From camping to showering tips to what to bring and not to bring, Bonnaroo veterans Brad, Barry and Lord Taco from The What Podcast offer some of their Do's and Don'ts for how to do Roo.
Once those are secure, Bonnaroo veterans and The What hosts Brad, Barry, and Lord Taco have plenty of tips. From camping etiquette to showering tips, self-care advice to packing lists, the trio of longtime Camp Nutbutter residents share their knowledge of Roo do's and don'ts.
Topic: Bonnaroo
00:00 | Intro |
18:18 | DO NOT Go Hard on Thursday |
20:53 | DO Start Hydrating/Walking Now |
22:53 | DO NOT Put Your Wristband On Early |
24:05 | DO NOT Hook Up at Bonnaroo |
24:17 | DO Bring Stupid, DO NOT Be Stupid |
28:50 | DO Plan, but DO NOT Overplan |
30:54 | DO NOT Stick to a Schedule |
31:49 | DO Bring Stickers or Trinkets to Exchange |
33:31 | DO NOT Worry about coming alone |
33:51 | DO NOT Use Your Phone Too Much |
36:08 | DO Share With Your Neighbors |
37:12 | DO Familiarize Yourself With Landmarks |
39:24 | DO Something Nice For Someone Every Day |
43:46 | DO See Something Not On Your List |
44:17 | DO Start Compiling Camping Gear |
47:21 | DO Assemble and Check Your Tent at Home |
48:18 | DO Plan for Extra Days This Year |
48:50 | DO Plan on Campground Activities |
51:09 | DO Use a Yoga Wheel |
51:32 | DO Dress for Comfort |
54:22 | DO Bring Essential Oils |
55:29 | DO Prepare For Cold Nights and Rain |
56:18 | DO NOT Bring a Lot to Carry Into Centeroo |
56:46 | DO Consider a Locker in Centeroo |
57:55 | DO Use Baby Powder or Gold Bond |
01:00:44 | DO Use Toothpaste Tablets |
01:01:28 | DO NOT Bring Ice, DO Freeze Water Bottles |
01:02:44 | DO Take a Late Night Shower |
01:03:13 | DO Bring Soap and Shampoo |
01:05:08 | DO Start Buying Stuff Now |
01:08:48 | DO NOT Buy a Disposable Camera |
01:10:30 | Outro |
Whether you're a Bonnaroo veteran or a first timer on the farm, there are secrets held
in Manchester.
Things you should do, things you shouldn't do.
Have one to add?
The What Underscore Podcast on your socials.
Brad Steiner, Barry Courter, Lord Taco, back at it with just a few days before Bonnaroo
2022, The What Podcast starts right now.
You're always trying to do your best To believe all of us dance
Cause the never-ending show has begun We crash into the reset it's on
So gather round, we'll tell everyone We're ready, we're ready, we're ready
Welcome to the What Podcast, which bands this year that matter.
It's Barry Courter, Lord Taco, Brad Steiner, and a fantastic...
Is there a delay?
Is my new mic...
Microphone not working?
Working fine, what's wrong?
Alright, fine.
If you guys don't want to talk about my hair then that's fine.
Oh, so be it.
It looks great.
Thanks guys, I appreciate that.
I'm impressed.
I appreciate that.
I did it all myself.
I'm impressed with you.
I'm impressed with you.
You're an amazing guy.
I'm impressed with you.
I'm impressed with you.
I'm impressed with you.
I'm impressed with you.
I'm impressed with you.
I'm impressed with you.
I'm impressed with you.
I'm impressed with you.
I'm really impressed with that microphone.
Oh, you're more impressed with this?
Then let me...
Then let me be impressed with this.
Here, hang on.
Oh, oh.
Hey, you got the jokes.
So, I'm happy to see you guys.
I'm excited to get going for an episode that I think that we've done in the past.
I feel like we've done an episode like this before, but today is a Bonadu and don't.
A Bonadu.
Or is it do a roo or don't a roo?
Which one's more clever?
Do do that roo do.
Don't do do it roo roo.
It's my rule number one.
Don't do roo roo.
So yeah, Bonadu.
I'm ready to get into that, but I've got a funny story to tell.
Funny story to share too.
Oh really?
Do tell.
And it's related.
What happened?
So, you remember a couple weeks ago when you were here, we were in my basement and we made
some promises to give some stuff away to anybody who would order a t-shirt because that's part
of what needs to be given away.
Well, we got a lovely email request and an order from Madison and I'm not even going
to try to say her last name.
It's probably Ataco.
It's probably Smith.
And even Dad can't get there.
I think it's Hadziko.
We had to say her name a bunch because she was a Patreon.
Oh, that's right.
So she lives in Ontario.
Very nice person.
We did talk to her.
So anyway, I finally boxed it up, picked up a bunch of stuff, which I won't share yet
because I want her to be somewhat surprised.
But you know, there's some CDs and stuff and some podcast related stuff.
Anyway, boxed it up and I remembered that I think I sent her something before and to
mail something to Canada, there's a form you have to fill out.
So I remember that, but I didn't remember that it was a big deal, just a form that you
have to fill out.
So I go to the post office this morning, find it, fill it out, feeling pretty good about
And I realize when you write out her email address, you know, it goes across the line
and down the line.
And I'm thinking this is going to be an issue.
It's one of those jerseys where the name just sort of like curls around the entire number.
Turn next page.
So I'm already thinking, okay, but there's nobody there.
So I go to the counter, give this to the guy who's wearing a mask.
He's got like this bowl cut.
It's kind of strange.
I knew I was in trouble when he gets the form and he very slowly looks at it and he takes
out his pen and where I had written my address, Chattanooga, Tennessee, and the zip code CHATT,
he takes his pen and he starts drawing an A and it's the sign.
I mean, it's so small.
I couldn't even see it.
Circle, circle, circle.
And then he does an N and then he does the O. I mean, it, and I'm like, oh, this is not
going to go well.
And then he hands it back to me and says, okay, you need to fill out what's in it.
And I thought, whatever, I'm just going to make something up.
So I met, I wrote down three or four of the things.
Then he hands it back and says, you need to write down the quantity of each, make something
else up and he says, you've got to fill this whole thing out because I have to enter it
into the computer.
It's going to ask me and it'll kick it out.
And I'm like, okay, whatever.
And he says, you got to put a value.
And I said, it's going to be a made up number.
He said, I don't care.
I just have to put it in the computer.
And you got to understand, I realized pretty quickly that we have a case of somebody who
doesn't care, talking to somebody who is anal to the, I mean, and we were loggerheads and
all of a sudden people start coming in.
I'm there 20 minutes with this guy.
When he starts entering it, I had to show him my phone to show him how to spell Madison's
name because he couldn't read my handwriting.
And he's typing it one letter at a time and looking and people behind me are pretty nice
until about minute 20.
And then people start saying, I got to be at work in 20 minutes and I'm, you know, staring
the hole through me.
