StoneOnAir podcast host Bryan Stone and photographer Evan Bonnaroo join Brad, Barry, and Lord Taco to discuss the 2023 Bonnaroo festival in this very special episode of The What Podcast.
From the aspects that went perfectly according to plan to the parts that... didn't (the number two in Plaza Two incident), the pair of guests provide a new perspective on how this year's Bonnaroo went down. Elsewhere, the gang touches on mental health, Soberoo, Korn, Portugal. the Man, and so much more.
Listen to Brad and Barry chat with Bryan Stone and Evan Bonnaroo or watch it via YouTube. While you're at it, go ahead and like, review, and subscribe to The What Podcast wherever you get your podcasts.
Topic: Bonnaroo
Guest: Evan Bonnaroo
It's actually close to somewhat professional for once yeah, I love you have a professional setup, but yet no profession
Well, that's true
I think we can all say that except for you, maybe
Shit oh and a special guest of first PBR 1001 Easter and someone
Have you checked that in yet? You should check that in. I'll check it in
Thank you. I appreciate that Barry Courter. Are we online yet is Barry is very good. I did I go away. Yeah, you're back
Oh, I'm sorry. That's all right all of a sudden my entire computer system went crazy. I'm sorry. That's okay
No need to apologize muffin. Everything's all right
How's Barry? I'm doing great. Thank you very much. I'm I this is I've been up since about five
I am
It's all energized. It's almost bedtime for you. I know this first lunch
I've cleaned I've got the setup going I'm ready. I'm excited about this
Brian I don't know if you know this because for a long time you were waking up at 11 12 o'clock during the day
But Barry and I still do that. Okay. Well Barry and I's go-to lunchtime was 1045
It was always that can we be the first one in an Indian restaurant at 1045?
That's insane. I know I know he's not lying either. I know he's not
Yeah, and then out of nowhere we're joined by Evan Bonnaroo who I just don't see enough of
Okay, good
Thank you for coming where is Evan Bonnaroo
Oh, okay, and he's on the floor what I'm glad you invited him somebody
This this is how you know kidding your camera just fell
It's right here. This is how every weekend goes with me and Evan at some point. We find ourselves on the floor. Hmm
Never fails. We're not at the beginning of the night. Yeah, right. Hey, hit that life alert button get some help
Falling down
Someone come get their man. Somebody come get their man. This is me after 12 PBRs. Yeah, I was blurry
Evan is still in Bonnaroo Hayes. Yeah
The whole idea here was to recap your Bonnaroo. I think we did it. Yeah
Show over well played Evan. See ya. Yeah
Happy Canada Day Cheers Man, they can today
That's what Madison said
Really and all they got for us is this goddamn smoke
I think that when is that when Columbus found Canada? Is that what that is?
Oh, I have no idea. Yeah, it wasn't Columbus. It was Dan, Canada
He walked north and stepped over a line and said this is Canada
Hey Brian, do you feel better that for the first time ever you are not the one that's causing all the technical issues?
I was actually just thinking
For once not the problem
You've gotten bailed out. I can't believe it
Has there ever been a person that has ever bailed Brian out at camp Brian is our go-to
mascot of camp who we usually
Kick punch. Yeah, baby. That's got you mean punching bags
I mean, it's you know semantics and you and you mean by we you mean you usually punch
I don't know. I think Barry's gotten a few good ones in
I did early but then I felt so bad for him. I just stopped
I'm not trying to take away from anybody else's contributions around here
Even even even docile calm lovely taco gets a Brian shot in every now and then
It's just low-hanging fruit. I was easy the exact same thing. It's right there. It's on a tee. Yeah
Him him too is here
Nice. Oh him too
That's read that's read that's read. Yeah
Hi read so the thing about
Him too that I love so much is I've never seen I can't believe he's still in one piece
He's a he's a kid that could have gotten broken in half at the knock loose show, right?
Did you see the picture did we post the picture on the thing taco? It's on the video. You didn't watch the video. Okay? Yeah
Well, I know I haven't watched the video
But I was so proud of ham too just losing his mind
I mean you could have he could have put a tent on top of that crowd and felt just as comfortable laying in it
As he did crowd surfing. I that was a great shot
Yeah, the whole ice cream nailed it. Oh the happiest kid in the world
Bryan Stone, let's start with you while Evan sits here and still cannot be do you know Evan does this for a living?
How have you screwed this up, you know, that's my problem is I went to high
Tech yeah, this is very high tech. I mean that guy that guy knows what he's doing right there
Somebody hire him immediately
Why don't just mess up my lens by dropping it so that might have been okay. All right
Well, you sound great at least I'll give you that. Okay. All right
Well, let's start with with going around the room. We've heard it from Barry and taco
Oh, by the way, so thank you for joining our little live show. We try to do this once
maybe twice a year and
You know just it's it's as much as I can
Feel connected to Bonnaroo that I missed yet again. So let's start with the Bryan Stone Brian
What did you would you take away from 2023? I think that you of all of us you probably have been to the most right? I
Think you guys he's been to all of them. So yes, no one has been to more
Yeah, I've been to all of them
You went to all of them. Yeah, the very first year. I it's a little bit of an asterisked
I jumped the fence on a Saturday night for panic that night and then that was it
So I didn't really know what it was yet. I didn't understand it yet. But by oh three, I mean
Three so 365 days couldn't get there quick enough to get back there for road three. So yeah
technically, I've got the
so when we talk about when we talk about like the past of Bonnaroo since you went to the you know, especially the first three
Your idea from you know year one year two to now
Well, I was big into jam band music when it first became a thing
I was actually brand new to jam music at that time. So I was in a different world as a lifetime ago 20 years ago
But it wasn't gonna be sustainable that way
I mean anybody you've talked to from kin to anybody else knew that that was talked about how that's that's not something that they were gonna
Be able to sustain and so I think it was around oh six
I was just looking at it yesterday or the other day actually that radio head was the the headliner and that was kind of the first
Kind of move away from a strictly
Jam band kind of thing and I and I remember at the time
I mean, I don't know that this is revisionist history or not
but I feel like I remember the time thinking this was a really cool move because how many times can Dave Matthews Trey and
Wiser panic play this thing before everybody says I'm tired of it. So yeah, but I
Can I we jump in as he I mean I want to hear this because this is great because Brian has a real perspective
Having been there for all of them. But if you remember, yeah, but he's only remembered half of them. Let's be honest
Well, we're gonna get into that too. And I think that's a huge part of it seriously
But we had a conversation you mentioned Ken you're talking about Ken Weinstein
We had a conversation
Saturday in the media area you were there and Russ was there and Kyle the Bonnarubian was there
he was asking me about who his Rushmore of
The Bonnarubian was and he had a real interesting take it wasn't just your four best acts. He had a specific
Qualification for each and
one of the questions was
Radiohead or McCartney and I of course said McCartney and Ken's take was
Radiohead because just like you said it was what oh six that shifted the whole Bonnaroo universe
It was Ken's argument and I think Kyle's too, right?
