Bonnaroo 2024 has finally arrived!! Many of you might already be on The Farm, while others are just about to head down to Tennessee. This week on The What Podcast, the crew offers some last minute advice for everyone planning on attending.
Picking up where they left off (check out part one and part two), Barry, Lord Taco, and Bryan provide advice that'll help you ensure you have a fun, safe, good-vibes-filled weekend at Bonnaroo 2024. Plus, they listen to a few more voicemails from seasoned Roovians.
Listen to The What Podcast here or watch it on YouTube. Do us a solid and also like, review, and subscribe to The What Podcast wherever you listen.
Topic: Bonnaroo
00:00 | Intro |
01:57 | Remembering past Bonnaroos |
18:59 | This year's goals |
23:03 | Weather forecast |
25:02 | More quick tips |
31:06 | Your voicemails |
32:38 | C3 responds about the Chappell Roan show |
36:18 | Voicemail 1 - Richard |
39:53 | Voicemail 2 - Nick |
42:04 | Voicemail 3 - Corey |
45:37 | Voicemail 4 - Christian |
48:42 | Voicemail 5 - Jonah |
53:57 | Voicemail 6 - Rob |
01:01:56 | Easter egg hunt |
01:03:03 | Outro |
If you're listening to this, you are probably in your car on the way to Bonnaroo.
Please be careful. Please don't let the popo know you're on your way to Bonnaroo. Be smart.
Guys, this is it. It's the week of Bonnaroo. We are so excited. Here we go.
Guys, this is it. That's time, right? If you're listening, Russ has already been there for 55,000
minutes. He's got our camp all set up. Brian and I will be heading out there tomorrow, assuming
you're listening to this on Wednesday. So this is kind of a bonus episode. We're going to play
some of the voice messages that people have sent to us that are memorabilia related. We're going
to talk about some of that. If you're watching this, you'll note that Brian is decked out in his
memorabilia. This is my favorite one too. This is a gift from your daughter, as a matter of fact,
Barry. The ugly hat comes from the old radio Bonnaroo people, maybe damn near 10 years ago.
We used to actually have a radio station that was 24 hours a day on the farm. I weaseled my way in
eventually. They used to give us cool, weird stuff like this dumb looking hat that I wear.
We're going to talk about some of that because that is the ugliest hat I've ever seen.
I love it with all my heart. I love that you love it. That's why he wears it. Bonnaroo underneath,
it doesn't really say it anywhere else. I love that you love it, but it is ugly. It is hideous.
It looks good for pride too, right? I love it. I'm so jealous that you, I think I walked in behind
you and that's when Brad introduced you, Brad Steiner, former co-host of the show, introduced
you and some other people and just ignored me. I was like, am I invisible? What the, I didn't get
a hat. I didn't get a sticker. No telling what was going on in Brad's head that day. He was trying
to impress or what trying to angle he was working. I finally called him out on it like weeks later
and it was like, there's nobody in there you needed to meet. I'm like, that's not the point,
whatever. Anyway, let's start there because that's what I want to do. It's funny because you
you wore the hat and the shirt independently. We obviously do no planning on purpose,
but you feel you're feeling the same nostalgia that I am. I went through some of my stuff and I
realized I have the guide from 07 all the way to 19. I have each one of them. So that kind of
triggered me to think about how different you mentioned the festival used to have a radio
station. What was, and I'll ask you, Brian, because Russ, you've been since 18. So you don't quite
have the history. No disrespect. Although a lot's changed just since 18, honestly. It has changed,
but what was the thing, Brian, when you walked in and said, oh, this is a little bit different
event than anything else I've ever seen. And I have a couple of moments and these are one of them.
But, oh, wow. Well, that list, if you gave me some time would be long to quickly, to quickly just
what I think of initially that pops into my head going way back. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Years before
people who don't know, this is the What Podcast. I'm Barry. That's Brian. That's Lord Taco. I went to
the first one for the first day and then I've been going every year since 07, which is why I have this
guide. Brian, you've been every year, as you've said famously, you jumped the fence Saturday night
on the first one and you've been every year since. Yeah, just to see what the fuss was all about.
Exactly. And Russ, you've been Russ, who we also called Lord Taco because he is an actual Lord.
You want to tell that story real quick?
Go ahead. You are an actual Lord. Yeah, that's what I was, I think a Christmas gift
from Brad one year. Yeah, he bought you what, one square yard in Scotland. Oh, that's right.
I was trying to remember what the hell you were talking about. Now I do kind of remember that.
No, you are an actual, you have paperwork. You have papers. He has papers. I got papers. Anyway,
I digress because we're going to do that because it's Bonnaroo week and we're going to have some
fun. So, all right, back to the question. What was the moment? Well, going way, way back to just
about the beginning, the sweet sounds discs they used to give you when you pulled in, they were
called the sweet sounds volume one, two, three, however many, they probably cut that out after
the first three or four years, but they would give a little double disc that would just be,
basically it was a promotional thing for anything on the record labels that were going to be not
necessarily even playing Bonnaroo. This wasn't like a sampler of listen to all this stuff from Bonnaroo,
but it was probably 50% of it was, and then the rest of it was just a compilation. I love records.
I love CDs. I love tangible media. You can hold papers, fanzines. I'm a big fan of all that stuff.
And so that was one of the coolest things ever. I've never been anywhere at early 20s at that point.
So, you know, a lot of life left to go. There's a lot of things I hadn't done, but I had never gone
to a festival, a show or anywhere that gave you CDs. When you double this, when you walked in to me,
that was like, this is a $20 value. That's crazy. That's my first thought that this is way, way
different. All you got to do is look around to find your second thought. Yeah. You know, just,
just look around. And then over the years, it just piles up from the fact that they have that,
you know, a 24 hour rolling, as we would call it radio station. It's live 24 hours a day for five.
It probably didn't start till Wednesday, about five straight days. It went to Monday. So six days,
which is impossibly hard to do to keep something rolling 24 with a bunch of
yahoos running around. It took years for me to work my way into that because they're not going to let
just anybody do that for all the obvious reasons. And then when I finally was able to find that angle
and get in, then they wanted me to do it like 10 hours a day. Well, let's go back to that. You say
that it wasn't easy. I mean, the converse of that would have been, it is easy. Any schmo could walk
up and do the radio, but no, it was curated. I mean, it was big time curated legit radio.
It was, and I didn't listen to it the whole, obviously, you know, all the time. I don't know
everybody who was on there and it has moments of being college radio. Sure. Sure. But it was still
taking over the one to 1.5 FM. It's now rooster radio. I think it used to be fantasy one to 1.5.