It was, it was quite the ordeal that we, we ended up getting, oh, that's the other thing.
So he finally says, there you go.
What kind of, how do you want your receipt?
And I said, I don't care.
Email is fine.
He said, hit that button on the, and guys, I'm not kidding.
The most archaic old enter your email system showed up on the screen.
And every time I would hit it with my finger, it would type in two of the wrong letters.
So I had to go back,
You got a brand new email today, it would beep, you know, and all this.
And that's when I could really feel people.
And I said, I just, you know, type in something and let's get out of here.
But yeah, it was, it was bad.
So this is, it's fascinating.
You went through all of this Barry, because now you know how we feel when you do anything.
Well, I told you, yeah, it was, it was, you know, a case of somebody who doesn't care
meeting up with somebody who cares too much.
I mean, when was the last time you went to the, anybody, when's the last time somebody's
gone to the post office?
This whole thing seems archaic.
Well, because of, you know, these merchandise that we have, I've actually been several times
So, well, I'm going again.
All right.
So this is now what I'm hoping people are like me.
If you're anything like me, and I pray to God that you're not, you would be requesting
everything from Barry's basement right now, just to get him back at the post office, to
stress him out.
Like that's the kind of friend that I am.
Fair enough.
Start making up names right now.
Make sure it's international.
Getting all of my friends' addresses, everything I can possibly do.
Oh, what's that?
Do we know from Pakistan?
I don't know if you know this, but they can look up the address.
So if like you go in there and you've got a number off or a street off or it's Northeast
and not Southeast, it'll kick it out.
So that's happened to me too.
They'll look into it.
This doesn't exist.
You know, and again, there's people behind me and I'm, it's, yeah, it was pretty funny.
It's pretty good.
I knew, like I said, when he started drawing.
Yeah, old man gets out old man.
Old, that's exactly right.
What about taco?
What's taco been doing?
Pretty much the same thing.
I knew that wasn't going to be different.
Did you see my free car?
I noticed something about a car, but I mean, look, it's taco.
There's a car thing happening all the time.
So I don't know what I'm looking at half the time.
So I'm sorry.
I didn't put two and two together.
Well, she left it in my driveway for eight or nine months.
And so now, now it's mine.
I love how it's just she.
Someone just forgot.
I mean, they just, where'd I leave that car?
Uh huh.
No, she moved out and never came and picked it up.
And I would come get it.
I would be considering that back rent.
I mean, she owes me storage fees.
I mean, she lived there.
She lived there for I'm surprised she wasn't in the car when you went to drive it away.
That's right.
Been using it as a closet.
So it's mine now.
Another car for Lord Taco.
I, so I don't know if we talked about this, but I got to interview my best friend in the
world, Mr. Wynn Butler from Arcade Fire.
That was a highlight of my career.
I don't think that Barry would watch it and think it was any good because I just sort
of fanboyed my way through about 20 minutes.
Hey, you remember that time that we hung out?
I saw a few minutes.
It was a little bit, it was a little Chris Farley, but not a little bit.
It didn't quite get that bad.
And then so the reason I bring that up is because I have to do another one this Thursday
and I, and I really need you guys as help.
I am interviewing Monoskin.
And how do you think, what, that's just knowing me the way that you guys know me.
What do you think I have so far as far as preparation is concerned?
I know the first question.
What do you think it is?
I'm going to go with none.
No, I'm going to go with what do you think of my hair?
First question I have, so you're a band.
Am I saying it right?
It's going to be, it's going to be about eight minutes on makeup.
I got nothing.
I really got nothing.
So if you have any ideas for me, please pass along to Monoskin tips.
I've got, Barry, we'll send them a package.
They are from Finland by the way, or something like that.
Make sure you dress it correctly.
Get an address and make sure they can write neatly.
Would you guys like some random DVDs of babe too?
Babe too.
You seen that?
It's great.
I can send you my list of go-to questions when I have an interview with somebody that
I have no idea who they are.
Don't do that because we've asked them on this show before and I don't want anybody
to know the go-to.
I said I didn't say them out loud.
I have given up one of your go-to questions and you'll have to dig for that one.
Yeah, your best one.
You'll have to go dig for that one.
But yeah, I'm hitting the bottom of the Barry barrel when it comes to finding questions
to ask.
It's a weird amount of pressure because you guys know me.
I don't really ever stress.
I don't ever really feel pressure.
But it's just strange to do this for an entire company.
It's here for the entire billion dollar brand.
They've entrusted this billion dollar brand interview with this guy.
I'm this close to making fart jokes every time I turn around and they want me to interview
serious artists.
This is a very bad idea.
It's one thing to do it for a podcast, but for an entire brand and company, they've made
some very, very bad decisions.
Well, it's what separates the pros.
You'll get there.
You'll figure out those go-to's.
Yeah, I don't know.
So I got that.
And then the other thing I was going to tell you guys, I've totally forgotten.
So there you go.
All right.
Yeah, I did it.
I did it.
See, that's why you're a pro.
Well, I mean, it wasn't that interesting to begin with.
I mean, I did go to a Mets game.
I got to meet Mr. and Mrs. Mets.
I saw that.
Mr. Mets.
Yeah, I saw that picture.
You met the Mets.
I met and meet the Mets.
Greet the Mets.
Meet the Mets.
You had your T-shirt and your hat on.
Never knew you to be a Mets fan until, you know, now I see this picture.
No, I knew you were a...
The Redskins, I didn't know you were a big Mets fan.
I'm surprised by that Barry Courter.
No, I just, you know...
Well, I would look to Taco to be my backstop here, but Taco doesn't even know who the Mets
You're talking about sports, right?
Yeah, I know.
Yes, I'm talking about sports.
I'm like him trying to ask me about a carburetor and a Camaro.
I have no idea what that is.
But yeah, I've been a Mets fan since I was legit six years old.
And I've told this story before.
They had just won the World Series and my best friend in Little League was a Mets fan.
And if anyone ever tells you that they're not a bandwagon fan, and they're true, everybody
starts their fandom out as a bandwagon fan.
Because you like them for three reasons.
One, they just won something.
Two, you live near the school or the team.
Or three, you like the uniforms.
As a child, that's how we all find our fandom is based on those three things.
And that is essentially what we beat up everybody now about being bandwagon fans.
But at the core of us, we're all bandwagon fans.
I am a diehard Mets fan because in 1987, I was six.
My best friend had a love for the Mets and they had just won something.
So there you go.
We didn't have a baseball team in D.C.
So I had to become a Mets fan.
Yeah, it depends on your age.
Like, you know, 1973, I was 10.
So you know, Notre Dame was good.
The Dolphins were good and the Cincinnati Reds were good.
So those are my teams.
Bonnadoos, bonnadoos.
Well, here's what I'm thinking, Taco, is when we go through these, for those people who
are watching the video, could you do like a scroll of Bonnadoo number one blankety blank?
OK, all right, good.
