This week Brad & Barry go through the lists of Do's and Don'ts for the festival. After 15 years of Bonnaroos, they have compiled a very long list of advice for the newbie or maybe some ideas for a Roo vet!
Topic: Bonnaroo
You ask and we deliver.
Hey, F Whaley G on Twitter.
We're not sleeping on Caroline Rose.
There you go. Caroline Rose begins your Bonnaroo podcast.
A podcast for Bonnarooians, by Bonnarooians.
What podcast? Barry Courter from the Chattanooga Times Free Press.
I'm Brad from Hits 96, WDOD in Chattanooga.
Yeah, we got to, after my picks last week, we got a tweet that says,
you guys are sleeping on Caroline Rose on Thursday from Hiley Riley, F Whaley G on Twitter.
And you're right, I don't know anything about Caroline Rose.
This is the first time I've really ever heard the name.
I like that song you played. I actually had her on my list for a minute.
And I think, to be honest, if you remember, I said during my episode, maybe it was yours,
that I'm used to listening to just the first 40 or 50 seconds.
And I listened to one all the way through and didn't care for it anymore.
I think it was just the song. It happens.
I know we also got a note from somebody suggesting we do an episode on EDM.
And I don't know if we're going to have time to do that. I do think it's a good idea.
Yeah, 100% honesty, we said this maybe 12 weeks ago.
12 weeks ago, we were like, yeah, we're definitely going to do an episode on EDM.
And then we look around and we're like, we don't listen to EDM.
Not enough to, and I think it's a great suggestion.
And I think that is the purpose of this show, theoretically, is to dive into things we don't know anything about.
Good point. I mean, that's the same thing we did with Hip Hop.
And I know there are some on the Reddits that are like, what are these idiots talking about Hip Hop?
Well, they don't know what they're talking about. That's the point.
Yes, we know that. That's the point.
We pretty much made that clear.
And again, like you said, the point essentially was when we started this was to open our minds
and see what else was out there. And it's why we discovered certain artists that we've fallen in love with, like Warren Treede and Davey.
Who coincidentally, I mean, I got to speak with Michael Trotter of Warren Treede a couple of days ago.
They're coming to town for our Riverbend Festival. And you and I.
We call that the festival not to be named.
As we also talked with Diva Mahal for our episode last week.
And coincidentally, both of them were at the Mavis Staples 80th birthday party this week.
I'm not promoting or trying to say, listen, go back and listen to my picks.
But inside the picks was a conversation with Diva Mahal last week, which was so damn endearing.
She was so sweet, man.
She really was. And this is somebody that I didn't know of.
I didn't know anything about her. And frankly, you were the one that that even told me, you know, she was related to Taj Mahal.
I don't know the first thing about her. But all I know is I love her.
And she's got what my grandmother always had. She's got that great grandma giggle.
You know, I always said that grandmas should do two things.
Smell good and have a good laugh.
And have chiclets in their purse. My grandmother always had chewing gum.
I'm not calling her a grandmother, but she's just got that quality that I just want to love.
Yeah, she was great. And that's why I mentioned Warren Treede, Michael and Tonya.
You know, that was still one of my favorite interviews days ever last year.
And they continue to just blow up.
And that, to me, honestly, Brad, has become the fun part of doing this, is finding those things like that and then watching what happens.
Yeah, you know, that's a good point.
Like when we watched the Warren Treede show, we fell in love with them because they've just got this stage energy that is infectious.
Absolutely. And that kind of stuff, you can't fake. Right.
Well, that's not true. You could probably fake it a little bit.
But the moment that you get on the phone or the moment you meet them in person or you either have it or you don't.
Exactly right.
And the ones that I really, really love and attach myself to are the ones where it goes from stage to the street.
I mean, there's no difference between the two. I love that so much.
They are who they are. And yeah, I'm with you. I love it. And it's pretty cool.
I mean, now we got an idea for this show and it's mainly because I think there are some needed things to be sort of shaken out.
So, you know, you shake out the rug a little bit and get some of the dust off and reminders, even just to us, what we should and shouldn't do on the farm.
Like do's and don'ts of the Bonnaroo Festival, whether it's a camp, whether it's inside Centeroo,
whether it's planning right now for your campgrounds or your group.
We all need this refresher course and you got to just sort of talk it out.
Sort of like if you're having a meeting right now with your camp group, you're probably all trying to reset your brain into Bonnaroo mode.
Absolutely. And let me just go back a minute before we get too deep into that.
You and I started that this morning. We drove over to the big box store to start buying supplies.
And I got a phone call that I want to say has me pretty excited.
I've got a grandbaby on the way. Oh, is that? No kidding.
In the next hour. Wow. In the next hour? Yeah, yeah, you were there. I'm excited.
I wanted to say, you know, congratulations, Amanda and Carson.
This is amazing because the baby is going to be born during the What Podcast.
That means I get to name it. Good luck with that. That's the rule, right?
But that's the power of this podcast. Making babies.
I have birth and babies now. Anyway, I didn't mean to get sidetracked.
That's awesome. That's awesome. Should we? Is there a big thing? Should we start drinking?
We should start drinking probably. I think that's an excellent idea.
I think that's the plan. Cheers. No, that's really, really exciting. Congratulations, Barry.
I'm excited about it. Yeah, they're going to be wonderful parents and that baby is going to be very, very attractive.
It will be a pretty good looking baby. It's unfortunate. Yeah. Yeah. You got some pretty kids.
But yeah, this you told me something a little while ago that still makes me laugh.
This is what? May 26th. Bonnaroo is June 13th. And one of our campmates is doing what?
He's packing. He's already packing his vehicle.
Yeah, I don't know if you follow Russ with the bus. So his name is Russ Jackson. I call him Lord Taco.
I've known him for years. He's an actual Lord now.
Well, I'll tell you that story here in a second. We actually I only knew his I finally found out his actual name
about 10 months ago. It took me years to find out what his real name was because all I've ever called him was Lord Taco
because on Twitter he's at Lord Taco and he's got a reason for it because he's the lord of tweeting and communicating online.
And so that the acronym for Taco. And so he's part of the podcast here. He does all of our web stuff.
He puts everything online for us because I'm inherently lazy.
And he's a valuable, valuable member of this whole operation. So he's going to be camping with us for the very first time backstage at Bonnaroo this year.
And he got so excited that this week he's been yelling at us to start getting our stuff together because he really wants to pack.
Yeah, he started sending out text yesterday and I had to look at my calendar like, am I late? Is it today?
So Lord Taco is a guy that has this amazing Twitter account. If you follow at Lord Taco,
you probably know him on Reddit or somewhere else, Russ with the Bus.
