then, you know, not only her, her talk or, you know, her comments about her, her wife, but then Jeff Cuellar came up with his kid remember and gave Brandy what the key to the city.
So yeah, that was pretty cool. But I feel like there's there is something special. I'm sorry, the father of the group wants to know.
Yes, I was going to say I haven't said father's day father of many children. What is your perspective here on Father's Day of Bond?
I haven't said Father's Day with my dad in almost basically 20 years. So I'm going to go that. So what? You hate your family.
I don't like him that much now, but I mean, he's still my dad. Yeah, well, to go back to Joe.
To go back to Joe, you know, in our camp, we always have if I don't have the tool Denson does or Joe does.
So we're always pretty sad between the three of us think we can pretty much build a house if we have to. Joe's my guy because Joe literally could build my house and has come over to save my house when Barry doesn't answer the phone.
But the reason why I suggested a couple of weeks ago on Bond or do and don't is because of Joe, I suggested bringing the yoga wheel.
And I thought it was something that we just don't. It's too dopes. We just use it. Nobody else is going to use it. But tell them how Joe reacted to the yoga wheel.
He loved it. He bought like 17. No, we have 17 yoga wheels. They're now art pieces.
No, he did. He fell in love with that yoga wheel and he bought one and he uses it all the time and Joe excited about some things.
But but the yoga wheel is definitely it's it's competing against us.
It is a game changer when you're when your back is wrecked after a day at the festival.
It will change everything when you go to sleep and when you wake up in the morning.
Barry, I don't know if you could do it, but it might help. It might help. Yeah, I might.
I want to ask Kai because you've been there. You were 11 when you went to your first 10.
So, you know, Brad and I are 16. Brian's been to every one.
Taco's been to two. Daniel, you guys what are going on six or seven? We had the past two years. We started. Yeah. Yeah. OK. Sorry.
So but we're all, you know, old people. What's it like having basically grown up attending these festivals?
It's always been like such an interesting experience because they're not when I was that age.
There was really no one my age around. I would always kind of resent my mom for that.
You're like, where are all the kids? But it's also a really cool experience because I get to tell all the adults around me.
Yeah, I've been to Bondry more than you. Yeah, I loved playing beach volleyball in the Bacardi place.
I would do that for hours on end and it's so sunburnt. And then I would just go check out all the shows.
Like, I remember seeing Callie Uchis when she was on one of the This or That dance. And now she's like, I'm a minion soundtrack.
Listen, follow Kai's recommendation. The girl's got an ear. But the other thing you said was people your age.
Luckily, someone your age has just joined us. Jake RooHamm.
Hey, Jake. Hello. Hello.
I'm sorry. What game did we pull you out of? What is that gaming chair you're in?
Last time we saw you, your apartment was empty. That no furniture. Now you spent all your money on this gaming chair.
One, that is a lie. There was furniture.
And I believe this is a bean bag chair. You were sleeping on ham's cans, kid.
That would be the life. I don't know what you're talking about.
Hello. Hello. I'm doing good. We're excited. How you doing, man?
Every day at work has been rough just because that's all we're thinking about is Bondry. So, I mean, we're excited to get back to the farm.
Yeah, I've been listening to you guys and obviously Daniel too.
And, you know, to be honest, last week I was sort of, but now after listening to all the different shows and everything and realize it's going to happen.
I'm pretty excited. Everything feels like it's back to the way it was.
As far as like work, like today I picked up the laptop, you know, that I'm going to use. So everything's starting to get back into the routine is what I'm trying to say.
We need it.
Oh, yeah. Oh, there's no question.
I think the thing that varied, the part that I started to get jealous of is we were going through the lineup and that's the part that didn't really bother me.
The thing that got me was, oh man, this bad lineup means I'm going to get to hang out with everybody and, you know, kick Brian in the nuts a little bit more.
That's what I'm, that's what I miss the most.
That's why I was so excited when I got a text from Tara today said, hey, we're going to be there.
Now it feels like nut butter is going to happen. So I'm excited.