For those who, you know, want to read along, because who doesn't love reading in a podcast?
And if you do want to watch this, subscribe to our YouTube channel.
You know what?
It's a great point.
You should like and subscribe everywhere.
And then if you really, really could do us a solid rate and review, it's very important
to the consequence of people.
OK, we're very close to our subscriber numbers, very close to the weed number.
I don't know if you noticed that.
Sixty nine?
No, the weed number.
That's the sex number.
Oh, it's all the same to me.
It's all the same.
On what?
What is our on what platform?
On YouTube.
Oh, nice.
That's very nice.
I wonder who will be 420?
Who will be the 420th?
Oh, that was the other thing.
I can't really talk about it just yet, but I reached out to the Hams kids because I had
a I had a interaction with a band they love a lot and I haven't followed up with them.
But I'm just going to this is my closed caption message to the Hams kids.
You're going to love it.
You are going to lose your mind.
All right.
So Bonnaroo do's and don'ts.
So I guess we can go around the room.
I've got probably seven to eight essential things that I think that either even if you're
a rookie or a veteran, things that you should know, things that you should do or don't do
on the farm, some of which you may already do some things you may already practice.
So if you have any that you want to throw our way that we can come back to next week
at the What underscore podcast on on your twits and your grams.
I will start with number one, Bonnaroo do or don't Barry Courter.
What is Brad Steiner's absolute number one?
Do not break ever, ever, ever, ever rule of Bonnaroo.
I can.
I don't know.
I talk about it every year.
I know.
I'm thinking smoking, hair care, smoking, bathrooms.
You have so many issues, which I don't know where you're going with this.
What is your number one biggest rule that number one rule?
Taco, you want to take a stab at it?
Don't bring a hula hoop.
That's a reach back.
I do not.
It's fine to bring.
OK, number one rule.
No matter what, biggest rule of Bonnaroo, I don't care who you are or how good you think
you are, never go hard on Thursday.
Never go hard on Thursday.
And what did I do?
You went hard on Thursday.
And how did you feel on Friday?
It just ruins the entire weekend.
You never get started right.
You never ease your way into a weekend where it culminates in a good way, especially it
screws you if Friday is your day.
Yeah, well, that's a great point.
And that is number one.
And it definitely should be.
And Taco and I were talking a little bit before we got on the air.
And I still keep thinking about this whole coming in on Tuesday now and Wednesday.
It almost feels like it's two, maybe even three events.
So whereas we always used to say, don't go hard on Thursday.
Now you can't go hard on Tuesday.
Tuesday or Wednesday or Thursday because the thing hadn't even started yet.
I think that the way to think about it is don't go hard on your first night.
For earlier.
Yeah, just just pace yourself.
Even even though maybe you get there really, you know, like on Wednesday evening and you're
setting up some sort of campsite.
I wouldn't go hard on Wednesday.
I'd treat it pretty light.
Then on Thursday, I would still be light.
I would still just ease my way in because you really I'm telling you, I think the whole
purpose I'm trying to say is you really want to wake up Friday with your best version yourself.
You really want all of the energy that you can muster on Friday because that begins the
marathon and if you're already blistered and getting IV shots, you're screwed.
You're screwed.
It's it's going to be in the 90s here this week and we're a month stop it.
I'm not kidding.
Oh, my God.
Oh, yeah.
It's going to be in the low 90s here in Tennessee.
For those who don't know, we're about an hour away from Manchester.
So, oh, my God, it's going to be into the hundreds are in May.
Oh, my God.
Has anyone started looking at the long range forecast yet?
I haven't.
OK, because you just you never know, but it's going to be hot.
I mean, we know it's going to change 50 million times before then.
I know I think range forecast useless.
I don't I kind of like it.
It makes me feel a little comforted, even though it's total bullshit.
OK, let's look it up.
Let's throw it up.
It's sort of like horoscopes.
I read them.
No, they're bullshit.
What's it going to be?
But definitely pace yourself.
I agree that that should be number one.
All right, Barry, Korda, your rule number one, bonnado, bonnado.
Start hydrating now.
Start hydrating now.
Don't wait.
I would almost say if you want to start hydrating, also start working out.
Start walking.
Start walking.
Do some back bends.
Build up some some core strength if you can, if you can like muster that in the next two
It would really I got made fun of so bad a couple of years ago and I'm like, I should
start working out for Bonnaroo.
Oh, no, I have.
I have.
There's no question.
It's a it's a lot of walking.
You're going to do a lot of walking and you're going to do a lot of steps every day.
How many steps you get a day now?
It's not fair.
I mean, I know now, but what is your average like, you know, in 2019, what was your average?
Well, I'll put it this way.
Do you get three digits?
Do you get to three digits?
I did the other day.
My wife works at she works in a district and she comes home and she's like, I did 12,000
steps today.
And I said, oh, let's look at mine.
I think I hit 200.
I've been working from home.
So, you know, it's not fair, but it's low, which is scary.
Given, you know, going to Bonnaroo, I'm averaging.
This is going to blow your mind.
Since moving to New York, I'm averaging 17,000 steps a day.
Are you really?
Yeah, it's nuts.
And I think a lot of it's just me like roaming around the office, to be honest with you.
And just like the the hidden steps, like walking a couple of blocks to lunch and coming back,
you know, that's a lot of steps you don't you don't really think about.
That's a lot.
So, yeah, that start exercising, start hydrating and start thinking about that along those
You know, taking care of yourself.
Eat well.
Taco, Bonnado, Bonnado, number one.
You know, every year there's somebody that does this.
They get their wristband in the mail and they're so excited.
They just go ahead and put it on and tighten it up.
And then they figure out you can't loosen it to get it off.
That's a great one.
That's a great one.
Don't put it on until you're in line.
And you're in your it doesn't unloosen or doesn't loosen.
It only goes one way.
The point is, it's just going to get tighter.
It will just get tighter.
And I will say I had it wasn't a Bonnaroo, but it was some festival.
I can't remember what it was.
I had a straight up panic attack because the damn thing got so tight.
I just had to you know, I cut it and I had to spend the next two hours trying to get
a new one.
And it's not easy and they don't make it easy for a reason.
They don't want you doing it.
Yeah, they're not happy.
It's weird that that that is your number one Bonnaroo, Bonnadont, considering my number
one do or don't for Lord Taco is the same every year.
And yet you break it every year.
I'm going hard.
Well, in one way or the other.
I saw that going.
You and Bryan Stone.
You and Bryan Stone don't follow my two biggest rules.
Don't hook up at Bonnaroo.
It's just so gross.
Well, I mean, look at that guy.
He can't help it.
I know.
My number two do or don't.
Bring stupid.
Don't be stupid.
So every year at Camp Nut Butter, I purposefully try to bring something a little bit more stupid
than the year before.
And it just makes camp more fun.
Whether it's an outfit that is really stupid.
Bring it.
If it's something for camp, that's really stupid.
Bring it.
