The Outeroo Plaza lineup is officially out, and Brad, Barry, and Lord Taco of The What Podcast are here to help break it down. From the Pride Parade with Big Freedia and Cimafunk and drag artist Twink Trash (in Tennessee, mind you), to the Hogslop String Band and Sonalee Rashatwar (The Fat Sex Therapist), the trio look at the "big step forward" for the Plaza programming. Elsewhere in the episode, Barry and Lord Taco talk about a surprising new Bonnaroo connection to Star Wars: Lizzo and Jack Black guest star on The Mandalorian (hint: Brad didn't watch it).
The crew also explore some of the voicemails they've started to receive from their Bonnaroo ticket giveaway, which features listeners' favorite Bonnaroo stories and memories. Want a chance at nabbing those free passes for yourself? All you need to do is call (423) 667-7877 (that's HAD-MOR-RUSS) and leave a voicemail about why you love Bonnaroo, any standout stories, or why you want to go this year. The best voicemails will be played on the show, and one winner will take home the grand prize. For more details, visit
Listen to The What Podcast discuss the Outeroo lineup here, and you can also watch the full discussion via YouTube. And while you're at it, do us a solid by liking, reviewing, and subscribing to The What wherever you get your podcasts.
00:00 | Intro |
00:32 | Coachella Week 1 |
02:55 | Lizzo and Jack Black in Star Wars |
07:20 | Outeroo Lineup Released |
20:10 | Voicemail 1 |
31:38 | Voicemail 2 |
36:42 | Voicemail 3 |
40:55 | Stories about Brad |
47:18 | Outro |
A grab bag of Bonnaroo goodness today.
Welcome into the What Podcast.
We have Plaza news.
The outer line up is out.
We dive head first.
Set the table for Coachella Weekend 1.
And play some of your voicemails.
All in an effort to find our 2023 Bonnaroo winner.
All that and Barry twerking today on the What Podcast.
Barry, Lord Taco, Brad Steiner.
It starts soon.
Right now.
You're always trying to do your best.
Don't worry about what happens next.
Because it never ends.
It just begun.
We crash in two.
We set it on.
So gather round and tell everyone.
We're ready for anything.
Hey, how was your Easter?
Oh, it's going to be one of those days.
Happy 60 some odd days to Bonnaroo.
And Brad, it's Barry, Lord Taco.
Welcome into the What Podcast.
A big week this week.
A lot of news to get through.
And voicemails to play for you.
It could mean Bonnaroo tickets.
If you haven't submitted a voicemail, it's very simple.
Just call Hadmore Russ.
Dial on your pad.
And leave us a voicemail.
Tell us the Bonnaroo story.
And it could mean Bonnaroo tickets for you.
Barry, Taco, how are you, kids?
I'm great.
Glad we cleared that up.
So let's start with the big news this week.
We'll get to the plazas here in a second.
I want to start with we're Coachella Week.
How are you celebrating Coachella Week 1, guys?
Man, better than last year.
But similar.
What were you doing last year?
Did you watch any of the streams from last year?
You know what?
I think I did, actually.
I'll probably drop in on some of those.
Yeah, it's interesting that people do that.
I love it.
I know we kind of got used to it, yeah, during the pandemic.
And it gives you a look.
But it's different, isn't it?
It does feel like the first, it's our opening salvo.
It's like the opening ceremonies to festival season.
And it gets us a little bit into it.
The problem is, it's like the lineup for Coachella.
I'm just not a big fan of.
So when I see the livestream schedule, I don't know if it's out yet or not
as of this recording.
But man, I love the Coachella livestream.
They do a great job with it.
Yeah, they do a nice job.
It's just an interesting thing to me because I'm like,
before all these festivals came online, you know,
would I have watched this, it's kind of fun to put on in a background
kind of thing.
And then we had live festivals and then we got these opportunities
because we couldn't meet.
So I'm still a little bit sort of conflicted,
but they have gotten way better at how they present them.
Really, really good.
And then there was this news.
I don't know if you saw it on Variety, but a few weeks ago,
they said that it's going to be free on YouTube through 2026.
One of my favorite things to do is sort of like live text our buddy,
Nick Turner, while we're watching the Coachella livestream.
I just wish that I had the schedule and I don't know if they posted
it anywhere.
Boy, it really does feel like the first entry or first step into
festival season.
And it gives you a little preview of the shows that you're watching.
And was it the year that Lizzo was supposed to play and then she played
the Coachella and I watched on the livestream and I had friends of mine
saying, wow, if that's the show that we're about to get,
then I'm really, really excited about it.
So keep an eye on that livestream schedule that comes sometime this week
so you can get a little taste of what Bonnaroo may just be like for you.
Let me ask you this, because you brought it up,
and I know you probably don't watch because it's trendy and popular.
Mr. Belvedere.
Have you seen the Mandalorian episode with Lizzo?
I just watched that the other day.
I was going to bring that up, yeah.
Lizzo's in Star Wars.