McCartney obviously is the high water mark for all of us, but that was 13 and
So the radiohead thing being so early
kind of
Legitimized if that's maybe two even a week a word
But right you remember what I'm talking about
Brian and I I do
But I legitimize might be the right word is in the sense of shift it create probably a shift of the shifting into
to an entire different orbit of fans to pull from and
Yeah, I would I would say both those two. I'm not a big Rushmore
I appreciated Kyle's take on it. He framed it because
Mount Rushmore, you know, you've got people that represent the nation's birth
Development and preservation. So those were his four
Right pick people that he picked as far as the bottom of Rushmore
birth growth
Development and preservation. I love this idea the bond Brian hates the Rushmore analogy
Do you hate five lists? Do you like it? Do you hate just top five lists? Yeah anti-anime?
Why do you hate our country Brian?
Brad as lifetime radio guys, you know the Mount Rushmore in the Sports Talk universe is the
Laziest topic in the history of sports radio, you know this I agree
But Kyle brought Kyle came strong with the whole I'm not trying to hate on Kyle. I love you Kyle
This isn't about he doesn't even know who Kyle is
But anyway, yeah, so anyway, I hijacked the conversation
I want to hear the rest of Brian's thoughts on the week. Yeah. Well, but before you get there is like I
To the radio head point, how have you seen it change from the first years to now?
Because we've talked about how the world was so different at Bonnaroo in the first like I've said a million times
Shakedown Street was a legitimate shakedown
There were people that were just off the street that could stand there without a ticket and sell you a dryer door
And I say that with all honesty because someone tried to sell me a dryer door
It was it was it was panic. It was constant panic all the time. It was it was chaos and
I don't even know if you could call it organized chaos
To assert a great. Oh, yeah. I mean I did it was I just it wasn't really jump the fence
There really wasn't one I just walked in there wasn't a fan
Yeah, and I didn't I didn't mean there was but it was already toppled down
It's just you know
How many people that we know that have told me the exact same story you live in Chattanooga you drive in 45 minutes and you
Could literally just walk in it's a walk right in yeah, and there was no I mean even on Bonnaroo's best organized years
the new volunteers the new
The newer workers they still don't know what's going on a thing that big
You'll never have everybody on the same page as far as where everybody needs to go all the answers you need
Or you need answered or care true. There's plenty of that too there. This wasn't a that this was a nobody has any idea
What's going on? It was it was mind-blowing that yeah here?
I didn't know what I was looking at and it was it
Fascinated me beyond belief and for the next couple of years same getting more acclimated to how the festival worked I?
I I was still I'm still equally fascinated 20 years later, but to answer the question. What is change?
How's it? You know? What's the evolution look like from my perspective?
Honestly, it's not that much different
Like feeling is that's for sure the feeling is the exact the essence the the soul of the festival
It's pretty damn similar to what it always was and that's why I think it's so unique and became so beloved
It's not just oh, I get to go see some great music today. Mm-hmm
Yeah, I don't mean we've all talked about me and talk of the most most recently who's playing Bonnaroo this year
I don't know. Yeah
Doesn't matter it literally doesn't matter. It's fun fun fun fun fun to talk about
But it literally doesn't matter well, and I think that was similar then as it is now
Well, I just do you remember like in it's 2005 right and we were getting excited as to where they were putting the big heads
You know like that was where like the the excitement now you have what is Plaza 7 look like
I mean the small things that they were doing and adding every year in the in the early years would get us so excited and
You know all we cared about when we got into center who is where are they putting the art installation?
Yeah, and where they put in the big heads the comedy tent. Did they change it a little bit?
It over by the over the corner. They get closer to the tent. Yeah, little stuff
I remember that do you remember the year it must have been like oh seven or eight
They finally figured out to take this tent and instead of doing it
What is like a turn it just a tiny bit and the fact that like we spent the entire weekend obsessing over that little detail
The tiny little things that we've watched
Get added to this farm to now. It is this big thriving entity that
It's almost like the changes are too many to even count every year, but I'm man those first years for like oh my god
They and there's there's there's AC in the comedy tent this year. I can't believe it at this
Oh, yeah, the silent this this the silent disco. Did they move it in proportion to somewhere else?
Yes, little things like that. Well talk about little things. We just didn't have very many and one of the things that
It's so weird to even say
The comedy tent was to me mind-blowing when I got there and realized they have a comedy tent
What the heck I mean, this is a serious event they have a comedy tent, you know, it's it this just isn't live music
They have a comedy tent. It's not more serious than the comedy tent
Well, it's just the fact that there was something else
What I'm saying, but if you if you talk to any of those comics they
Hated it the things that not everything worked but just the fact that they had something different
Like that was mind-blowing to me. Yeah. Yeah, and I'll never like that line for Conan
O'Brien that year was it was completely out of control. I
Think it was time to shut the tent down after they got Conan
Okay, so fast forward we'll get to Evan here in a second Evan. Thank you for you know, at least hang on
We're coming. We're coming
So Brian this year, what was your first response your first thoughts about this year?
After going every single year of your life. Have you just talking about the overall weekend? Yes another incredible weekend
I mean, it's is it on Mount Rushmore
It's on my Mount Rushmore
Rushmore this year exact if this happens to be if you chisel out three of those old men on there
It's still be on Mount Rushmore. Okay on the singular Mount Rushmore
wonderful is that founding
That's defacing I think facing is yeah. Well, I didn't I don't know when to say this but I go ahead do it now
I was thinking about it about an hour ago before we started this
Most of the people in my life other than family and work that I communicate with on a regular basis
Are because of Bonnaroo
Yeah, absolutely
Isn't that crazy?
Really? I mean, yes, there's a lot of truth to everybody on this podcast right now is because of honor
Oh, well, that's because I'm on a Roo podcast Barry
That's a really good point. I didn't
I mean if we were if we were talking about Wes Anderson movies, I can understand that you would be like
That's a solid point I'll give you that one no
I'm serious though
It occurred to me that most of the people that I communicate on a regular basis with other than family and work
Are because of Bonnaroo and that I don't know. I mean
Maybe you guys are different, but I don't know if that's good bad, you know sad I agree with whatever
I've made what I'll say are lifelong friends. Thanks to Bonnaroo. Yeah
Well, I'll tell you one person in particular is in my life because of Bonnaroo is Evan Bonnaroo
He was the first person. I did that first person. It's like I've been doing this for a while
The first person I met in New York was Evan Bonnaroo
In fact, he helped me choose not to ever live in Jersey. So I can't thank you enough Evan for
Evan how many times have I been to Jersey?
Five or six. Oh, come on. It's not been five or six. Yeah
so the first time I
It's in the realm of five. So at first time I went to Jersey because I had to go over for his birthday party
I texted was like am I gonna grow a tail?