Don't bring food.
Bring stupid.
Just don't be stupid.
Don't be the stupid guy who's causing all the problems, who's starting a fire, who's
doing karaoke at 4 a.m.
By the way, bring stupid.
Just not the karaoke machine.
Keep the karaoke machine at home.
That's the only thing I'd say.
Don't bring a karaoke machine.
So we started with, if you don't know Camp Nut Butter, it all started because we were
all just camping with each other.
And I hated it, frankly.
I absolutely hated the camping experience.
I didn't want anything to do with it.
So if I wanted to be in this place that I love so much, listening to all these bands
that I love so much, I had to figure out a way to make this work for me.
So I pitched everybody at the campsite, hey, why don't we get some carpet and some sofas
and a bigger tent?
And they all looked at me like I was insane.
I was ridiculed.
I mean, laughed out of the entire festival until the next year when I brought 700 square
feet of carpeting, a giant 20 by 20 wedding tent, all of the creature comforts, the chaise
lounge, the chest of drawers, the sofa.
When I started bringing all that, the coffee table.
What did all of you say?
You all said this is so stupid.
Why would you ever do this?
This is not camping, man.
And then what do all of you love 10 years later, 15 years later?
We still make fun of you and think you're stupid.
That's never going to change.
Yeah, we appreciate or most of them probably do that you bring all of that.
My problem is that it's become my problem.
Yeah, it's your job now.
You know, come by and get the carpet, the chair, the taco.
Guess who has the couch?
So guess who's got to bring the couch?
So then the next year after that, I decided, why don't we make this Disney world and really
make this thing goofy?
So that's when I got everybody's giant head made into a cartoon.
We blew it up and we put it on sticks all around the campsite.
And not only that, but I made a twister board with everybody's cartoon head on twister.
So we had camp nut butter twister.
Then we created a giant lit marquee that you could walk under that was solar powered.
So at night it would flash at you.
I bought, I mean, yards and yards and yards and yards of white picket fencing to put around
the entire thing.
We've got a long, you know, row.
What is that thing that we say it's like something from a wedding that you brought when you're
That's our, yeah.
I never can think of what I don't not too old, but yeah.
And then so year after year, it's that lace runner.
Yeah, yes.
It's a runway.
And so every year we just keep adding stupid to this.
A couple of years ago, we added a mailbox, a giant camp nut butter bet mailbox that we
nailed into the ground.
And we put a recorder inside of the mailbox so that anybody that opened it will leave
us a voice message on it.
So, you know, that's the kind of we then realized that everybody at camp loves Bloody Mary's.
So we have a tent just dedicated to Bloody Mary's because it gets sticky and dirty.
And we want to keep that over there.
Then we have a tent that's just for a kitchen.
There was one year that we only had a tent just for the podcast.
Paco shows up.
He's got the bus.
It really is a goofy experience.
But the more fun and stupider you make it, I promise you, the better it's going to be.
Yeah, I agree.
I agree, which kind of goes along with my next one, which would be plan, but don't over
plan, which sounds contrary to what you just were saying.
But it's the same thing.
I know early on, 07, 08, 09, even when I was going by myself, I was panicked about
it was like I was going to the moon or something.
I felt like I had to bring everything with me for every instance and every emergency
and every situation.
And partly because of hooking up with you guys and then Camp Nut Butter.
Figure out who you're going with.
If you're going with people, figure out what each can contribute.
Yeah, know your role, find your role.
Yeah, you know, not everybody has to bring the same thing.
That's right.
Like the Bloody Mary tent.
I mean, I think we all, you know, pitched in and brought something and thought about
it and somebody had the tent, somebody had a table, you know, that kind of thing.
You don't have to.
You don't have to go buy everything all at once.
And if you're coming by yourself, you know, make friends, make friends, make friends,
plan on making friends, make friends, talk to the person next to you.
Actually, you know what you should do?
Just find the people with the really cool setup and just link onto them.
Just grab them and don't let them go.
Preferably some sort of brewery that's set up because they're the ones that are going
to have all the fun booze.
Bring something that can, you know, introduce you as being a good neighbor.
You know, whether it's from your where you're from or whatever.
But worry, worry about the hydration.
Worry about comfort.
Worry about your your tent, your air mattress, those sorts of things.
But don't worry about feeling like you have to bring everything.
I feel like to that point, I mean, it lends into another thing that you talk about all
the time.
Let the schedule be a guide, not gospel.
You want the schedule to be just an outline of what your day might be.
You might find one artist that you absolutely have to see.
I wouldn't do any more than that.
I wouldn't overcommit yourself to more than two, three bands a day tops that you absolutely
have to see because you're just going to keep yourself from experiencing things that are
happening all around you that you, you know, not necessarily as important as seeing, you
know, Doja Cat again.
I want to I want to hear tacos next one, but then I want to ask him a question related.
So go ahead.
What's your next one?
I mean, probably it's in line with what you all said.
I mean, make friends with your neighbors early.
And I would say bring, you know, a lot of people will bring, you know, cards or stickers
or little trinkets to hand out.
If you can come up with something that when you meet somebody, you give them a little
something, you know, and maybe you exchange stickers or cards or, you know, little figures
or something just that makes it more fun when you meet people and, you know, you get then
you get to take something back with you and just makes it more memorable.
To that point, I'm glad you brought that up.
Years ago, I took everybody's giant cartoon head on a stick and made stickers that you
can then take the sticker and place it around camps.
You could take it to town, bring it to town and paint your city with your Bonnaroo sticker.
I love that idea, Taco.
I really do love that.
And along those lines, it's part of why I ask is you're you've started in 18, right,
So you're the yeah, you're the newcomer in this trio.
Brad and I are both.
I am the newest one.
So you and you're probably the most social in that you've probably made the most friends
because of the festival.
I mean, I know Brad and I have, but I mean, you've made friends that you speak, see and
speak to pretty regularly, right?
Because of this podcast and because of Bonnaroo.
So that's another thing I guess I would say to people is you're going to meet those friend
They extend into regular life throughout the whole year.
Tacos credit to that.
I've made a ton of friends that I talk to nearly on an everyday basis now because of
because of Bonnaroo, because of the show.
So come with that open mind, ready to make make friends.
Don't worry about coming alone, I guess would be my don't in that regard.
We know lots of people that come from all over the country by themselves who have a
great time.
So I mentioned don't let the schedule be your gospel.
Let it be your guide.
I will say two things.
One, let the phone go and two, make the schedule, take a picture of it and make it your home
screen each day when you wake up in the morning.
I read this tip and I don't remember where it was years ago, but boy, that saved so much
battery on my phone.
If you got an external, that's really nice, but it's so good to just like pop the home
screen on and be like, oh, look, OK, what do I have?
It's so much easier.
It cuts down so much time and you don't have to, you know, carry around a stupid laminated
schedule like Bryan Stone does every year, which is always wrong.
It's always wrong.
The phone is another good one.