I know Brad doesn't, yeah, because, you know, it's cool.
He's the cool kid that doesn't watch anything that everyone else is watching.
But what do you think?
I have not spent, and Taka knows this about me,
I have not spent one second with Star Trek and Star Wars.
I just can't do it.
Part of why I brought it up is so you don't have to say that out loud.
That's not me being cool kid.
I'm not being cool kid.
Yes, it is.
It's 100% you being cool kid.
What do you think, Taka?
I don't do well with space stuff.
I don't do well with space stuff and fantasy things, I'm sorry.
Well, then let me talk about space stuff.
So Lizzo was in there.
I would love for you to.
Okay, she was a guest with Jack Black.
Jack Black.
They played like a king and queen.
And Lizzo, I love Lizzo.
She's not the most experienced actor.
She was kind of like, looked like she was reading her lines, you know, kind of off screen.
I love Mandalorian.
I thought it was a little...
It's a cartoony show, 100%, but I thought it was a little too cartoony.
But I did want to ask about it.
It's great.
This one, yeah.
And then they shoved Christopher Lloyd in there out of nowhere.
You're like, okay.
So in one episode, they've got Lizzo, Christopher Lloyd, and Jack Black all guest starring.
These like minor bit roles.
Wait, so what is Jack Black doing on the show?
He was playing a king.
He was like a king.
I think he was a king of a planet.
And he and Lizzo were in love, so they were like the king and queen.
Well, that's how you know it's realistic.
Yes, yes.
Just like in real life.
Lizzo's our queen.
Jack Black is our king.
It was like a detective episode.
It was almost like watching an episode of CSI Miami or something, you know, because it was like there's a mystery,
and they got to go talk to people and solve the mystery.
And then it was almost Scooby-Doo-ish.
I don't know if I should spoil it, but you know, like the end, it's like, oh, of course it was this guy.
Did somebody's mask get ripped off at the end?
Yeah, if it weren't for these dreadful kids.
Pretty much.
If it weren't for these awful kids, we would have.
I had no idea.
It's very interesting.
That's why I brought it up.
It was a fun little episode.
Yeah, it was a big surprise.
You're right.
Christopher Lloyd, I forgot about that.
I don't see any sort of like a by the way, I'm excited about the Chris talk about Christopher Lloyd because it allows me to talk about Back to the Future ever, ever.
It's my favorite movie of all time.
But they're about doing they're about to do a Back to the Future play on Broadway here.
And every now and then I keep getting pictures of random Christopher Lloyd sightings in the city.
And all every time it's just like crazy old man walks down street.
It looks like the weirdest like in the wild Christopher Lloyd moment that you can find.
God, I love him.
See, that's so funny.
That's a zeitgeist thing.
I've heard a lot of people your age that love Back to the Future.
I liked it.
It's not that movie for me.
So but that's a that's an age thing.
It's good.
I love it.
And honestly, the story of how it was made is just as fascinating as the movie.
Really when you realize that it was like they did half the movie without what's his name and they did a whole nother movie without him.
And then they had to start it all over again when they fired the first actor.
Eric Stoltz was the first Marty.
Eric Stoltz shot like 60 to 80 percent of it with Eric Stoltz.
And then they said, this isn't working.
And then they brought in Michael J. Fox.
Watching some of those clips back.
You're right. Oh, yeah.
It doesn't work. This sucks.
It was the right call.
The Mandalorian thing would have gone right past me.
But I'm glad we covered it in such fine fashion here on the podcast.
Really? Yeah.
We dug deep. Tune in next week.
We'll talk about Star Galactica.
Talk Lizzo and Star Wars franchises.
Tune in next week.
Boba Fett.
So Bonnaroo's big announcement this week was they came up with the plazas, the outer roof schedule.
And you've got a lot of D.J.
Mel. And then it starts on Thursday with what I originally read as propagation with cheese.
But it's actually propagation with Salas, Salis.
I'm sorry, Salis, not like cheese.
Zed's dead, though.
It does look like cheese.
But Zed's dead is the big Thursday night news.
And then you get into Friday and, you know, I'm not really familiar with anybody other than JP Sax.
Which odd pick for a plaza considering he's sort of like a more of a.
I don't know. I just don't think that's going to be very hype as the as the RooHamms would call it.
I don't really know like how JP Sax is going to fit on a Friday plaza.
But then Saturday is the big one.
Paris Jackson, the Beths and the Moss.
I love the Moss and then our old friend Devin Gafillion doing something.
And then to me, the real eye opener is the Bob Moses Club Set.
Bob Moses does a ton of club sets here in New York.
In fact, they're doing like like there's like this huge Bob Moses party that is some sort of like underground warehouse party every single year when like spring hits here in New York,
which, boy, I would I would do anything to get that Bob Moses Club Set.
That to me is the is the eye opener.
Let me go back.
OK, on Thursday, Pride Parade with Big Freedia.
Oh, yeah, I totally forgot about the Big Freedia thing.
Yeah, that's going to Pride Parade.
