Brad, Barry, and Lord Taco get together in The What podcast world headquarters in Barry's basement for the second time in two years to celebrate 69 days to Bonnaroo. The gang also chats about the Coachella lineup swaps and the changing festival landscape. Plus, find out how you can act now to possibly win some special merch (aka junk)!
00:00 | Intro |
01:07 | Brad's new job |
06:07 | Coachella replacements |
07:13 | How festivals have changed in 2 years |
21:29 | Bonnaroo, Late Night, Plaza, Who Stage Announcements |
30:10 | We spoke to the contest winner |
31:25 | Win something from Barry's basement |
35:41 | Babe 2 |
37:06 | Outro |
The what Podcast, which bands this year that matter
Brad and Barry Courter Lord Taco and Brad, not only only a week away
from Coachella, but how many days away from sitting on your
lap in a hotel bath? What stands out in all this holiday season
and more than one guest? 69 Nice to see you guys.
I can't believe I get to see your faces in person the gangs all together
Yeah, do we do like like a air hug or something?
What do we do? We don't like to touch I don't like that.
I don't want to touch no touching no learning. That's my theory and that's right.
That's right Now why are we here together today? Well, I'm glad you brought it up.
Wait a second Russ Why does he have a nicer mic than us?
Because I'm special
a second
So unfair is your chair taller too
Can be this is really I don't like anything about this. Yeah
it's okay because I was gonna brag on you because the reason we're here is because you're on your way to a new job and I
Wanted to point out to all the kids out there and people with dreams that
You can make it in radio doing weather and sports. Yeah and traffic updates
You can fail at every level of your job and still get ahead failing up
Yeah, so New Orleans is incredible
It's my favorite city in the world and it's going to be the place where we end up in fact
I mean even driving driving up here. We were still looking at houses to buy
So New Orleans is going to be the place for us, but you know I got this
Amazing once in a lifetime opportunity to basically be a brand manager of three radio stations
One of which is in New York City and my industry. There's just not a there's not a bigger job
There's not a bigger job in the world than doing in my industry than doing radio in New York City, so
When you get something like that you get an opportunity like that. It's a life and game career changer
So I don't really as much as it hurts to leave New Orleans because we love it so much
Not taking this would be one of the stupidest things I've ever done. Yeah, you have to and I don't know about you
Russ well, I do know because you've been down there, but I don't you can't see it here
It's in in the other room, but I now have a map with pins of all the places. I've not visited you. That's fantastic
Fantastic yeah, yeah, I got to put another pin it well early enough. You can put Chattanooga on there
That's right. That's right. I've never been to wringo
Yeah, it's it you won't be able to see the map
It does sort of feel like Christmas every time we come here because we always got to go to dad's house
So we always got a homecoming we got to pet the cat we got to ask how the fireplace is doing
You know have you made any adjustments to the house? Where's my how's my room doing?
Yeah, it's good for us, too, because this is the only time it gets clean. You know when companies coming
Thanks boy what a job you did
It's usually not this neat I
See one bit of Lysol, and that's about it. Yeah, I did that's just for show, too
How do you not keep this thing from being one big dust cloud? You've got so much stuff in here
I mean if you could like spin the camera around and see like the collectibles you have how do you not just collect nothing?
But dust in here. That's what's keeping it together. I yeah, it's awful. It's embarrassing. It's
No, it's not embarrassing. I think it's it's it's something to celebrate how in my house everything is covered in it
It's because I have dogs that well. Yeah, we have cats and we have a cat
I do clean and I I start at one end
When you get into the southern end and yeah, they're this this room
Uh-huh now we're remodeling the other side of this downstairs, so that's why I told you how's the house?
How's the remodel?
Look like started 25 years ago and
Just when we left the house someday
Yeah, when you kids moved out started that yeah
It's a work in progress. Well. I'm just happy to see you guys anyway. What's what about you guys's life?
What have you guys been doing? I mean, I don't really have a point of the show today other than just hanging out. Yeah
That's I got nothing
Went to a show last night stop it. I did wait last what last night. I was out to win
1015 oh my god
Early yeah, I was good at that hello Chattanooga and your closes in fact when I when I left I thought
This is perfect because it's classic three songs gotta go. Yeah, I saw five man
Whiskey Myers, I am I'm stunned by all of this first and foremost. Why did you go out?