What are the like the ramifications of crossing into Jersey? Oh, but you're gonna sing only Bon Jovi songs. That's that's
Which is even worse than the tail. So
Crawfish and you love that I did find crawfish in Jersey. At least there's that then we did find crawfish
What about you Evan? This is what like Bonnaroo six seven for you. Oh
double that
No, you're not gonna call Bonnaroo. It's no way
Yeah, yeah, is that right? I don't ever use it. Is that right?
His name is Evan Bonnaroo. You think he hasn't been to 12 Bonnaroo's? Well, that's because I couldn't remember his last name
Yeah, and that's my contact
That's how he's in the phone. Yeah
So, okay, so I've been going every year since 2012. Okay, even when they didn't have it I drove to the farm
That's really why would you do that? You're in Jersey. Why would you drive all the way?
I was on a road trip and driving. I was on a road trip driving by. Oh, okay
All right. So after all of this year's take the Foo Fighters out of it. Where is this year ranked for you? I
Think it's number one. Wow, we were so I was camping with the robust people and
We had a group camp of 150. That was my first time ever doing group camping and
Every almost everything was seamless. Like everyone was awesome. We had the monkey bar there
Nothing wrong with that. Yeah, that's great. They were they were super accommodating
For us because they needed extra power and stuff
Yeah, so even like by Friday we were all kind of like looking at each other it was like is is this the best one?
I love the idea. I love the idea that this is the first year you did group. What did you do in the years past? Yeah
Just drive down with a caravan of two to four people
A caravan of two to four or five cars. Gotcha with my friends. Gotcha. And so and so you're all in on group now
I might be yeah, I I do like the idea of knowing where you're going to camp before you get there
Yeah, there's a lot of anxiety with planning
Like how what time to drive in and where you're going to be based on that and there's not a lot of that data points to
That's true
You see you've mentioned two words and I can see brian shaking his head and he's going to know probably what they are anxiety and seamless
Right. I mean brian and i've talked about we have anxiety for the two weeks leading up to it every year
And and seamless and this year I had no anxiety and everything was seamless
Um for people who don't always go what do you mean by that evan? I mean, I know what we mean, but what do you mean by both of those?
Well part of it is just am I going to be camped close? Am I going to be camped really far? Is is it going to take
Five minutes to drive in is it going to take six hours?
So are you going to be denied like there's something wrong with your application or your ticket or whatever?
Yeah, that's what always gets on there's so many variables that you don't know until you're in that position. Yep
Like where you are, so it's you can't get any information really until you're there
In what moment do you actually say? Okay, i'm here. I can let go now
Is it after you set up camp as soon as you go through secure as soon as you drive through security?
Yeah, brian is not like that wherever you're going
Brian brian still thinks something else the other shoe is going to drop at some point even when he's through
Yeah, well because normally you're running around like a madman with police tape trying like you're marking off a crime scene
And i'm like this is not okay brad we can't do this brian based on the women you bring back to camp yet as a crime scene
Sometimes they were already there. I didn't bring them
He's not picky he sees that yellow tape and he's thinking hey
Hey, oh that's wrong. Hey, he's not picky. He literally i've looked all around this camp
And you're the best i've found so come on in
Somebody's already marked this on
Just look for the crime scene tape
Yeah, boy opportunity some people see opportunity. He is
You've got a discernible palette. I will say brian a very very fine palette
When do you finally let go brian when do you say i'm here I can I can rest and relax
Uh, once we know for sure where our actual real estate
Is once I feel confident that our boundary whether it is an actual police line tape
That's not a joke you did that for years or the imaginary line that I can see
Which this year I was there late taco was there a month in advance so we were able to
Seek it all out
So this year this year
Immediate anxiety relief because it was already there is ready to go and let's see
I think evan nailed it right it was seamless every we talked about that last week
This was the easiest one ever so easy evan you're the evan you're the closest thing we uh have to a ga camper so
Uh, did you hear anything out there about?
Um problems things that things that you would normally say like oh my god
Did you hear that there are lines for the ice that took two hours?
I haven't heard a single uh problem
As far as the infrastructure is concerned of the operation
Nothing in general there was I know one isolated incident in uh pod two
where there was
An explosion of the bathrooms and sorry i heard about that
Like yeah
Okay, so there was a fecal matter running through people's campsites. Oh my god
Excuse me. You didn't hear about this
Uh, no, I have not heard about this. Tell me all about it. That's all the video. That's about all I know but um
uh pod pod two had a had a
Yeah, had a port-a-potty incident and there was sewage flowing into people's number two had a number two
Do you have a lot of number twos?
So how big did this start like going like how wide did it go how many people was it affecting?
I don't know for sure. Um, man, you're a really terrible on-site reporter
If it affects more than one
I was thinking the same thing. Yeah one is enough. Yeah
That's a bad day if that's coming into your tent
Um, I wonder I wonder if like the people the bonnaroo people the c3 of the live nation people hear about something like that
And they try to search that person out and and do anything they can to be like, uh
Here's some free tickets. They offered them a free shower and a free meal pass or something
Oh, come on
We can do better than that
To start. Oh, yeah
It is a start probably gonna need a free sleeping bag and a free tent and shoes
I mean, yeah, I would I would imagine ham too would say vibes are not high
Those are pretty low vibes. Yeah
Very mid vibes vibes are mid. Uh, all right. So let's uh, let's jump into uh favorite shows brian
Your immediate impressions when you came back now, maybe two weeks removed
Where did you uh find your love? What shows what uh experiences?
Uh, just quickly, um just to run through the the weekend of just favorites to throw them out out there real quick portugal
The man was fabulous. Um
uh tyler childers
I I had a lot of hopes for
and and I I really like the music i've listened to it a lot recently, but
I don't know because I haven't been in this exact position in a long time
The this tent is too damn close to the witch
And if you get in the wrong spot towards if you're facing a stage to the right
The bleed factor especially with a with a slower tempoed artists like tyler childers
That was pretty annoying and I I was in pretty good position and that that tent this tent was bleeding badly
So that kind of messed up that experience overall, but it was still fun
Uh, you guys talked about it last week
No reason to spend much more time on it the corn show was all the talk
But you guys spent a whole segment on that
Well, why did you like you said everything there is to say
Well, no, really I kind of I kind of keyed to you because
I heard your your take on it on your podcast. I mean
And I think you said it as well as anybody it was
It was a great set. It was a perfect set, right?
I mean, I don't want to put words in your mouth, but it was everything you wanted it to be and more
And I just thought that was interesting
Well, brad, you'll you'll probably like this a little bit on to a certain level is that yes
It was I believe the perfect set and i'm only a peripheral
Casual fan of this band never cared about him all that much, but i've been around him my whole life
Especially, you know 20 years ago when everybody I knew loved him so much and I was just shocked front to back. It was a
It was a banger from front to back. I I couldn't get it
I I couldn't get enough of it
But this kind of goes back to where I would be me a little bit and be a jerk about the mccartney show
And talk about oh my god. He opened with live and let live or live and die
Yeah, no shit guys. He does it every week. You know, I did it in memphis last week. Wow. I'm so excited
Well, the corn show is the same set on this tour every night
And how many by the way, how many of those sets have you seen on this tour?