And he's on basically the guy that writes with the Volkswagen bus on Reddit.
So he's got one of those like RooBus kind of things. Well, he's got this Twitter account that he created that is just an algorithm.
He's just created a Twitter account that pulls words. He's created like some rules like this web program
where he'll pull words out from his old tweets that will populate a new tweet every hour and a half or so with perfect language rules inside of it.
So it will be total word salad and it won't make any sense. But the sentence structure is perfect.
This tweet won't make any sense. So and it does it automatically. Why?
Because the Lord of tweeting and communicating online has gotten tired of tweeting and communicating online.
So he wrote his own program to tweet for him. And he's a nerd. So good for him.
And so for Christmas, this past Christmas, I decided to just rip the bandaid off and I bought him.
You can go online and find this. I went online and I bought him a five foot by five foot plot of land at Hogan Manor in England
that he is now crested an official Lord of. He is a legally known Lord in England.
That's a solid gift. That's a gift that keeps on giving.
So Bonnaroo do's and don'ts. I could start there as a Bonnaroo do and don't. Bonnaroo do include new people on your campsite.
And I was a hard ass about this for years. For years and years, I wouldn't let anybody new into our camp
because I was so protective over the people that we had and the energy that we had. Now it's a free for all.
Yeah. The one year there were people kept coming. I had no idea who they were. Right. Well, that gets a little scary.
That doesn't get a little weird. Yeah, it gets a little weird. Especially because, you know, we put up fences and stuff.
Yeah, we build a wall. We try to build the wall. Yeah.
But include new people into your camp every year as much as you can because you never know when you're going to shake up the energy and have a new experience.
I have that on my list and I have one that goes along with that that you probably disagree with you being the germaphobe.
But I've got high fives are a good thing. I was sort of I was kind of weirded me out at first, but it is a Bonnaroo thing.
I know it's a Bonnaroo thing. And if you've never been, what I'm talking about is you're going to be walking through a crowd
and somebody all of a sudden is going to just put their hand up. And if you're, you know, depending on where you're from,
you might think you're being assaulted. They really just want to high five. So look, I doesn't bother me.
I know this is tough for me because I want to I want to live by my own mantra, which is let go and not worry about things like I usually do,
which is normally my mantra of Bonnaroo. Just whatever you do, find that space where you can completely let go of all the stuff that you usually hold hold you back.
High fives are the very hard one for me. And I can't really get there until about Saturday.
And it's mainly because I have this history of fear when it comes to shaking hands. I cannot stand shaking hands.
I don't want to touch anybody. I don't like to be hugged. I don't like to be caressed.
I don't like the shaking hands and the touching of your parts. Here's my rule. Here's my thought.
The reason why I don't ever want to shake a man's hand is not because I disrespect him or I might be holding a gun and I'm trying to go ahead.
I think that there's a there's a theory that I have that I think that you're 15 minutes away from or have just touched your dick.
I had a feeling we were going and I just don't you know where that hand's been.
Yes, I don't. And, you know, it is Bonnaroo. There's a lot of sharing of functions.
I get it. And what's weird for those of you who don't really know Brad or don't know me and me and Brad, it's just another one of those quirky things that I wonder why we're friends.
Yeah, it's a tough one. I'm Mr. Meet Everybody. You know, constantly wanting to introduce you to the people that we meet.
Yeah. And I'm sitting there thinking he isn't going to shake hands. This is going to be awkward. Yep. He's going to be a dick.
I don't think that's a dick thing, though. I just don't I don't know if I want to like embrace you that way. Why can't I have a set of like.
That's all fine. I just don't want to have to explain to the person. I usually wait till your like hands are full or something.
Usually when somebody reads it. Here's my I'll give you one. I'll give you the one. But I'm not giving you two.
I don't understand the guy that shakes my hand. And then after we just met 30 seconds later, nice to meet you.
I'll give you another handshake. I will literally look at them and say we've already done this.
Fair enough. We've already. Why do I need to do this again? We've we've I've already shown you I'm not packing a gun.
That's the only reason why we still shake hands is because you're not armed. I'm not armed.
That's the reason why we do it. Why are we still doing this?
Never mind. OK, I think we got I put this out on Twitter earlier today.
You're Bonerudu's and don'ts the what underscore podcast on Twitter.
I love this one because it's something that I have preached for years and years and years.
Whatever you do, don't overdo it on Wednesday.
And that is such a great piece of advice. All these are from Tyler Bethune Bethune at T underscore Bethune 27.
Although it's very tempting, don't overdo it on Wednesday night.
I think that goes for every night, honestly. I will probably punt on some other things.
But as far as beer is concerned and booze, whatever you do, don't be hung over because the worst feeling in the world
is waking up at about seven thirty or eight o'clock in the morning and the heat has already hit hard.
And you are feeling terrible because you're hung over.
Don't do it. Hi. Hi. Hi. On my list. And you know, I like an adult beverage.
So I hear a lot of them. People ask me that all the time.
I bet you just go up there and party and do a lot of drinking. That is the worst place in the world I can think of.
Yep. That's right. Now, I will say I will say I drink a lot, but it's over the course of all day.
And it's paced out properly with a lot of water in between here and there.
And yeah, the idea of spending a morning in the in a porta potty or even in your tent or trying to find a place.
Yeah. Your head is throbbing. Yeah, it's not worth it.
I'm telling you, there is no safe space there. You're not going to find a safe space.
If you are hung over, there's nowhere that you're going to go other than the medic tent.
You know, and I mean, I keep thinking about all these people that are coming from a long way.
And this is their first one. I know how I would be thinking.
I know I would be thinking as soon as I get through that gate party's on, I'm opening a beer and it's going to be.
Which is what we do. Which is what we do. A beer. Yeah.
But you know what I'm saying is that that one like all rules are rules are off. Let's go crazy.
That makes for a long, horrible week. How about this?
I'll give you one better shots are a terrible idea. Don't do shots.
Yeah, they they're guys coded language here.
There are better things to do. You don't need to take shots.
I swear to God, we had somebody come to camp years ago and thank God she doesn't come back.
But she was trying to get us all to do fireball shots.
Are you out of your ever loving mind? No, thank you. You're crazy.
Now, I will say that I pace my beer sort of like this.
It all starts with a Bloody Mary or two in the morning.
And then we transfer to very light goes as I like a very salty goes.
Maybe middle of the day when it's hot or even better obsession IPA.
It gives me the flavor that I want. I got to drink it cold.
And then as I go throughout the day, probably staying session IPA until the end of the night.
That's when I'll hit something with a little bit of a baby.
Right. Maybe then I'll get something with a higher ABV just as in the maybe a finisher at night.