Put it down.
I'm thinking you're going to your phone is going to be your lifeline like it is probably
every other day of the year.
It's not going to work.
You're not going to be able to text your friends.
You're not going to be able to keep up with your group via phone because the service is
just so bad.
I will say the year that the attendance is really bad.
Phone worked perfect.
It could be good this year.
It could be very good this year.
But don't count on it.
Yeah, don't don't count on the well, don't count on your phone.
Like I said, be in your lifeline like like we're all have become accustomed to.
And really, you don't want to enjoy the enjoy what's there.
All right, Lord Taco, you're next.
Another one.
Barry, you said you had a question for me or?
Oh, you answered.
I was asking about the being open to meeting new people and basically just being ready
for that, I guess.
The other part of the question was how how much did you and do you ask other people?
I mean, you you're in the bus.
You camp all the time.
You can't pretty much every week.
So camping is nothing new for you.
But what are the things you've learned in the in the two or three that you've been there
that maybe you're different that you would tell people that are coming to camp that are
different than, you know, they're going to go to the lake over the weekend.
Well, you know, like we said, make friends with your neighbors.
Do that early.
Do that as soon as you are setting up, because chances are you're going to forget something
and you might have to ask, hey, you know, I need to borrow something or they're going
to forget something and they're going to ask you.
And then once you're friends, it's nice to just know that somebody's around.
Like if you if they're back at camp and you're at the show, they're going to keep an eye
on your campsite, you know, just in case case something happens.
So the neighbors or in or in taco or taco or Brian's case, you might end up sleeping
with them.
Yeah, maybe.
Maybe they have a better air mattress than you do.
I don't know, I came back and tacos buses on two wheels.
What the hell's going on at the queen size air mattress?
Let me jump in.
The other because you talk making friends is also familiarize yourself with where you
are to get your landmarks and and get them pay real attention to them because the place
looks a whole lot different at night than it does during the day.
Yes, it does.
That's so true.
Because as a guy who got lost his first year of Bonnaroo, it was the worst feeling in my
Now, we're feeling the world.
Now it's a little different.
I mean, they've got things a lot more lit and, you know, much more put together when
the signage and but boy, that those first couple of years where you had if you took
a look at it, put it this way.
If you took a wrong turn, you're walking for half an hour because there was no signage.
You had no idea where you were going.
And if you didn't, if you were if you were coming back blistered, you had no idea where
you were going.
And I got so lost one night.
I was literally thought I was in the opening scene of Lean On Me.
I was so scared for my life.
I was like, what is happening around me?
Oh, it was awful.
Yeah, but that's what I mean by get good landmarks like don't go with the gray Honda.
Turn left at the gray Honda because there's going to be more.
I wonder if that's even a thing anymore, Barry.
I don't know if you really need those because if you go out into center or into GA, there's
like there's flags everywhere.
There's spotlights everywhere.
That's what I'm saying.
If you don't pay attention to like like, you know, you remember the year the girls that
so high or whatever they were.
And they finally they came up and they noticed our camp.
And how many people did we have come up and say thank you guys for the marquee and the
signs because that's what we use as our as our landmark, which is sad because back where
we camp, there's only two roads.
But when it got dark, when it got dark, it could look it could look strange.
So that's strange.
So pay good attention to some sort of landmark that's going to look the same no matter what
time of day or, you know, how how altered you are.
My my next bonnard do bonnard don't it's along the lines of making friends.
Do something nice for someone every day.
It doesn't have to be something big.
It doesn't have to be but just one nice thing a day.
The karma, the karma that you put into the farm will come back to you in ways that you've
never expected.
So just pass it along and maybe buy a buy the spicy pie for the guy behind you just
Maybe, you know, you know, give the guy some batteries who might need it.
You know, anything that that helps your fellow Ruvian just one time a day, it's going to
come back to you.
Somebody looks like they're struggling a little bit or lost or lonely or what.
Check on somebody.
Check on them.
Don't walk over.
Don't step over.
Check on them.
And that's that's a great point.
And that and I think especially if this is your first time, I really think you'll find
that that's the code.
That's part of the code.
And it's real.
And it's why we have a podcast.
It's why we talk about this year round is that that's a very real thing.
And it's it's pretty cool.
I leave there every year thinking, why can't everything be like this?
Just be nice.
You know, just be nice.
I mean, especially in the world that we're in today.
I mean, every day is just more shitty news over and over and over.
This is the one place that we come to that is just four, five, six, seven, we hope eight
days that's just not shitty.
You know, that we're not just totally encompassed with bad news and terrible headlines.
We we get we get a few days of being totally good to each other in an idealistic world.
Do something nice to somebody if you can.
That's a great point.
Let me go back to the schedule.
That's a great.
That's a great point.
The schedule, hopefully, I don't mean interrupt.
I don't mean interrupt.
Don't mean interrupt.
We're thirty seven, thirty eight minutes in.
Taco has not opened one PBR yet.
That's a great point.
Are you what has happened here?
Are you OK?
We can check in on somebody.
I'll go get one.
All right.
Should we all pause and go get a you want to take a PBR break?
Let's go get a sip sip.
That's funny.
You know, Brad was just talking about having a wellness check on somebody and there he
just trying to do something nice for somebody trying to.
You're trying to look out for me and wellness check on taco.
I'll be right back.
Welcome back to the What Podcast.
And it is an episode dedicated to the do's and don'ts of Bonnaroo.
For those that are new to the festival, this is a good starting place for those who have
been to the festival as Bonnaroo veterans.
Maybe it's a good refresher time as you start to pack your gear, double check your stuff,
give it that once over before it goes in the car.
This is it.
We're going to try to do our best.
If there's anything we miss, let us know the What underscore podcast on the Graham and
the Twits.
You want to hear the I'm ready to hear the greatest sound in the world already.
Oh, very loud.
That was a good one.
All right.
Here we go.
I got a I got this new years.
All these new Brooklyn and New York breweries I'm trying.
This is a sloop super soft sloop.
Super what?
Don't worry about it.
It doesn't know something you'll never taste.
It went a blue ribbon.
Not yet.
Just wait.
Not yet.
I was going to say about the schedule, your ex, it should be coming out here soon.
It's where it hasn't already, by the way.
Yeah, we're going to do it.
It's always fun.
Take it.
Make your list.
Study it.
I mean, that's what we're all going to do for the next four weeks is we're going to
try to make a schedule that we want to see.
Have fun with that.
Do it.
I mean, I think it helps get in your head what's going on.
But like Brad said, you're never going to do it.
So have fun with it.
But don't marry yourself to it.
Go see something that's not on your list.
Plan something that's not on your list.
Plan for that.
If you that should be everyone's goal.
Everyone's goal should be to leave there with at least one or more act that you had no idea
and never heard of that you now love.
That to me is a successful, you know, the seeing a favorite act and it blowing your
mind is great.
And that does happen.
But for me, it's coming away with new favorites.
