As every Bonnaroo veteran knows, a big part of the fun is spending time pouring over the newly released schedule to make your lineup and to lament over the inevitable conflicts that will occur. Barry, Brad and Lord Taco from The What podcast, the premiere podcast about Bonnaroo specifically and festivals in general, will each share their schedules between now and the event. Up first is Lord Taco himself.
Topic: Bonnaroo
00:00 | Opening |
06:36 | Is Bonnaroo still happening? |
11:47 | Do you feel better with the safety protocols? |
17:29 | Addressing the rumors |
28:20 | Taco's Thursday Picks |
38:29 | Taco's Friday Picks |
55:00 | Taco's Saturday Picks |
01:13:00 | Taco's Sunday Picks |
01:27:40 | Closing |
What is that?
Is that a light at the end of the tunnel?
For the first time in months, hope springs eternal in the Bonnaroo world.
So let's make some picks, why don't we?
This week on the What Podcast, we go through some news of the week and we get round one
of the What Podcast picks.
This week we feature Lord Taco.
Who will he see?
What will he do?
Whose mom will he meet?
Lord Taco's pick this week on the What Podcast, Pratt, Siner, Barry Courter.
It starts right now.
You're always trying to do your best To worry about what happens next
The What Podcast, which bans this year that matter.
Can you feel it?
Can you feel it?
It is happening.
Bonnaroo 2021 really for the first time, guys, feels like it's legitimately happening for
the two years, two years in the making.
We've been waiting for this moment and I don't know about you.
I feel like this is this is it.
Barry Courter, Lord Taco, Brad Steiner, The What Podcast going through this week, at least
some of the news that happened with Bonnaroo.
And of course, at the end, the picks, we start our three week process of finding all the
bans that we want to see a Bonnaroo in this week.
We start with Mr. Lord Taco.
Hey, let's see.
So excited.
So excited.
Oh, hey, it's me.
Oh, hey, it's me.
Do you feel do you feel like I do that this is really feels like this is the start of
Oh, yeah, absolutely.
Started last week, started last week, week ago, Friday, when all the announcements started.
And then for me that Monday, Tuesday, when we did our third super secret show, that's
when it really.
Yeah, that's when, you know, the night sweats started.
That's when the reality is that a band that I have not found yet.
It should be Daniel.
And then it really lives on the line up.
I did not.
It's wet.
That's when the reality of I need to get all my gear out and I need to make sure it still
And yeah, we're going to be on the farm and probably when you guys are listening to this
two weeks.
Yeah, it'll be two weeks from when you guys are listening to this.
That's crazy.
I know the big deal is, is that, you know, it really does feel like it's happening, but
you say two weeks, Barry, do you realize that I'm going to be calling you driving into Chattanooga,
Tennessee, saying I need you to come over and help me with some stuff.
Are you ready?
The night sweats.
That's part of the night sweats.
Very good to come over to the house and start, you know, it's going to be like, oh, he knows
too, because he's getting the same phone call.
Banner is going to be one part of it, but also there's going to be some clogged toilets
that need to be fixed.
I've got some go back on the walls that need to be done.
We need to get tacos face back on because that was, that was not a happy looking face.
What do you mean?
I'm always happy.
Yeah, there it is.
You're just not, you're not, you're not happy with me coming to town.
Is that what it is?
He's waiting on that phone call.
He's like, talk.
I need you to come and get this couch and this chair and oh, by the way, take the garbage
Oh yeah.
I know there's going to be chores.
Garden is some lightening, light gardenings happening.
We throw things at my across the street neighbor that I ate that house so much.
We've planted some dead fish in the yard.
It happens.
It's just started to happen.
You know, the, the, let's start with the way that it came out.
We said this last week, Barry, that when something is done really well, it needs to be celebrated.
When there's honest criticism, there's times to talk about it.
But I feel as though once all of the stuff that we've been waiting for, when that weight
lifted off of our shoulders, everything started to feel a little different.
When you saw that lineup, what was the first thing that you felt thought, et cetera?
Finally ready.
Um, I I've told you and you guys probably have looked at it a whole lot more than I
I I'm not a, I don't look at it and get all worked up at conflicts because I, I know I've
done it enough.