And you're still taking over their station and saying, y'all just go home for the week. We're
going to just do a radio station. We're going to try to be FCC compliant, which is just basically
don't cuss on the radio and don't, don't try to sell and trade things without proper authority
or whatever, which I'm sure nobody really paid that much attention to, but it there's, you know,
it's a serious thing, especially 20 years ago, you know, a much more serious thing than it is now,
when media was still confined to the more traditional aspects. It was a thrill of a
lifetime to be able to do that and did it for about two or three years. And it was, it was funny. It
was Justin Hamill's his name. He works in Nashville now still in the radio business. And I'm sure the
podcasting and all this kind of stuff business too. And by the second or third year, it was,
I mean, my phone's like dinging, Hey, Hey, Hey, cause he, he had to do, he had to be there. If
they didn't have someone to fill it in and you know, at two o'clock in the morning, who wants
to be on the radio? Right. Well, I might. So for me walking in, uh, so I go into the paper 2002.
Oh, the only thing people can talk about is this traffic. That's the biggest news story from the
generalized looking down at it. Macro is traffic jam from Nashville to Chattanooga. Uh, I 24 is a
parking lot and they say, get a photographer, Tim Barber and go. And so we go up there and I've told
this story many times. I'm thinking the worst thinking the worst. I hate traffic. I hate sitting
in a car and traffic. We drive right up to that holiday in, which you guys all know of that's
where we checked in, uh, walk right in. They could not have been nicer. They escorted us into the
site. And the first thing I see and everybody who's been there knows where the tree is in
front of the witch stage. Those, that grove of trees right behind the soundboard and there's
people passing around an inflatable bong. It's two pieces. You blow it up, you put it together and
they're passing it around. And I'm like, you know, this, this is different. You don't see that
every day. It's different. You don't see that. And I went home that night, uh, Tim and I got a room
there at the holiday in so that he could, um, get their wifi and send pictures back and all that.
And I remember going home, telling my wife, I really want to go back. Didn't go back until oh
seven. And then this was the thing that sort of, for me, Brian, among other things, this guide was
this, this place is legit. This, yeah, I mean, it's, it's a comprehensive, you know, program like we
would call when you go to the ball field and get a, you know, you would, you would have to pay for
it. Yeah, exactly. You know, if you went to a football game, a baseball game, any hockey game,
you would get a really cool program that you pay five bucks for. Well, this thing is as comprehensive
as that and they just give you as many as you want. They give you as many as you want. And then that
next morning wake up, they have a newspaper. Yeah. Yeah. I was, I was hoping we were going to go that
or I didn't forget to bring it up if you didn't. I figured you would the barn roof daily newspaper
from the relics company, which I used to have a subscription to for 20 years, that and rolling
stone relics for my regulars. And now I don't have either cause this is where we live in 2024, but
get up every day and read the paper from yesterday's shows. I mean, how cool is that
if full interviews, previews, and then reviews. Yeah. Yeah. And I know some people are,
are saying like, you know, there, there's younger folks that just don't, will never understand it
because you just can't and it's okay. There's nothing wrong with that. Um, so that was a big
deal. That's a lot of work. That's so much work. So think about it, right? Brian, you and I were both,
uh, you, you approach the festival differently now, but we woke up in a haze. Let's just be
honest. We woke up in a buzz and a haze and there's a fricking newspaper on our doorstep.
Almost literally. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, there's a, there's a radio station for your weather update.
I mean, that's how we got our weather updates. Exactly. Right. There was a couple of times when
there were a storm come through and things would get shut down. And the only way you were going to
know the exact specifics to the moment was one to 1.5. That's, that's what we live for. That's what
we grew up all wanting, you know, wanting to do our whole lives. And now, you know, get the app
and you're good nuts. And then you go walking through center and you see all the different
vendors and you see the food and all that stuff, which, which you guys are going to see tomorrow
or today when you get there and they have a post office, you can, you can mail,
never utilize that. But yes, I did, I did just cause I wanted to have that stamp. They have their
own post. I should have, damn it. Why didn't I do that? I was too hazy and not in my right mind.
Yeah. Did you ever do it, Russ? Do you ever mail anything to yourself? They have a post.
No, I think, I think that was done by the time I was gone. I thought it was still there. No, the,
the mud hut, is it gone? It's right there where they do yoga. That was the other thing. Then you
walk around and they're doing yoga in the morning. Well, I then that will then they've done, I don't
know how long they've done the Bonnaroo run, the 5k or whatever it is. I have always had trouble
understanding why anybody would want to do that. But the more that I know a lot of people in the
space of running and it just takes over their lives. Like I know a lot of people, probably all
of you too, too, as well, especially in this area in Chattanooga where we live, it's just a lot of
them. How much I see they love it. I guess I get it just because I get them, but I would never do
it. No, I wouldn't either. Anyway, so yeah, the, uh, that's part of what, you know, I was going
through some of these and these guides, they had, uh, these guides have bios of all the acts.
They had a map so that you pull out map that you could perforate out of there.
And, uh, just, oh yeah, there you go. So that list, yeah, who needs an app when you got that,
right? It's gorgeous. Isn't that great? Throw that in a frame, man. Isn't that great?
Throw that in a frame with the old ticket stubs. That's another thing. That's another thing. The
ticket stubs or the tickets before they became stubs were designed to be one of a kind themselves.
They were designed to look like nothing you've ever had before. So that's even another thing
of like, well, I buy tickets to things all the time. They never look like this.
So, all right. So this is oh seven. So we've got camp and park RV, RV, Oasis site map,
important numbers. It lists phone numbers for like a medical police, roadside assistance,
all these things that, yeah, that the phone is now replaced completely. Yeah. Um, that's so funny.
Names of the plazas, Rocky Balboa. Yeah. That's when they used to have like, uh, old eighties
movies, Marty McFaul, back to the future references everywhere. I always, I always was a big fan of
the back to the future references. Ferris Bueller. They've done away with that. Yeah.
Anyway, trying to think of oh seven, that was the police, uh, on Saturday night. I remember the
white stripes that year was a huge witch tent show. Um, you know, I'm just quickly trying to,
trying to find it. Yeah. The police, I think, wasn't that, um, Chris rock was he that saying,
no, that was oh eight. That was oh eight. Yeah. Before Metallica on Friday night. Uh, that was,
I believe one of the white stripes last shows was the Bonnaroo show. I don't think it was announced
that way, but they weren't a band much longer after that. And that was a major overflow, uh,
which stage crowd. Oh, I saw this one too. So they used to have the Bonnaroo cinema, the movie tent,
which that was another thing that I thought was cool because who does that? Right. And that's
where I discovered, um, the guys from Australia or a whale. Um, the duo that did that show,
it'll come to me. Um, taco help us out. Uh, flight of the concourse, the concourse. I thought,
oh, I don't know what you're talking about, but on Sunday, father's day, June 16th,
2013, they showed the movie three and a half men to celebrate father's day.