Of corns. Yeah
Zero. Oh, okay. So it doesn't matter what they did last night
I told you you would appreciate this and yes, it doesn't you're right. You win damn it
It is an interesting question and we probably could spend a whole episode on it
Well, we're going to we're going to talk about this very problem with evan about fool fighters here in a bit
Yeah, I could chime in on that as well. Everyone has an opinion and none of them are right or wrong
I've been talking about this for 37 years. I might write
You know if there's a comedian tell his best joke or does he leave it out? I mean, it's the yeah
Yeah, I mean, what do you do? What do you do? So by the way, that's such a specific number 37 years
Yes, when you know exactly when you form that opinion and it was that's how long I worked at my former job at a newspaper
Okay, got it. That's what the mark professionally for 37 years
Okay, so then who else other than Childers would in corn show?
Other than Childers would in corn
Uh, so, um matt mason was fun on friday. I mean as always I don't see enough music for your taste brad
I didn't I didn't sit at camp all weekend. Like you think I do. Well, that's a stutter
a uh
A stumble on find was the band camino. Um, i'd never heard of them before but there was enough room to get up close
So I watched 30 minutes of that seemed pretty pretty fun. Of course, brad, you know, I had to go see sheryl crow
That's always a fun show
And sunday I was there all day and I had a nice day on sunday
Um that didn't have to do with music as much I have some regrets
I missed a lot on sunday because I was running out of gas
Um, I missed paramour and that was a bad move on my part
That was a bad move on my part, but I did see marcus mumford and that was a nice lullaby
That was fun to take a nap to
I was kind of surprised like I I didn't expect it to be just marcus
You know, I I don't know what I expected but it was just marcus and uh, I think it sounded great though
Just marcus, uh, it did sound fine and it was very sleepy
Well, I think I think you'll have the the sons, uh to join him next year at bonnaroo. I think that they're going to be back
Which i'm a fan of
Yeah, i'm a fan of but I mean, um a couple others I stumbled around and watched for a few minutes early on on friday
Morgan wade who I thought was probably some country singer that you know threw racist racial slurs out regularly
No, she's not that at all
Did you did you like that show that morgan wade show I thought it was fine. Yeah, I thought it was fine
I know let dad go let dad go
It was on the taco it was on
It was on the witch stage early
And I saw whether was the weather was cooperating so it felt great. So the circumstances were good
I'm not saying the show was great. I'm saying that time that's like confusing. Mr. T with mike tyson
And who would do that? Nobody's ever done that no one has ever confused it. Oh ever
And and then the one uh that I did want to speak to you brah because I text you at the time
Hey, should I go see noah con?
You know and you knew why I was asking do you think it's I will like it not do you want me to like it?
And you said yes, and I have um, I don't have the
Though being there my whole life
I don't have the experience at some of these stages that maybe you guys and many people listening and watching this do
Who are weekend warriors?
But that's the biggest overflow crowd I have ever seen at a tent for noah con in the evening on friday night
I have never seen a
that much I mean it was
For the this was at the that tent and so that that um road, which is now paved
That cuts through there the walkway
it was
20 30 40 deep past that road. Yeah, you're getting anywhere near what would be
What would be considered a spot to see the show?
I couldn't believe it. So I couldn't really tell if the show was good
I talked to a guy in a braids jersey about liquor and beer distribution during that show
You do what you do. Yeah
You are a one trick pony. Uh, you do do know one thing and one thing only
But I tried I tried
I can't thank you. Uh check that in you should check that in
Uh, all right. So the thing about the noah con thing is I knew it was gonna be big
but I I think that the thing that's so surprising is is
Is where did this come from?
You know, I bet 80 of the the the people that were there only heard of him a month before
Man, it just came completely out came out. I don't know
I mean you and I watched that one because I didn't get to go that was friday night
So I wasn't at the on the farm yet
So I was watching on hulu and uh looked like everybody there knew every word to every song. So
I and I'm sure you guys have talked about this at some point
I mean they took the screens away from the outside of the tents. That's what I heard
What the hell what the hell are they doing? Yeah, what's up with that?
Too bad. Yeah, that's a that's a big mess. That's a really big mess
All right. So evan thanks for joining us and yeah, well now
Well now I want to hear now I want to hear evan's highlights evan
Do you share some of the same sentiments? I'm sure you were a big tyler childers fan
Yeah, so um, i've made a just a quick list of the highlight shows
Uh wednesday we had a like a big secret set for chara bitware in the woods. That was a big party
Diarrhea plan on thursday was awesome. Yeah, but um, I caught I caught jp sax in the campground show
on friday a
morning afternoon then portugal the man
Uh noah conn we just talked about the midnight. They sounded awesome. They were probably my biggest find on the line the midnight
um, yeah
the um
What stage they're kind of a they
They were on this tent at like, okay
Around midnight or one o'clock in the morning on friday. All right. I have a lot of questions
I want to come back to you about but go ahead
sure, um
Yeah, so they're a band that you listen to them and you're like
This might not translate that well live because they have a very full sound
You imagine just one guy like a singer and a keyboard player and it's a very full sound so they really executed on that
um wolf pack after that and uh, then I checked out diesel for probably half the set which was you know, just
What was the diesel set like don't make me come down there, right? Yeah, don't make me come down there
I mean, I suspect he hits play and uh
yells funny things for
three hours
But uh, it's very dubstepy but and you know, he plays popular songs and
yells funny things so yeah, um
Um about halfway through it was about 2 30 in the morning and I turned to my friend skyler who I was with
It's like I think we caught everything
So can I can I ask a legitimate question about that?
Because I didn't realize that shack was going to be there till the last minute and I think
Did you just say blad brad hit play?
Is that is he really even doing anything up there or is he just a hype man?
Like is he actually doing anything? I was so far back. It's hard to tell
Um, I couldn't even see him to be honest with you. Um, I was the best hype man ever like he's the most perfect hype man
It's also hilarious. He's hilarious. He's like you want to come on stage with the diesel
That's what we heard
That's why I said that uh people in our camp said all he said was don't maybe come down there and where's my mosh pit
And i'm in that ginormous wingspan kind of thing. So
It was it was much talked about for sure. So
Uh, well, let's uh, let's just go ahead and rip the bandaid off of this. Uh, what do you think about the foo fighters show?
It's by the way
Oh, well, i'm not i'm not how many more days you got what day are you talking about now? Uh,
I just sat here on sunday. I'm just gonna run. All right. Yeah do that
Yeah, he's been very patient
Man me and me and evan love devin gafferly and i'm glad you like that show me and him saw him at the at the mercury lounge
Uh, which is a tiny tiny venue in the city. How was it different on the bigger stage evan?