Jake, we've asked everybody who you get, who you're most excited.
I'd say Denzel Curry is probably one of the most hype acts.
I'm a massive Porter Robinson fan. So that's going to be probably my show of the weekend.
I've already seen him, but on the farm that'll probably be pretty special.
And I have recently gotten into Kingiz, so I am excited for that as well.
All right. So he likes drugs.
I got to tell you, I wouldn't sell your boy Porter down at Okeechobee and I was freaking blown away.
I'm going to be at that show too. It was so fun. It's a sick set. Yeah.
His visuals are insane and his newest album is awesome.
I feel like he is, if you're not super into EDM, he's a good starting point just because his newer stuff is a lot more melodic than I think most EDM is much more of like a pop album.
It's good stuff. I'm glad you brought that.
We're old. I'll gladly take it over. We have never once described a set as a sick set.
No, no, but I'm glad Jake brought that up and I'm glad he's on here because that's a lane where, as you just said,
we're probably not going to talk about with any knowledge.
I don't talk about anything with knowledge.
Well, that's a good point. So Jake, go ahead. I mean, what are some of the other shows?
I mean, we've talked about The Other, the fact that Bonnaroo is sort of dedicated, you know, The Other to EDM.
What are some of the shows that people should go see? Because you obviously know more about it than we do.
You guys are doing your own EDM set on Friday night. What are some of the other sets?
I would say he's sort of along the same lines as like Elenium.
Said the Sky. He's pretty good. Obviously Elenium is great.
LP Geoby is super good. Kind of a chill EDM set.
Let me just interrupt. Brian, it's not on the way.
It's nowhere on your list.
It's nowhere.
I'm sorry, Jake. Go ahead. I just had to.
I'm going to get to no lane eight because that's the only thing going on at 3 a.m. So that'll be fun, I guess.
And then obviously, Floom, a big one there. And I was also say like Closie is pretty good too.
It doesn't sound as though you have a problem with this lineup then, huh?
I mean, it's not great. I think there's a lot of undercard acts that like Parker and I are pretty into.
If there were some of those big acts I talked about earlier, like no Porter, I know for Parker he's big into the chicks, no chicks.
That would be a pretty bad lineup, I think. But there's enough stuff each day that we're into.
I know our camp personally is really into this lineup.
A lot of EDM picks like Suicide Boys is really huge in our camp. So there's enough here that'll keep me busy.
I mean, obviously, we're in that the mindset of it doesn't really matter what the lineup is this year more than any is testing that a little bit.
But it's still good enough, I think.
Is nobody going to bring up Herbie Hancock? I mean, this, this, I mean, for sure.
I mean, I love Herbie Hancock. That's the one that Barry keeps pointing to. And again, I say, we said this last week, I know the RooHamm kids don't see anything that's over the age of 26 years old.
But they, you know, you don't have these opportunities to see these people very often or ever again.
We've gone through this enough where we'll see a show. Who is the guy that that it wasn't Solomon Burke, but it was an old 60s soul guy that his last show was at Bonnaroo.
You know, you just don't get these. No, it wasn't Charles Bradley. I'll look it up here in a second.
But, you know, you guys, you don't have these opportunities very often. And the best example is John Prine.
So if you have an opportunity to see one of the greatest of all time, no matter how, no matter how you feel about them, just give it some space, give it some time.
What else are you doing? What else are you doing?
Drugs, I know. Kai, what do you think about that?
I think about Herbie Hancock.
Yeah, legacy acts like that. Are you I mean, your parents have done a great job, obviously, of introducing you to music. Are you I mean, is that even on your radar, your mindset to know about these guys?
I think that a big part of Ru is my mom is also the one dragging me to some shows and some of the shows she's taken to me to like I've discovered an artist I love.
So, yeah, I like trying to see as many shows as possible, trying to find like anything that interests me and just like focusing on it and listening to it all the time.
I'm going to force her to go to Tool. Yeah.
Yeah, she's going to make me go to, just like she made me go to. What was the one place? It was like really late at night and they had the great tracks.