I mean, you know, we don't do a whole lot of politics, but my beloved state.
And I say that with a, you know, whatever, because we have been in the news for all the wrong reasons here lately.
This is a this is a reaction to what's been happening here in Tennessee.
So Big Freedia is going to lead a Pride Parade, which I'm thrilled, thrilled to see.
That'll be a lot of fun.
I'm first of all, I'm thrilled to see a parade come back because I always felt like that was such a huge part of the early Bonnaroo's.
Yeah. And this one, this one with a mission.
And then just to say it while I'm talking, the Beths, our our buddy Parker's got to be thrilled.
The best Saturday lineup.
But he's immaculate, immaculate, immaculate.
Well, I think the fun thing about the Pride Parade with Big Freedia is that, yeah, there's the political stuff that swirls around it.
But boy, there's not a more fun bounce party than you're going to find on the planet.
Then with this Big Freedia, I want I want Barry to bounce.
What a great way to really kick off the week.
This is yeah, man, the rough.
And then the Freedia came to Chattanooga, too, right?
I think I saw her with Hillary.
Yeah, you did. Yeah, you're going to throw your back out, Barry.
You're going to throw your back out.
Well, this is this is our you know, what is it we said last week even, don't go hard first day.
And that's going to be there's trouble already.
Well, I know that which means, yeah, what am I going to do?
I think I'll take part of this for a second. Yeah, sure. I know it's I know it's not Manchester, but Justin Jones, who just got kicked out of the expelled, sorry, expelled from the Tennessee State House by the Republican supermajority.
Isn't he from Nashville? Isn't he the representative from Nashville?
I wonder if you get a Justin Jones pop into Bonnaroo.
I imagine there's going to be a lot of photo ops, which is unfortunate because Bonnaroo has done such a great job of not sort of getting there.
But then they do it not politically, you know, it's not been photo op type things, which is part of why I think you and I think they step in to politics when they need to at the right time.
I do. But it's not been the photo op thing in my maybe I'm wrong.
I've never felt it. But this feels like it's sure going to be.
That's all right. Something needs to be done.
Yeah, 100 percent.
I'm glad I'm glad you mentioned that because I did kind of just go right past that and missed the Big Freedia conversation, which means Big Freedia is going to be there multiple days.
And if Big Freedia is there multiple days, I would love for her to pop up into random shows throughout the weekend. I don't know, like during Kendrick Lamar or if, you know, Fleet Foxes has a moment where Big Freedia needs to come up and start doing some twerking.
I'm in. I want all of that.
I hadn't thought about it this way until we're just now talking. But again, there may be a whole lot of these sort of photo op things because of what's been happening. So I'm not sure how how I feel about that yet.
Something needs to be said and done.
100 percent agree. It's just Bonnaroo has always managed to except for some occasions. You know, the Bruce Springsteen, if you remember, I was just talking about this the other day when he was there was prior to the Obama's first election.
And his whole set was about the working man. So it was very political. But that's him.
Well, wait a second. Pearl Jam has done all Pearl Jam. Eddie Vedder always has something to say.
No, but OK, I see what you're trying to say. But Bonnaroo's never had a problem doing politics. And they've chosen the right moments to step in and make their brand's values a part of the overall political conversation.
I don't think they've been afraid of that. I don't think they've chosen the right times to do it.
OK, fair enough. Yeah, you're probably right. I don't know. This one. I don't know. Like I said, I haven't probably thought it all the way through.
And frankly, and frankly, and frankly, I think that they should be over the top about at least the pride part of it, because you know what they're trying to do in Tennessee and remove just basic drag shows and is so bat shit crazy nonsense.
You're right. I'm trying to figure out like where Justin Jones's district is because I was thinking Jackson, but it may be I may be wrong.
I don't know how far out. I mean, it's definitely an action between Nashville and Memphis. Oh, really? No, it's definitely Nashville.
Anyway, point that I'm making is that I wonder if we're going to get some of the state reps that got expelled from the state.
You're right. You're right. And I'm wrong. I mean, even last year we had our mayor was there to give Isaiah Rashad the key to the city.
You're right. I guess I'm just maybe thinking it hasn't felt like it's come from Bonnaroo. It's come from the artist.
But you're right. They have. They certainly haven't shied away. Well, when it fits when it fits into the brand values of inclusion, it's the brand.
Sure. And I think this does. And I'm glad you're doing the parade. That's what I said. No, I agree. Let's see.
What else is on this outer room Plaza schedule, which I feel like this is very vast, very thick, very well done.
I'm quite impressed. As we've said in the last couple of years, they've really put a lot of effort into these.
And it's become the kind of thing where you could really just kind of stay near your own campsite and have a great time.
So well, there's one thing I do want to sort of flashlight on for a second.
And I need a taco to, you know, pull up the dictionary for us. What is twink trash?
I saw it just now. Can we say it on the podcast?
So you want me to poison my own Google history rather than you.
I need to. I'm going to work computer, my friend. I'm going to work computer.