Next up, taco.
You got another one?
I would say now, I mean, we're what?
30 days right now away.
Now is the time to start.
I would not necessarily packing, but you need to have a spot in your house to throw Bonnaroo
stuff and start getting it out, especially if you haven't been in a couple of years.
You might need to search your house for all of your camping stuff, all your supplies.
And you're going to think of stuff in the middle of the day and be like, oh, I need
to grab that.
Just go ahead and throw it in the pile so that it's all there to put in the car.
It's a great point because schedule day was always the day, Barry, that we would all get
That would be the day we brought Camp Nut Butter together for the first time in 300
you know, 35 days.
Everybody would get together.
We'd have a meeting.
We go through the stuff that we wanted to see and then we'd all say, OK, what do we
have left?
What is our stuff like?
Does everybody still have blank?
Do you still have blank?
This is the time to not only check your stuff, but check it on your other your other camp
members stuff and to see what they have and just coalesce around what you need, what you
don't need.
And again, you know what?
You don't need dry ice.
Don't don't do stop with the dry ice.
And frankly, you don't need food.
You need basic food stuff.
You need sandwich stuff.
You need, you know, bars and and quick fuel.
But you do not need a grill.
You do not need massive amounts of food.
The food there is world class.
You do not need food.
Yeah, that was that was my biggest mistake the first year because I'm gone camping and
I'm used to bringing my own food because, you know, you're out in the woods.
So I packed as if I as if I'm going out in the woods to be alone.
That's right.
And I brought all this food to prep, you know, eggs and, you know, burgers and stuff.
And I threw it all away because, you know, even if you're like, oh, I'm hungry, I should
make something.
I don't have time for it.
Oh, but this vendor over here is really good.
I can just go over here.
Plus again, you do not have time unless it's really early in the morning or really late
at night.
You will not have time to make food.
What a waste of time to sit there and try and one guy did come one year and make us
like eggs one morning.
And that was fine.
That was adorable and cute, but I don't want to do that every day.
Yeah, no, it was a lot.
And I to tacos point about to find a place in your house, put everything because I mean,
how many times have we left there with like a tent pole that broke, you know, that we
forgot about?
Well, currently, if anyone's listened to these other shows, Barry's currently in his Bonnaroo
Everything down there has just been thrown there at some point.
It's like a previous Bonnaroo.
Pretty much.
And when I come home, I try to pack it as if, you know, you're about to leave again.
Yeah, because I don't want to try to remember, try to rely on my brain to remember, oh, that
tent pole is broken or I need to replace that, you know, whatever.
Speaking of, go ahead and assemble your tent, your easy up whatever you got, just to make
sure everything's there and that it's not broken.
I always don't want to.
Don't want to.
You don't want to get there and find out the rats have eaten it or you forgot something
or it's dry rotted or.
By the way, I didn't really realize that was a thing.
Barry, rats ate through my my tent.
We were going to have to buy a whole new tent this year.
Yeah, it happens.
But you know, dry rot, whatever.
But turns out we will not need to buy a new tent because of the Bonnaroo donated tents
to New Orleans.
There were extras left over.
Oh, nice.
There you go.
Well, there you go.
Very nice.
Yeah, very nice.
Thank you, Bonnaroo.
So yeah, I always put my tent up the week of and pack it.
And I mean, I pretty much keep my stuff in the, you know, it's it's ready to go.
Like it's a go bag type of thing.
Plan for those extra days this year.
That's, that's something that's going to be a little bit different for veterans, especially
those of us that are thinking about going that Tuesday or Wednesday.
I just I can't.
But in the whole, there's so many different events planned out in the plazas and whatever.
Those to me are the things that I can't quite wrap my head around how it's going to change
the function of the of the week.
Of your just day to day operation.
Yeah, that's right.
That's a good point, too.
Plan on doing something out in the campgrounds one day because there's so much stuff.
Well, that's where everybody is, Doc.
But I mean, like, no, there's actual events happening.
And you could miss them if you're in center all the time.
There's there's where in the woods, there's something at every single plaza.
There's you know, pop up shows.
There's stuff going on that there's the bear exchange.
We haven't even talked about their trading bears.
That again, bears, the bear.
Oh, bears.
Got it.
Can we be honest, though, if I would have said that you guys would have annihilated
me, if I would have said, go out to the camp, the general admission at one time.
Come on, guys.
All of us, for sure.
You've ripped me apart.
I was never in the never on our radar.
So I agree.
I it really is.
And by the way, the beer exchange is really fun.
Just, you know, be aggressive with that beer exchange because people get way too nice.
They are.
I was way too nice that first year.
I wish I would have really been more aggressive.
I like to get into like the self care section of the do's and the don'ts.
I've got a few self care tips from the biggest diva in the history of Bonnaroo campers.
I don't know if you in your life know anybody that does yoga or is a health coach or likes
voodoo medicine.
But I know a lot of it sounds like bullshit.
But I'm going to change your Bonnaroo life for a second.
The minute that the wife brought this item to camp, it changed my entire Bonnaroo existence.
Let me introduce you to what is called a yoga wheel.
Now I know this wheel looks like just a random ridiculous thing.
But if you learn how to use it, you roll on it the middle of the night before you get
out of bed because bed is stiff, the air mattress is not working, maybe you didn't sleep so
You get on this yoga wheel and everything changes.
I say this to you if you hear nothing more that I say for the rest of time.
Do the yoga wheel.
Find a space in your car for the yoga wheel because if you get your back on this, if you're
back, if you have a tiny bit of back problem, right, if your back hurts a little bit, roll
on the yoga wheel.
Everything changes.
I can't stress this enough.
Along those lines, dress for comfort.
Dress for the heat.
Dress for dust.
Dress for dirt.
Bring comfortable shoes, comfortable clothes.
Don't dress thinking, you know, for style.
Don't worry about it.
I don't actually agree with that, Barry.
I'm going to actually push back on that because I think that if you want to show up and know
what you're getting into wearing something ridiculous like, I don't know, tacos, Tyrannosaurus
Rex costume, I think it would be fun.
They could be fun, but you just got to know what you're getting yourself into.
No, I guess what I'm thinking is the first couple of years, the Tiva's, everything that
you read was wear sandals with straps because when you step in a mud puddle, your shoes
going to come off or your sandals going to come off and you'll never get it back.
So I mean, I did all that and I didn't want to ruin like good tennis shoes.
And then after about the third or fourth year, I'm bringing my good tennis shoes and I'm
going to be comfortable walking and, you know, just don't step in a mud puddle or whatever.
That's part of what I'm talking about.
I tell you, I tell you what me and Nick Turner do every year.
If you want to wear angel wings and dinosaur costumes, whatever.
Let me, let me, this is what me and Nick Turner realized a few years ago.
We would, men's shoes are pretty inexpensive.
You can get a $50 pair of vans and get the insoles put in them.
And you've got a pair of shoes that if they get destroyed a Bonnaroo, who cares?