I know it's going to be for me.
I'll have my big ones and then I know I'll miss some of those that I even said I was
going to go to.
So in the past, that's been a lot of fun for us to have meetings where we all get together
and talk about our conflicts.
Our favorite part of the year.
We don't have time.
Yeah, but we don't have time and you're out of town and we, you know, it's such a different
Uh, I know some of our, some of the folks that we communicate with are having those
conversations, but I don't know that we're going to have time.
So that's different to your question.
What did I think?
Uh, you know, I'm just ready to go.
I love the three hour my morning jacket.
I'm excited about that.
Well, don't give away all your picks right now, but let's start with like the, um, like
the top level stuff.
Do you like the lineup less when you see it broken down in the grid?
I oftentimes feel as though I love a lineup until I see it gridded out.
And then I realized how really light it is.
You know, it was sort of that problem with, with ACL Fest, although it didn't come with
a grid and, and, you know, a schedule.
But boy, the more I started diving into how the saw can be spread out on the video, Jesus,
I hated that lineup.
It's terrible.
Anything change your mind with how much you like the line up to begin with?
Not for me, not for me, but that changed a couple of years ago when they started breaking
out the acts by days.
Cause you remember four or five years ago, they just put the line up out and you didn't
even know what days certain people were going to be on.
That's a great point.
So it's, it's, it's lessened that angst, if you will, quite a bit for me, you know, cause
I already know so-and-so's on Friday, Saturday, Sunday type of thing.
So that's lessened some of that.
And like I said, I, I, I'm, I'm so focused on, I've been so focused on, is this thing
actually gonna happen?
Because of the logistics that the schedule for me kind of felt like a, I haven't even
really spent all the time on it.
Well, go around the, go around the room here.
Do you think it's going to happen?
I think so right now.
With what's happening in the world, do you think it's going to happen?
I think so right now.
I think especially now that the news came out about Lollapalooza, they said there was
no significant super spreader.
You think you believe it?
Yeah, I mean, I do.
I mean, okay.
You don't believe it?
I believe it enough.
Now, again, it's-
I think that's, I think that's the right word.
I believe it enough.
Let's go back to the, you know, it's whose ox is being gored.
Oh my God.
Weeks in a row with this.
If you know somebody that's sick, it's a horrible event, but yeah, 200 and what'd they have?
280 people out of-
Yeah, something like that.
They count 380 something.
The only reason I ask, the only reason I ask is because it's a really hard thing to try
and explain or find out or trace back to a group of people who are not even from Chicago.
So I don't know how they're getting that data.
I don't know, there's not like massive contact tracing that's happening at Lollapalooza, right?
So how exactly are they finding out and finding this 280 number?
It seems just a bit pulled out of somebody's ass.
So it's not like the guys that traveled to Chicago from, you know, Des Moines are telling
Check back in.
They're not going back to Chicago to get tested.
Fair enough.
They didn't call back and say, Hey, we're good.
Fair enough.
Where are you going with this?
Whether it's true or not though, it's still a good enough headline.
Well, that's the thing.
So where it came from me, from the very first thing that we talked about when I came back
from Lollapalooza was what, Barry?
They gave a good show of it being pretty responsible.
It felt good and it felt like everything was going pretty well.
And it was going to be the thing that the rest of the industry sort of, you know, use
as a pattern afterwards, but was it truly effective?
It's weird how like over the last couple of weeks and months, we're all experts on first
a vaccine, second, an economic policy, and then third now foreign relations.
Everybody's an expert on these topics based on what's in the news cycle.
I'm not an expert on any of these things.
I don't know any of these topics.
I just go with what I hear and what I learn and what I read and what I try to at least
be smart about.
I think that the number is not 280.
I'll be honest with you.
I don't think it's 280, but I don't think it's 5,000.
I do feel much better though, after the regulations that Bonnaroo put in, I would feel even better
though because the news came out from AEG over the week that they would be requiring
nothing but vaccinated people to show up at their festivals and their venues.
I would feel much better about that, but Bonnaroo doesn't have that kind of time.
No, to that end.
I do feel better about it.
I think we talked about it briefly on our last show and you asked, and I don't think
I had it right, but I think Daniel and Charlotte, the real Roobots had it probably closer to
right because it makes more sense.