Hell yeah. No, I, I'm actually lucky too. After all these years, I got a father. That's, that's
cool. We've never done anything on father's day. Yeah. Except for like one or two years,
like the canceled years. Um, one year, one year, Carson, my son called me. I was, he said, when are
you leaving for Bonnaroo? And I said, tomorrow morning, he said, I gotta come meet you. He brought
me a camel pack. Uh, he and his sister bought me a, yeah, which I still use. It's the one I use every
year. So there was one year I was sitting in the what stage, uh, field waiting on somebody. I have
no idea who it was. And I was, who knows sheets to the wind and, and we're all just sitting around
Indian style, just laying around waiting for whatever show. And somebody was in earshot was
like, yeah, man, we got to leave tomorrow for father's day. And I said something enough to
where people are trying to be funny. It got some laughs of I would absolutely lose it on my entire
family. If I had to leave Bonnaroo for father's day, whether I was the father or had to go see the
father, this ain't going to go over my life. And, uh, got a couple of laughs, but, uh, I get it.
Family's important, but not that important. Dad, I'll see you next week. The only other,
yeah, I already gave my dad a card since I won't be there Sunday mail it on Wednesday or whatever.
Oh, you should have mailed it from the post office all those years. The only other, and it was
actually very emotional was Brandi Carlisle on that father's day. Uh, what three or four years ago,
I didn't go to that one. I remember people talking like, Oh, that was a talk of socials for,
yeah. Yeah. Yeah. She gave such a nice talk about her wife and their child. And it was, you know,
the, just the whole moment of it being father's day and her speaking. And then that performance,
I remember, yeah. I, that was one of those, it was like, Oh, I met in the off season. We needed to
have a regrets list. I'm sure you guys have done this over the years. I need to do a regret. My
regrets list would piss y'all off. Yo would be like, this guy goes to Bonnaroo. Are you sure?
Yeah. Are you sure? Is he a liar? Who's this fraud on your show that doesn't go to any of the good
shows? Yeah. My regrets list probably exceeds my did see list. Uh, well, and everybody's got that.
Yeah. Everybody has them, but, uh, yeah. Jeff and our friend, Jeff Quay are, uh, gave Brandi, uh,
along with the mayor of Manchester gave her the key to the city right after. So it was a really,
really strong sort of father's day Sunday. So
all right. Uh, like I said, this, you guys are probably listening to this on Wednesday,
which means some of you are already in camp like Russ. Some of you are traveling. Yeah.
Yeah. How are you going to feel holding that thing down for a couple of days by your lonesome? I know
you'll do fine, but how are you feeling? I'm feeling good. Like I said, I got, I got plenty of
beer, plenty of PBR. Well, yeah. Who didn't know that? And you know where to go get it if you have
to. Right. Yep. Yeah. And I think we need to at least mention that, um, I don't think it means
much of anything other than just life. Our camp, our monstrous camp nut butter that at one upon a
time, once upon a time could have been 20 plus close to 30 could be, yeah. I've 20 to 30 people
overflowing of just magicalness. You're looking at it. Yeah. You're looking at it. Yeah. And I
would be lying if I, if I didn't say that disappoints me a little, it doesn't, it doesn't change.
My emotion meter doesn't change. It doesn't change the weekend. I'm not any less excited. None of that
stuff. But man, it is gone. It is gone. I'm glad you brought it up. It's all circumstantial. It's
all circumstantial. It's all people got lives, got things to do, jobs change, all that stuff. But wow.
No, I'm a hundred percent glad you brought it up because I was going to, or had it on my list.
I am as excited about this year as I've been in a long, long time. And I think, I think I decided
the other day and I posted on Facebook, I'm, I'm, I'm going to call this the hug and howdy tour.
Cause that is my goal. My goal is to hug and howdy. See people, see people. There are people on the
lineup that I want to see band wise, but my goal is literally to lay eyes on, as I said once before,
the real robust guys, the RooHamm guys. I thought Pondo was going to be there. I was very excited
to see Pondo Pondo thinking about you, man. God love you. Yeah. Don't mess around with that blood
pressure being as high. He put it out on social where I wouldn't mention it is it's been spiking.
He's had some issues. Don't mess around with that kind of stuff. And nobody loves Bonnaroo as much
as that guy does. He speaks for all of us. So, so well, and so many times. So I was hoping to see
him, but yeah, that's, that's what this is all about. This year. So, yeah, the beer exchange,
I have a feeling is going and we, I haven't been since we all went 19th. Yeah. Second year,
second year y'all were doing this show. So a little ways back, I haven't been, and it was,
there were some people there, right? I mean, there were some people there. I have a feeling this
thing. I mean, if you, if you just think of camp Reddaroo stack of the, this, that gorgeous rainbows
and whatever the waterfalls beer, right. They have a whole palette coming. I mean, it's a palette is
seven lay a layer of seven cases. So that's 35 cases of that stuff ready to just trade and sling
around. I, I, that's going to be fun. That's going to be a good time. I'm looking forward to that.
Um, that's going to be crazy. Friday at 11, if I remember right. That's pretty much a
come one, come all kind of thing. That's, that's not a special invite. Bring, bring a beer,
trade a beer or whatever you want. Uh, somebody's bringing bourbon, right? Uh, can't remember from
Luke. Yeah. We've got to mention on that on the phone call here in a minute. Actually. Yeah. So
look me up because I'm a bourbon guy. Definitely. Um, but that's going to be so much fun. I, I
honestly am as excited about that as I am anything else. Um, well, and also, yes, it looks like, uh,
we're recording a couple of days early, so it's, it's tough to project exactly, but it's pretty
close to being able to be accurate. The weather is looking great. Pretty good. Hot, hot, hot, but
it's summer, it's June. It's of course it's hot. Uh, if that's a deterrent, then you shouldn't even
be thinking about this. Uh, I will say that, again, sorry if I'm, this is outdated because it will be,
but the humidity is down in Tennessee this, this weekend before and going into Monday, the humidity
is really down. If that holds a 90 degree day, isn't going to feel that bad. If it had happened
this weekend, but it might not hold. It might not hold. If it had happened this weekend when
we're recording, it would have been stunning. So perfect Saturday night, the weekend before the
festival, I did yard work and in June and July and August, when you do that in this part of the
country, that is a sweltering death feeling of the thing. And I, I broke a sweat, but that was it
barely. So yeah, well, hopefully that humidity holds low. If not, that's fine. Deal with the heat.
Like we've talked about and do's and don'ts and everything else and everything you already know.
Mama told you a long time ago, stick to that. But the rain is not going to mess this thing up.
I mean, there could be a pop-up, could be a pop-up. That's fine. It'll be gone in minutes if there is.
And that, to me, that's the most important part because rain and storms ruins everything for me.
Yeah. And prepare for some cool nights too. I mean, the lows are actually kind of low.
Yeah. Yeah. It looks like though, by the weekend, we're closer to around 70. So that's not nearly,
but like early in the week, when you, when you're there, like 58, that's freezing. Yeah. Especially
if you're camping on the ground. That's cold along those lines. Let's do this real quick.
Cause I heard, I listened to Bonadude and a couple of other, you know, our own do's and don'ts.
So let's assume you're just now arriving. Here's a couple of quick tips. I hope you've already
started hydrating. If not, please start drinking water. The other thing is put that sunscreen on.