That's it. Right. And I'm pacing it throughout the day over the course of 15 hours.
And I'm definitely not, you know, drinking four beers a day or four beers an hour or three beers an hour.
You're crazy if you're doing I'm with you.
In fact, now that I think about it, my whole day is probably patterned out as far as like when I eat, when I do.
First of all, I have to work. You know, we keep getting I'm actually working. You do.
Yes. And so I like to work in the morning when you guys are still sleeping.
So I get all my stuff done, a lot of it. And then I follow up throughout the day.
But yeah, the whole thing is sort of paced out and planned out.
And so for you guys that have never been and the other thing about that, just getting blotto drunk is it's a huge place.
Yeah. Easy to get turned around and get lost.
Especially when you get back in camp. Yeah, that's right.
So if you're you know, if you're messed up, then that makes it even trickier.
Yeah. Not saying don't have a great time. Have a great time. Be careful.
Cocktails better left at the beginning of the day for me.
I don't know about anybody else's body, but a gin and tonic is very nice in the middle of the day.
And then I'll transition to beer as I go throughout the rest of the day.
I very rarely want to do a cocktail at night.
I think cocktails at night are a very bad idea after I've been doing beer for eight hours.
Very bad for my body. That's the only thing to be aware of is what you've done.
But I have to say that the Moscow Mule sort of became a favorite last year.
That's right. It's because, yeah, there's a space backstage where there's unlimited Moscow Mules.
If you can get a hold of that, highly recommend it.
Speaking of food, you said something about food.
We've talked about the unnecessary food at camp, and we'll probably get to that here in a second.
But I want to make something a do and don't. Do, do follow the same food pattern every day.
And you might want to go ahead and start doing that a day or two before.
By that, I mean, don't be risky with your food choices.
Don't go out of left field.
And if you've been eating hummus and PB&J sandwiches and then some pizza,
don't throw in some Chinese food. Yeah. No, that's a great point.
You need consistent food choices. And you know why. Yes.
You know exactly why I'm saying this. Absolutely.
That's what I mean by patterns. My whole day is sort of planned out and I don't eat a big meal.
I don't eat a lot. I eat lots of small, small, consistent bites throughout the day is probably the better bet.
Yes. And make sure they're if I know you might be gluten intolerant,
but make sure they're bread based is probably a good idea.
Stay away from fried food. I know how my body reacts.
And I know how I want to stay very regular in certain ways.
And I'm not going to do that if I am throwing in bizarre food choices.
Now, I'm sure that Thai place is terrific. And I love Thai food.
You know, I eat it three times a week. Right.
I'm not throwing Thai food in in the middle of Bonnaroo when I've been eating spicy pie and hummus all day.
Yeah, absolutely. And along those lines, too, we've said there's no need to bring a whole, whole lot.
Don't overpack. Don't over plan, especially with the food.
There's plenty of good food on site. There's a big don't.
Don't bring a grill. Don't bring a grill. Don't bring a grill.
You're not going to cook. You're not going to don't bring a bunch of food that you're going to.
You're going to waste it. I promise you, you're going to waste it.
Somebody on Reddit had a great comment. The worst food that you can bring bananas because within seconds, those things turn brown.
Apples are really good. Things that are going to rot meats and stuff like that.
I think you're better off. You could almost sustain yourself with a loaf of bread and a good sized jar of peanut butter.
That's true. That's exactly right.
And I, you know, I know this is the vegetarian in me talking about this, but I don't think it's a good idea to bring a whole bunch of ham and turkey.
No, no, because you're not going to be able to keep it cold.
Frankly, all of your ice is going to be going to beer and that's what I was going to say is what I do.
And this is sort of another tip that if somebody has a better suggestion, I'd like to hear it.
But one of the one of my favorite things is to buy a case of water, freeze it and put that in my cooler.
That serves as both my ice or my cooling agent. And of course, I drink it.
You know, I'm not a big eco, not a not a overly zealot about it, but I don't like the idea of having all those plastic bottles.
There was another way.
Well, you know, we did one year we brought one of those tops of the cooler things, those big jugs.
Yeah. And you can get it. We get ours at Whole Foods and it's only like two dollars, three dollars.
It's a jug of water. It's just well, well, no, we I wouldn't freeze it.
We didn't freeze. That would be impossible to freeze. One big block ice.
But it is frozen part that I like for two reasons. One makes sense.
Your ice doesn't melt and then you have soggy food. Yeah.
Which is what always happens. Well, we talked about having that dry ice one year.
That's a bad idea. Don't do that either.
I think the other thing next year is we're going to buy an ice maker.
Yeah. You know, we don't we need an ice maker and we also don't have a Yeti.
A lot of people have Yetis. But I do. Do you?
Why in the hell haven't we used that before? Oh, well, hello.
I didn't have a Yeti in September, but in September.
By the way, if Yeti would like to sponsor this podcast,
I will take whatever products they want to send and we will love them.
It can't not butter. Love them. Brought to you by Yeti.
OK. So yeah, it worked for Letterman. He got a Lamborghini.
Hey, Yeti. Yeah. I'm just looking for a cooler here, guys.
That same cost. But I don't know what the answer would be for ice.
And somebody might hate you, right? Somebody might have a better suggestion.
like keeping your water cold and turning your ice,
turning your water bottles into ice, that's fine.
You can do that.
I'm just saying, like, as far as water bottle consumption
in general, we take the big jug of water
and we just pour it into our metal cup.
So what I did years ago for everybody at camp,
I got a metal tumbler and I put everybody's
giant cartoon heads that's now on sticks around the camp.
I put their cartoon head on a sticker
and I made them all tumblers and we all just drink
out of the metal tumbler and just rinse it out every day.
Right, and I think that's great.
The water bottle thing just works so well
because it's cold, they stay frozen for the most part.
I usually go home with about two or three
that are still half frozen, which is pretty remarkable.
That is pretty insane.
Yeah, and I don't have to do that.
And my eyes, it just, well, part of the key,
and here's another, it should be obvious,
most people probably know it,
but limit the number of times you open your cooler.
Every time you open that thing, you're letting all the-
You sound like Denson Lee right now.
That is a Denson move.
It's the truth.
We got a guy at camp who every time you open the cooler,
it's like there's a counter.
He keeps the number in his head because he's so irritated
about the amount of times that we all go
to and from the cooler.
Well, look, we have 30 people at camp.
The cooler's gonna be open a lot.
Yeah, it happens.
He's not wrong though.
And we also are able to leave and go buy ice,
which not a lot of people are.
It is true, the ice prices out there are pretty ridiculous.
Be prepared.
Be prepared for that.
And this is tough for us because we don't necessarily
have the most general admission experience,
but I would probably garner a guess
that you'd need plenty of cash,
especially for stuff like that.