Who cares?
Even Nick bought, you know, he bought a brand new pair of fans and this idiot decided to
get stark white vans just so that he could see how disgusting they would be by Sunday.
And they were horrid, horrid.
So don't, if you're going to spend money on something, knowing that you're probably not
never going to use it again, buy a, buy a mid range pair of vans, get the insoles and
just prepare for them to not come back with you.
No, that's a good point.
Which one of you is running a vacuum cleaner all the time?
Somebody's mowing in 90 degree heat.
Don't, I guess to amend what I said, don't, you know, buy $400 shoes because they're comfortable
because you might step in a mud puddle or a dust, but, but plan on walking and dress
accordingly, I guess, and plan on being hot and dress accordingly.
The other, the other self, the self care piece that I'd give you, I know this sounds weird,
but I have a big problem breathing when it gets hot.
Um, oh, it is, it is taco taco.
You've got a neighbor doing some yard work, buddy.
So I know this sounds crazy, but it gets really hot and I have a tough time breathing when
it's hot.
So we bring essential oils, peppermint, breathe oil, if you know doTERRA, like peppermint
oil is fantastic, not just to put under your nose or your chest to help you breathe, but
boy, you put some of those drops on an ice cold towel that you've dipped the towel and
then put the drops in the towel and then wrap that around your neck.
It's nice.
Your body temperature changes by 10, 10 degrees.
It feels like nice for sure.
Um, all right.
Speaking of, uh, dressing for the heat, you want to hear, I've got the forecast pulled
up for the month.
I'm here.
I'm ready.
What it says right now.
Well, yeah, go ahead.
High of 92 chance of showers.
And not quite 92.
The highest it gets is 87 on Saturday.
Uh, yeah, like 82, 84, 87, pretty much the whole, the whole week.
Not too bad.
It's not bad.
Uh, the, the lows is like 63, 64.
By the way, I'm glad you brought that up.
I know it takes up a lot of space, but it really will freeze you out at night.
It is super, super cold, especially when the wind starts moving through the farm during
a show.
Waster on the ground because you're sleeping on the ground.
It didn't used to, but it last 10 or eight or nine years, it's gotten really cold.
I mean, I've been, I've been so unprepared for the cold that I have left shows in the
middle of it at one, two o'clock in the morning because it's just too damn cold.
Yeah, sure.
I agree.
Plan for that.
Uh, plan for rain.
Um, you know, bring a poncho, whatever, um, something you can carry with you and have
with you, uh, along those lines.
Um, bring a lot to carry, especially if you're going to go, you know, into center room.
I mean, you can bring it for your camp, but, uh, it's a pretty good, pretty good ways.
I know where they're going to have jam tracks and all that.
And hopefully they figured that out.
I'll search it.
They'll search whatever you bring.
Well, but I'm just saying you don't want to, you don't want to have something you're going
to have to carry around for seven, eight hours or more.
All right.
Well, you might consider getting a locker in center room because you can rent them for,
I don't know how much, but you know, then just throw all your stuff in there for the
You know, Lord taco yet again, our connection to the common man.
He does.
I had no idea about the lockers.
I had no idea.
We got a locker at shake and ease.
Did you really?
How much did it cost you?
It was, I don't remember, but it was worth every penny.
It was, you know, 20 or 30 bucks.
Holy shit.
Did you have it the whole weekend or is that per day?
No it was the whole weekend and we, we split it.
I mean, yeah, if you've got a friend, I mean, you can easily split a locker and just put
your blankets or jackets or whatever you got.
And then they also comes with a phone charger.
You get a battery pack to charge your phone.
You get to keep the battery pack or does it stay with them?
You give them a $10 deposit and then when you return the battery, you get the 10 bucks
Got it.
That's clever.
Well, and hopefully they do that at Bonnaroo too, cause it's a great idea.
It's a good idea.
It's the same people.
Yeah, they're going to do it.
I'm pretty sure.
My third self care tip.
Yes, baby powder works.
It is one of the most emasculating things that I've ever done in my life.
Because once you do it, here's the thing about baby powder is that there's no escaping the
fact that everyone knows you just powdered yourself.
There's no way around it.
And like I, you can't just like subtly go behind a tree or into your thing and powder
where you need to go.
No, because there's no easy way to get it into the thing.
So just a big ball of stuff.
And you look like a gymnast getting on the pole vault where you, you know, get everywhere.
But it, Oh God, it is a lifesaver.
It is an absolute lifesaver.
And it's one of these things where if I could figure out if somebody could invent a baby
powder thing, and maybe somebody knows the answer to this, but if somebody could invent
a baby powder thing that didn't have all of the, you know, cloudiness to it.
Oh God, I need it in this city so bad.
I mean, I have already in this city multiple times and like, Ooh, any duh.
Just take a, let me side saddle this seat for a second.
That's a good tip though.
Again, plan for comfort.
I, my final, no, I have one more, another crazy self care tip.
And I know this one's going to be bat shit crazy, but just give it a try before you go
Maybe you don't like them, but it's worth a try.
The wife turned me onto, I had this.
So when I was a kid, I was convinced that I had an invention that was going to change
the world.
And that was Netflix.
It did.
But my other invention, I did, I had, I had this invention.
I invented a moped when I was seven.
I really did.
I really think that every kid has got the, the invention that's going to change the world.
Every kid's got one.
You can ask any nine year old right now, they've got some sort of bat shit crazy idea that's
Elon Musk will have in 15 years and all of us are like, why in the hell didn't we do
So this was mine when I was a kid.
I hated as a kid brushing my teeth.
I always said, why can't I just take a pill and pop it into my mouth and boom, have my
teeth brushed.
It should be much easier than this.
Well, I said that in passing one day and Hillary goes, you mean like these?
And handed me a jar full of toothpaste tablets, toothpaste tablets.
It's a real thing.
You take the toothpaste tablet, you pop it in your mouth, you swish it around for about
90 seconds to two minutes.
You spit or you can swallow it.
You spit it out.
You rinse it out with water.
Your mouth game changer, game changer.
If I've had a bad day, I pop in a tablet.
I'm just walking around the office.
I'm not, I don't have to brush it.
I do carry a toothpaste and toothbrush in my work bag, but the toothpaste tablets are
so much easier.
There's so much more convenient.
And if you are somebody like a Russ or Brian, who is going to risk it with hooking up at
Bonnaroo, even though I'm telling you not to do it, use the toothpaste tablets better
than mouthwash.
My other one, and I've said this every year is don't bring ice.
Bring your cooler, go and buy a case of bottled water and freeze it and use that as the ice
in your cooler.
It doesn't get sloshy.
It doesn't make your food wet and it's drinkable.
So it's, that's the best tip that I ever got.
You know, it, they, for the most part, I, they stay frozen till almost the end.
So on Sunday I'm drinking ice cold water.
You know, I mean, I hate the plastic and what all that's doing, but as far as convenience,
that's, that's been a good one for me.