It was Gore.
Oh, me? It was Gore. It probably was Gore.
No, it was like.
Lana Richie.
It was Little Dicky.
Little Dicky is the one that she tricked me into.
Oh, that was terrible.
That show was rough.
That was the worst show ever.
Oh, my God.
It was so funny.
The worst show ever.
Japanese breakfast was better than Little Dicky.
I remember I had this theory that if you are seeing a band where the lead singer's got to take his shirt off at any point in the show, they really don't have anything.
He took his pants off and showed his dick.
So, my rule is for the shirt.
I remember we were flying through the air, hitting people in the head.
It was great.
We were right up front.
I was like 12 years old.
My mommy wore a bucket.
Brian's now looking at his schedule wondering what the giant flying penises are.
No, I'm looking at the.
I thought you said it was a band show.
I'm camping here whenever you want to see it. Just let me know.
That's where they are.
Stone found them.
You know where Platinum Camping is.
What you're looking at is right behind the wall where the comedy tent was, Brian.
They do not and never have, never once have ever put the woods on the map.
They've never put where we camp on the map at any point because it doesn't exist in the Bonnaroo world.
So whatever you see on the map is a created map that doesn't.
They also don't put the trash section in there, Brian.
There's parts of the map they just do not include.
I've seen it with my own eyes, Brad.
Okay, Brian.
Anyway, anyway, Jake, we're going to get back to you.
I was watching. I was pissed that I missed diesel talk.
I can add so much to that conversation.
Hey, go ahead. I'm all in. I'm all in on some diesel talk.
I know nothing about cars, so I have questions about it.
Like, for instance, hang on a second.
Jake, y'all have a car question.
Taco, what's in your cabinet?
You got to wait till the glow light goes off before you start.
Taco, what's in your cabinet today?
What's in the cabinet?
Oh, I don't. But you needed to do the thing. I wanted to see the thing.
Was this like, hey, celebrity, what's in your fridge gig?
I'll do it.
Nobody knows that reference.
Jake, you guys have like what?
I guess 35.
In your group?
I think 36, something like that.
Yeah. And I know you guys have talked a little bit because we've talked a little bit, but are you guys at all?
I mean, the numbers, does it bother you at all?
Not really. I mean, I wasn't there in...
Yeah, I wasn't there in 2016.
Still going to be great, right?
Parker was, and he talks about how nice it was to have a smaller amount of people.
Obviously, I wouldn't want it to be so low to where it feels dead because I do think you could hit a certain point where the vibes are kind of affected because it just feels like no one's there.
And especially if they start to like close in the farm or center in any way.
But ultimately, as long as it still feels like Bonnaroo, I'm not going to supermind and I'm not going to care if I can get a better spot at a headliner show.
It was a little weird in 2016.
I remember we were out and about in Centeroo at like 2 a.m., kind of close to Snake and Jake's, and it just felt empty.
I forget who was playing, but it was at that tent.
It felt like there was only like maybe like 200 or 300 people there.
It's going to be weird.
I've been telling people I'm not so worried about it being like 30K or whatever the number is or whatever, because it's going to be the most dedicated people.
So it kind of feels like it's going to 2016 was a great year because of that.
Like it's always a good crowd.
Never not great.
But like there was just something in the air that year because it was mostly a population of the people that were hardcore into it.
And I'm kind of excited about that being the deal again this year.
Yeah, it does. It does seem to be set up as though it's going to be the VIP of Centeroo.
You know, it's like the hardcore guys that are that are all in on it no matter what.
And that does create, you know, a better sense of community than, you know, sort of the fistfight to get a lot of people.
That's very true.
Yeah, no, I got to run.
That's a good point.
Everybody, I'm like I said, what are you doing?
Going to build some sort of Daniel.
Daniel, it's good to see you. See you in a week.
Tunnel or something. What are you doing?
I can talk work.
I can talk work. We've got the Artemis mission coming up later this fall.
Of course the Artemis mission. Who didn't know about that?
They're doing testing.
No, he's got to go get diesel.