I like it. I saw that thing.
By the way, by the way, that is an experience. That is an experience, mind you, and not an artist.
I don't know. But if you called it called me that, I think my feelings would be hurt.
Is that before or after you see Grundle head? I know. I love it. I love it.
Or the bottom knocks. It's funny.
Twink trash is an opera singing drag artist with a stutter.
That's even better.
So one thing I did notice about this outer roof thing, you know, we've talked about it in the past
that we are no longer burdened with the Nashville country experience that was the Grand Ole Opry show,
which I know some people still yearn for and have a soft spot in their heart for.
But we all agree that this the time had run out on the the Opry show. Right.
So to make up for that is the hog slop string band, the hog slop string band.
I'm very, very excited about anything with hog slop in it. Yep.
I know. I know. I know. I didn't even see till just now.
Sonali Roshatwar, the fat sex therapist.
Oh, come on. I wonder if you got to make her reservation.
Oh, man. Stealing my bit. Fat sex therapist.
No, I think it's just it's so fun. It's so diverse and so interesting.
And I actually really find this to be quite impressive.
Do you think that this is I mean, I do.
I think this is a big step forward for them from last year.
Yeah, this is the kind of thing.
This is the kind of thing, right. When you oh, yeah.
You leave and you're riding home, however long ride a ride you have, you think, man, I can't believe I got to see that.
Propagation. Yeah, I went to see, you know, Foo Fighters and I never expected all the stuff that happened in the plazas.
So, yeah, that's that value added.
I mean, that's such a marketing kind of thing.
But those are the kind of things that when you leave, this is why you had such a great time. Right.
The extras. Yeah.
And the other thing, too, is has everybody done and this is a conversation for another day.
But have you done a Google search on each one of these arts and experiences and artists that are on Yadru lineup?
Just in case there is a name that is covering up the fact that Dave Grohl might be popping into one of these things.
Like, is it is is is it grok?
Is that a real thing or is that possibly a name that's just covering up the fact that that's really Dave Grohl?
Yeah, somebody will find it. Yeah. No, I have not.
That's the homework. That's the homework. Do a Google search at each one of these arts and experiences so that we can please.
All right. Then the other thing we get the plazas and the other thing we wanted to get to before we get to our high five this week is some of your voicemails that you've been leaving on had more Russ.
What's the actual number there? Russ, four to three, four to six, seven, seven, eight, seven, seven, seven, eight, seven, seven, which spells out had M.O.R. Russ.
Leave us a voicemail. It could mean Bonder tickets for you.
Jay can't be passed. So you want to play some voicemails so far that we've gotten there, B.C.?
Yeah, let's play a voicemail. But in the spirit of communication, we're not doing a high five this week. We have enough.
So I know you did. But Russ and I talked yesterday. We're not. We don't need guys.
We got plenty of money for another show. We got money.
If only there was like a thing on the Internet where we could post these kind of communications and we could all see them. But anyway, whatever. Let's listen to one of these.
We ask people to call in that number and leave us either your favorite Bonnaroo moment or tell us why you would like to go for the first time.
And so we pulled out about three, I think three of the voicemails and we're going to listen to one now.
And naturally, again, in the spirit of communication, two of the three that I picked don't have names attached.
So we'll just have to hear what comes up. I know. Well, yeah, I can't get it wrong, right?
Yeah. But here we go. Favorite slash most memorable Bonnaroo moment. It would have to be Bonnaroo 2014.
My first Bonnaroo. A lot of memories attached for that one, especially.
But Dirden Elton John said he was playing Rocket Man and somebody in the crowd let loose a Disney Toy Story Buzz Lightyear balloon.
And it seemed like no matter where you were in the crowd at the West stage, everybody just saw it.
I don't know if that's like a Madonna effect. And some people are just remembering a memory that wasn't theirs.
But I was there and I saw it with my own eyes, not under the influence of any substances.
And it was just very, very magical. Everybody together at the West stage singing.
But seeing Buzz Lightyear fly over the crowd, as Elton John said, I'm a Rocket Man was amazing. Very good memory.
That is fantastic because the lineup that year was ridiculed at the time for things like Lionel Richie and Elton John.
And the fact that some of the best memories that we have of that festival was the Lionel Richie show and his with Elton John.
It just goes to show you really don't know where the moments are going to happen. That's why you just got to be there.
Yeah, 100 percent. And it also reminded me of the year and you're better at remembering years when the parachuters jumped out of the airplane.
Oh, that's right. I totally forgot about that.
Yeah, that was one of those moments. I remember I think I was standing next to our buddy, Mike Doer, and I was like, yeah, this is kind of another one of those reminders that this festival is kind of different.
It's kind of cool because I sure didn't see that coming.
I don't remember what year that was, but 2014, I'll never forget because the thing that was circled for me with Big Red Marker was Bobby Womack.
And as a child who or as a dude who grew up on 60s soul and still to this day, that is the thing that I turn to more often than not every day of my life.