Like when you go to pay for a shower,
can you do it via your wristband?
Should be able to now.
Yeah, the RFID.
That's interesting.
There's also ATMs on site,
which I wanted to point out to people.
They're in Centeroo, there are a wall of ATMs.
Yeah, that's true.
I never bring a lot of cash.
I probably bring 20 bucks just for an emergence,
for a cup of coffee or something.
No, I can always use the card.
But I haven't used the RFID and it is an interesting idea
because I don't like the idea of carrying a wallet around.
That's right.
I like the RFID pay by my wristband
because number one, I hate things in my pocket.
Especially when you're outside, hot and walking.
And here's another, this transition goes right into,
transitions right into one of my dos for guys.
Guys, better bet or swim trunks.
And if I'm wearing swim trunks, that means I have no pockets.
I have one pocket for my cell phone.
And of course, that's not going into my pocket.
I put it in a plastic bag and I put it in Nick's backpack.
Yeah, the plastic bag is another great idea.
Get a good Ziploc or whatever,
in case it rains, in case you sweat, whatever.
It's good to keep your phone in there.
Or if it gets dropped into a porta potty,
which happens, as happens.
Which by the way, did you notice any porta potties last year?
There's no porta potties last year.
Yeah, there were.
In center-oo?
Oh, in center-oo.
I thought they were under the tent area.
I guess.
No, they got rid of all of them.
Yeah, because of the flushables.
It didn't dawn on me.
Yeah, so the only, I hate to tell you this,
but where we camp, nothing but porta potties.
And they are the least attended to porta potties.
I'm probably pretty sure they're just now
getting around to cleaning them.
They're so under cleaned.
It's insane.
Well, we're talking about patterns.
Some people can identify animals or whatever by their sounds.
I now recognize the sound of the truck that comes around
and cleans the porta potties.
Oh, the sound is what gets you.
Oh, not the smell.
Give it 10 minutes and then I'm going back over there.
Yeah, it's not fun.
But I know the porta potties still exist in the campgrounds.
But yeah, in center-oo, they've gotten rid of all of those.
I didn't notice.
I thought they were under the big area by the other stage.
No, those are all, I thought those are flushables now, no?
Yeah, I don't know.
You might be right.
I missed it.
Yeah, I'm sort of blanking too.
By the way, what is this thing that they're doing at the map?
You know, we've got a little bit of news.
And the first piece of news this week was that, yes,
the rumors were true that they are
damn near close to a sellout.
And you've got to imagine that's because of fish.
I think it's because of the What Podcast.
OK, sure.
And as I was told by...
Somebody tell you the Yeti Cooler people that.
I was told by someone at AC Entertainment it was because of
the What Podcast and because our campmate Mike Doerr isn't
going to be there this year.
OK, makes more room for everybody else.
No, they're closer to a sellout than they probably have ever been.
I think you're right, fish probably.
And you know, the buzz that we've heard since the lineup
was announced has been mostly positive.
I mean, I think people are not just that,
but I think the the fan experiences as we have talked about,
it's not just us.
I think people recognize that there's more to it than just the lineup.
And it's a fun place to be.
And can we say that I would...
I'm also going to go on a limb and say the hundred thousand number is not correct.
Yeah, because we don't know what the exact number is for a sellout.
Correct. It used to be 80,000.
Right. And with the adjustments to the last three or four years,
I don't know.
I didn't ask that specifically.
I will.
But yeah, we don't know.
I don't. I just know that it's close to sell out.
What that cap is, I don't know for two thousand nine.
Yeah, I would be maybe I'm going back and talking on both sides of my mouth here.
I just don't see 20,000 nonpaying people between vendors, media, staff, volunteers.
I don't think that that number equates to 20,000.
Well, I don't know.
Volunteers, I think, was around twenty five hundred.
Yeah. OK.
So it could be close, to be honest, before Live Nation bought it.
That number grew because basically every friend of certain people got in.
Yeah. There was there was a lot.
And I know Live Nation kind of put a I sort of thought, though, some of that.
Didn't we get like a nod and a wink insert person here
that the sellout number actually has gone down?
That's what I was meant earlier.
I don't know what the number is.
OK. See, for some reason, I thought that they took the sellout number
from 85 to like 70 could be could be.
I know that during that discussion that you're talking about
was around the time that the boutique festivals were coming into being
the 10,000, the whatever.
And there and, you know, Forecastle is what, 40 or 42,000, something like that.
So there was discussion that talk that we were having was the idea
that maybe smaller is better.
Do it right. You know, make sure the fan experience is is good.
Yeah. With all of these VIP and all the things that they've added.
Yeah. So with that all being said, we don't know the exact sellout number.
I don't think it's still 85 K.
But even if it was, I don't know if that would equate to 100,000 people.
Either way, it's going to be much more full than it was in years past,
which means they're going to move that hill back to where it originally was.
They're going to hill will be further back this year.
Just watch that they're up there moving that hill right now,
which, by the way, I can't believe we've gone this with this long
without talking about them burning the arch.
You know, that happened this week as well.
Yeah. And I had people who don't know much about Bonnaroo and they don't.
That's fine.
They did. They thought there was like vandalism or that Bonnaroo
was never going to happen.
And they were canceling Bonnaroo.
Like I panicked text messages from people who just didn't understand
what was happening. Right.
I got to imagine that that thing was damn near about to fall down
when they went to maybe construct whatever the design was this year.
My understanding, and this is second hand, so they burned it on purpose
and they're going to rebuild it probably with some sort of LED,
you know, screen or something on it.
But, oh, man, I hope not.
My thinking is my what I understood is they got there
and it had deteriorated.
It's what 15 years old, 16 years old to the point that it allowed wasps
and spiders to overrun it.
OK, that's why they burned it. Yikes.
To get rid of to get rid of the easier to burn it down.
And rebuild.
And well, yeah, we were talking about this with one of our campmates.
There's only a few permanent structures in that in that space.
The what stage sort of framework, the arch, the the the fountain
in the post that say this, that and the other. Right.
And that's about it.
So the which stage is not even a permanent structure, or is it?
I don't think so.
And I do wonder about the the tents as they're called this, that and the other.
I don't know if those stay up or no, no, no, they take them down.
So, yeah, yeah, they're up there right now.
In fact, we'll have a special guest next week.
We want to keep it a surprise or I don't I don't think I even know this.
The guy who paints the the fountain.
Oh, really? Yeah. No kidding. Yeah.
Oh, we're going to talk to him this week. Oh, that's fun.
He's up there right now painting the new design on the really.
Yeah, that's pretty awesome.