You're going to get out of the car. You're going to think you're there. You've been in that car
for however many hours, shotgun that beer. We all do it. It's the best beer. It's the only better
beer is after a round of golf, but that's a dag gum good one right there. It's good. It is. It is.
It is. Have that beer, but put that sunscreen on and don't think you're just out in it for just a
few minutes. Cause it's hot, it's bright. You're going to burn and the lat and not, and not just
your shoulders and forehead, but your feet, the back of your legs, you know, all those places that
you're going to get burned and it's going to make for a bad, bad weekend. So take care of yourself.
It's easy to say that, well, no bleep. Very like it's easy to say that, but you'd be, it's so
surprising how many people forget. I guess it's not that surprising. It just, it happens. So people go
to, you said golf course, the beach, people met mess this part up everywhere they go because of
their excitement. Right. Exactly. They're so excited and you forget about some of those small
things. So it, that is well, plus if it's cloudy, if it's overcast, you might think, oh, it's not
that bad. No, it's you can still get to get burned. Yeah. That's the beach thing. Everybody goes,
Oh, it's not sunny today. Well, how many times has your mother told you back to mama's? Put the damn
sunscreen on anyway, boy, slather it up. Uh, as our friend, Evan, uh, that last year, remember Russ,
when we went to his tent and he had that, his, his, uh, brother-in-law put it on the haunches,
get it on the haunches. Yeah. So funny. Yeah. And, and reapply, if you go back to camp,
you know, once a day, twice a day, put some more on cause as you sweat and, you know,
move in this heat, it's, it's going to be less effective. So you're going to need several
applications throughout the day. Absolutely. One more thing along those lines. And it's so gross
to even mention, but bring water and actual soap, uh, the hand sanitizer stuff. I think I've told
this story many times. I did that for a whole weekend and then I left and I went across the
street there to the McDonald's or whatever and washed my hands and the dirt and grime that came
off of my hands was disgusting. Even with, uh, just hand sanitizer, hand sanitizer. Well,
it's a good point cause sanitizer is not so it is not so it will true germs, but it's not going to
remove dirt. It is not soap. Uh, oh, the other seems simple too. Yeah. It seems simple too, but
that's a good one. Yeah. The other is chiggers. If you're not from Tennessee and you don't know
what a chigger is, look it up. If you get, I've never had an issue with those, but I know what
they are. They get under your skin. They look like a little bug bite and they hurt and itch.
Go to the medical tent. They have a way to get rid of them. I don't know why I remember that one.
We've always talked about the fact that there aren't, what have we seen like three bugs? I mean,
Brad and I used to laugh about this all the time. We don't know what they're spraying that farm with,
but they don't have a lot of bugs. I'm sure it's they're spraying it with something, but I do think
that it's the, uh, the controlled or as they're sometimes called prescribed burns, right? That
they do there in the off season that I've actually seen with my own eyes wondering,
why is this place on fire? What's going on? The only thing we've ever seen was that skunk.
Oh my God. How terrifying was that? That was terrifying. This is back where the 931 is now.
So if you're familiar, that's where we used to be and it's very wooded. So we're totally,
you know, encroaching on wildlife's, you know, space here. And this skunk was around for a couple
of days and I was getting, I was getting a little, a little high and it was, uh, it was, you know,
they had a midnight shift at the radio station. Uh, I, you know, I'm a little stoned. I'm a little
like just kind of in outer space a couple of times and I'm, oh my God, it was funny. Is it outside?
Is it outside my tent? It was funny for a minute because we were like, is that a skunk? Ha ha.
And then it kept coming and they're like, what are we going to do? Cause I'm not, I'm not kicking it.
You know, I'm not throwing anything at it. And I think there was a moment or two, I don't remember
if I said it out loud, but I was thinking, guys, this is serious. We can't just pretend like this
skunk doesn't live right next to us. Where's Denson? Denson wasn't there. Denson would have had that thing as a hat.
But I don't know. He was, Denson might've jumped up on a chair like it was a mouse or something, but
it, it did eventually disappear. Didn't see it again. But for the, and that was one I used,
we used to get there for us. For me it was early, it was Wednesday afternoon, like barely afternoon.
Anyway, back to the chiggers. If you get one, go to the medical tent. They have a way to get rid of
them. Don't, don't scratch cause you'll, it'll get infected and be bad, but take care of yourself.
You won't see any skunks out in GA cause that's, that's, they clear all that out.
All right. So like I said, we're jumping all over because basically I know this is travel day or
what we used to call it, what travel day or load in day. All right. So we've got some
voicemails. Thank you guys. Part of what we're going to do. And we mentioned it way back.
We ask everybody to send us some stories or your favorite memorabilia. And so we've got some of
those. We've got some just basic voicemails as well. I'm going to put together eventually a
prize packet, probably with some of these kinds of things. Cause I have multiples.
I don't know. Maybe somebody wants one from 2012. Yeah. And I got, I got a few things that I can
throw in there too. If you're a, a, a Bonnaroo, a trinket keepsake type, you'll love it. And,
and I don't know what it is yet. I've still got, it's now been, you know, I've, I've stopped saving
every one of those. Like if you've got all those Barry, you got more than I do, but, and I've given
a lot of away, away to actually tell them, you know, I've, I've gifted, like, I don't know what
to get somebody for birthday. They love Bonnaroo. Here's some Bonnaroo stuff. So, but I'll find some
stuff and we'll throw it in that and we'll make it hopefully worth. Right. Well, your while is a
phone call. So if it's, if that's not good enough, sorry, I don't know what else to do for you. And
obviously it's going to happen after this Bonnaroo. So, you know, if you might find some more stuff on
the farm this year, we'll see. Right. And if you have a moment, you know, this week, tell us about
it. That's what we want to hear about. That's, I, again, you know, this festival means so much to
so many of us for so many reasons. So that's what we want to hear. Speaking of, one more piece of
news. And so yesterday I got to thinking about the whole chapel rhone thing. And so I reached out,
I reached out to Brad Parker, our friend, VP of what is he? He's some big cheese with C3 helps
put on this event. And first of all, Brad, I apologize for texting you on the Saturday before
Bonnaroo. Like you don't have anything else to do. Yeah. But that phone is ding, ding, ding, ding,
ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding. I just was sitting there kind of thinking,
I'm like, I'll just ask Brad. And I got this, I literally, you could, you could feel the sarcasm
in his response, which he was very kind to respond, but he was like, I'm kind of busy,
you know, what are you going to do about, what are you going to do about chapter? He's, um,
we're dealing with it. Uh, just tell everybody it's going to be great. And I'm like,
then I, hours later, I'm like, yeah, I probably shouldn't have pestered him with that.
I mean, dealing with it means what do we think? Uh, hoping for the best. I mean, I don't know what
dealing with it even means. Uh, that's part of the, why I bring it up is they are aware, obviously,
but also I want to apologize to Brad for, you know, overstepping. Um, and I, I never try to do that.
