Listeners to The What podcast showed off their artistic abilities and their senses of humor in an effort to win tickets to the Bonnaroo Music & Arts Festival. David Grimes is the lucky winner and joined Barry and Lord Taco to talk about his trips to The Farm and his winning work. (See all the submissions here.)
Plus, David talks about his first experiences on the farm, and Lord Taco takes us on a tour of the new The What website.
Topic: Bonnaroo
Guest: David Grimes
All right.
Hey everybody.
Welcome back to The What Podcast.
I'm Barry.
Over there is Taco and we have a special guest, David Grimes.
Good to see you again, man.
Yeah, nice to see everyone.
Yeah, we'll get into why you're here in a little bit.
I just want to bring everybody up to speed.
Brad you'll notice is not here, which is typically a good thing, but I don't want to knock him
I don't ever like to make fun of somebody over something that he can't help.
If you guys watched the last episode, you know that Brad and Hillary are moving from
New Orleans to New York, which I don't wish moving on anybody.
I don't like moving across the street or across town.
I can't imagine what they're going through.
And if you remember, we had a discussion with Jeff Cuellar, who was also moving from California
to Atlanta.
And we were talking about some of the horrors of moving and moving companies.
And sure enough, it happened to Brad.
So he's had to scramble and therefore is kind of busy.
But we had promised to show this week with our winner from our contest.
And that's why David Grimes is here.
Yeah, thank you so much.
That was awesome.
It was a lot of fun to do.
Well, we'll get in.
A lot of great work.
Yeah, yeah.
Yeah, there really was.
I wanted to talk about that and kind of jump all over because that's how I do things and
that's how my brain works.
But I want to start in David, you've been listening to the show for since the beginning
to go back to 2018 when it all started.
That was the first year.
David was one of our patrons and has been on the show before I was looking thanks to
the wonderful work of Lord Taco and our website, which is what I want to talk about here in
a minute.
But was able to look.
David, you were on with the Larkin Po episode.
Yeah, 2020 I think it was.
Yeah, I think being one of the Patreon members got you on.
So you did a couple interviews with some of us.
That's right.
All of them, I hope.
That was the plan anyway.
I think we got to all of them eventually.
Well, like I said, I want to jump around and since I mentioned the website, we don't really
talk about that as much as we should.
And Russ is completely responsible for that.
And if you haven't looked at it in a while, it's pretty doggone awesome.
Really easy to navigate and it's got everything from the lists of guests that we've had, the
topics to merchandise.
Believe it or not, we have some merch, which if you guys are interested, I'd love for you
to get some because it's sitting in my basement and I'm tired of tripping over it.
Happily got rid of some of it just this morning as a matter of fact.
Go ahead and tell you guys that like David who participated in the contest, there's a
care package on the way.
There's a lovely parting gifts for all of you.
So thank you all for doing it.
We'll get into that some more.
Russ, I'm doing all the talking.
You designed the website.
You're the one that created it and I've been bragging on it all morning to you and anybody
else that will listen.
Tell us about it.
So the website, like the show itself, it's evolved and taken on a new direction because
you know, when we first started this show, it was really just to talk about the artists,
you know, because we didn't know who they were.
So we just decided to deep dive into each one.
And then Nick Turner, the fellow Camp Nut Butter person there, he designed the logo
and the color scheme and the layout and everything.
And he drew on a piece of paper like what he thought the website should look like.
And he handed it to me and it was like three rectangles.
And I'm like, how am I supposed to make a website out of this?
So you know, I did the best I could.
But you know, we've kind of transitioned the show over into more of a deep dive on,
you know, the people behind the scenes and you know, how the sausage is made, all that
So I've kind of evolved the website a bit to make it more, you know, to bring all that
stuff more to the front, make it easier to find the shows because we've got 115 episodes
or something now, like there's a lot.
So you know, keeping it all categorized and organized and presentable.
That was my goal.
So hopefully it looks a lot better and works a lot better now.
Yeah, I mean, that's why I wanted to talk about it.
I mean, it's like the show.
When we when we conceived the idea, it was supposed to last about two and a half months.
And here we are five years later and 100 and whatever you said.