When is it so he's doing it right now? Yeah.
How many days does it take him to do it?
What's one of the things we'll have to ask?
Hmm. I kind of want to just drive over there and check it out.
Maybe we can do that. Yeah.
I mean, on site, if he's if he's if he's doing it right now, that'd be cool.
I mean, I don't think that we're allowed on.
I don't think the general public can just walk around and jump in
because I think they fence it off.
Do they not? No, they can't.
How how could they? I don't know.
I thought they did. I don't know.
Yeah, I don't know. The phone call.
So there's only there's only a few people that I know that have actually taken
the time to drive to Bonnaroo.
Bryan Stone. Yep.
Hey, I'm Bryan Stone. He loves it.
He just likes just going there and just like looking at the empty space.
He usually goes this time of year by himself, wandering around
and then he goes and stays there for a few weeks.
Yeah. Well, then he goes.
We'll go up with us Wednesday and he likes to do the walk about.
Yeah. All right.
So the other piece of news was you got the attendance, you got the arch.
And then I thought there's another piece of news.
The map you would start. Oh, yeah, the map.
That's what I was going to talk about.
Yeah. Is there some sort of like
hide and go seek thing going on with the map?
Are they doing some sort of like treasure hunt with this map?
I have not seen it, but I'm reading all kinds of stuff about
like what's going on about like certain trinkets or Easter eggs
that they're putting on the map.
I got the news release, but I didn't read it, to be honest.
So I don't know. OK.
Makes sense, doesn't it? Yeah.
It'd be kind of fun.
I mean, my bet is you're going to follow and try to do a scavenger hunt.
They'll give you a VIP upgrade.
I should do that for you for a camp.
You really want me out of camp, don't you?
And give me a different camp.
One of the funniest things I ever heard, a buddy of mine
had like three or four kids in a row, so they were all under six or seven
or whatever to keep them entertained.
He would throw nine dimes out in the yard and tell them there were ten. OK.
I just like it's genius.
They are a sucker for one dollar, aren't they?
A sucker for a dollar.
It probably got more valuable as they got older, but I think that's genius.
And more do's and don'ts for a Bonnaroo weekend.
You can share yours at the What Underscore podcast on Twitter.
I saw something a couple of years ago that blew my mind,
and it wasn't such a big deal because it was the year
that the attendance is really, really low.
But I can't imagine this going well this year
if it's really close to being a sellout and 80 to 100000 people.
Don't bring your own lawn chair.
No, there was a guy in the pit that I swear to God opened up a lawn chair
and sat right down in front of me at the Jay-Z show.
That's pretty cheeky.
They're not. It wasn't Jay-Z.
I can't remember who it was.
I wasn't supposed to be able to bring chairs into center room.
Can you not? No, you're not.
Well, how in the hell did he do it? I don't know.
OK, all right. But that's yeah.
Well, that's the case. And the don't is, you know, inconsequential.
But this guy straight up brought a lawn chair and sat down right in front of me.
That's things for your tent sleeping.
OK, for example, for the first 10 years,
the idea of having long sleeves or long pants was just inconceivable.
The last three or four years, it's gotten cold.
OK, so that was part of my list. Be weather ready.
Be weather ready. At night, it gets cold.
It does. It has gotten cold.
Barry is under a blanket every night waiting for the kids to come home.
That's exactly right. That's how cold he is.
I have slept in a hoodie before. Me too.
I remember one of our Bill Lockhart, one of our local radio guys, we joked about it.
He said he got up and got in his car and found like old long sleeve t-shirts
to put on his legs. It had gotten so cold.
Boy, he is a thin man. Yeah, it's just funny.
But I also bring earplugs, those little foam ones for sleeping.
It's weird, but I like it.
I don't do it any other time of the year, but it's especially with the calliope
stage being so close to us now, that's one.
Again, calliope or calliope? It's calliope.
OK, if you say so. If you say so.
I've raised my hand and counted to three. It's calliope.
I also, and this is one of those maybe inside, you know, too much information,
but I keep a wide mouth and that's key, wide mouth jug.
What's her name? Yeah.
In the tent so I don't have to get up and go find a porta potty at two in the morning.
Yeah. Heck yeah, man.
You wait a second. One of the best things ever.
So I'm five feet away from a jug of your own pee.
Yeah. Wow. Yeah.
I'm not going to tell you which one.
I think that campsite rules and do's and don'ts are really important
because there is something that I absolutely am going to preach to everyone.
I don't care if you if you have it in you or you don't be crafty.
Please be crafty. Make camp fun.
Make camp something. Don't just show up.
And I'm telling you this, put forth the effort.
Don't just show up with a tent and a pop up.
Don't just show up with, you know, some some things to hang off the side of the tent to keep the shade.
Make camp fun.
I saw somebody on Reddit is making a just a load of bracelets.
That's awesome. She's just going to give them away.
Make a totem. Get with your friends and make something fun.
Do something crafty. Give it a name.
Yeah. Do something with camp or something that that that that makes you feel like you're part of this experience.
Don't just show up with a tent and a pop up, please.
And to add to that, I've got my very first one is don't go to Dick's Sporting or REI or whatever and buy everything.
You don't need the latest, greatest.
But you do need, I think, tarps.
You need paracord. You need bungee cords, the kind with the hooks and maybe zip ties.
And you need a lot of zip ties.
If you're going with a lot of people, not everyone has to bring all of that.
Just make sure somebody has it like Denson.
You know, he's laughing about Denson is a camper and a hunter and fisherman and all that.
He's got everything on the utility belt that you could ever imagine.
He's got it. And if he does, and I usually do a rubber mallet for driving straight steaks into the ground.
This is a great another good do. Find someone old a camp.
Have a camp dad. Whatever you have to do.
Now, the rubber mallet is a good idea. Quickly back to the clothes.
You don't bring them. But I saw this a couple of years ago.
You can go to wherever Wal-Mart, whatever.
And for like twelve dollars, get rubber boots. No, no, no.
Ugly rubber. They're the best. I know. I do. I do have a pair.
OK, the only time the only reason I have not brought them is because one time I looked into it and there was a spider.
And I immediately threw them away and I haven't had to.
I had them last year. It rained that Sunday morning, as we know, and it puddled a little bit.
And while everyone else is tiptoeing and dancing and having to while I'm doing straight line wherever I wanted to go.
That's right. It really makes a makes a nice. That's a being weather aware.
That's another tip about being weather aware. But I like your checklist of stuff to bring to camp.
I don't disagree with that. I feel like there's other things that you you could or should bring other than rope.
And and bungees and tarps.
A headlamp is a great thing. A headlamp is essential.
Yeah, it is so, so, so important because it gets very, very dark.