There were some people in town that I went to see it was actually a business meeting
Well, it was a concert so you'll go see them at night, but you won't hang out with us at night
Yeah, I was gonna say where was my invite. Yeah, it was last minute. I should have invited you
I have to say I was at Memorial Auditorium and it's incredible what they've done to that place
I know, you know, it's Chattanooga centric, but
It's pretty cool. Yeah, it's pretty cool. Well, I mean everything's cool to somebody who's never seen anything
It's so big
Dated her once
This is what this looks like. Yeah, so so you went to see a show dad went out
Taco house house life with you
Yeah, this is this is bugapalooza weekend for us big happy bugapalooza
Big Volkswagen show swap meet camp out. That's where I'll be this weekend
Well, I mean if we're a week away from Coachella
There's the the Coachella information that came out that I don't know if anybody's really that interested in weekend and Swedish House Mafia
Take over for Kanye who?
whether is his decision or not, he's not doing Coachella and
The only thing that struck me about the Coachella stuff was how quickly they just have
Superstars just ready to go, you know, and it's not a knock on Bonnaroo. It's just a harder. It's a harder putt
There's it's a harder way. It's a harder thing to do to get somebody to get to Nashville on a whim
With a stage show then in you know, 30 miles from LA
Well, it's part of what I was talking about last night was
basically industry people and we were talking about
Coachella and festivals in general and the changes that we've seen
Since we've been doing this and in the last 15 years as you've said many many times Coachella has a ton of money
And can do a whole lot of things
That some others can't but the real conversation was just how
Things have changed like a lot of festivals. It was pointed out or two days now and
Bonnaroo has added a day or two really if you you know if we were getting there Wednesday night now
We're supposed to get there Tuesday
At the day and a half depending on when you get there. I mean who can do that. I know I mean
He's already backed
When you have a car for a house it's a lot easier
It's just like even last year. I've been I've been reflecting a lot on
especially the cancellation and then the reschedule and the amount of work it was going to take for me to do it even from New
Orleans and
How in the world am I going to do that now from New York? It's one thing to do a couple of days
I don't know how these kids I think of I think of the ham kids
How in the world do they get a week where they just say okay?
I'll be gone from Monday to Wednesday I have already planned for my year next year
Thursday to Wednesday from Mardi Gras hmm
I mean yeah, if I do another week of vacation for Bonnaroo, that's that I'm done for the year, and I'm just
How does anyone regularly do that?
And this is the first time I'm really ever having to talk about like basic problems like this that
Listener of this podcast has dealt with for year after year after year. Yeah, reality
Yeah, you don't live an hour from the farm anymore, so it's it's it's an event to get down there
Just just the trip itself. Yeah, I mean even for even for Barry who you know you can work remotely
Yes, but can you spend eight days on that farm?
Workwise or physically or both yeah, yeah workwise I could yeah, I can do
Everything from there that I can do here
I'm actually considering driving up and back. You know at least a couple of those days
Which we can do
Because we're so close
But yeah the idea I was thinking about that this last night
You know we started going on Wednesdays
Because of the media day, and that was a big move for us huge because I was thinking about
a big move for us huge because I mean at the time I was still a little iffy about you know
Not showering sure and heat exactly right that's exactly right now. You've added a whole nother day which
Really think about it. That's Tuesday Wednesday
Thursday because things don't start till 3. This is how a calendar works. I'm not
I think that's right. That's three right?
Well, but I'm just saying that so
When we would get there on Wednesday night
It was great because we would rush and get everything set up, and then we could relax
Thursday for things to start on Thursday
Now you've got a camp basically with no
Entertainment mm-hmm other than the Wednesday night thing that robust guys are planning or some of that
Yeah, they've got a big thing Wednesday night plan overnight camping two nights would be camping for me
You know that's a big weekend, and that's on top of the festival
So it's a pretty so where every other festival is is going in one direction
Bonnaroo is going in the other and maybe there's a really good
Maybe that's a bonus for Bonnaroo
Maybe that's something that actually makes them unique and the the special experience that it is
But I wonder if you're doing the math and if you're you know a c3 or a live nation
Asking the question. What does it look financially if we just turn this into a three-day?
You know two night event all of a sudden maybe
Maybe the conversation changes. I don't know you know they're having that conversation
Oh, absolutely, you know they they know by the penny what these things are gonna. Give them
Well, that's the other thing that now they have to staff all of that you know
So there there's a lot to it the reason they're doing it clearly is the parking the
Bottleneck you know this is their solution to help get everybody inside the festival right right?