Bobby Womack is one of my favorite artists on the planet, and I knew it was going to be the only time I would ever get a chance to really see Bobby Womack.
And it was just like Solomon Burke the year before. It was really one of the more magical shows I've ever seen.
And then turns out he would die two weeks later. So I legitimately saw his very last performance he would ever give.
God, I mean, it still gives me chills. And the weird thing is, Barry, I kind of remember standing there and I think I looked over to the wife at the time and I said, I think this is it.
I think I'll never first of all, never see him again, but I don't know if anyone's ever going to see him again.
It was just such a weird forecasting, but God, it was so great.
That also is the year that if you go way, way, way, way down the line up somewhere in mid afternoon, I don't know, maybe on a Saturday.
Mr. Sam Smith played a tent in mid afternoon. You know, it's just a reminder that you keep going year by year further into the future.
And this lineup, when you look back at it, looks really, really good.
Even at the time, you might say to yourself, oh, this is this sort of sucks. I was also the year, Barry, if you remember the early Sunday show was Janelle Monet.
Yes, I do remember. We were blown away by that show. And in fact, it was the morning after the Lauren Hill show where all of us were like, or at least we were in our group, sort of underwhelmed by the Lauren Hill show.
It was great seeing her, but she was 50 minutes late and just didn't seem like she was there most of the time.
Janelle is one of those that I knew. I think we were doing record reviews at the paper and hers came in and I just fell in love with with it.
And I felt like when I went to that show, I felt like I was probably the only person there who knew who she was.
And then it was packed. And then the show blew me away because it was so put together.
I mean, there's not there was not a movement, a person, a hair or anything out of place. Right.
And both of her shows there have been that way. I love her. I do, too.
It was also the year that was also year I fell in love with my first show that year.
I walked in and I saw King. Oh, God. Oh, God. I just I just blanked on his name.
King Khan, King Khan and the shrines. And the whole time it was like this big, large, fat man, sweaty like crazy scream at how good a sex maniac he was.
It was so fun. God, it was so fun.
But then, you know, I went to see him then later on in the in Atlanta.
And it's just the same show, but just dirtier and nastier. And I fell in love that Bonnaroo that Thursday afternoon.
By the way, is there anything more old timey sounding than record reviews at the paper?
Fair point. And I'm and I say this as the guy with the fax machine. Yeah. Yeah. Fair point.
I've I've been through vinyl. Well, actually, I worked at a record store when cassettes went away and eight tracks went away.
So that's how far back. What was the latest video cassette VHS you got from Blockbuster Barry?
What was the last one you rented? Probably a Christopher Lloyd movie, actually.
Actually, yeah, go ahead. Sorry, Taka. Oh, I have a movie I rented from Movie Gallery back in the day and I never returned.
I still have it on my shelf. And that movie is True Romance.
Love that movie. Love that movie. Yeah.
Hey, what you were saying. Yeah, I'll have that. I'll have that Chesterfield.
I'll have that Chesterfield. Yeah. Well, come over.
I'll watch it on the VHS. One of the great movie lines of all time written by Knoxville, Tennessee, zones, Quinn Tarantino.
That's right. I was going to point out what you were saying about the lineup.
We've been doing it so long. The Elton Johns and the Lionel Richie's.
You get to see, you know, the the legends, but also the discovery ones.
And so, I mean, yeah, that's that's why I like this voicemail so much.
You know, we talked about last year last week about, you know, the moment in the year or the show that really sort of got you into Bonnaroo.
Man, I keep coming back to that 2014 year. That's the year that we saw Kate eat at Waffle House.
That was the year that I refused to go to Nutrimilk Hotel because I went earlier a couple of months before that and cried like a baby.
And I looked around and I said, I cannot do that again.
That was also the year that we saw James Blake.
I love James Blake that year on the big stage.
I mean, the way he just filled up that stage with with God, man, that show was so good.
And then I feel like there was one other 2014 memory that that cut through.
Man, that was a good year. Oh, God, that was a good year.
And then I think about it more.
I'm glad you brought up Waffle House because that reminds me on our trip to St. Louis last week, we stopped at the Manchester Waffle House.
Look at you. Yeah. How was it?
Everything you remember? Everything. Yeah, it was delicious.
Not as not as many shares being thrown this time.
Well, it was earlier in the year.
The sun was still up, right? The sun was up. Yeah.
Yeah. Yeah, there's so many memories.
I mean, the John Prine for me and of course, I've said many times I missed the line of Richie because I'm an idiot.
Yeah, you know, probably probably everybody's top five for sure.
Maybe top three best show ever.
And I sat back at camp trying to make some point, you know.
Oh, my God. That's the other one. I remember, Barry.
I the the most overhyped show I've ever seen a Bonnaroo.
It was because he had not done Bonnaroo yet.
He had done Coachella the year before we anticipated him on the lineup the year before we didn't get him.
We finally got him in 2014.
And this was two years after Channel Orange had come out.
The Frank Ocean show was so underwhelming and it was nothing.