He was just in a great mood. He looked happy to be there. He brought his brother on stage to sing a song
He was just having a great time. I think most of the set was like the set list was similar but
Um, you could tell he was in a great mood. Yeah
Cory wong after that
Grizz not a big grizz guy, but he put he filled in for rainbow kitten surprise
Um doing the sunset set and that was even covered a few rks songs
Oh, really? Oh, that's nice. There's a nice gesture. There's a nice gesture. That is a nice ode
tip of the cap
The super jam was pretty cool. Um, definitely one of the better ones i've seen
Did you see hansen because i've asked a couple people or did you see hansen because that's what I care about
I would have I technically did but I didn't realize that I was seeing them. They didn't do did they do them bop?
No, they didn't. Yeah
Come on
What other song is somebody going to see hansen for
They got one other one. What is it? I don't remember. Is it boppum?
Yeah, it's called not um bop
Well, i'm glad I didn't see it then oh that really bums me out
Oh, no kidding. I think they did some other smaller set somewhere. I I heard about that, but I don't know for sure
So i'm sure they played it at some point. Wait, wait, you're telling me that hansen did a smaller set somewhere
I think that's right
Well, I know one of the one of the three was part of the uh in the media area, right?
It was part of one of the panels, but I don't I mean that doesn't mean they performed
I thought they did a small set somewhere and there is actually an um bop like 2.0
They re-recorded that song in the last like five years. So there's there's there's that too
So that's a that's a criminal act if they didn't play that 100
You got one job. You nailed it. You got one job
Wow, okay. What else you got evan?
uh my morning jacket I was
Me I was front center in the pit for that one. Really a great show. Yeah
Uh, all right
Was it was it everything that you loved wanted it to be because someone on this, uh in this call
Did not think it lived up to their expectations
They probably could have done a little a little more to make it a little more special
Especially since they're on this whole hype cycle for for um
That that vinyl release sure. Um
But you know, it was a great solid set. Um, I like I know very much who's that someone?
Um, that would be Barry Courter Barry Courter said
Your words were I think their time is over
I may have passed for some is what I said. I like it was we I was I thought it was a little
I said I liked it, but I thought the the the crowd there
It it may have passed for a lot of the people there is what I said. I like it very much. Okay. Okay
It was a fine
It was a fine set, but I thought it was lacking a little oomph too. I saw 45 minutes of it
So I I can't speak to a three-hour show right before you know, we're only being there for they should have done umba 45 minutes
That would have been good and they didn't do i'm amazed which is what you wanted to hear right brian
My my favorite song but I mean who cares what I think well, yeah. Yeah, I mean, I know I thought it was a great set
Okay, but I for having talked to a lot of people, uh,
uh, and especially you mentioned grizz and diesel and
um, you know several of the others, uh odessa
It just i'm not sure it worked for that crowd
That's what there's a lot of energy going on and they didn't have as much energy as you expect and to evan I think great point
Especially on this hype this kind of hype of this record
You I just was hoping for a little bit more, but I didn't think it would was bad. I'm not trying to say
It was not bad. It was just i'm not sure it was what
Some people hoped or wanted but that's all I loved it. I liked it the people I was with loved it. So got it
It was it was great seeing them play past 230 their scheduled time and yes, they went another hour
three hours
To each other and look at each other like oh and they realized that they could play as long as they want and they just
I think we're gonna have that's cool. Yeah, I think we're gonna have a similar commerce conversation about
Foo fighters coming up. Maybe if i'm
Reading what you're going and so and then and then I watched you basically stand in line for the foo fighters all of sunday
Mostly yeah, I
Stepped in for the revivalist pit and then I looped the background and got right back in line for the food fighter. We uh had
Probably at least 12 of us from our group all we all established a camp in line. So uh,
At about three o'clock, I think
Wow, so I just rejoined them. Yeah, okay
Um, how was the now by the way guys, I don't know if you know this but there's not a bigger fan of the revivalist
Than mr. Evan bonnaroo. Uh, how was the revivalist set?
They were good. You guys should see these pictures that evan took of the revivalist
I sent her to zach the other day. Oh, he was over the moon about him great work
Just like billy johan, I mean actual good work I had something to say about it
Great work
I can never say those words again. I think everybody no matter what I say, it's these words never will work ever again
Yeah, I think their um their new record is is really good
Oh, I think they it's so new that a lot of people didn't know the songs
So they probably played half the record. So um
but I I think they are missing a little bit from their original stuff where they would really really jam on stuff because a lot
Me and brad have had this conversation offline where it's a lot of it is just five minutes on five minutes on five
I would like to see them along
You know back to their roots and really
Jam out on a few of their songs and they probably do outside of festival sets
I mean if you if you see them in new orleans at home, they probably do that still to this day
Yeah, I mean i've seen them 20 times probably so
Yeah, definitely
They definitely keep their festival sets pretty tight. Yeah
And you did paramour did you pair what do you think about paramour? Yeah
I I mean I I listened to paramour I was
All the way on the side of the stage. Okay, so I couldn't see it. Okay, but it sounded good
the pit line for paramour this is one of my comments they
They need to fix the what stage pit line. There's no organization there. Uh last year
There was like a stampede situation for stevie nicks
There's they they need someone
Organize that and tell people where to stand and where to sit for for what band because it can get a little dangerous
Evan you're preaching to the choir. It's been like that for a decade
I'll never forget the first time in my life where I felt I was legitimately in danger was
Trying to get into the macklemore pit the first year that they play like right when thrift shop hit
I was literally people were jamming us so badly
that we were lifted off of the ground and
One girl fell and I just as the crowd moved like there's nothing you can do
She I was convinced she was gonna get trampled to death
It is a scary thing when they open that pit and the rush comes in it's it's
quite alarming
Yeah, and like, you know paramour fans are you know die hard?
So it depends on the band so but you know having a band like paramour play right before the foos
It was it was mayhem really
So they they could really do with a little better organization on that front. I agree. I don't I don't disagree
All right, can I jump?
The fighters. Yeah
What do you got barry?
I was I was I want to ask evan about the plazas because as you said that's sort of he's he's the you know
especially you were out there in group and uh
Russ and I talked earlier god bless, uh, uh, daniel and charlotte. I mean I can't imagine
Doing all the work they did and you were so much work my god work. I'm exhausted. I bitched about setting up camp
I I me too and I went half way through I just say barry just do the rest. I'm done. I'm done. I can't yeah and and
You know russ and and brian and I did two interviews and you know
it's so stressful making sure we're there on time and hooking up I can't imagine what all they did but uh
So what was that? I mean you you actually still evan saw a lot of shows in center room
So talk about the plazas a little bit. What was it like out there?