Hey, does the space shuttle run on diesel?
Brad, the space shuttle hasn't run in 15 years.
Oh, damn it.
That's what the Artemis rocket is. It's going to be the next moon rocket.
They're testing it this month and we're going to have boots on the moon again in probably about four or five years.
OK, all right.
I'll see you there.
I'll see you guys later. Get to hang with you.
See you, buddy. Good seeing you.
Excited to see you in a week.
OK, Brad, what's your car question?
Now we're on space shuttles. What's the best ride on a tire?
Under ideal conditions, diesel fuel can be stored between six and 12 months. So there's your answer.
There you go.
I'm excited, Jerry.
Very excited. Thanks, Brian.
You're welcome.
That's awesome.
The amount that you contribute, it always is unparalleled.
I have another question for Kai. Do any of your friends want to go?
Do any of your friends want to go? And do you have any friends that you would want to go with you or would they get in your way?
Oh, I can't answer. No.
There are a couple.
You don't have to name names.
Yeah, I won't name any names.
There are a couple of people that I know that are going to go.
Really close. Really close.
There are a couple of people that are going and I'm not excited if I run into.
And there are a couple of people that want to go that I would not want to go.
And there are a couple of people that do that I want to go.
And I guess that's just kind of how it is.
Our friend Finley, we're trying to get her to go with us.
If you have any more passes, we would like to get one more teenager in. There we go.
But yeah, I think that like the past couple of festivals, Riverbend was like a really big one because it's mostly teenagers.
Not this year so much, but I really enjoy having like a friend around to go hustle around and see everything we can so Mom's not having to tag along with me everywhere.
And she's getting to the age we've been teaching her right. You know, it's like be careful in the pit, stay hydrated.
We're getting to that point where she knows the farm well enough.
You know, Jake, I don't know what your age range is, but if there's any cool teenagers.
Don't give him any ideas. Don't give him any ideas.
He's going to get liquored up on hams underage. I know it.
We don't have teenagers, but it's still a younger group.
Yeah, someone to trash on. Our whole group will do that with you.
There you go. See, we're all connected.
Jake, of the 30 or 40, how many percentage wise have been before? I mean, I'm particularly interested. How many are new?
I mean, did you guys talk it up and you got a whole bunch of new people?
I'd say 60% are new.
The vast majority of them are new. We had a couple people who went to like Fake Roo last year, so they were going to Bonnaroo and then it got canceled, so we did other stuff.
So they kind of got a sense of what Bonnaroo would be sort of like because we went to one of those alternate things.
But yeah, most are new. A lot of them have festival experience, though.
They go to like Electric Forest or Lost Lands and stuff like that. So not completely new festival goers.
You guys are a great person to ask the question, and I know you talked about it a little bit on your show because we did too, is why maybe the numbers are down.
I mean, did people sort of lose the vibe? Did they lose the mojo because of what happened the last two years?
But I mean, if you've got 30 or 40 people coming, especially 60% that are new, sounds like you guys have hyped it up enough.
It was mostly us convincing on the camping site because the lineup didn't, I don't think did it for a ton of people.
Most people who are going have like one artist that they want to see.
I think for the people who normally go with this, who didn't go this year, it came down to money in the lineup, which I think is both those things go together.
I mean, obviously we're not in a great economy with inflation and gas prices and stuff.
And so if you have less money to spend and you can only go to one festival and that one festival has a mid or lower tier lineup in your opinion, you're going to go somewhere else.
You'll spend it on local shows. And so I think for I know a lot of people, that's the case.
They have less PTO, they less money. So Bonnaroo is just not where they're going.
Are most of the people you're going with from where you're from Minnesota, right?
And Jay Parker, sorry, sorry, Parker. He's in Iowa. So are you guys in the same, are all the friends from the same city?
Well, we have a couple from Minnesota, a couple from Iowa, a couple from Colorado, New York, a couple other states, I think. Not super sure.
Okay. Then when they get there, because you said you had to convince them to go, do you feel any pressure when they get there to make their, you know, be the entertainment?