The question was when are they going to check for that?
I think they're right in that people will get into the campgrounds and then you're going
to have to go to whatever center within your campground and get that wristband.
You're going to have to show your vaccination and your negative test.
Which is by the way, a different story than Lollapalooza because what happened in Lollapalooza
was they would not give you one of those wristbands.
You only got that if you were backstage.
If you got one of those, the reason why they didn't do that in the front of the house is
that you'd just take it off and give it to somebody else.
They wanted that everyday check at Lollapalooza.
Bonnaroo doesn't have that ability, to be honest with you.
The point was it would be at the gate and it would just take forever.
It already takes forever to get in.
It's still going to be somewhat awkward, especially if you unfortunately test positive.
They're going to basically march you right out.
They're going to test you again and march you out.
If you're even questioning it, take care of it.
Do something.
So, Taco, you feel better?
I've seen the women you bring back to camp.
You're going to be fine with whatever.
Yeah, I'm feeling better.
I am.
Personally, I've got my vaccine card.
I've got a mask I'm going to bring.
I'm just going to keep it with me at all times.
I don't know if I'll wear it at all times.
Barry's going to wear the mask.
Barry said this last week.
He's going to wear the mask.
I think that's fine.
I'll be honest with you.
I was at a bar last night.
It's a fine buy.
It's the place I go to all the time.
It felt a little cramped.
I popped it on real quick.
I felt okay about it.
I don't think that I was the best mask guy beforehand.
Why would you want to cover this up?
At least it doesn't go over your hair.
I wasn't the easiest to convince that you should be wearing a mask.
Not to get political about this, but it just doesn't feel very impactful.
Nobody likes doing it, but nobody likes it.
Who wants to?
Here's the weird thing.
It's one way to go out and put a mask on.
It's true, but here's the weird thing.
I was at this bar.
Once I put it on, I was sitting there at the bar drinking.
I actually like the look of the mask.
I think that I'm actually now part of the mask culture that I'm willing to make this
a fashion accessory.
I like it.
Well, what helped me was I got the PBR mask.
Once I got that, I couldn't wait to put that on.
Oh, God.
That's so good.
Dude, do you think that at some point we're going to look in the future and they're going
to have a mask that you can suck on that's going to taste like the things that you want?
What if the PBR mask started sucking?
You start sucking.
Oh, God.
That's good.
It does taste like a good lager.
That is an award-winning lager.
That is award-winning.
That tastes like a blue ribbon.
That tastes like a blue ribbon.
Are you thinking like an integrated vape system with the mask?
That's exactly what I'm thinking.
Put the vape thing on your back, hook it up to the mask, and you could be just sucking
through the vape all day.
The way that this could turn into like the greatest thing to ever happen to the weed
You could be sucking.
Are you listening, weed industry?
Please, all of the weed industry.
The candle industry.
The candle industry.
That's what it is.
Who's our contact in the weed industry?
Who's going to get us in?
Did you just hear Dad?
We're talking about revolutionizing the weed industry by putting it through the mask.
I know.
There's a guy out there going, no.
And Dad decided to make it Bed Bath & Beyond.
Yeah, I'm going that way.
How could we put this?
You guys are about to out your weed guy.
This definitely falls in the Beyond category of Bed, Bath & Beyond.
You guys are about to start naming names and I'm over here trying to come up with a candle
Some poor guys out there are like, don't name names.
This is definitely part of the Beyond part of the industry.
This is part of the Beyond.
Dad is talking about how we can put a vanilla candle into our masks.
What are you talking about?
Calm, calming.
So, yeah.
I guess to answer your question, I feel better.
I don't even remember the question.
They just asked me if I feel better after they introduced these protocols.
Yeah, we should backpedal before we name names.
I live next to a corner store where you can buy weed at the front desk.
It doesn't matter who my guy is.
It's literally the corner store right there.
I can put the camera on it.
Well, Tennessee is different.
All right.
So, here's the deal.
So everybody feels comfortable about the protocols.
Everybody feels comfortable about the lineup.
I don't want to be the guy that starts using this opportunity to bitch about the conflicts
that happen with the lineup.
Everybody's got conflicts and everybody's conflicts are different.