And especially in we're trying to walk back to camp. If you don't have a light, some sort of flashlight, don't count on your phone.
Don't count it for whatever you do. Don't count on a flashlight on your phone because it's mostly going to die.
And here's a trick that I learned a few years ago about how to keep your phone from dying.
You're going to look at your phone a lot to look at the schedule, right?
You're going to open up the app. You're going to take a picture of the day's schedule and make it your lock screen on your cell phone.
Every morning, take the day's schedule, make it your lock screen and then change it out the next day for that certain day.
It will save your battery a ton.
Now, of course, always take an external wherever you go, wherever you go, have maybe two external batteries wherever you go.
But putting that thing on lock screen, putting the schedule on the lock screen changed my entire day.
I wasn't constantly unlocking my phone. I wasn't constantly trying to open an app.
I wasn't constantly looking at notes or look, texting is going to be tough anyway.
Right. I need a battery to text to begin with.
I don't have a battery if I'm constantly opening and looking at the schedule.
Yeah, the the Wi-Fi is terrible because there's however many, however many, sixty thousand, a hundred thousand, whatever.
They're all on their phones all the time.
Yeah, the Wi-Fi is terrible. Don't count on that.
And there are no better suggestions. I mean, you you can try and do WhatsApp or you try and do a local texting app.
Look, it's just not going to work. It's not going to work.
And normal walkie talkies, whatever you do, don't get walkie talkies.
They don't work. And it just bugs people that actually work there who are on certain channels.
And, you know, I have a festival here that I do in town.
It's a dopey little thing. And we have walkie talkies just for a pavilion and they don't work.
So they ain't going to work on the farm of Manchester.
We haven't mentioned and I didn't even have it on my list, but it occurs to me the things you cannot bring.
You don't bring a grill. You can't bring like gas, lighter fluid, things like that.
You also cannot bring bring glass that they are pretty loose about a lot of things.
But glass just doesn't happen. Yeah, I've seen.
This would be a very tough thing for like the craft beer exchange. Yeah.
If you've got it, if you've got your liquor, I mean, that's a lot of people will buy their liquor.
I've seen guys I've seen guys pouring water out so they could put their liquor in their in their plastic bottles.
They're not going to let any kind of glass out.
The other thing, the basic thing you, Brad mentioned at the very beginning, you know,
have a bring a positive attitude is just don't be an idiot.
I mean, that's the if you're going to bring illegals, do a do a good job of hiding them.
Don't keep them on the dash of your car when you're going in.
It's you know, Bonnaroo has a reputation of anything goes not when you're going in.
Yeah. And I mentioned that because some idiot will do it.
I know some of the guys that are security and it's amazing how stupid people can be.
I will say and I know that people are going to ask this, so might as well just say it.
I have known people that have gotten stopped and gotten their stuff taken.
And it literally happened to one of my best friends in the world.
And it stunned me. I didn't know that they did that.
But yes, they went deep through his car.
And yes, they took what they wanted to take.
And I don't know a good answer for you.
And I'm definitely not going to promote it on a podcast if I did.
But it's just well, here's another fact.
Be very, very clever is all I'm saying.
Here's another factor. And I don't know how it will play out.
And but I think it's maybe worth mentioning, especially for a lot of people that have been before.
They have a new sheriff in town for many, many years.
I've worked with Steve Graves. He lost the election.
So there's a brand new no sheriff in Coffey County.
Yeah. What's his deal? I don't know.
We know about him. I don't know. But Sheriff Graves was a very good sheriff.
I'm not saying he was how long he had been there.
He's the only one I've ever dealt with. No kidding.
And he was terrific. So the first time in Bonnaroo history, there's a new newly elected sheriff that I know of.
Yeah. And Steve, I call him Steve. I've only ever talked to him on the phone, but I call him, you know,
every Bonnaroo the day before I call and say, hey, do you mind if I, you know, check with you a couple of times a day?
And he was always very accommodated, always answered the phone.
I asked him one day one year, I remember, what do you think of this festival?
Because it brings a lot of money into the Manchester, Coffey County area.
And he hesitated a second and he said, well, it basically promotes every single thing that we're against.
OK. But you know, all in all, he always worked really well with the festival.
He was terrific. So I don't know.
Like I said, I don't remember the new sheriff's name and I don't know anything about him.
His name is Chad Parklund. That's it.
That's all right. I'm not trying to imply anything.
I'm just saying. Well, I don't think that you are, but I would be.
I would love to maybe schedule a call with him.
I would love to just pick his brain and just see take his temperature and see where he is.
That's a good thought. I need to talk to him. I need to reach out.
I mean, I need to get the.
No, it's it's essential.
I mean, if you had a relationship with a sheriff for 15 years.
Yeah, you. Yeah, absolutely.
I would. Is that something we might be able to schedule before Bonnaroo in the next three weeks?
I can talk to the sheriff of Coffey County.
Not to not to like see what any human being can get away with,
but just to see what his his value to this festival is.
I'm just in general. Get the mayor.
If not, because, you know, he's the mayor is usually there at the media event that we go to.
That's right. I don't remember seeing him, though.
Was he there? He's there. Yeah.
I mean, I'm looking through his platform on his actual website.
So candidate for sheriff. Who am I?
Why am I running?
I'm just reading some of it.
I mean, he doesn't say one thing about Bonnaroo. Yeah.
And it is it is a cash cow for that area.
So, yeah, you'd be a fool, a total fool to start screwing up that relationship.
Right. They just built you an entire sewer system.
Yeah. Water, everything. Yeah. OK. All right.
Just let everybody know.
I'm just you stop me dead my tracks on this because I didn't know anything about this.
I just found out like Wednesday or Thursday.
When the hell was this election?
Don't live in Coffee County, so you know what?
Not abreast of the Coffee County political scene right now. Crazy enough.
Anyway, I'd love to actually talk to him and give him a shot and give him a chance
and just hear what he has to say about the festival in general.
I'll ask. Who knows?
Maybe he's even better than the last guy because the last guy has been pretty,
pretty damn good. It was great.
I mean, he's a he's a policeman. He's a very good.
I don't mean to imply that he didn't do his job at all.
He was just great to work with and I think understood the situation and.
By the way, that goes to another do
be very, very, very, very kind to the people that are working.
Most of them are volunteers and the other get they're getting the free
they're getting the free ticket and they're, you know, they're in them.
Yeah, no kidding.
I mean, this is not an easy job.
It is not easy to sit there in the dead of heat in the middle of summer
and just burn for hours and hours and hours.
Yeah, you know, I'm glad you brought that up because they do 12 hour shifts.
It's 12 on 12 off.