Yeah, added another day and stagger the entrance. That's exactly what it is and
You know we've seen in the news just this week
There's some conversations going on with the state and the city and the county about well
That's I want to get to that because I because I'm not smart enough to understand that so you're gonna have to explain all of
That to me, but first
Have we heard anything about Coachella's ticket sales has Coachella sold out I?
I haven't I have not heard have you heard of any festival saying that they've sold out no no yeah, okay?
It makes me start to wonder because we had this conversation a couple of months ago when we get through
The first festival season out of kovat
What does it look like afterwards and who was the one that succeeded who are the ones that failed?
I really don't know
Anything about the ticket sales when it comes to any of these festivals. I wonder how well it's doing my
Thought and again as part of the conversation last night is
Because we've all been basically you know shut down for three years
It feels like a reset you know everybody wants to have a festival. There's a bunch of them out there
It sounds so
Great lineups. You know here and there they are as we've talked about some of them are figuring out their lanes
They're the boutiques
There's that which ones survive and which ones are successful
Which ones the crowds are choosing that was sort of a conversation that we had with several people last night is
You know Bonnaroo was
There were only a few and it proved that people would camp and then we've seen the the boutique ones
For people who don't want to camp who want something closer to home
well, the only one that I can point to that has been
The overwhelming darling in the success story of the year was when we were young it was so successful in the first day
They added a second day, and it was so successful adding a second day. They had a second weekend, so
You know but at the same time that festival is highly specific with every band that they they put on there
So and it was a market that had not been tapped in a very long time so other than that
I don't really know how anyone's doing yeah
It may be you know line up to
Dependent, but you know something tells me that it's in my gut
I just don't know if it's the lineup or if it's about our appetite for these things anymore
and I wonder if and I may be
pontificating way too large and we being a tad obtuse about this, but there's just something in this it makes me feel as
though the festival world is starting to
lose its
Lose its oomph yeah, maybe because there's too many of them. Maybe because they've been nationalized and corporatized
And the ones that are really small and specific and and and homemade they're the ones that are succeeding
I don't know. I really don't know yeah, you were shaking your head
It's well it's hard to get excited about a festival because we've had so many years of cancellations
And you know false starts and postponements that you know now you're like
I don't want to get invested in something that's just gonna end up not happening again
Until until we have several that I don't know I've dated before so I
Something always brings you back isn't there?
Until then we have some of all that are successful
It's gonna be hard to get back into the rhythm of oh, I'm excited for this and I'm gonna plan for it
And put all my energy well
I mean I know Russ's answer about this, but what is the excitement level for?
Bonnaroo right now on a one to ten for Barry one to ten Barry's how many given it?
Six really okay
Really okay, well now I'm stunned now
To be excited, but I just you know yeah after after 2021 were you okay?
So you're middle of the pack now, but were you middle of the pack in 2019? Oh?
I know I was
At this point of the 69 days out. Oh, yeah, okay. Yeah, that yeah
2019 and going into 20 I was a 9 or 10. I was there was no question no hesitation
Part of it is as Russ said we've had not a part of it is as Russ just said the two years
there's a little bit of
Loss of trust a little bit of uncertainty we even said last year
They made changes as they do every year
So there's a question of how it's going to impact us personally
Which is always huge we you know we've been spoiled we know it
And we can we can complain and bitch if we don't get our way I mean
You know we're gonna
If we don't get what we're used to I'm not saying that because if I said I would be murdered
I would be strung up on the street. No, it's the truth
But the other thing and Jeff quay are pointed it out when we had him on the show a couple of weeks ago
We're all getting older
You know our expectations of comfort levels and all of that have changed well
I mean, I think this is highly personal
I'm but the general the general public and the overall age demographic of these festivals. They're not getting older
They're saying exactly the same or getting younger, so I mean that's a that's a in the bubble sort of
Argument, I think you and I are getting older so our excitement level is changing
But that demographic is big enough to matter
I mean worried about just this three there. I know I don't I don't I just I don't think I agree with that
this demographic may
Be a big one, but the demographic under us is just as big and they have it
Are they going are they gonna go for seven or six days?
Has it become the right of path is it still the right of passage that it was even three or four years ago?