Yeah, so I I was so so damn busy I but um
So I the only campground show I saw was like kingfish because they were just walking by us
Or I was walking to the bathroom. So they were they had a stage at the cracker barrel there
And then I saw the jp sax show. Um, I also caught uh, iam bonnaroo david bruce
I went to his portrait session over there. How was that? Um, love that guy
Yeah, I mean he's he's a great guy. Um, it was
You know, he takes three photos of you and sets you up all nice. So we'll see that's great. I got okay
I came by and camped out butter on sunday was saturday saturday evening, right?
Yeah, yeah, we're gonna have him on the show to talk about that. That's such a great story. Yeah, that's great
So wait before before you go any further, what was the cracker barrel thing like?
So they had a cracker boat they had like giant versions of
like their game like the peg game and uh, like uh cornhole and stuff and then they also had um
Every morning they gave out free tacos
Like pancake tacos. Wow. There's a massive there's a massive line every morning and not a biscuit
I was gonna I was convinced there's gonna be nothing biscuits
Yeah, that's what I would have guessed too that's great. Okay good for you. That's a great that's a great connection by the way
I didn't like years ago. They had the waffle house truck. I uh, I don't know
What I would I go for like what do you rank?
higher the waffle house truck or
Cracker barrel experience over over cracker barrel. Really?
I don't know if I agree with that
Depends on the time of day. It really does. It really does two different worlds really does
Any other plaza stuff
All right, any other plaza stuff? I just have to say they were super supportive because we had a a couple different
We have like a couple dj events. We did a trivia thing. I think there was a speed dating thing as well
So they've been so those were on our schedule and they were super accommodating
Um, I think Bonnaroos become a lot more supportive of having the community make its own events
So gotta give it seems that way. Yeah, it seems that way
Question. Yeah, especially since we got there now on Tuesday morning. So
Otherwise, we got nothing to do for anything to do and have to yeah
Yeah, hey, what about what about getting in? Did anybody have any complaints or uh,
Comments about the the tiered system getting in different days different times, etc
Did anybody have any major you were there a month ago, I mean, uh, you know
Well, of course, I don't go in the normal ga entrances, but no I had no trouble at all getting in
Um, yeah, yeah, it just goes back. I think the worst I heard was
Everything this year was seamless. It was perfect. We you know, no, no, how long did you wait evan?
Getting in on Tuesday zero zero minutes zero minutes
Jesus, okay
Well, you have to think about it
There used to be six like a six hour time period that everyone would get there on wednesday and now they've expanded it for
Yeah, 12 hours tuesday 12 hours wednesday and then beyond that so it's got they've quadrupled the the entering amount of time
So that's spreading out and you could go online and they kind of predicted
You know, these are what we predict to be the peak hours and so you could kind of adjust, you know, so yeah
I mean
The good news is it seems to have worked and it doesn't seem to have mattered to people. I I didn't
I mean, I wondered about people showing up on Tuesday. Like you said, well, what are you gonna do?
But then you've got people like you and rus who this is great. You know, I mean that would have been a nightmare for me
uh, but obviously you guys, you know made it work and and uh others did too, so
Cool. Yeah
I like the tuesday entry because you actually get to hang out with all the people that you've been talking about this for a year
Because otherwise if you get there wednesday night then this music starts immediately and then you're you're trying to see all disney world
And so and one day we kind of hit on that a little bit last week and and again it goes back to the whole community thing
Russ and I I never had any trouble hooking up with people. I mean I saw everybody I wanted to see
Yeah, um, but that was just so interesting that you know, you get to see the people you want to see in the whole community thing
and I and I want to bring this up before we
With brian because and and brad I kind of hinted at it before but it was such a weird year
That's not the right word. Um
Brian this was a year first year for you and you've been very public talking about it
I know you don't mind talking about it, but this
You're sober
Right. This was a really sober
bonnaroo and not just for you but
People in our camp and I had two or three people come up to me at various times and say
Man, I've never been here when there are so many people
not just
Whatever blottoed. I don't know. I don't want to understate it overstate it. Whatever, but it was just a different vibe
Right. And so I kind of wanted to let you talk about
attending for the first time in 20 years
Uh with literally a different head right a different
Right a different. Yeah. No, yeah. No, absolutely. I won't uh spend too too much time on it
but I mean it it was different to a certain degree but
Take a take out 2002
Three four five. I'm very young at that time and do you know and have no
filter whatsoever
Um, but really, you know late into the 2000s and on
Yeah, I drink a lot at night once the evening was winding down, but I really didn't during the day
So like the daytime was not really different at all for me
But I've been a regular drinker my entire life and I put an end to that
With medical help earlier this year
And I was concerned about it
Just like I've been concerned about a lot of things that I used to do and and pleasantly surprisingly finding out that
That life goes on and it goes on pretty well and pretty damn good without it
And we did have another campmate terra who's now a couple years sober
Um, and it it really is almost a trend
I don't know if sweeping the nation but of of you know, na beers are more prevalent where you go
Mocktails are all the rage
Um, that's just all coincidental and circumstantial that this has happened at the time that I'm deciding to do it
I really really embraced it and and and I've embraced the whole thing and
Uh, the sober people shout out to them camp show sober who they do
Shows all across the country, right? I don't know if this is their biggest gathering or not, but I spent some time with them
It's um
Something I never thought was possible
Not only is it possible. It's actually it's pretty easy
It's actually really easy and that makes it that much more enjoyable and fun to talk about sometimes
I know I can you know, choose somebody's ears off if if you if you let me
Um, but I it was a it was a very much different experience macro overall
But from a day to day at four o'clock on a saturday
Yeah, yeah, really wasn't that much different
But um, it made the night time certainly a different dynamic
But uh, I wouldn't change it for anything and I remember every day
Yeah, there you go weekend every bit of it and that is so great
That is so great because so many of those other shows
Brad you mentioned something or you're on your way to taking a dig or I don't remember what you were saying earlier this hour
Yeah, so many was the show good the hell do I know if the show is anything?
Did I have fun yes, I had fun was the show good
I don't know brian i've seen some of the things you've done at bonnaroo. It's it's okay that you've forgotten them
It's okay. You don't remember most of them. I will not disagree with that. I will not disagree with that
I brought it up because obviously it's a big it's a big uh part of brian's life now
But I I brought it up because it was a big part of bonnaroo
Brad I mean it wasn't just
Brian and I talking about it. It came up many many times with a lot of different people
It's a it's a different that's not to say there weren't people there. You know doing what we're accustomed to
Bombed out of their head everywhere and god bless them and good for you
That's the right place as i've always said I I wish I did drugs because that's the right place to do them
Is it I just don't you think it has something to do that the weather was better?