And most people at Bonnaroo, as we've talked about for a year and a half,
almost two years, are are really cool people.
They're kind. Yeah, they're understanding the one.
There are two there are two types of people that are there that I would suggest
I wish weren't there.
The one who doesn't want to respect the volunteer, you know,
when they're holding up traffic to let the cars go by or whatever things
they say, he's not talking to me.
I'm too important. I'm just going to go on.
Saw a couple of those last year and I don't like that.
The other is I don't like and we mentioned it before,
the people who think they have to push their way to the front of the crowd
to be close to the stage after the show is already started.
All that. Maybe we can end that.
OK, yeah. Right.
I don't see it happening, but if we can at least talk about it,
we'll keep talking about it.
Maybe maybe if you're that guy, you're realizing, man,
that's not a cool thing to do. Stop doing that.
And I'm just no matter how much I push, I'm just probably not going to get
any further up.
And where I do find a space is probably at the expense of someone else's comfort.
He's been there for a long, long time. Right. Exactly. Right.
But yeah, be be very kind to the people that are working
because they are they've got a really tough gig.
The other thing, too, not just the people that are volunteering
and working, but spend some money, make it worthwhile to the vendors
and not just the vendors for food shop at center.
And those people, those people are paying a good penny to be there.
And I hope I hope it's worth their while.
I hope that they get something out of it because they provide
a very nice service to the festival in and of itself.
And as a whole, I saw a couple of suggestions when I was researching
this earlier this morning that I kind of like.
One guy said, leave early, leave the show a little bit early
to beat the crowd getting out.
That's a hard one, because as he said, he missed Hey, Jude,
you know, he said, as I'm walking away, I hear everyone.
Now, I'm McCartney early. Yeah.
So that's which raises to what?
Yeah, I don't know.
What was he trying to get to?
I guess he just want to beat the crowd.
That's ridiculous. I wouldn't suggest that.
I would suggest sort of getting the lay of the land.
There are better vantage points to seeing a show.
You'll find you'll find those out, you know, left side, right side, whatever.
Planning it out.
That what stage, as we've talked about getting in and getting out,
it bottlenecks bad. Yeah, it sucks.
It really, really sucks.
And I don't know why they do that.
And if you are if you are somebody that has a little bit of claustrophobia,
hold back. Yeah.
By the way, I mean, maybe you do leave really early, but
don't get stuck in that because it's going to freak you out.
Don't freak out hardcore.
Which, by the way, speaking of the way that they put around
the put the what together.
And the reason I come back to this hill all the time,
the VIP hill that I'm convinced has moved with that one that's on rollers.
But, you know, there is there is nothing better
than getting rid of the porta potties to the left of the what stage.
Because how many years year after year if you're the the wind would just push
the smell of the porta potties, right?
I'll never forget what's Eddie Vedder looking over that pearl
from Pearl Jam, looking over the woo.
Man, it'll right. Yeah, a little, little right.
Oh, there's another there's a big don't.
If you do go into a porta potti, wear shoes.
I swear to God, I watched somebody walk in shoeless one time.
I mean, that is just you are just covered in dysentery.
If that's the case, what are you doing?
So what I said about high five earlier, forget all that.
See, that's why I have these problems.
Speaking of dirty and not dirty, I have a rule here.
And you might think this is silly.
Fan of the what podcast Barry Courtera, Brad Steiner, fellow Bonnarooian.
I have a rule about sex.
First off, I don't think sex at music festivals,
especially camping festivals is a good idea.
Good because I'm not doing it.
OK, well, I wasn't offering.
But if you're going to
save it for the first night or the last night.
OK, either make it really, really clean or so dirty.
This really only to ends of the candle here in the middle.
There's nothing good in the middle.
I got nothing to.
All right. Back to camp.
I got a couple of ideas for camp.
I've said be crafty.
I said make camp special.
I really do think the camp changed for us the moment I brought carpet.
Carpet is you can buy.
We went to Home Depot earlier today.
You can get that really thin, thin foldable carpet.
You can get remnants.
Yeah, you get 200 square feet of carpet for about 100 bucks,
maybe even cheaper. Get carpet.
It helps. It really, really does help.
And here's what you do with the carpet.
Once you get it out there, I'm telling you, it's going to be a mess
after a day and a half.
So do one of two things either bring a broom.
I know it sounds silly or get one of those, you know,
Chinese restaurant vacuum cleaner, the Swiffer.
I've got the Bissell.
Yes, I finally found it.
And it's great. Yeah, it's rechargeable, right?
It's not plugged in.
Oh, you had we had one that was chargeable.
The one year. Yeah.
Oh, a dust buster be hilarious.
Heck, yeah. OK. It was hilarious.
Yeah, carpets good and even a small piece or a couple of carpet tiles.
The, you know, three foot by three foot for the entrance to your tent
is a pretty good idea.
Yes, like a welcome mat, like a welcome mat to wipe your feet.
And also that depending on where you're camping, you know, the grass,
the roots, tree, little small ones can be tough on bare feet.
The heat's going to be bad.
I suggest a lot of rags, washcloths.
The reason I say that is because you can take them, dip it in the cooler,
put it on your neck.
Supposedly, someone asked me that.
I guess now it's probably Yeti.
They seem to have invented everything, but they they sell these things now
that you can freeze and put around your neck.
Can you get wet? Yeah, they're there.
You won't get wet. They can get wet.
OK, cold water. OK.
To keep around the back of your neck. Yeah, you need that.
I would also bandana is good for both sweaty hair or breathing.
If it does get dusty and my biggest I'm going to save the biggest for last.
My my biggest do do do do do do.
Does it involve do do sort of I thought so.
Baby powder to but I'm telling you, I didn't.
I was not a guy who was ever going to be powdering myself.
But boy, did that change my life.
It is essential.
It is the most essential thing that you bring as a guy.
And I mean, maybe even women to the women in our campsite
don't necessarily ever seem to use it, but it is a lifesaver.
There are two things I've always said that will ruin your Bonnaroo experience.
Being hung over and not being able to walk.
Yes. Yeah.
The other thing, and this seems kind of weird, maybe
a lot of people use hand sanitizers, which is.
Oh, that sounds like it would burn like a.
Oh, I don't mean for that.
No, I'm after washing your hands, actually.
I did that one year exclusively, I think.
Nothing but hand sanny.
Well, I washed a hand with water whenever I could.
But I thought this was several years ago.
I thought the hand sanitizer did the.
And when I left the site, I stopped at a McDonald's or something to get a Coke
and went in the bathroom and wash my hands and was stunned at the gunk.
The brown. Yeah, I don't want that.
I don't like hand sanitizer, man. I like hand sanitizer.
I don't like it either. That's my point.