Is a question or has it been replaced with other festivals that have?
you know the lineup that the the that age group whatever that age group wants or you know
EDM specific the boutique things, you know, there are so many festivals that people can pick and choose and
The reality is Bon Root is a camping festival. That's now
Six days five at minimum and as you said a minute ago
Not everybody can do that. I guess I guess a point you're right, but you back to the Jeff Quay are thing if you
Sidebar if you haven't listened to the chat that we had with Jeff Quay are a couple of weeks ago
Please go back and listen to that because it's so well done for him. Not I hadn't done
Has nothing with us, but he's just such an incredibly great and gifted communicator and he gets things so clearly to you and
Especially the back half of that conversation where he talks a lot about Bonnaroo and festivals in general was really really important
And and it makes me it informs my initial opinion which could change but I wonder if
because of
What we've gone through the last two years. Maybe we're looking for something a little different and maybe this is
Festival life, maybe the festivals have become a VCR
It's become a little bit of a relic of the past and we're all trying to find
something a little bit more different and if we are looking for
Demographic below you and I what am I talking about below me and Russ?
Then the still breathing
I like to call them the
They're they're basically all the kids getting married right now. Yeah, you know, you know a group of that group of years
Where's like they're out of college 34 or it's like every it's festive. It's wedding season every year
You've got from 25 to 34. It's like constant weddings. Yeah
though that group I
Wonder if that group desires something so much more different than this relic of a festival life
It's a good question. I mean, you're right like my my son probably
Has gone to 35 weddings since he graduated college easily some he's in some he's not some are out of town
It it's not cheap. I
I'll go back to what I said earlier this year feels like a reset kind of year to your point
So you think it's just a blip? He thinks it's I think well, I think they're gonna have to figure something out
Yeah, and I think part of it is there's this desire by everybody to get out, you know and have fun again
And that's part of why we're seeing all these festivals and all these great lineups the bands want to get out
How many of them?
You know, we're gonna we'll see I don't know. I I don't want to predict and I'm not saying Bonnaroo is in trouble
Anything like that. We still I still love it. You know, I know there are people who are planning just like they always do
robust folks like we heard from Kevin or I did from
Camp Reddaroo Camp Reddaroo the beer exchange is planned. They've got huge plans. I mean, it's still very much
Yeah, there's a big portion that they're just ready to fall right back into it and get back into the right normal swing
It's just are the are there gonna be as many people also when they open up those bathrooms
Why didn't they throw a rave on top of the bathroom?
You know put a DJ on top of the bathroom and they first opened them as like a celebratory thing
I've never figured out you're thinking out of the box. Yeah
Have we heard anything about those Plaza experiences yet? You have to please understand
I hate to be a host of a podcast about
Festivals and not know anything about what's going on the festival
Please understand my life has been a complete whirlwind over the last few months
So I know nothing that's been going on. So everything that you tell me is going to be brand new to me
How many messages that gone by in our text thread, but I just have not seen yeah that traffic and weather that'll keep you
Hey keeps you employed for a long time keeps you busy. Mm-hmm
They have that they released a whole lot of late night stuff for the plazas
Oh really, I don't recognize any name. Okay. Well, I don't come to you for my late night recommendations
Barry late night for various
There was a golden buffet golden corral buffet, maybe I'd come to you for my lineup
Examination we have sweet potatoes
And we have scalloped potatoes get there early it's cheaper
My headliner tonight's a dehumidifier gotta get that early bird
Well, I mean you tell me how many of those names you recognize not a single one. Well, okay
Air zirth air tour you're making me read this cuz you can't see it. I know
That's not true. I know you look at these and tell me what I do recognize one. I see DJ Mel turnpike troubadours
I'm a DJ
Was that oh, wait a second. I've there's a lot of Obama DJs
Well, look how many though that's the other thing I mean you could you can that's a festival lineup exactly
You could almost never leave. I know we were looking at a pic, but I need you to tell me who it is
Well, does Russ need to read it? No, I can read it. No, seriously
You don't need to tell me if you can tell me you can be vulnerable if you can't well
I mean, there's it's a it's every night
If the lineup is as big as the main lineup, I mean you read them all
Brett Douglas flatland Calvary, I mean tell me when you hear a name you recognize
Be here for a while mother funk. Okay, so let me say this
So this is this is the lineup that they're just doing for this is not like the place
It's not like the Plaza stuff where you would see a Haley from Paramore show. This is plazas. This is the Plaza schedules. Oh
That's not even late night that so and they released the who stage stuff, too
So is anybody I know they're Bree Kennedy did what she wouldn't want one of our no, no
You're just saying words. I am I'm just tell me when you recognize a name
wax owls
See you're just making up
Coakley this is the this is the Bonnaroo. What is that game that we played where I made up?