And we've talked to some amazing people that we never in the world, you know, imagine that
we would talk to.
And honestly, I've enjoyed talking to people like David as much as I have, you know, some
of the singers and stars that we've had because that's the amazing thing to me, David.
The fact that you've been around all this time like us, it's just it says so much about
festival, doesn't it?
Vonaru and festivals in general that we can talk about it all year long.
It does.
And the what's just become part of that experience.
I just love, you know, when first around 2018, it was like that buildup and you know, the
interviews and you talked about, you know, what to pack, what not to pack first timers
and stuff.
And it was just like that whole experience that that kind of on ramp onto it.
And so I just stuck around.
Now it's just just part of the experience of Vonaru now.
Now just last, like you said, all year.
Yeah, it's crazy to think that I mean, people like you, I mean, I feel like I know you.
I do know you.
You know, it's there's all kinds of people.
Russ has talked about he runs into people because he gets out of the house more as we
all know.
But but I mean, Brad actually sent me a picture.
I guess you saw it too, Russ.
He sent a picture of somebody you ran into down in New Orleans this past weekend that
listens to the show and that's amazing.
It's so cool and it means everything.
But like I said, we'll get into the the contest thing.
But David, you mentioned what to bring and all that kind of stuff because what was your
first year going?
I went back.
It all blends together right before I think two years before the pandemic.
So that 2018 going into it where I got to see Muse and Eminem and all them.
Twenty eighteen was my first year, too.
So I remember it well.
All right.
Yeah, it does all blend together.
And I have to be honest, not only does it blend together, but the last couple of years,
it's almost like I'm having to reboot.
It's been so long.
You know, I was thinking about it this morning.
It had gotten to the point where the whole year had a rhythm, you know, it was all focused
towards June and Bonnaroo and in January when the lineup, you know, I mean, we'd really
had developed this rhythm and there's been not like we hit a pause button.
I don't know what kind of button we hit, but it's got me all messed up.
So what are the things you're going now, especially since you've got tickets?
What is the veteran, David?
How are you different?
Twenty twenty two planning for this coming year?
Well, it's a I still have to reboot, except to start remembering all the all the tricks
and tips that that we received over the years.
But I always go back to one.
And again, I hate to give Brad props.
I don't give too many, but I love we love the carpet idea, just like goofy stuff that
we hear about.
And like actually kind of was nice, you know, for us, it was not bringing.
So much food because you never got around to it.
We were always busy doing stuff and like you didn't want to bring the grill and stuff.
At the same time, I know there's people who bring it and they cook awesome things.
So, you know, if you're if you want to bring it, bring it.
But if you're on the fence, you know, like we were we didn't we didn't pack too much
and it was great.
And it forced us to, you know, pack lighter on the food and go out to all the different
vendors and and experience that.
So that was really nice.
And I think that tent because it's it's baking you just as you get shade.
And if you can cool as much as possible and that in that Tennessee sun, I mean, by the
time that sun gets up, you're out of 10 minutes after sunrise.
So yeah, yeah, there's no sleeping once the sun.
No, no sleeping once the sun comes up.
What are you what are your thoughts?
Because we have to remind ourselves, Brad and I do.
And I know Russ, even because, you know, it's been you've been to two or three.
But, you know, I think in our mind, sometimes we still think it's 2005, 2007.
You know, we still have that little thought in our head comparing.
And we have to keep reminding ourselves that when we go this year, you know, about half
or more than half will be new.
That's typical new patron, new, you know, new guests.
So could be even more than that because of the change.
And we haven't been on the farm.
No one's been on the farm in three years.
So you know what I mean?
It's hard to it may be like starting over.
Maybe some of the I would think the carpet is still going to be a thing.
You know, things like that.
But are you thinking about that at all?
And then I have another reason for asking the question.
I think that was like the coolest part about our first Bonnaroo with my wife and I going
it was you build it up in your head so much.
And it was exactly, if not more than what we anticipated and thought of and dreamt of
and stuff.
And it was awesome.
And for us, you know, the music is a big part of it.
But it was just the whole package, really, you know, from meeting everybody and everybody's
so cool, no matter, you know, age or your background or whatever it is, your taste of
Everyone was just super cool.