It was not his fault. He came in with huge expectations.
The crowd was out of control.
I've never I don't remember seeing a crowd and feeling is packed into a tent crowd like that.
I've any time at Bonnaroo, that crowd is way too big for a tent.
And the problem is that that Frank is such an understated singer, like he doesn't have a big, powerful voice.
It just, you know, takes over a stage like a Saint Paul in the Broken Bones or or Alabama Shakes.
He's he's sort of a reserved singer and he was sitting down a lot.
And the crowd was so overpowering singing every song, every line, every word that I just I couldn't get it.
I just I couldn't get into anything about that show.
And we had been waiting for that Frank Ocean moment at Bonnaroo for two years.
Really, really disappointed that show.
And I remember leaving early to go see like, I don't know.
I don't even know what we left early for.
But, man, that was a real big disappointment.
The other side of that for me, I mean, I was obsessed with the Macklemore hit.
I don't remember. I can't think of the name of it.
Yeah, but that was that was not 2014.
No, no, no, I'm just talking about you just time out whatever shows that surprised you maybe I guess is when I'm going for.
I mean, I just thought that was such a great thrift shop.
And then so, you know, it's a Sunday afternoon, nothing or Saturday, maybe Saturday after nothing else.
I'm going to go there. Maybe he'll see the hit and I'll see the hit.
That show blew me away and it was packed and he was great and emotional.
That one, I had no, you know, didn't know he had 70 minutes of that.
It was terrific. And then, you know, we're naming names, I guess.
But the opposite is Little Dickie.
I didn't have a huge expectation, but I was looking forward to seeing the hit.
And it was awful. You know, he did what about 10 seconds and he was like, guys, it's a video.
You know, what do you expect? And his hype guy did what half of the show.
So, you know, they're not all home runs.
But the other hand, you get those moments that you just can't get anywhere else.
And that Macklemore was one of those for me. That was that blew me away.
Well, I'm really glad you played that because now I've gotten all these 2014 memories is rushing back.
Let's go to number two. All right. Here we go.
Hey, the What Podcast. My name is Aliyah and my favorite Bonnaroo memory.
I've only been once, but it was for a business trip because my company, well, the company I worked for at the time was doing a like something in center.
We were like doing outreach in center. And my favorite memory is when I had went to go see Peach Pit and there was some guy behind me that just like dropped and come to find out he was like severely dehydrated.
So I have like water and I had like an extra water bottle in my pack and I was like, here you go.
So he was drinking water and then like he was fine. And then like another like like five to 10 minutes passes and he drops again.
And so I had like a bunch of electrolyte packets in my pack and the EMT comes up to me and he's like, holy shit, dude, you got everything in there.
So he starts acting like we have gods. And then like I pull out God and he's like, oh, my God, dude, you're prepared.
And I'm like, well, yeah, I always like to, you know, make sure that I can watch out for others around me.
So I thought that was pretty cool that he just like was randomly just like, oh, so you got God in there. I just pull out God.
But that was one memory. And then my other favorite memory is when I was walking around camp one night and I ran into Hayley Williams from Paramore.
And this was in 2019. And she was like, hi. And I'm like, hi.
And so I was like, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to stare. I said, one, I don't have my glasses in two. I was like, I was pretty sure that was you.
But I didn't want to like, you know, be like, oh, my God, I like freak out. She's like, no, you're fine. It's OK.
So I was telling her about like the nonprofit that I worked for at the time, how we were at Center Roo.
And she was like, I asked her, I was like, hey, like, you know, we have a seminar thing coming up later tomorrow if you want to come and stop by.
And she's like, yeah, I'll have to check it out. And so after I ran into her, I took a picture with her and everything.
And then I went back to my group and I was like, you won't believe who I just met.
So we started talking about it. And then my like my everybody in my camp, it was like 10 of us.
I was like, I just met Hayley Williams and they all started screaming. I'm like, guys, stop, stop, stop.
I was like, I don't want to draw attention to us.
So I was like, by the way, she may or may not be coming to our seminar thing tomorrow.
And our founder, like her face went pale.
And she's like, oh, my God, that means I've got to leave camp because I've got to go to like the New York's like craft store and get a bunch of stuff to make our organization look nice.
Because it was our first year. We really didn't know what we were doing.
So we were like, OK, like we just put up like one banner and that's it.
We had like a handmade banner. It was awful. But it was so funny to us looking back on it now.
And so she ended up coming to our seminar for like half a second.
Yeah, we lost her. But but yeah, at least she at least she showed up.
I mean, that's the that's the headline for me. She showed up. She did what she said.
I like that because both Peach Pit and Paramore coming back for twenty twenty three. Very nice little symmetry there.
I love I love both stories. You never know what you're going to see.
I like, you know, her story is a it's not as funny as your Billy Joel story, but it's still a great story that she gets to tell.
But I also love the first story where and we've said this so many times, you know,
you never know who you're going to meet and what you're going to need and what your neighbor's going to have or what you can have.