I mean, I think because most of them have been to festivals there and camping festivals, they'll be ready to kind of make that fun.
No, I don't think so. I think like, because I mean, I, when I went with Parker for the first year, I didn't know what to expect. And within like two hours, I was having an amazing time.
So it does not take long once you're in Bonnaroo to start having fun, especially that Wednesday night.
Yeah, because most of the time when I invite somebody to Bonnaroo, the first job I give them is they have to run the door for Bryan Stone's campsite.
Because you don't know how many people are coming in and out of that tent. Where did he go?
I don't know. I think something special about that, bringing in when you've got somebody who's their first year, you know, like this will be 16 for me.
And when I hear that some, when I hear you've got that many new folks coming, I automatically am like, okay, after this, I'm going to connect. I want to come hang out with all of them.
Well, yeah, you, but that's you. So like, I'm just sitting here thinking now. I'm so glad you and Ky are coming because I'll have somebody to talk to because I'll never see Bryan and Russ once we get there.
Good thing that he can't hear it because he's making a shitload of racket. You know, of course it's awesome.
And he's gone.
It's probably better that way.
I mean, we're going to camp together, but I'll never see you.
We're going to wizard staff. Yes. Absolutely. I would, I would hope not. I would really hope not.
Careful. We got children.
I'm sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry.
I was a good one, Bryan.
No, real quick. So sorry, I didn't mean it like a wizard staff. You take a beer and you drink it. You get another beer, you stack it on top, you duct tape it up, and then you drink that beer.
And then you take another beer and you stack it on top there.
And then, you know, by the time you get six or seven in, you've got a really long wizard staff that you're that you're consuming all your power from.
There you go. See, Ky, there is much to learn.
I was taking that.
When you drink shitty beer, you really got to come up with clever ways to keep.
I don't know about shitty bread.
Speaking of shitty, Bryan's don't care.
I'm back.
There he is. He's back. Jake, when are you guys getting there? Wednesday. We'll get there probably Wednesday, like morning-ish.
Russ is leaving in the morning.
Tara, when are you guys? Tomorrow morning.
Tomorrow morning. It doesn't open until late next week, but he's leaving tomorrow.
We're heading out Thursday afternoon.
All right, Bryan, what are you looking at?
I don't know. I got the whole week off. I can do whatever I want. I'm going to let it just let it feel it out.
He's really good at that, by the way, whenever he's got, you know.
Well, I suggest that you go early and then get our camp spot ready and plan on camping.
So for anybody that doesn't understand what happens here, and Jake, you don't know this either, but what would normally have happened right about now is whenever the schedule comes out, we get the whole camp site together.
And we do sort of a planning meeting where we go through the schedule, we find out what everybody's exactly like this, and then it always ends up the exact same way, us all just making fun of Bryan.
So that's essentially what you're a part of, Jake. You get to, yeah.
I'm honored, honestly.
And then we make dad pick up a bill.
Yeah, I'm a big fan of that.
Dad, dad, you got rid of you got out of picking up the tab for the last like four years now. You owe me.
I'm getting quicker. Getting quicker. Getting quicker.
All right, I'm looking forward to it. I'm excited.
What about Stevie Nick? Does that do anything for anybody?
Yeah. Oh, yeah.
It's another legacy act. Yeah.
You know, sounds like an overwhelming. It's I think I'm not over scheduled too much this year.
I'm going to kind of take it easy. You got to spin it however you want to.
I mean, I accidentally see is going well.
Speaking of speaking of Jake, you will be the best person to answer this because you guys are going to be out there with 30 people.
What are the chances you never make it into center? Oh, low.
What are the chances everything is happening? So so great out there that you just never leave.
I mean, low, because I know especially me and Parker, we see quite a few shows during the weekend.
But every year Bonnaroo seems to be adding more and more to essentially keep you out of center.
I mean, I don't know if any of you went to where in the woods the previous year, but that's incredible.
Like I could spend a good amount of my weekend there and I intend to this year.