No, that's no when you made it
I think I see a few names on there. I probably dated
Parrotfish that's not a real band name. That's not real
It's right there
I'm not I don't mean to make light of these guys good for them. They're getting opportunity play
I'm my point if anything is
Like you just said why you could never go into center route
But I thought that the Plaza had always there was a name or two that you could always like point as like oh
What was it? What is that that awful band from Nashville that?
Yeah, that it's a two-person the
But doses and mimosas people those kids they were on there one year the next year is Haley from Paramore
There's always a name out there like the cage the elephant did a pop-up private show or not private show
But a pop-up surprise show out there
They did and Haley was in there because she curated one of the plazas so they haven't so we don't have a
Specially curated Plaza from an artist. I don't think so okay. Well. They haven't announced all those I mean there they list
late night sets dance parties parades, and they're gonna bring back the parades and secret shows okay, so
So there's still more to come yeah, okay? Well then that makes me feel a bit better
Yeah, and I apologize if you already have heard all of this
I'm sorry, but I don't know anything that's going on so you I'm learning this all the first
Williams or somebody like that you know in their back pocket. They're not gonna announce it in the forefront well
Yeah, I mean it depends on ticket sales. Yeah
If ticket sales are slow let's try and find somebody pretty quick Jack Johnson all of a sudden is playing the
Seven quarter what is it called? What are the pods called? What was your pod called out there?
Other plazas in pod to this is your first time going yeah
I'm excited for you. This is brand new for you. I'm really I have lost a lot of bandwidth of the
So I did for you. Thanks buddy appreciates my first day
so the the the the Plaza schedules out the
The late night shows are out there was another thing that you just oh the how about the the late night schedule in
In actual what stage which stage the other stage is that out?
No, they haven't announced the bands. They're gonna be playing late at night. We haven't seen that yet
I don't think so no I think I know Moon River comes out next Tuesday. That's different festival
I know it is but same people is what I'm saying I
Know they've told me when that schedule comes out, but I don't remember
Bonnaroo's I haven't seen it
I have not yeah, okay all right, so we don't know the only thing that I
Well, that's what no that's when they actually put the schedule
So that's what I'm saying, but I thought they would have announced at least who's playing late night like
Years like give me the give me the give me the stem for a second like for instance
We know for a fact that a lineum is gonna be an app like yes one o'clock in the morning
Which stage act right we know that for that's it okay, so that's what I was talking. Yeah, I'm sorry
That's exactly what I'm looking for so on Friday King Gitzer and lizard
Where's is is you know probably a witch or this tent right?
The goose is probably a that tent Denzel Curry
You know you're over there on a tent a lineum you think they put them on the other or you think they put them late night
That's what I'm gonna switch that's the that's the conversation right so
Flume do they put flu mark ruble a or however the hell you say his last name him on the witch would be incredible
But it's gonna be a tent show for sure right
Pigeons playing ping-pong that's a that's a tent show no Sunday night, huh, right? I guess we're done after
Yeah, what's her name all right?
Yeah, see this is the other thing Thursday. I thought there would be a little bit more
Late night stuff than that there's got to be more to be announced here, right?
There's more than five late night shows on Friday. Am I wrong to assume that?
Sounds about right really
But again, we don't know what all is going on in the plazas. Oh, yeah good point. You know
Okay, I
I was thinking you know we always make our schedules when it comes out
We all that we all have to do is we have to do is we have to do is
We all that we all spend all these days leading up to it. It's so many choices now. I can't even imagine trying to
Say I'm gonna do this. Well. Do we want to put out?
Do we want to put out our mock schedule?
Well, do we all want to take a yeah? Well we gotta get we got to get stoned to do it
Just so you know we can I love getting stoned make make fun of him because oh see how long it is
Oh Brian Brian sure wanted us just generally to get stoned no laminate mr.
Laminate we got to get him to do his laminated schedule, so that's what we'll do. We'll do a fill-in-the-blank
We'll make our own schedule and see who gets closest
Yeah, so we can then go through it and you can point out and say Brian. He's not even on the schedule
He's dead now. Yeah, it's just nothing but
Pink Floyd cover band
You know Pearl Jam sure yeah in my car
in my car
sing along to the shins
Get high and this whole time is blocked out. Yeah, me and my car listening to jam me with some
Blue haired girl yeah sure I get it so let's do that and by the way speaking of do it
We got the winner right you guys talked to the winner. Yes. Yeah, Dave was it David Grimes. Oh, yeah, David Grimes
What about what about grimy? How's he?