You know, I've told the story many times one of my first years when I came back to camp and the guy in the truck next to me had like a camper cover.
And he was trying to reach something way in the back of his truck.
And he's like, man, if I only had like a stick with a hook on it and I pulled out a bamboo stick with a hook on the end, I said like this.
And he's like, oh, my God, this stick is a big, long, huge, huge stick.
Yeah, had a weird hook on it. Yes.
But but he was like, oh, my God, that's perfect.
I was like, yeah, I, you know, I have a truck, so I understand.
But I love that part of it, you know, come prepared.
You never know. And be prepared to help your neighbor.
Never thought to bring gauze. I know, right?
No, but I think that's exactly right, Barry. She showed up for a business trip in 2019, not ever coming to Bonnaroo and still lived the Bonnaroo code.
That's impressive. It's just something like even even when you don't know how the code works, when you get there, it just sort of like takes you over no matter what.
I love that. Very, very nice call.
Thank you so much, contestant number two, that we don't know your name.
Finally, number three, that was a leah. I got it. OK, sorry.
That was a leah. This one, I don't know. I think baby, baby girl. OK, number three.
One of my favorite stories actually takes place in line with Bonnaroo in 2019.
And it seems crazy, but hear me out.
I'm not sure how familiar you are with the Bushy Branch Road entrance, but essentially it's one long road through a neighborhood that goes straight into Bonnaroo.
Before the newly implemented daily entry system, the gates wouldn't open until 3 p.m. on Wednesday at the earliest.
It would not allow you to even start forming the lines more than either.
You wanted to show up any earlier. Security would literally have you turn your car around and drive away.
But if there's one thing about my dad is that he's arriving early and there's no room for any negotiation on that.
So every year we'd get to Manchester around lunchtime and pay the owner of the houses near the gate twenty dollars or so to park there until Bonnaroo finally made the call.
It would allow the entry line to start forming. That's when I went off without a hitch in 2017.
In 2018, we were one of the first people in, got to camp in Pod 2 with all the shady trees.
It was amazing. But in 2019, once the gates were open, the owner of the house wouldn't allow us to leave.
We sat there for 30 minutes or so watching a newly formed line of cars go through the gates who had not paid or even been waiting for any amount of time.
Naturally, all of the people who were parked in the lot started getting upset.
They began yelling and beeping their horns because the local homeowners who had profited off of all of us just decided to put us farther back in the line for no apparent reason.
Mind you, there were about 25 or so cars parked in the man's yard. So he definitely made at least $500 off of us for doing nothing.
All of a sudden, I see my dad get out of his vehicle and start walking out to the street on foot.
I assume he's looking for an official Bonnaroo person to speak to.
But instead, what he's doing is walking slightly out of sight, putting on a black hat and a neon yellow high visibility vest that I didn't even know he owned.
But the loan decided it was important enough to pass for a 14 hour trip to Bonnaroo.
He then just starts making hand signals to stop the line on the street from moving forward anymore and tells the homeowner to begin letting cars out of the yard.
This plan totally worked and my dad saved the day.
The look on a homeowner's face was priceless when my dad took off the vest and got back in his car, which was the only one remained parked in his yard.
Happy Roos!
That is fantastic.
I'm definitely going to bring my dad again so we can have an amazing Father's Day weekend together.
Isn't that funny?
That is fantastic because there's always something weird that you bring that will come in handy.
Like we bring caution tape and it looks very official when we talk like caution tape.
Once we get it up.
I'll never forget one year. This has got to be 2005.
I mean when it was still the Wild West, I had a record guy.
He tells me the story about how he would have a golf cart ordered and delivered to him at the front gate of Bonnaroo.
And when the cart would get off of the truck, he would just start driving it around the thing like he owned the place.
The resourcefulness of bringing your own orange vest just in case you need to pretend.
I mean think about maybe cones. Cones are a good idea.
I find that to be so funny.
If you carry a clipboard you can get into anything.
Well, I don't give too many secrets, but a lot of lanyards.
Brad, you did that for a number of years.
Five or six lanyards looked really daisy.
Yeah, I took all of my lanyards that I got over the years and I wore them all at once.
And oh my God, does that play a Jedi mind trick on somebody thinking that you're very important.
Don't stop that guy.
Don't. He's got it.
And then if you're on your phone while you're walking past people, that helps even more.
Yeah, look angry.
Clever trick by Dad.
The other thing I love about that story is that she's going with Dad.
I love it.
People forget it's Father's Day weekend usually or right around.
So that's always fun.
It reminds me, Brad, of the time we all went early and they made us wait before we could go in for the media day.
Oh, come on. Oh, come on.
It was so funny.
We had the best laugh.
We look up, so we're in the parking lot.
They're holding us out at the gate.
There's only a handful of us.
This is a ridiculous story, Barry.
This is not true.
But it's such a funny image because I look up and Brad starts walking and he's got the Dad march.
I'm going to see what's going on.
I'm going to fix this.