This is not the time and place.
I just want to be there and I'll worry about the conflicts when I'm there.
Oh, for sure.
For sure.
I'm not going to sit here and start crying poetic about how much I really wish I saw
a goose instead of my morning jacket.
That's for the time and the place of just being there.
And that's what the brilliant part of this year, by the way, which I'm so excited about.
I feel like this is going to be the year that we find things and find ourselves in situations
that are going to be so bizarrely different than we normally find ourselves in because
we just want to be there so bad and we don't care what we're doing.
That's right.
You know, they could see this is the year they should have put like the shittiest country
artist in America on the lineup, right?
Where we just all find ourselves at a look, Brian.
You said it.
Yeah, that's what I was trying to say.
You said it there.
That was my point.
I have not even looked at conflict because I don't care.
I just want to be there.
Yeah, that's you.
You nailed it.
Well, it's part after all the crap we went through with these rumors about, oh, there's
a headliner dropping.
Oh, there's a replacement.
You know, at the end of the day, it doesn't matter because we're going to be there.
We're going to we're going to be there.
We're going to finally be back together.
You know, Taco, somebody one time told me that, you know, when it comes to Bonnaroo,
you're there.
You're there.
And you're there.
What else are you going to go?
What else are you going to do?
Might as well see some music.
All right.
That guy, that guy gets it.
Whoever said that gets it.
So before we get in tacos picks back to your point, Russ is I guess when the lineup comes
out and we're all, you know, so excited about seeing it and we're all so, you know, I forgot
my point.
What the hell did you say?
Well, you know, everybody was grabbing pitchforks over this rumor.
So did anybody put any sort of weight into that?
Like everybody on the message board put weight into it.
But at the end of the day, the message said and I said on the show, there's no reason
to believe that festival pass insider pass, whatever infinity passes to be not trusted.
They've always been right.
But if you reread what they said, it was I think I think they're going to lose a headliner
and it may still happen.
Here's the problem that I have.
And you guys beat me up about this all the time.
I just think that there are certain people that you trust and you look at like they're
There are certain people in this hemisphere that are total clowns when it comes to this.
And I don't know the info group.
People know exactly who I'm talking about.
But you know, you pluck some information from this person, you pluck some information from
that person.
All of a sudden you put it out like it's gospel.
And then all of a sudden it doesn't come true.
Oh, let me come up with some ways where I think that I might be able to cover my tracks
because I didn't really have the information to begin with.
I know what you're talking about.
Give me a break.
The difference is dollars later, let me say how great I am.
Well the difference is when it comes to us, we go to the source and we checked with our
source and there wasn't anything there.
So we didn't say anything about it.
I had nothing to say.
Barry, do you have anything to say?
No, no, I don't.
I don't get into all that.
Like I said.
That's right.
You guys share with me these things and then I try to go to as high as sources as I can
and Brad you do the same, Russ you do the same.
You're telling me that you don't read a message board and then put out that information and
say it's gospel only to...
I'm going to write that down.
We check our sources and if there's something to report on, we report it.
If there's not, we leave it alone.
And sometimes I'm wrong.
That's the beauty.
I was doing, we were going to get that schedule earlier in the day on Tuesday and then we
didn't get it till after dinner.
I believe you.
I was told that Kendrick Lamar was on the Lollapalooza lineup.
We all have these pieces of information to bear.
The thing is that you don't pretend like you have...
If you know, you know, you know exactly who I'm talking about and I can't stand this person.
It doesn't change my day one way or the other.
Well, yeah.
The reason...
Well, we can go ahead and say it because I mean, we talk to Daniel all the time.
Daniel is so invested in this Tame Impala show.
I hope...
No, wait a second.
I know who I'm talking about.
I wasn't saying I hate Daniel.
I know.
That's a totally different thing.
That's a...
Well, I would love for you to make that a point to say, oh, wait a second.
The rumor was we were going to lose Tame Impala and Daniel...
The rumor was we were going to lose everyone.
Everybody had a reason that we were going to lose Lizzo.
We're going to lose...
Yeah, pick one.
Yeah, just pick a headliner.
We're going to lose him.
But Daniel...
Yeah, I kept checking with him.