When I'm in center, it's a nice little fresh up. Right.
But when I'm at camp, I want wipes.
I want a big, big wipe.
Baby wipes are great for a lot of things.
Wiping your feet if they get dusty in your tent.
Yeah. I know you like to shower, but those are good for in there.
They're good for your hands.
But I also get like you, you said you're the big two gallon of water or whatever.
And I use that to brush my teeth and wash my hands.
Yeah. And bring actual soap.
So, yeah. So I have a little I have a I have a thing about.
So I get a little a jug and I just pour some water in.
I have this special cup that you bought.
I have one special cup.
He has the dumbest thing I've ever bought, but it's my toothbrush cup.
And I swish it around and dump it, put some more water in,
swish it around and I'm done. Yeah.
Yeah. Oh, that's another thing, too.
I know I know this sounds a little
diva ish, but it's stuff like this that makes the experience
a little bit easier for you.
Man, mouthwash is great.
And like, I don't like feeling gunky or that I smell bad.
And if I can figure out little ways to to to make myself
at least feel better, that wipes in certain spots,
that's keeping my feet clean, that's washing my mouth out just to, you know,
and again, you don't have to go to R.A.I. to get all this.
Walmart has an entire two rows dedicated to the one and two dollars.
The travel size stuff.
You get the travel size shampoos, soaps.
Toothbrushes, all of that stuff.
I think I usually go every year and I might spend 15 bucks.
And usually now I have it built up, so I just bring the same stuff.
Do you suggest a
funky outfits?
Are you are you a silly outfit kind of guy?
No, no. OK, OK.
No, but you're going to what on that?
What is it?
Ratchet Sunday. Yeah, I just think it's Sunday.
I'm going to have a cut off T-shirt and
booty shorts. That's me.
Oh, that's the other thing.
Oh, this was actually from Brad girl from our campsite.
She had a bonnaroo don't glitter is very bad for the environment.
It's actually terrible for the environment.
And you do what you want to do with glitter.
I'm telling you, here's my public service announcement.
Glitter is terrible for the environment.
I like it. That's OK.
All right. So I'm sure there are a ton more that we could do.
I mean, I could probably keep going
because I really, really like this topic.
I really love just
shoot about Bonnaroo because right about now, these are
these are the things that are trying to activate your brain.
I keep thinking going back to my the first year that my daughter went.
She had a couple of friends and man, and I did it too.
I over obsessed before going to that first one.
But these two guys obsessed.
I mean, they had lists about making lists about lists of what to bring
and what not to bring. And and I I want to say when it was over,
they both said 50 percent of what they brought, they would have left at home.
Yeah, that's right. And a lot of that was food.
They they ended up spending a lot of money.
And I don't know how to deal with this one because we don't really camp
in general camping, but they they offer taxi rides basically.
If your campsite is way, way out there.
So you are going to need cash for that.
I know they ended up spending a lot of money on those rides.
Did they really? And I don't I don't know if they would say they wasted it
or they were glad they did it.
I don't know. I'm just sort of putting it out there for folks
to be aware that you might you might need that cash.
You know, I'll be honest. It's a long walk.
Why in the world wouldn't Bird or Lime not have a load of scooters
for you to scoot, scoot around G.A.? I don't know.
Wouldn't that be an amazing thing for Bird to sponsor getting you to
and from your your campsite? Even bikes like we have here
where you take one, leave one. The bike share. Bike share.
Yeah. You know, ride.
Why am I just now thinking about this? Hey, Bird, hey Lime.
We've got a money maker. Oh, my God. Isn't Lyft is Lyft sponsors
every music festival in the country.
They've got their own scooter line that that you can get in Atlanta.
Why don't you just bring some electric scooters and help people get to
and from camp? That would be amazing. I don't know.
I don't know. That's why I say I'm just bringing it up.
Maybe they have thought about it. Maybe because the roads are too uneven.
They're pretty pretty lumpy. Yeah.
But that's the kind of thing they fix. I don't think there was bad last year.
Yeah, I don't remember. I was I wasn't paying attention to road quality.
Right, right. All right.
What else? Anything else?
Like you said, we could probably do this all day long.
You have to drive through. I'm sure people have.
Every campsite is different, so people probably have their own suggestions.
And we didn't even get into like the do's and don'ts about shows.
Like, for instance. Oh, yeah, yeah.
Don't forget the idea.
You're going to see everything that's on your list.
Don't be beholden to a schedule.
Just go with whatever feels right in the moment.
You know, there are certain places and you can go back to our picks.
If you want to go through some of the lineups and some of the things that we like.
I think there are certain moments that you're going to find
that you probably would want to go to and specifically
build your day around.
But don't get beholden to doing eight shows a day.
You're just going to get lost in a schedule.
Well, I was going to say the other the ones I because I get in the photo pit,
which means I literally am.
My shoulders are to the stage for the first three songs.
I'll talk to the people along the rail there.
And every year, Brad, there are people for the nine thirty
main headlining show that night that have been there
since the gates opened at 10 that morning.
Yeah, they literally and, you know, bathrooms.
I'm like, how do you do? What do you eat?
The jug rule. The jug rule.
How do you how are you hydrating?
Because you can't leave. You leave. You lose your spot. Yeah.
That's not me. That's not me.
There's not anybody in this world that I want to see bad enough
that I'm going to stand in one place.
Yeah. And I don't mean to be a jerk about this,
but are you that big of a Post Malone fan?
Man, I mean, that takes a lot of dedication.
And you're right.
There's there. I want to go out amongst them, as my uncle would say.
I want to go live. I want to go experience things.
I don't want to be beholden to a rail for 10 hours.
That sounds miserable.
Sunscreen, all that stuff.
Bring a hat. All that's.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
No hats going on. The moneymaker.
You know, just prepare for be prepared for all kinds of weather
is probably the one thing.
If you burn easily, it's going to be hot.
It literally is a open field at the farm.
And it's Tennessee in the summer. It is very, very hot.
And here's the other thing.
And I've said this forever.
My Bonnaroo experience changed the year that I stopped caring so much.
When I just let go and I let go of my schedule, I let go of my germophobia.
I let go of the things that that that hold me back.
Once you let go of all of that and just let the experience be the experience,
everything will change and have the time of your life.
And if you've never been again, the Bonnaroo attitude is real.
The smile, be nice, be kind is very, very real.
You are going to feel it.
You're going to experience it.
And if I hope if you're not that type of person, typically you become that person.
You need to be for these four days because that is real and you need to expect it.
You need to you need to live it and you need to expect it from others.
Share with your neighbors.
Or else your Bonnaroo is not going to be what it could be.
Right. All right.
We'll see you next week. There you go.
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