He's doing great
That was a good. Who is the he was the one where you looked very svelte. Yeah, he nailed it. He nailed it. Yeah
Yeah, the only thing he could have done better was send cash was that though by the way
We're not opposed to being bribed entirely for whatever you need
By the it so was that the one where in the background there was a there was a picture of the stage and on the sign
I said a baby no no I like that one. I like that one a lot. I thought they were all great
They honestly every single one was you know, baby
They all got gift packages this week and the mail actually it took only about three days
I've already seen pictures of what did everybody get?
Oh, yeah, send us pictures if you're wearing everybody got a shirt lovely t-shirt and a sticker and a koozie
Okay, good. Yeah, do we have more like gear that we're gonna. I mean you know you should do I have an idea if
You write us
And then send us something send us anything you want Barry will send you something from this room
And you can start clearing out some shit man
There's a lot of good stuff in here. There's a signed Elvis poster over there. You could be winning a
Yeah, you just endeared yourself to my wife
Yeah, like I needed to yeah, yes, yeah send me a self-addressed and you might get a lamp
You might be and it may or may not work
There's trophies
Okay, hang on oh wait remember I said that about dust
I lied if you're watching this on video look at that look at that dust look at that there you go yeah
By the way, there's no returns on anything no no no no no returns. It's yours to keep yours player of the week
2006 I guarantee you on the first one to pick this up since
2006 since I put it in that spot you put it right here. Yeah, there's my signed
Autograph photos of Oprah and Reggie white Oprah really you can win a signed autograph photo
Yeah from Oprah this seems like a really great contest guys
So how do we how do we enter this
Incredible contest that's going to change lives forever all I need is an address
Yeah, I can't send the lamp you're gonna have to pay for the lamp shit because that's expensive, okay?
And along the way you'll probably get a sticker and a koozie too. Yes. Yes
Yeah, we've got plenty of t-shirts and do you want to set up like a a
Patreon so that you can least get shipping cut it cost covered
You know I don't know if you saw last week's episode where we had David Grimes on but you know what I'm gonna
Let you guess the answer that I I bragged on taco and our website our top our website looks amazing
Oh, yeah, it does. They've done a great job
And I bring that up because there's a merch with a link if you want a t-shirt or a koozie or I've got a few
Stickers about this you buy something from the merch
Site and Barry throws in something from this house along with it you get a personal item along with your like that
yeah, it could be it could be a
CD of the Ozark Mountain daredevils
The car over the lake album. Oh nice. You know I'm really getting into CDs. I am getting the CDs lately. Yeah
You might expect to pay
Upwards of a hundred dollars. Oh my god. You could do one of the order now
What was that thing that we did as a kid not you but what was that thing that we did as a kid where we?
You signed up you got 30 CDs for 20 cents. Oh, yeah, Columbia Columbia. That's where a lot of these came from
2022 Columbia house is quarters house so make first eight or are free
And then you're committed
That is it we create a thing where you get a shipment from Barry's house every month
You know what else month I love it you get a new CD or or something from his house every month
You know what else we have still are mix tapes
We do have some we do have a lot of mix tapes like times tapes and I can record more if there's demand
Yeah, so by sign up and buy a shirt. Yeah
You'll be amazed at what you get. Yeah, you know what you could you could be going home
With Terry Bradshaw's book. It's only a game. It's a good book. It's a good book
Can't get rid of that
All right, so there you go. That's our next contest sign up today the what anything else when you get to today guys
Back that I can think of I'm just happy to see you. Yeah
All right, wish luck wish you luck in New York boy. We'll see
Moving to the big I don't envy you. This is like babe to
Because it goes to the big city goes to New York
Of all the you know sequel is like oh
It's like they take the character and go to the big city
Home alone twos lost in New York babe to is in the big
Of all the movies that are set in New York your face when he said that or taco chose
baby to
Is it because it is was it a baby or a babe? No babe that was a pig was a oh god
Yeah, well look who's talking to said in New York see some babies
This is a thing every sequel is like a moves in the big city type
babe to
I bet I do
Bet I do
So sit you know what you might get sit by we're in the live stream watching babe to you might get some
VCR tapes recorded by Kelly's dad of this view of the family matlock episode
You got any Rockford files
Manic you know we've been watching manic is terrible. It's not as good as I remember
But you know it does hold up when you watch it
babe to
Holds up all right, it's what podcasts will talk to you about random shit next week
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