We were going to lose everyone.
We were going to lose everyone.
We lost the Rolling Stones.
That's a big deal.
Yeah, but he's so invested in this Tame Impala show that...
By the way, Barry, I said this on Twitter.
I saw the Tame Impala show after LCD Sound System, and look, I love Tame.
And I love that last album.
I think the less I know, the better is one of the great songs of the decade.
I can't say that enough.
I'm the only station in the country playing it still to this day.
But that show was good.
LCD was great.
That show was good.
I was expecting this show that was coming up this year to be insane.
Now, I'm still expecting it to be insane, but I'm a little stunned that it's only 75
I know.
I'm a little crazy that this is not an hour and a half.
I bring it up because I asked, and I don't want to belabor it because I think it's a
relevant question for all of us.
You asked me, I mean, Three Hours, My Morning Jacket, you know me, that's my favorite band.
I'm expecting mind blowing.
I hope the shows are as good as we all hope they're going to be.
You know what I mean?
Well, that's my part of the question.
There's two ways to look at it.
Are we expecting mind blowing or are we just going to be okay that we're there?
I don't know.
I don't want to say I'm going to this Bonnaroo with low expectations so that anything that
happens is better than I, but I'm also not going thinking this is going to be the greatest
event of our lives.
But I think the answer to your question is on taco shirt.
Yeah, there you go.
It's never not great.
It's never not great.
So yeah, there are so many opportunities.
We're going to talk about this in the next couple of weeks as we get to Bonnaroo, but
there are so many opportunities that I see for really, really, really special moments.
And if I had to guess, there are people out there that really want to make these special
I'm going to wax poetic about a band that I'm not necessarily over the moon about, but
I think that they're exactly who we need exactly right now.
And we can talk about this in the upcoming weeks, but the Foo Fighters, they have the
ability of tying everybody together and they'll make everybody happy.
No matter what they find, they'll show up and do something really goofy and make it
an entirely momentous occasion.
That doesn't even matter.
Even if they showed up on a golf cart and showed up at the beer exchange, you know,
and then they just started crushing beers.
It would be the most glorious moment.
This is what I'm saying.
Like the Foo Fighters have this ability.
Dave Grohl has this ability of doing something so tiny and making it a mountain of news.
If that dude shows up at in camp and just starts chugging beers, somebody at camp, it
becomes national news and makes Bonnaroo look like it's the place to be for every moment
that exists.
That's all it takes.
I think to that point, he'll do it to that point.
And I really want to be at camp all the time and nobody cares.
I do.
Well, I leave there and I tell Kelly, Kelly said, how was your weekend?
Taco chug beers, Kelly.
It was amazing.
I watched Taco Chug beers for five straight days.
It was a great no to your point.
And I think you're exactly right.
And I think it back to your question about the schedule and all that.
My expectation is to go and just see what happens and let it happen.
And that would be my recommendation.
Is that a Tame Impala reference?
Let it happen.
I hear that.
I hear it to do in here.
I'm picking up.
Just let it happen.
I think that would be my recommendation for anybody is to because we've had so long to
think about this, I just worry about not worry rather than focus on a show and event, whatever
a band that you really want to see.
My recommendation is just go and see what happens and let the plazas happen.
Let the experiences happen.
Let the show happen that you don't think that was maybe not on your list at the end of the
At the end of the week, see how it was.
Look back.
Taco, it's weird.
Barry says let it happen.
I said, the less I know, it's better.
It's the way I'm going into this weekend.
Same thing.
It seems like you're hinting at Tame Impala.
Yeah, that's what I do know.
Tame Impala is not doing a secret show into the campsites.
That's not happening.
You don't think that you're going to have a group of tame people showing up.
It just bothered me.
You're right, Barry.
Barry is totally right about this.
But you could make that rule about any year of Bonnaroo.
Any year is a perfect year for you to let go.
Any year.
Yeah, sure.
But there's so much built up for this.
I agree.
I agree.
All right.
So let's get into week one of our show picks.
I want to play a little bit of our buddy Nick Turner, current Camp Nut Butter invitee from
the jump.
Nick Turner is part of Camp Nut Butter and he's in a band called Midist.
He's got an incredible, incredible little side hustle with this Midist.