Yeah. But you know, looking for a comment that's close to there's that shouldn't be frowned upon,
but I will say though, I do wonder about say, think, I don't think, I don't know. I wonder
if the Sunday Exodus of just randoms and tired and, and those types will actually make that not as
bad as we're expecting as far as the overflow crowd that we're expecting at this tent on Sunday
at around three 30, I think is her set. But does the one day thing offset that? I don't know. Good
question. And it doesn't matter if 10,000 people leave because those 10,000 people weren't going
to be at the show anyway. So it, I just, it might not matter. Yeah. I, I, it's all something we want
to look at. I'm not, yeah. Just don't mess up my beaches show, man. That's all I care about. I'm
afraid 10,000 people are going to show up just waiting on chapelrone. And yeah, they'll enjoy
some, some rock and roll from the beaches, but yeah, get out of my way, man. I'm here to see them.
They're my rolling stones. Yeah. It's going to be fun. I can't wait, but, uh, anyway, I did reach
out to Brad and he did answer and thank you, Brad. And like I said, I apologize for the overstep,
but you know, it's part of the job, I guess. Yeah. I was thinking about this. I was thinking
about this the other day that to me, and it was based on how we were doing discovery, uh, earlier
in the year on the show and Renee rap and chapelrone were two that were suggested to us more than
once through our listeners. Those would be about the three, right? And, and cigarettes. Yeah. And,
but those two in particular, I, I had never heard of, I had heard of cigarettes after sex before. I
just only heard of them. And so when I put Renee rap and chapelrone on to listen, I got them a
little confused at first and they're kind of similar. She's more pop or nays more pop, but
I guess she, well, ron is too. I don't know, but they have similar kind of F you vibes a little bit.
And so I got a little confused who was who, but I knew I liked both of them. Well, Renee rap got
the witch stage and she stayed right about where she was since then. I've now, you know, they're
probably like, yeah, that's that one up, mess that one up, but Hey, it happens. It's happened many
times. It'll happen again. It's fine. It's a, it's a good problem for them to have. All right. So
we're going to listen to, uh, Brian put together, uh, these voicemails. So do you want to introduce
them or just start them? Uh, I'll say, yeah, I'll give you just a quick as we do it. Um, so we'll
start with, sorry, ladies, there's only guys left on the, on the call list. So, uh, a bunch of dudes,
but this is Richard talking about something that I have zero interest in doing, but taco you might.
Hello, Barry, Brian and Russ. This is Richard Gould coming from Ohio. My first festival.
We're getting the band together, trying to create what we're calling banana roof.
Much people getting together and banana costumes, trying to set the record. Um, we're going to do
it Thursday at the arch at 5 p.m. If you can put that little tip out there. I don't know if you do
that kind of stuff, but that would be cool. Also wanted to thank you guys again and again, how much
you've helped me get ready tips, little hacks you've given me plans, I'm packed, ready to go. Got
everything planned out, even tried it in the car. So I'm good to go. Look forward to seeing you guys
at the, uh, beer exchange and maybe I'll stop in and see it. Nut butter. Have a great day. And I'm
excited. Thank you guys again. Thank you, Richard. Nice. Yeah, I'm not wearing a banana costume. What
about you, Russ? Uh, I forgot to get the banana costume, so I'm out. Um, I do have the dinosaur
costume. What's the record? Is this some kind of Guinness Book World record? Richard, I mean, is it
a three? Yeah, I bet it's a lot more than three. All right. All right. People wear these dumb
things. Couple of things. Uh, while he was talking, I was looking at your hat and I know I'm jumping
all over, but I said we were going to. So people probably are wondering what the three things are
on the, on your hat. Those are haystacks, right? Cause that's where the radio for people who've
never been backstage in media, they built, um, a radio station out of hay bales, right? Yeah.
Effect effectively, it was a tree. It was a tree. Oh, they did it for a few years, quite a few years.
It was a trailer, you know, really was what it was. But then they just stacked hay all around it
to where it just looked like you walked into a big bale of hay and it helped with sound.
It, yeah. And just look cool. So I wanted to say that, uh, that is, that's a good to point out
because yeah, what in the world is this stupid thing? Right. It's, it's the hay bale. The other
thing, uh, the banana thing is not out of nowhere. Uh, Brad, if he were here, would remember when we
went to moon river, which was the festival here in town, which was produced by the same folks who do
Bonnaroo on the last day as people were leaving Jeff Quay are, and I think Ted Heineck, I know it
was Jeff who was a vice president of doing everything nobody else wanted to do to put on
these festivals was dressed in a banana costume saying goodbye to everybody. And Brad and I noted
it because it was just cool. It left you with a smile. You walked out of there again, like my very
first question to you, you know, was what was, when was it you knew this was different? Well, there's
one, there was one of them. You left there with like that dude that just put on this festival
is wearing a banana costume. So it's kind of funny. I hope they set the record. I hope you do too,
Richard. Thank you for the phone call and thanks for listening. Absolutely. All right. This, this
is a Nick on the what podcast. Hey guys, it's Nick Gervush calling with my favorite Bonnaroo.
What you want to call it? Souvenir knickknack keepsake thing. I think it was 2019. I was going
through the crowd trying to get from one side of the stage to the other while Lonely Island was
playing, trying to get to my rest of my group and came across some guy wearing a fur coat
and underneath his arm, he was carrying a stuffed seal. And I was having a really great night that
night and I had to stop to inquire about what the deal was for the seal. And he let me pet it, which
I thought was really cool at the time. And what was especially exciting was when he reached under
his jacket and produced a little tiny baby stuff seal and he gave it to me. And I still have it.
I carry it around in my bag, usually camel back. And that's my favorite thing that I've got so far
as trinket from, from Bonnaroo, because it's just kind of sums up. You never know what you're going
to see and what's going to happen. So that's my story. That's my, that's my keepsake memory thing.
That's my deal. And I look forward to seeing you guys on the farm. Appreciate it, Nick. Love it.
He was having a really great night that night. I think he was a little, he was flying high.
Yeah. Yeah. We've, we've talked to him before. He, he dropped a photo of that
a seal on his backpack in the discord. So I'll, I'll put that up as well. So thank you, Nick.
You never, you never know what you're going to run. He's so right on that. You never know
what you're going to run into. Well, that's what we're talking about. The, the piece of memorabilia
that's the most important might not be a Bonnaroo member piece, or it might not be something expensive
that you bought. You know, it could just be like something that happened, just an encounter,
just on a crazy night. And it's something you remember. I love it. Yep. Because like he said,
didn't expect a baby seal. Yeah. I mean, the way he worded that, I pet the guy's seal and that was
very special or whatever he said. No one, no one expects the Spanish Inquisition. I mean, I'm not
making fun. I get it. I, I 100% get it. And I'm betting every time he looks at that thing, he
thinks about that night. So that's the point. Perfect. Great story. All right. Corey is next.