It was like this little utopian place that, you know, that's like a sci fi thing.
But it was, you know, our experience, everybody was so cool when to each other.
Our neighbors on each side of us were super cool and we were so different.
But we just all got along and enjoyed our time together, you know, at the tent and the
campgrounds and just experiencing all the different things that they got going on on
the farm was just was great.
So we look forward to getting that kind of 360 full experience again, in addition to
into the music.
The fun part is for 11 months and three weeks to go over your schedule, you know, like you
do a final four, you know, or whatever else.
And then, yeah, just throw it up.
If you've never been the farm is 700 acres.
It's huge.
It's hot.
There's so much going on.
You know, you think you're gonna jump from one stage to the next and you're going to
be able to see everybody Oh, and you get tired.
Let's don't forget that you get tired.
Your feet hurt.
But just having so many choices now.
I'm really curious to see what that does to me and everybody else, you know, that idea
that you can try to see as much as you want and see everything and then you just can't.
It's just not physically possible.
Yeah, I think it's hard to break a routine too.
So I might have to like, make myself not do what I usually do when you go there and actually
try to explore new things and force myself.
That might be a fun way to approach it.
I think.
Yeah, like I said, I think we'll get into it when Brad's back, Tako and I, because I
want to, we could probably do two or three shows on this.
There are parts of the farm I've never been in, you know, there are stages I've never
seen just for whatever reason.
And we've never, we never ventured out into the, you know, GA until a year or two ago
with the, the beer exchange.
But there's so much going on now that, like I said, you could literally spend your whole
time there and just be happy.
Well, and hopefully they have that.
They've announced the jam track train system.
Hopefully that makes it easier to get back and forth around the different campgrounds
and stuff.
Yeah, I'm hoping it's not just one guy on a bicycle or something.
I hope it could carry a lot of people.
I'm sure it will.
All right.
Well, let's talk about the contest, David again, congratulations.
And we got a lot of really neat, clever entries.
And I mean, I'll just go ahead and say David yours one, cause it had so many different
details in it.
I mean, it looks professional.
Is it, do you do this kind of thing for a living?
A little bit, I, I, I design online courses.
So that involves some graphic work and, and using Photoshop and stuff like that.
So that's where my, my kind of semi expertise trends.
But I think there are so many cool entries in there between, I mean, what got me was,
what made me really do it was because I laughed so hard when I saw Josh Aroo's Microsoft paint
type drawing with, with like tacos, the beer can was awesome.
I'm glad you brought that up.
Cause I'm looking at the page with everybody and, and I want to make sure I say this right.
I mean, say it, you didn't win because yours is the most professional looking in my, you
know, mine.
Cause I love that one too.
And you know, I love my hair.
I mean, it's just flowing and jaunty.
I'm like you.
I laughed and, and you know, that was, that was just as much a contender as yours.
I, I, um, just the detail though of, of yours, the, you know, the PBR cans and the RooHamm
with Parker and you know, yeah, throwing in the RooHamm.
Give him a shout out.
It just ticks so many different boxes.
Um, yeah, all of these were super.
They're a lot of fun.
I, I, it did sway me a little bit, you know, the, the one that you did and a lot of them,
I'm really skinny and, uh, that, that was, that was really important.
Brad said, yeah.
And you got Brad, you know, I don't know what that movie is, but it's hilarious.
Uh, yeah, you can, you could tell looking at it that you, you know, you've been to Bonnaroo
and you listen to the show.
I think that's kind of what it was.
Um, I don't know.
Important to me, I guess.
Um, but yeah, these were a lot of fun.
Um, I'm just looking, scrolling through.
There's the high five.
Oh, in the line.
The RooHamm, the RooHamm.
I mean, yeah, it's pretty amazing.
We had, we have so many different mediums here.
I mean, you know, you've got the Microsoft paint and you've got obviously some digital
ones and then you've got somebody actually physically got out, you know, a pad and paper
and looks like they drew it with colored pencils and stuff.
And then we also had a video submission.
It's, it was a lot of fun.