So that plus the Plaza shows and stuff like that, you could spend a good amount of time outside of center and still a really, you know, fun weekend.
But yeah, we'll be in there. There's there's plenty of stuff we want to see.
Now, Barry, Barry, even look at the very schedulers is that is that a question of Bryan Stone?
Oh, I already know the answer. He was gone.
I said, Brian, I once we get there, I won't see you again till next week or two weeks.
We'll be camp next to each other, but I'll never see you.
We'll be lost because we won't have a campground and we won't know where we're going.
I know that Paul Coffin is playing out there, right?
That's going to go see him. Yeah. That's going to be a really great show.
He is so much fun. He is.
Now, for those who don't know, I mean, Tara knows all this because she ran a music venue in Chattanooga.
Are you still are you still doing that?
No, I left during the pandemic and changed gears.
I'm still doing a little show rep work on the sides, but most part, I'm just a concertgoer now.
You know what the hell's going on around there. Oh, yeah.
You know, it's hey, speaking of which the reason I have this up here and I want to brag this guy right here, Mike Dewar,
and this guy, Chris Cobb, booked the Riverbend Festival, which just happened this last weekend, and it was terrific.
Yeah, and I wanted to give them a shout out.
I don't know. We've had an amazing job. And this this guy right here is a chick on the show before.
The thing about if the thing if you don't remember, that's one of my favorite stories.
That's a chick. He also books Live on the Green.
We have a large amount of people live in Nashville. He does the Live on the Green show, too.
And exit in. Yeah, yeah.
But I just want to give them a shout out. Riverbend went really, really well.
It was a great lineup and they did a tremendous job. And those are Camp Nut Butter.
OK, so because we've never done this, we have never once done this on the show.
Please tell the infamous That's a Chick story, Barry.
Oh, I should do that. So all of those faces are on these giant heads that Brad had made for everybody.
Actually, Brian, get yours ready. Get you ready and bring it in.
Brian's is right. Yeah.
And so we were camped next to a couple of girls who spent the entire time on some sort of drug.
I don't know what. But on a Saturday night, they came over and thanked us for having our lights and all that stuff,
because that's how they found their way home, which we've talked about finding landmarks and all that.
And they went around and they finally realized, oh, all of these faces on these giant heads are you guys.
So that was funny. She literally went head to head to head to person to person.
And I was like, that's you, that's you. And then Brian was literally sitting in front of this one.
Just just like that. He's sitting just like that. Just like that.
And she said, that's a chick.
And we're like, no, that's him.
She said, no, that's a chick. I put on some white.
It was the eyes, man. They were penetrating.
These things are almost 10 years old. It was 2013, I believe. Yeah.
It was if I remember. Yeah.
It was so funny, though, because he's like, I'm sitting right here. No.
Yeah. Unbelievable.
Not a chick. All designed by the man who also designed the interlude music of this podcast, Mr. Nick Turner, who is also on that big board of yours back there, right there in the middle, right next to me.
Before she left, she pointed at Mike and said, that's a good looking man. If you want to come see me later.
I think that kept Michael out of the three years. I think that kept him going for a minute.
It was a pretty good night. Pretty funny. But that's a chick. Yeah.
All right. I hate that I miss you all.
I hope you're already planning. By the way, Barry, yet again, this is my second city that I've lived in since I've left you.
And Brian will have seen me more times than you have.
I've told you the map that I have hanging up on the wall of all the places that I've never visited.
It just keeps getting bigger and bigger.
Brian's coming up. I'm sure he'll be coming up soon enough, you know, because he's a big city kid.
I'm not going to New York. I hope Tara comes in.
In August. I can't wait.
I hope that Jake can get his parents to let him out of the house sometime.
I'll sign my permission slip, don't you worry.
I'll miss all of you. Kai, what else? I want to ask Kai. I want to give Kai a chance. What did we not ask you?
What did we not ask me?
Cool kid. Tara, you've done great. Thank you. Y'all done great helping me out.
Yeah, it's been a great experience getting to sit and guess with you guys and look down on all the GA people.