Hey guys, my name is Corey and I am from Gallatin, Tennessee. Y'all mentioned if you've got a
favorite piece of memorabilia for one of the years, this would be from last year, I was walking around
Monday, right before I left, I had gone to get a picture of the arch, trying to find something to
take home because every year I always grab something from the farm. I actually have a whole wall of
things that I've taken, whether it's a sign from where in the woods or a big map from one of the
campsites. But as I'm walking around, one of the security guards notices me and is trying to figure
out what I'm doing. And so I tell him, I'm like, Hey, I always take something home. And he just so
happened to have something with him. He had the backstage sign from the pixies, what they would
have had on their dressing room. He said, man, I'm really excited that I have this. They're one of
my favorite bands. But because you always take something home, I would actually like to give this
to you and make sure that you have it so that when you can add it to your collection, I will send you
guys a picture of it. That way you guys can see it as well. Hope you guys have a great rest of your
week. That's about as cool as it gets there. Right? You're on your way out the door. You're on your
way out the door, trying to snap your last picture. You're probably having a little bit of, I don't
want to use the word depression, sadness that you have to leave. And then boom, here's the dressing
door sign to the, to the pixies. Yeah. And a dude does you a solid man. He could have taken that home.
He could have taken it himself, but realize it meant more to, yeah, that's really cool. That's such a,
and he did, he did send in the photo. So we'll put that up as well. That's such a classic.
Yeah. My memories are little things like that. I have big things. I have photo, uh, passes,
you know, that are important to me. I have photos that I've taken, but it's the little memories.
Uh, my favorite memory and you guys, uh, our, our campmate, Mike Dewar, he and I used to end up back
at camp while everyone was out, you know, after midnight and we would sit and just talk. And, uh,
I remember listening to him talk about his dad and growing up. Uh, those are my favorite. That's,
that's the one that mean the most to me. Uh, he has a great story about his dad. He and his dad
were making like a cake or something in 1963 when the Beatles came on Ed Sullivan. And I guess
somebody, his wife, his mother, Mike's mother, dad, um, said, Hey, they're on. And they got so excited.
He knocked the whole bowl of cake mix all over the floor. And his dad was like, I don't care.
Let's go watch. And they watched the Beatles together. I mean, that, that to me is what that's,
that's my guess is that's when he was up and growing up in New York. I would guess. Yeah,
absolutely. Those are the kinds of things. So anyway, I don't know what triggered that
memory, but, uh, that's one of my favorites. They'll keep coming back. They'll keep coming.
All right. We mentioned this one, uh, earlier briefly, a little more from Christian. Hey guys,
this is a Christian from Louisville, Kentucky, taco. I saw you, I think last you Sunday,
wondering around the what stage right before a couple of shows. And we talked for a little bit,
was wondering if you guys are interested in a couple of bourbon samples. I'm from Louisville,
Kentucky, the best place in the world to buy bourbon. And I'd love to bring down some ounce
and two ounce samples for you guys during the bourbon exchange. That's all I've got you guys.
Hope you guys have a great couple of weeks before this festival starts and see in a couple of weeks
on the farm. The answer is yes. Very cool. Yeah. And make them plastic. Don't bring glass. Yeah.
Yeah. Yeah. Or, or metal in a flask or something. Um, for, uh, for those who don't know, I quit
drinking about a year and a half ago and, but, and I, but I love it. I, especially cocktails and
whiskey. Don't care anything about the beer. I even got with the camp Red Rue guys that, Hey,
please save me a beer. I don't want to drink it. I am bringing one to trade. Just save me one for
my, for my shelf. The boy I love whiskey and liquor and clear liquor and brown liquor and cocktails.
Love, love, love, love, love. And I have realized that it's fine for me to try things to just
half out a quarter ounce, just, just a sip, just to get a taste. Cause I, I know what good whiskey
is. I know what good gin is. I know what good vodka is. And so yes, I will try your bourbon.
I promise you, and it will not tailspin me into a drunken mess. I promise I will try that bourbon
all day long. Let me jump back real quick. Cause you mentioned rush your, uh, is it dragon costume?
A dinosaur. I keep saying a stupid green dinosaur. Are you bringing that again?
Yes. I packed it. Of course he is. I don't know. If you look at the,
if you look at the lows, the, you know, it's going to get kind of cool. Especially early in the week.
Do you remember when he put that thing on Brian? I've never been so panicked.
And you don't need it just cause it's cold out. Taco, just put a jacket on.
Y'all make fun of me for being dad, but I was dad that night. I kept saying,
somebody go check on Russ. He's going to die in that thing. Cause it was so hot.
That's right. I didn't know what you were referring to. Now I do. It was blazing hot and
so hot and taco was passed out upstairs, up top in the van, which, um, is pretty comfortable
sleeping. I've done it before, but he rises and all, and it's a small space. And it actually was
a joke at first, but it was a little serious. Like, is he going to wake up dead of heat stroke?
I was, cause that kind of stuff happens. I was so, yeah, I've never been more
dad guy. Somebody go check on Russ. He's going to die. I'd never been more, ah, he'll be fine.
I'm out of here. Anyway, what's next? Uh, Jonah is next one of two left here.
Hey guys, this is Jonah B from Maine. Um, you're totally right. I am. We are all as crazy as you
guys in Seth's Ball and Roo. I've been to seven. I can't even go this year, but you got the hairs
on my neck standing up to some of you guys get hyped for this year. And, you know, I want to
thank you guys for that. You played such an important role in keeping the Roo vibes current
year over year for those of us who are, you know, just really just can't do it annually.
Um, I wanted to ask specifically about maybe a future premium live stream. Well, you know,
what are your thoughts and gut feelings or inside baseball that you might know about that? Um,
I know I'm in the set of fools that would, you know, happily pay a nice penny to have full access
to the whole lineup sources, live feeds, and even just, you know, footage from the farm at large.
And, uh, it seems like given the screens they use and production and the amount of marketing
footage they take in that, you know, they already have that source material and just need to set up
pay-per-view streaming service. So anyway, just wanted your thoughts on that. Um,
maybe it might happen and maybe we could start a little groundswell for it.
Um, love you guys have so much fun this year. Can't stop addicted to the send egg.
Thanks, Jonah. First of all, I want to, I want to say very nice on the inside baseball reference. I,
I enjoyed that, uh, as far as the live streaming of the festival, they always do a little bit.
I think I saw Hulu is doing it a little bit. He was doing it. Yeah. But Bonnaroo has always,
and I don't know if it's just because of that old traditional, we don't want to give away too much
of something we're trying to sell, which has become less of a thing in most people's multimedia
world, but they don't, they don't do as good a stream as Coachella has done in the past and some
others. And I don't mean that it's not good. What they do is good. It's just not that comprehensive.
And I don't think this Hulu, uh, cast is going to be super comprehensive either.
I would love to see them do that and charge it. I think they would make money doing it, but then,
you know, I don't know, it might take away from ticket sales is my first thought.