So, so much so it's, it's seriously, like I said, I sent packages to everybody, all
you guys.
So you'll be getting, uh, something in that, um, hopefully this week or soon, uh, because
of it, it was, uh, it was a lot of fun.
Just looking at them.
And one thing I did notice that I, I wanted to mention, uh, and forgive me all of you
guys that get a package.
My handwriting is horrible.
Does anybody have to write anymore?
I mean, you know, I'm a journalist, so I type, but, uh, if you can't read, I'm sorry.
They were, I've got wadded up pieces of paper where I started to write something and I couldn't
even read it.
So I just threw it away.
Well, congratulations.
It's, uh, you, you, you'll have two tickets, uh, with park, I mean with camping.
And, uh, Brad will have to get you, uh, the details on how to make that work.
Um, and can't wait to see you.
So, uh, Russ, anything else?
I think that about covers it.
So yeah, thank you so much for, uh, for your submission and glad to see you again.
Glad to have you back on.
Oh, thank you.
No, I appreciate it.
Well, I didn't, I didn't ask earlier.
I should, you're, you're in Ohio, right?
For people who are probably wondering.
So you'll be making that trip.
How long's the drive?
Oh, it's, uh, forget it.
It was like eight or some hours last time we, when we drove down, we stopped once on
the way.
So I kind of messed me up, but it's a, it's a nice day trip all the way.
Just driving.
We came in a day early and we stopped by the, um, last time we came down a day early, uh,
we had VIP.
So we came down Wednesday and stayed at the hotels, like across the street.
So we were just right there and we just hopped on over real quick on Thursday, which was
really nice.
So we might do something like that again.
That reminds me, you reminded me of another question I wanted to ask.
When are you coming?
That's another detail that we haven't really explored, uh, at Linn.
I haven't really thought about it.
That's a good question.
I see those Tuesday people and God bless them, but I don't know.
I, I, I might just do the Wednesday or Thursday again.
I know, um, I know Rube blesses have an event on Wednesday night and stuff, so that's kind
of, I might want to attend that thing and they are, they are.
Okay, good.
And then, uh, so I might just do the Wednesday, Thursday again, have a routine down, but I
would love, I don't know if it's like Vegas where if I came down Tuesday, it would be
like too many days in a row and be there.
We're like, thank you.
This is about three or four days.
I'm okay.
And then it's time to head on out.
I'm sort of that way at the beach.
I'm like, all right, I've done it then there.
I know Russ is planning on going Tuesday and he would go a week, a week before Tuesday.
If he could, I would leave right now if I could.
I'm, I'm not sure.
You know, I've stayed, um, through Sunday.
It, the last three or four for me, it used to be Thursday morning and I would leave,
um, Sunday morning and then started staying Sunday night, which I'm glad I did.
I never should have left that day, but there were reasons.
And then they started having a media day on Wednesday.
So it became Wednesday through Monday and that's a pretty long slog.
I mean, it, it's a long week.
I don't care who you are.
And now to add a Tuesday, I don't, man, that's, it's a, you got to really think about it.
Cause you know, we talk about, uh, don't go hard, you know, pace yourself.
It's not a sprint.
That's right.
And the, you know, the inclination, I don't care.
You know, we did it last year.
We got there Wednesday and went too hard Wednesday night and it makes, it makes Thursday.
But Friday is a long day if you do it, if you go too hard early.
Well now we've gone, you know, almost three years without being there.
So it's going to be difficult not to go hard because you just haven't done it in so long.
Well, we'll figure it out and there are worse problems to have, right?
And at least we're at least we'll be there.
So all right.
Well, David, thank you so much.
Thank you.
Good to see you.
Glad you're feeling better.
Thank you very much.
And we, I don't know if we'll be back next week with Brad.
Hopefully we'll be back with something.
But like I said, I don't wish what he's going through on anybody.
And hopefully he gets all settled in and his new job and new house and all that.
So if not, we'll, we'll get through it.
I think we're what under 70 days now.
75 was last I heard maybe a day or two ago.
So yeah, we're, we're closing in on three months.
Well, David, thanks again and thanks to everybody else who participated in our contest.
Look forward to seeing everybody.
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