Because most of the time when you hear some of this this crashing and burning is is because it's gotten so hot
One year is not enough to to say
Uh, but I mean like I said it wasn't just in our camp it came up several times
Uh, our friend nate came by and he's like i've never seen so many sober people and
Here and and we had a conversation about that
So I don't know, you know next year could be completely different
But uh, I just thought it was worth mentioning and I don't know evan if you saw that out in the in the plazas or not
I can promise you evan did not see that. It was a little different. I bet it was a little different
Well, just to say what you're saying brian, uh, I think on a
Nationwide scale. I think i've definitely seen more
um, you know mocktails and non-alcoholic stuff so
um definitely on that front
I think there is definitely a trend going around
And the other thing to add to that is that mental health is such a convert part of the conversation these days and they and they kind
Of go hand in hand and they go together very much
they go together so it was it was really interesting to see it be part of the festival and and
And I just wanted to mention it and uh, I know and brian i'm i'm very proud of you
You've been very public about all of this and uh, so I wanted to bring it up
Let's not forget. I mean it is something to applaud brian for but let's also remember brian loves attention
So whatever but this is good attention. He's gonna love it. This is good attention and good for you. So all right
Yeah, yeah, that's rich brad
Especially coming from brad pot con metal black that one. Yeah. Okay. Don't know what you're talking about. Mr. Humble over here
And one other thing I know we've been live on this and and I know russ is monitoring it
We do we have comments anything worth reading we got questions
I sent you the comments. Yeah, you've not been reading. I know and I told you I looked I looked at him in my
Don't don't ask don't ask dad to do anything. I'm not clicking over because last time I did all I could hear was youtube
Cat videos so you guys don't need to hear that. So i'm asking you do we do we have any or no?
Well, why you look at that?
What i'm asking you
Oh my god, one job one job. I sent you one job. You have one job
We've got 22 people watching don't make me come down there
All right, this is quite literally you're basically reading our text thread right now. Yeah, uh, it's going back and forth
I'm just sitting here like I don't know
I have no idea killing me
All right, taco you want to go ahead with these so we can get these out of the way. Let's hear some comments
Yeah, okay. Can't wait. Yeah, can't wait
So excited never mind, all right
I'm telling you is kis. Eric taker. You're gonna read him read what?
I just said let's hear some comments. Let's hear them read them
So, uh evan, uh, tell me about the foo fighters, uh, let's say anything right now
And you're the you're the biggest foo fighter fan on the planet. I want your unadulterated review of foos at roux for the first time ever
Yeah, um
Um, I so I was in the pit for I was dead center about eight people back. Um, we had a big bunch of us
the show energy wise was
The the show energy was on first is incredible
Is this is taco locked? I know I know that we're
You think time is locked up?
Kendrick for me was very mad. I'm reading comments. That's what you asked me to do
Oh, well, we're talking about evan about foo fighters now. We'll hang on to the comments. We'll get to the comments
When did this thing go off the rails so bad? Well, you read the comments
Okay. All right evan to continue
You're sure you're the two fights
Yeah all the way through. Um, it was a great show. I know
Kind of a similar thing to my morning jacket. I would have liked to see
Them do something a little special for boner. Brad. We've had this conversation three or four times offline already
Um, but i've heard like I had other friends in other areas
They were like i've never seen so much energy all the way through the back of the crowd
It probably helps that everyone in that crowd knows every single song that they play
So they only played two hours and we were probably expecting a little more from that
There's probably a number of reasons for that
They they're getting back on their feet with the new drummer
So they don't have I think they have a pretty limited scope of what they can fool around with
Let's see
Um, I think they're also going to try to keep their their tour their tour schedule is brutal
Tour there's tour schedule is brutal and they're getting up there
so I think you know playing two and a half hours every night instead of three and a half is
Probably a better decision. Um, especially since they caught a little bit of uh,
Uh caught a little bit of shit. Well, I mean they they did I mean they did have hailey come out
I mean that is something special for you know, four lines of the course. So that was something
Um, but it is if you look at and I know we talked about this earlier brian about uh,
You didn't go to the show last night. So what is you know tonight's set list matter?
It is the exact same set list every night and and to the point that the foo fighters show of bonnaroo
Was the shortest set that they've played this entire run. Uh, that's the most startling part
Coming down they had to quit
there was that is the notable thing that that we knew all day that there was going to be a storm and as soon as they
They turned off
There was an exodus of bonnaroo and there was massive lightning almost immediately. It was that quickly it was it really it was that
On top of the media. Okay. All right. Okay
Okay, then i'll go to my second piece my second nit to pick
Um, there wasn't one time where and I don't know why I expected this, uh, but I sort of did for some reason
In not one mention of it being their first time ever playing bonnaroo
And saying wow, I can't believe we haven't done this yet. Nothing like that. That was really surprising to me
The whole set's rehearsed from what I can tell though. I'm a huge and evan i'm a huge
Even the jokes are i'm a huge foo fighters, uh fan. The whole set was rehearsed and that was a little disappointing to me as well
But i'll just you know that I wasn't there
I've only watched it since I left right as it started and I thought i'd regret that
I don't regret missing that show i've seen them seven eight times. So it's not that big a deal to me
Um, I think what are some of our expectations would have fit the 2021 show a lot. Yes. Yes. I agree
It's a great point. I mean, I I don't know if I heard this right
But um, I think dave at some point during the show this year was like
We'll come back next year and play the what he didn't say it right, but he was like we'll play where in the woods next year
So I think that was a little nod to you know him hinting that they had something special planned in 21
Yeah, I don't know man. I mean he also he also says that every show we got a lot of songs
We're gonna be here all night and they're not uh, so how would he know about how would he know about the the wood stage though?
Well, I was I was totally convinced uh based on a few comments here and there from people that I trust that
there was going to be something happening in 2021 that he uh
That they were going to do and I think that your point is exactly right about our expectations for this year
Really are the expectations that met 2021 that we never actually got to fulfill
So you're probably right about that. I'm probably holding over all of those things that I thought about then
Um and using them for a day in time that is completely different
Um, not only do they have you know, it's basically a different band
But uh, you're right
They are getting older and they're packing on these shows that are they doing what are they doing 60 dates?
Uh, they've got a lot of a lot of tour dates that and they can't just keep going in three hours deep every night
There's and and it's
sustainability there
In 21 they were scheduled on a friday night, too
That's that is a different than the sunday night there bonnar is kind of get they're done on sunday night
Once that final sets get the hell out. Yeah, we kind of talked about that
You got staff and all that that we don't consider unions and all that they got to move on to
who knows and
Also, the routing of their schedule is insane. Right? They've been to europe twice in the past month
Oh my god
Yeah, wasn't he?
He was uh with the pretenders right?
Like four days later or something with mccartney girl, they played the atlantis then went to germany
Then got him back for bonnar and they went then a week later. They went to glassenbury. So they're they're routing of these
schedules growing jesus that's unbelievable and the the fact that they would do that atlantis show that we went to
Uh is so incredible because they basically did it for free. So they did all of this jumping
Oceans only for a free show for 400 of us. Um, it's totally crazy
Uh, all right. Do we want to settle so?