Yeah. Uh, you know, cause they certainly have the infrastructure. They have the, they have the,
the footage they have the material last year. They did a onsite interviews and stuff like that.
And it, I didn't think it was very good. I don't know. It's, it's just not, it's, it's,
it's good enough. If you've gotten, if you're a, you know, a hundred miles away and you just want
to get a feel it's good enough, but it's not very good and they could do it more. But then again,
I get it. I get it. We're trying to sell stuff here and selling a $30 pay-per-view and we use
that's old terminology. But so, I mean, how many, I'll ask this, how many concert films do you
watch? I mean, I don't like them. Uh, these days, none, but once upon a time, a lot, but
that was just a different era of my life. So I don't know what that means. I don't know if
that means anything. I don't know. I don't know. It doesn't even have to be a concert though. I
mean, it'd be cool if it was just a 24 seven here's live, here's what's happening. You know,
it's like a sky cam or something. Yeah. Like an overhead, like here's the field.
Here's campgrounds, you know, just something where they could do that on Twitter X without even,
you know, asking permission. I that's an interesting thought. I mean, going back 30 or nearly. Yeah.
30 years ago, Woodstock 94. And then I'm believe 99 after that was completely on pay-per-view. You
could watch the entire festival. Now that's a different era. I don't know. And I think
Coachella does it too and others, but I'm not, I'm not, I get it. I remember watching last year
because I couldn't get there until Saturday. I remember I saw some of the Noah con and I will
say the hangout a couple of years ago when flaming lips, I did watch that. Uh, but you know, they're
so engaging. Um, yeah. See what the madness is this time around. So anyway, interesting take,
interesting idea. It is. Well, it's like you said, you know, he can't be here this year. Yeah.
I get it. You know, he, he'd like to just flip on the TV and watch a little bit just to kind of get,
get the taste, get the, I wish they would do more of it because they easily could,
but they also want to sell $500 tickets to his 100% and, uh, just as an aside, we've talked about,
I know Russ and I talked about it, what two days ago, trying to do, I mean, we didn't talk about it
as if it was going to happen, but the idea came up of us doing a live stream and it's just the
wifi and the internet is so bad. It would, it would not even be worth trying. So, um,
might get some stuff like, um, from the media area that would be just through one of our
socials or something. If you're following along there, very good chance of that, but it won't be
any kind of high quality or anything like that. I can remember, I can remember posting something
in it, not showing up for six hours. So the idea of trying to do something live is just anyway.
All right. What do we got next? All right. Last one here. You're never too old to go to your first
Bonnaroo. This is Rob. Hey guys, my name is Rob. I love the podcast. This would be my first Bonnaroo
and I'm 74 years old. I am not a rookie, however, being from Las Vegas. I've been in the business
of a veteran of Coachella and Joshua tree. Come by and see me. I'll be the only a camp tent that has
a welcome to Las Vegas sign. And by the way, Brian, it's not all chaos and gambling in Nevada.
A lot of natural beauty. My tip for everyone who goes to these events is your attitude. I go,
I know I'm going to have a good time. There's challenges, but bring the right frame of mind,
laugh at yourself, laugh at others and just know you're going to have a good time. That is my tip.
I hope to see you guys. I don't know how to find you since it's my first rule. I'm in GA
campaign. I'm a Tuesday to Monday guy. So I do it all. And I hope to see you there later. Bye.
Well, he's got the right tip. That's for sure. Great one to end on.
Have the attitude and have the, um, the most patience you've ever had in your life.
But holy wow, Rob 74. Yeah. 74 first Bonnaroo Coachella, Joshua tree coming from Vegas. So
clearly this guy's cultured. He understands this, you know, he knows what he's getting himself into,
except you'd actually don't until you get there. And you probably won't be the only person with a
welcome to Vegas sign. I'm sure somebody else will as well. I don't mean to mess up your,
your uniqueness. Uh, but that's, that's fabulous. And every time I complain about being an old guy
at 44, well, I ain't 74. And so good on you, Rob. That is fabulous. So what a great one to end on.
Cause again, so this is theoretically coming out on Wednesday, which means you, the, you've either
just gotten there yesterday or you're getting there today or tomorrow. Most likely attitude
is everything. Uh, you need to come radiating positivity, not just for yourself, but for people
around you. Like I said, when you pull in shotgun, that beer, put your sunscreen on, walk around,
meet your neighbors, say hi to your neighbors, bring something for your neighbors. Cause they're
bringing something for you. Bring something from wherever you're coming from, whether it's a
sticker or a, you know, food or something to share. That's part of the fun. Get to know them.
You're going to be spending a lot of time with them. Uh, it's going to be hot. It's hot for
everybody. That's just part of it. But the beauty of it is, is everybody wants to be there. And that
is where I think this festival is so different, right? We're all there together. We want to be
there. We want to see this music. We want to have a great time. And it all, it's all about attitude.
Um, it is, it is. And in, in 21 years now of, of this 21 festivals and then 23, if you count the
two, there wasn't once in overall calendar years, I can't think of a time that I ran into anybody
who really broke these, that, that, like this rule. And I know they have cause I've heard the
stories and I know you there's the bad apples thing. I'm not going to go too cliche on you.
That all is true. I've never seen it. I've never ever, ever seen it. And I've seen a lot. And I
think that is a Testament to how much people buy in. Usually if I didn't know any better and so
they radiate positivity, high fives, I'd be like, give me a break with all this stupid. It's real.
It's a hundred percent real. And the more you buy in, the more you realize it and the more you're
happy to buy in. And, um, I think I used to say, I've never seen so much as a crossword. Uh, I
can't say that anymore. I watched a husband yell at his wife because they were volunteering on one
of those chairs at, at the entryways. You guys know what I'm talking about. They'd been out in
the sun too long and he was mad and it was a husband and wife. So I don't even really count
that the, I just go ahead. The other is like those guys when we're crossing the production road
and their cars are coming and the security is holding up, there's always that one guy who thinks
they're not talking to me. There's always that one guy who thinks he's special.
I've seen that maybe once or twice, but I've seen that a few times and I wasn't even counting that
because that's on a smaller level. That's what I've seen. Yeah. And that's not that that's,
that could be somebody who literally just doesn't know. He's a douche. That guy's a douche.
But he probably is probably as a bag. No doubt. Yeah. No doubt. And, but I, I just thought of
something Barry and I, you might've seen it. Taco. You weren't there. Somebody did. I don't know.