You were going to the porta potty, but we didn't know it.
We had to watch you go 100 yards.
We laughed.
It was like, do they know who I am?
I'm going to see about this right here.
Here's what happened.
After the media day, we were worried that we were not going to be able to get in.
And they pulled this thing on us that no, no, no, you need to wait.
You can't come in just yet.
And Barry's getting antsy.
Barry's getting pissed.
He's like, don't they know who I am?
That's what Barry's trying to put this off on me.
You're projecting on me.
But you're really the one like, I can't believe I've been doing this.
And I'm here for an hour.
And then I'm like, all right.
And then I just walked to the bathroom and I come back and Barry's like, did you show him who you were?
Big man.
I went to class.
I think he reminds me of that picture of Kid Rock walking down the beach, like, you know, lifting his arms up.
That's exactly.
I'll just see about this.
I'll show them.
It's just a ridiculous story that Barry is completely made up.
That's not what happened.
One of the hardest I've ever laughed.
So whatever.
And then what happened afterwards?
We got in.
So we got in pretty soon after.
You're welcome.
Barry, was that you figured out the kid that you were talking to was from Chattanooga and y'all.
And then he was like, oh, yeah, y'all go on in.
Oh, that was later.
That was actually the year before.
That's when we got in.
And yeah, I had my.
Oh, so there's multiple stories of Brad.
Brad's got a bunch.
The other funny one was the record label guy came up and was like, you know, Brad, when I first met Brad, I thought he was a dick.
Do tell more.
And he went, oh, I just kept feeding him rope.
When you really wanted to say is we all have.
Yeah, same thing.
It was so funny because people sitting there were catching bits of us and then they were, you know, engaged like this is great.
What's going on?
That was a good one, too.
Thanks, buddy.
Appreciate it.
It is a common.
It is a common theme that the first impressions really not a very good one.
So we're like, you have met Brad.
You know, Brad, I always went in the end, Barry.
I always went in the end.
The story you're talking about, Taka, is we were this was the year we probably had our biggest group.
I bet we had 28 people.
So we had the I had the the police tape, you know, the do not cross and got there and thought, man, I'm going to have to hold an acre, a half acre and get out of the car.
And I have a songbirds hat.
Songbirds Museum is a Chattanooga place.
And I'm thinking there's no way I'm going to be able to buy myself.
But this kid says, oh, songbirds, I work there.
I'm like, OK, I'm in.
And he's like, yeah, we'll figure it out.
You guys can normally they park you first in, you know, you go wherever you and he's like, you all go ahead and do what you want to do.
And I said, thanks.
And I'm just about to start setting up.
And here comes Brad.
I've been up no way.
You know, the window down.
This will never work.
Hell no.
He's cussing in the car.
And I'm and me and the kid are just looking.
I said, just let him go.
Let him have his moment.
And you finally got out.
And I said, Brad, I got it handled.
That's all never.
No, no, no.
Oh, that's not.
Oh, that's exactly how it happens.
That's not how it went.
But whatever exactly how it happened, whatever.
That's not how it went.
OK, but whatever.
Uh huh.
The reason I was angry about that, because what you were talking to somebody who was letting us do whatever we wanted to.
But then there was another person right next to them telling me what to do in the complete opposite direction.
That's what I was yelling about.
But you, of course, just saw me yelling.
I didn't know why.
Just doing this.
I got it.
I got it handled.
If you'll just.
I've never done that before.
You know, first, my first inclination is to try to intervene.
And I just said, I'm going to sit back and just let this play out because there's too many things going on.
It's like it's like you just you feed on me hanging myself out to dry when I'm really not even doing anything wrong.
It's so much fun.
Do we have anything?
Anyway, now those are good.
Any other stories you want to make up about me before we go?
Now, Russ, you want to give them the give folks the details.
Details on the voicemails we got.
This is today is the last day.
So right today's.
Well, by the time this comes out, it'll be over.
So well, we got they got today, I assume, and then we'll pick pick a winner in the next for the next show.
So all right.
Well, right.
That's a four to three, six, six, seven, seven, eight, seven, seven.
Call us. Give us a voicemail.
So this so the next episode, we will have a winner drawn midnight tonight, the 12th.
When you hear this.
OK. All right.
Midnight, midnight on the 12th.
We don't get to extend that for the rest of the week just in case there's some scragglers.
It's up to you.
We make up anything we want.
Why don't we why don't we make it until like Friday or Saturday when we actually record?
OK. Fine by me.
Yeah, I love hearing the stories.
I mean, it's not like it's, you know, I'd rather hear more good stories.
All right. Well, I appreciate this high five episode.
It's been another doozy.
All right. These are good stories.
I really like the idea of being thoughtful and bring your own vest just in case you need to be in the direction you needed to.
That's a that's a Brad guy move.
That is a big time Brad guy move.
Pretty strong. I've never seen anybody in a vest get stopped.
So I like it.
It's a good point.
All right, guys.
Talk to you next week.
Thanks for everything.
Thank you.
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