That's not what we do. You're not supposed to tell them that.
Created a monster.
That's right. That's a good point. You need to know your kind of sport.
Have you ever sat in GA?
It's not always like this.
I've been in there once.
It's a rough area.
It's rough.
We didn't even stop.
I got my face painted.
We let the guy drive us on the little bicycle things.
This is making Jake sick to his stomach.
I'm jealous. I think GA group camping, which you guys is going to be awesome.
Yeah, we're hoping so.
I'm going to. Yeah, I'm guessing so. Jake, what do you have to say?
I'm excited to see, let's see here, three fourths of you and plus Terian Kai.
And it's going to be a good year.
The one that you're excluding is, of course, Brian.
Oh, yeah. Yeah, definitely.
Breaking our hearts, Brian.
But yeah, it's going to be a good year. I mean, smaller attendance isn't a big deal.
It's going to be Bonnaroo either way. And so we're excited to have give group camping a shot.
And yeah, just be back.
We can't do another cancellation or a postponement.
Am I an idiot? Have you guys not done group before?
No. Oh, OK.
No, we just sent GA. No. Like last year we did.
And we've got like 15 people who were going to go and they're canceled.
And the year before that is like 10 or 12. And then it was Maine Parker in 2018.
Super fast. Explain the group camping, because I actually don't know exactly how it works.
It's like there's a podcast dedicated to this, Brian, that you could have listened to, I don't know, one, two, three of them, four of them.
I don't know how many there are now.
Why did you ask me to be here? We have friends.
The cat collapses to the ground.
The cat, the cat knocked the head over. That's awesome.
I honestly don't know how group camping works.
I mean, it's the first year or so. It doesn't mean you can't figure out how the name works.
It's literally group camping.
It's pretty self-explanatory. I mean, you basically have to have, I think, 24 or 25 people.
And then once you hit that threshold, you all sign up on the website.
You pay like 50 bucks, I think it was per person.
And then Bonnaroo gives you like essentially a plot of land kind of in group camping.
And so instead of having to drive in and go through security and then just be brought to a random area, they have it ready for you.
So you can show up at any point and I'll take you.
It's really beneficial, Brian, for like if you come by yourself.
You know, you don't know anybody.
It's a bunch of group of people together. I didn't know exactly how it was going.
They bundle, they bundle you together.
You're guaranteed so you could come in on Thursday, Friday, whatever.
And you're with them.
Sorry to ruin the show.
I wish you speaking of speaking of why we're why we're all here.
While we're all here, we should all congratulate Brian.
Congratulations. Yeah.
Yeah. Good to go, Brian.
Good job. Yeah.
Way to bring way to bring that trophy to Atlanta.
Brian, what was your ERA in those two games you pitched?
I forgot.
I love it. Yeah.
By the way, so the last episode, Brian is supposed to be a part of it.
But no, no, no. He chose hardware over coming to hang out with us.
No, he needed to go see a trophy that he could have very well just driven down 90 miles and see at the ballpark.
No, he didn't see it. I'm not going to apologize for this.
I'm not going to apologize for this.
Was it a night ball?
It was a night ball. Riverbend. It was the next day. Night ball. Riverbend.
Oh, they had a night ball Friday.
Well, how many PBRs is that? How many did we get today?
That's three. That's chump change.
It's rookie numbers. Good start. It's a good start.
We'll have to get those numbers up by Bonnaroo.
I'm going to get a wizard's thing.
It's so funny.
Can't wait to see you. Thank you.
Tara, thank you.
I'm glad you joined us.
I'm so glad to see you guys. I'm so I miss your faces.
Tell Joe I said hello and you might need to come over and help fix the fence here soon.
I appreciate that. Yeah. Jake, I appreciate the trumpet mustache that you're going for.
I was waiting for it.
It's like you've just been playing the trumpet too hard.
It's like a real facial hair.
And then Bryan Stone who, you know, has gained a few pounds.
All right.
Love you, Brian.
That's a chick.
Guys, I miss you so much. Have fun.
See you guys in a week.
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