Does taco have any more health safety or self care tips before we get to our last one?
I know this is not your department.
I'm probably the, I'm probably the last person to give self care tips.
So no, I think you covered it.
All right.
My final one.
And I know not everybody agrees with me on this and it's a little bit harder to pull
off in, in GA, but if you can, man, I think that there's not a better feeling on that
farm than a late night shower.
The 2 a.m. shower.
There is nothing that feels better than going to sleep clean.
Cleanish cleanish.
There's nothing better than that feeling.
I absolutely am obsessed with that 2 a.m. 3 a.m. actually, I don't care how late it
I really don't.
It really doesn't matter to me.
The later the better.
Plus the rush in the morning is who wants to deal with that?
It's a good one.
Also along those lines, bring water and actual soap.
I remember first couple of years, I just used like hand sanitizers.
I made the mistake of leaving the camp and stopping at that gas station across the way
there and washed my hands.
For somebody who doesn't know, for somebody who doesn't know, how do you transport your
Well, I mean, I bar soap in a plastic.
I understand, but what if you drop the bar soap?
That's a goner.
Never picking that thing back up.
Well, I don't drop the soap, Brad.
I learned that at, you know, boys school.
Don't drop the soap.
Boys school.
I'm sorry, I never enrolled in boys school.
So you never went to boys school?
That sounds like the place you drop the soap, Barry.
No, I never had that issue, Brad.
But don't just rely on hand sanitizers.
You know, soap and water.
Well, this is where I would think I would like having a friend in the hotel industry
because I like having the teeny tiny little soaps that I can carry and if something were
to happen, I can just run right through it.
I carry, I bring like 10 of them.
Well, I'll tell you what I got.
I've got the little soap dispenser, little squeeze bottle with a suction cup on the side.
So you get in the shower, you don't have a place to set it down.
You stick it to the wall and it stays there.
Okay, there you go.
Yeah, but in those boundary showers, I don't think you need the suction cup for stuff to
stick on the side.
You know, you can, and I've heard other people, I think Sharla on the Real Rhubus, they've
been talking some of these tips and they made a lot of sense of this.
Start now.
Start now buying your stuff.
You know, some of your toiletries and whatnot rather than wait till the day, you know, the
weekend of or whatever it's been.
Yeah, but I'm having a really hard time with this sticking something to the side of the
shower and the bottom.
This is really getting very weird.
Have you seen some of the things that are on the side of that wall?
Honestly, you know what?
You know what?
Oh my God, I just got a great idea.
I would totally bring before I got into that shower, what is that spray bottle of like
clean the shower thing?
I would bring that and just start spraying the thing down just so I feel a little bit
better about myself.
Why not just spray yourself with it and skip the shower?
Yeah, I'm okay with that.
So, but you can get a lot of the, you start buying now, you know, your Walmarts and your
dollar stores have, you know, the travel size shampoos and soaps and all those things.
Start buying them now.
You can, you're, you don't, you know, obviously not going to buy your food, perishable foods
and stuff right now, but start getting that so you're not hit with a big ticket, you know,
big cost all at once.
So, somebody did somebody on Twitter, did I see?
Oh yeah.
Somebody asked me about haircare tips.
I, first off, I have none to share because it always looks perfect.
Secondly, what I have noticed is that it is better for me truly to not wash my hair because
if you're a guy like me who wants to, you know, to, you know, Barry can get out of the
shower and it's just there.
I take a little bit, it needs a little bit of work, right?
And I'm very particular.
What I found is that I just, I can't get the heat to relent enough for my hair to do what
I want it to do.
So it's better that I just don't wash it, which makes the showering process so much
I'm not carrying around a whole bunch of shampoo, but in a pinch, shampoo is an easy soap.
If you really need to, they, when Evita was the big sponsor, I mean, I had dropped the
soap and it was a goner.
So I just loaded up on a whole bunch of Evita shampoo and used that as-
You'll never make it in boys school.
I'm disappointed dad, so bad.
I'm so sorry dad.
Brad, I could see him with a bag of like 10 soaps.
Well, that one's gone.
I gotta get another one.
Gotta bring actors.
Disappointed my whole family.
All right.
Oh, the last thing that I had for you and it's because we've tried this at our camp and
I'm willing to be, I'm willing to have my mind changed, but Barry Courter, Laura Taco,
what are your thoughts on the disposable camera?
It was a good idea.
It was a fun idea.
It didn't work.
It didn't work.
For whatever reason.
It didn't work.
It didn't work and it's so expensive.
It is so expensive.
So here's our experience with the throwaway camera, the disposable camera.
Great theory.
The Polaroids work better.
If you have, if you're willing to spend the money on one of these things, the Polaroid
things work a lot better.
In fact, I've got one around here somewhere because we had to Polaroid a camp one time,
but the disposable cameras, the problem is you're never going to get enough light and
the times that you're using them, they just don't work like you remember them working.
You can point them at things, but you're not taking a picture of anything.
And that's just not what I remembered happening back in the day when I had a disposable camera.
I thought that I was always taking these perfect pictures, but we did this.
We must've had 12 of them, 12, 35 pictures a piece.
I mean, we had 300 pictures, five of them were usable.
And it felt a little, I mean, it felt a little like you were asking somebody to work, not
work, but plan.
You know, like you had to carry it around.
You had to have it with you in the right moment, or you had to intentionally go out to look
for pictures.
It was a great idea.
Well, I mean, that wasn't what I wanted.
I wanted you to just, you know, not be struck.
It's just, you know, it's typical of me with a camera.
It's like I never have, I have my phone, which has a camera, but you know, it's, you never
have it when the perfect picture is available or now you got to carry it.
Anyway, it was a great idea, but you're right.
I think we got three pictures.
Yeah, it was just terrible.
Man, I don't even know where they are anymore.
All right.
I'm sure there's more.
Let us know the what underscore podcast on the twits and the Instagrams or I don't even
know if we have a Facebook, but let us know.
We do.
Let us know some of yours or even the what and drop it in the comments.
So yeah, do we know?
You mentioned the haircare tips.
Somebody did say they'd love for us to do Bonnet Roulette.
We would love to do it, but it's kind of hard to do with the copyright laws anymore.
So yeah, also remotely, yeah, remotely.
It's pretty difficult.
We, the last time we did it, we were all together.
It was a lot of fun with taco and his sound effects.
All right.
All right.
You guys are the best.
If you think of anything else, let us know.
Anything else before we go?
Um, dropping a shout out to Roo Bus.
They're having their Wednesday night pre-party out at the bus.
They're having flip turn is the band.
I'm a bigger fan.
I'm a bigger fan of turn flip.
Should also thank Consequence again for letting us be a part of the Consequence podcast network.
Are they going to be there?
Yeah, that's a great question.
We got to talk to Alex Consequence.
I'm sure he's got that idea too.
All right.
All right, guys.
To the best.
Talk to you next week.
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