So you you still loved it though. You still loved it as a foo fighters
It was yeah for me personally it it kind of sealed the deal on probably the top artists that I want to see up on
Um, so it was kind of like the last real checkbox for me. There's really nobody else. Huh? There's nobody else that's on the wish list
Probably mayor on a solo show, but uh, there's probably a long shot on that. Okay. Yeah. All right
Uh brian is there anybody on your wish list that you've never seen?
I was exactly I know a very good thing that as you see. Yeah, I was just thinking that as you said it and
I mean other than I I immediately flashback to the 2020 lineup, which is the greatest festival lineup in the history of all festivals
Miley Cyrus is never going to be on a wish list of mine that I just make out real quick
But boy, I was looking forward to that, you know three years ago
But for me personally just for music that i've i've listened to my whole life
They've damn near all been there
I mean, it's pretty damn close to literal that they've all already been there. Is there somebody sure i'm not going to think of it quickly
Well, I mean for me and barry it's dolly, but um, you know, that's a pretty easy easy putt, uh, and even even if she
Taylor i'd like i'd like to see that work swift. I really would like to see that. She won't make any money at bonnaroo
I know well, that's the thing is that the people on my list is bonnaroo
Where I want to see him van morrison
You know, I don't I don't want to see van morrison bonnaroo. He's gonna be pissed off. He'd be miserable. He'd be so miserable
I hate it. I know it'd be awful. Uh, yeah, I don't that's a good question. I don't know
Yeah in 20 years, they've covered it for me almost and again, i'm sure there's somebody i'm not thinking of yeah
Let me add so I mentioned I gotta read uh, dan park commented and uh, thanks for commenting
He said the says the podcast where half of them I assume he means half
Weren't there and one left for a kitty cat geez
So he's talking about you not being there and me leaving because I had to go home and put my cat down because it was 18 years old
And dying so you're not wrong. You know, I I we weren't there. I agree but whatever that's what happened
Well, there was there was 16 years before that that uh,
Spent plenty of time and paid the dues still think I know what i'm talking about. Yeah, and I was there for a month, you know
Yeah, and i was there for the entire time. Yeah, so he just got home yesterday. Yeah
He mowed the grass on his way out
I feel okay. I feel okay about it for his force gump there
Yeah locked up the gate so
Both the grass on the way out. Yeah, um
That's so good. Uh, anything else you want to uh poke out there barry any other comments before we go?
No, I think we covered everything. Okay. We still have a lot to talk about
We want to have david bruce on we want and he's got another to go
No, no, we have more to talk about and he had another uh
Uh person he shared with us that we want to have on and uh, so we have a lot of shows
So we have a lot of shows so
One one other real quick experience, uh from this weekend that i've never done and never thought after this year
I would have done. Uh, I think it's at the art of living. I did a uh, guided meditation while I was there
Brad seriously, I know I know i'm stunned. I'm stunned then when I see you on a yoga mat
That's when i'm gonna be i'm telling you it's over. It was a different briar for me. It was a different brine stone
I mean i'm i'm the same old
Jerk dumb weird guy you've ever met but i'm also not as bad
Yeah, you actually are kind of interesting to speak with every now and then so that that's different
I wouldn't go that far. Yeah
I said every now and then I don't know about all this has gotten a little crazy. No, we had a great
It was a great great weekend
Yeah, I loved it. I absolutely loved it. Good. Well, i'm so happy to see you brian evan. I'll see you in an hour
Uh barry taco for all that uh joined us on the uh live show leaving are you leaving?
Yeah, it's time to go. It's time to wrap up
We're not gonna do a bus update
Nothing like that. Oh, that's right. I wanted to ask
I wanted to ask that evan did you get all your did you say everything you wanted to say?
Yeah, we're not done
We kind of talked over and I said feel like you okay good
We're done good because I I heard all I wanted to hear I was done
But I do want to hear about the bus. Yeah taco real quick get up in the guts. Tell me about the uh, but
What's going on? We just got back from st. Louis late last night with an engine in tow
We trailered it all the way back from st. Louis
Okay, so um, so now you put the you put the engine back in the bus and then you head back to manchester
That's right. Yeah, we're gonna have it done just for bonnaroo. Yeah
Okay, uh
No, he literally called
I was hoping to have it ready for bonnaroo this year and he literally called me monday morning as I was like packing up
And said, uh, it's pretty much done. So come get it
So great in time. Yeah
You're happy with it
Everything looks okay. I don't know what i'm talking about when I talk about this
So i'm just gonna say something generic everything good. I sent a picture of it to you. What do you think?
I know but I don't know what i'm looking at
Is literally a engine on a on the floor, that's right. I guess you'll know once you once you get it in
Yeah, we're gonna we're gonna slap it in here real soon. I i'm gonna say next next week or so
My man. All right, look for some updates there
I can't wait. Are you wearing a pringles t-shirt? This is this is the this is my bonnaroo t-shirt that I bought from uh, jello man
I'm telling you is it was it not a free shirt? This one was not
It was 20 bucks guys and it came with the jello shot
I'm telling you this is the big news of the day taco's wearing a shirt that was not given to him for free
I bought two shirts. What do you mean? Did you really what's the other shirt that you bought the bonnaroo shirt?
You saw it last week. Oh, that's the last week shirt
All right
Because every other shirt that you've ever had is a promo shirt that somebody gives you and it's now part of your immediate wardrobe forever
Speaking of this other this uh bonnaroo shirt look at uh evans. I'm a gene and willy
Uh, 80 shirts
Yeah, that's a good one. Uh
All right. I gotta go. I spent 20 on a jello shot and got the shirt for free
My man. Yeah
Yeah, inexpensive jelly shot
I've lost you really? Yeah. Well
Welcome to welcome about 10.08 for me, uh
You guys are done
Taco it is time to go. Why we never got to we never got to the riveting comment section. What about the comments?
Barry read the one great comment. Yeah, and he was right. He's I mean the one that trashes you too
Uh, what else is there? I was kidding. I don't care about the comments. I don't know anybody's sitting around waiting for them to read comments
I don't know. I'm not either. Well, what are you in such a hurry to go do? What do you gotta do?
It is 11 11. It is time to go taco. We've been here for 70 minutes 71 minutes plenty of content
I got a lot. What's the rest of your day plan?
Evan we do this every week if you're interested. Yeah, I can't imagine why you would be
Right and brad brad, this is a taste of your own medicine from taco here every time back in the day
I gotta go. What do you got? What are you gonna do?
Yeah, what do you what is so important? You gotta be at
I don't know something not with you brad
Well, it's something not silly
Evan and I Evan I go dive bar hopping every day every saturday around about now
So we gotta go go love you guys standings go to standings and hate on the meds for me. I will absolutely every day
Love you guys. Thanks for joining us on the youtube. I appreciate the the youtube comments. I'm sorry rip
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