One time I was in a raging argument on the phone with, it was about a girl. We'll just put it that
way. It was about 18 or 19, 17, 18, 19. Maybe you didn't see it, Barry, but somebody from our camp
did cause they were like, what the hell? Everything. All right. I lost it. I was over in the court. I
was walking off trying to, I knew what was going on here. And I was like, okay, this is, you can't
believe what I'm going through right now. And I would, you're trying to hide, like I don't want
anybody to see this, but die. And I was like, okay, that was me losing it. So that was, that was the
worst I've ever seen was me. But mostly to, so to bring it back around, mostly it's like, and I said
this, the one of the first years I went, I was in a long line for something and a guy had to leave
to go get something. And he kind of came back and everybody was like, dude, get back where you were,
you know, is your space. And I'm like, well, that never happens. And no, it doesn't. You walk out of
line. We'll fight you. Cause an Indiana Jones movie or something. That actually going back to my
heart question that might've been when I knew I was in a different place. Cause that was like
first thing I was like, well, that, Hey, let him back and break line. Yeah. According to half the
people here. It's okay. Back in where you were. I was like, Holy crap. This is the different head.
So those are people that get it, but it's real. It's very real. Uh, bring your attitude, bring a
positive attitude. Um, if you see somebody in trouble, ask if you think somebody's in trouble,
ask the help, find help. If somebody's passed out on the ground or struggling help, that's part of
the code. Um, and it, again, it's very real. Hopefully you'll feel it. You're already feeling
it and clean up after yourself out in the fields. Don't throw your cigarette butts on the ground,
all that stuff. I mean, clean vibes. I hope they're still involved. They might not be,
but whoever the waste management is, but I, it's been clean vibes for two decades. Do a,
a magical job of cleaning that place up, but make it a little easier and don't throw your
damn cigarette butts on the ground. Leave it better than you found it. That's, that's always,
uh, there's been some Sundays where I've walked out early and, and just taking some pictures
and posted them. And maybe I'll do it this year again too. And the place looks as pristine as
it did before a first person walked on the field on a Sunday. It is, it's remarkable how well they
clean. It's not that hard. I mean, if you buy a spicy pie, take your wrapper to the garbage can.
There's one close by, throw it away. It's, it's not that hard. And you'd be surprised how much it
makes it the whole experience better for everybody. Right. All right. Uh, what else will be there?
Come see us say hi, hug and howdy. Uh, yeah, the beer exchange is going to be a big time and, uh,
bring that bourbon. I'll take a sip. Yeah. Um, I want to mention this, uh, Easter egg hunt that
is, seems to be, uh, so this is presented by camp clear pit. I forgot that was their name. It's at,
it's at clamp clear, camp clear piss. Look, look up camp clear piss on social media. You'll find
it. They've probably not going to print that on the program. Yeah. Um, they say they're have over
thousand eggs that they're going to be hiding all over the farm. I don't know exactly how this is
going to work, but they've, uh, we're going to have some stickers. Each egg is going to have some, uh,
little prizes or stickers in it. They've reached out to a bunch of different groups, including us.
So, you know, uh, you'll might get some stickers if you find an egg. Yeah. That's pretty neat idea.
All right. I mean, whatever it takes to make, make it as special as possible, man. I'm a fan.
I like it. All right. All right. Um, what happens next? I don't know. We will take some time off
when we get back. We have some interviews lined up that we're very excited about. Uh,
we're going to interview some bands on site. Um, I I'm, I'm already show prepping because I have
no clue how these are going to go. Yeah. It's going to be pretty, pretty happy with the amount
of interviews we're able to line up in kind of a short amount of time. And if they fall the way
they say they're going to, that all is opened up in the air too. We'll find out as it goes along.
But do we, do we tip off, do we hint the four letter, the four letter band?
Let's see. There will be blood. We could get, we'll just hit that.
We don't know what it's going to be or what it's going to look like or who's involved or what's
going on, but there's something going on and we'll be there. We'll, we'll find out. And so the only
reason I hesitate to say is cause things happen and I hate to promo something, you know, whether
it's our fault or theirs or whatever. So, but very excited about the lineup that we have. We have
everybody from who's stage to, to big acts. Um, and that is always one of my favorite things that we
do every year is interview bands on site. Cause it's so much fun. Um, when they will air, when we'll
do them, I don't know, we've got a lot to talk about. Um, we will come back tired, exhausted
and all that, like everybody else. Um, I guess that's it. Right. Come see us.
It covers it. I mean, it's time to go, man. I was trying to explain this to somebody the other day
and I've tried to explain it for years and Barry, we've talked about it many times over the years.
It's almost like an, I call it an anticipation anxiety. Like it's like,
I, Russ, you seem to have it together better than everybody on this, but, and I think it's
cause you just spend so much time in that damn bus camp. And, and I, I do this once a year as far
as sleeping outside, but it's not just that it doesn't have that. That's the smallest part of it.
It's just the excitement level gets to me so much that it, it turns into anxiety. It seems silly to
say that you're just going to a festival, dude, calm down. I, well, I can't calm down. I'm trying
to calm down. I can't calm down. I can, I can, I can. And it's already hitting and we're a week out.
Well, we're not a week out. We're four days out, three days out. Well, there's so many moving parts,
Ryan. And for years, you and I, I mean, we're media types. We were, we rely on somebody else
getting us in sure. So there's always that until we're in, you know, there's that doubt. There's
that, there's that too, but though that part out of it, there's a part that everybody has to deal
with. And so it's like, you know, it's like, you know, it's like, you know, it's like, you know,
you're going to be in the States. It's like, I was telling you better go or you better, you better
hurry or you're going to, you're going to be sorry and you won't be, you're going to be fine no matter
what. And that's what, that's what the joke is later. After we crack the beer, key it, have a
smoke, whatever it is, it's like, what the hell, it's paradise, man. And, but it doesn't ever go
goes away. You know it. And the spark never does go away. And so that anxiety creeps in on me. And,
but it's going to be fine. It's going to be never not great. Part of it. And I was laughing. I think
I was talking to grace, the, my daughter, who, you know, gave you us those t-shirts and some other
stuff when she was working for him, the early days, I remember planning for it. Like I was going to
a third world country, right? I mean, it was in, I mean, that's, that's fair. Yeah. Now it's like,
okay, I know what I need to bring in worst case, I could leave and go to the Walmart if I have to,
which I've never done. I've never, which you don't want to do. You don't want to plan for that. Right.
Right. So you plan for it. But I mean, I can remember months in advance having conversations,
everything from which pair of socks, how many bandages, you know, toothbrush, pay, just
overthinking everything, you know, where to put it, where's it going to be, you know?
Well, there's a fine line between overthinking and not thinking enough. And that's where anxiety sets in.
And then I showed up with our shade. No shade. So.
Well, yeah, I'm a little worried this year, not having our, some of our long timers that most of
them have fallen off anyway. We've been, this camp has been dwindling because of life and, and
circumstantial situations, but I'm a little worried talking, how are we going to keep the damn sun off
of us? This is on you, man. Well, I've got shade. Yeah. The other thing. You pretty much rely on me.
I mean, it's a, you know, a graph, if you will, Bonnaroo has done a lot better. Like the bathrooms
are better. They're air conditioned. Some of them, the FEMA showers, the FEMA bathroom. So
that's changed as well. So we're not all in, you know, primitive porta potties and cell phone
servers anyway. All right, guys, we'll see you there. Can't wait. It's time.
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