It's a really, really funky band that you're going to love.
This is Midist.
We'll come right back with maybe my most excited moment of the What Podcast of the Year.
The reason I'm so excited about this, guys, is because I don't know what to expect.
I know exactly which band Barry's going to choose.
Next week when we do Barry picks, I mean, you might as well...
Fast forward, fast forward, fast forward.
I know every band that Barry's picking.
But I have no idea who will be on Lord Taco's list of shows to see at Bonnaroo.
No clue.
Barry, we did this last week.
I can name three.
Outside of that, I don't know how far I can go.
What are your top three that you think Taco's going to pick?
Let's write it down.
What did we say?
We said turquoise, mastodon, and was it Foo Fighters?
Was that the third?
What was the other?
What was the third?
But who?
Yeah, who wouldn't go to Foo Fighters though?
Yeah, I think that that's a little too easy.
I agree with Taco on this.
I think there's...
Who was that third?
There was the other one.
I mean, it's like saying like, we know Brad's going to Lizzo.
And Britney and whatever.
I mean, come on.
I don't remember who the third was now.
Well, I mean, that's the point.
Taco is such a hard one to figure out.
I don't know.
I know certain things that he likes, but I don't know what he's doing in that bus most
Yeah, you do.
You know.
Oh yeah, I know.
I know.
That lasts 90 seconds.
There's got to be more things that happen inside that bus.
Well, I think you'll be surprised.
I think you'll be surprised with my picks.
I'm very excited about it.
So I think that turquoise and mastodon were the two that we absolutely...
Those are absolutely...
Yes, those are going to happen.
But do we have anything else, Barry?
Anything else that we just are willing to bank our check on?
I can't...
Who do you have?
I don't think I...
I think that's it.
Yeah, okay.
I'm looking through this.
I'm desperately looking.
Yeah, goose.
Goose is on there.
Hang on.
Don't get...
I think that he might forgo goose for my morning jacket.
That's the point that I...
That's where it gets down to.
You might know my taste, but you don't know which one I'm going to when there's a conflict.
That's a tough one because he might actually even choose Mark Rebellant and Loop Daddy instead
of goose.
That's the part that I'm really, really confused by.
I mean, I just keep going through this line of Barry.
I can only say for sure two things.
And I think that you and I agree, turquoise and mastodon.
You want to start on Thursday, Taco?
Taco picks on the What Podcast.
Taco picks for 2021.
I cannot wait to hear this.
Yeah, let's start on Thursday.
You ready?
I'm ready.
I think you know.
I'm going to go to Brista Maroney.
My boy.
My boy.
I really enjoyed having him on the show.
He was really cool.
So that's 3 to 3.45 Brista Maroney.
That's my first.
That's my first Bono Room.
Are you listening to Brista Maroney right now?
Not right now.
I know not right now because you're on the show.
I know how your mind works.
I'm doing the show.
I know how your mind works.
But are you listening to him at any point in your day?
Actually no.
I haven't had him in rotation or anything.
But I'm in rotation.
He's a really...
I'm starting to...
The kid's a really good songwriter.
Yeah, I agree.
Yeah, I like him a lot.
He's getting into thirst trap territory though.
I'm going to tell him this when I see him.
He's posting a lot of shirtless pictures.
He is trying to push that on.
I've seen way too much of his chest hair lately.
We know how you feel about shirtless performers.
That's right out for you, isn't it?
And hopefully he comes back to nut butter and hangs out with us.
Maybe shirtless.
Man, you dream big.
You really dream big.
All right, so moving on.
Thursday, we talked about the Grand Ole Opry and we talked about how disappointing it is
every time.
I'm not really interested in the Grand Ole Opry, but I am interested because Barry pointed
out there is a performer playing the Grand Ole Opry from Chattanooga, Amethyst Kea.
I checked her out.
She's fantastic.
She's terrific.
Now, she's also playing Moon River the week after Bonnaroo.
So if I don't get to the Grand Ole Opry, I won't be heartbroken.
But we've always pined about Dolly playing Bonnaroo.
Amethyst Kea has a cover of Jolene that is fantastic.
And hopefully she plays it for the Grand Ole Opry.
I don't know.
That might be worth checking out.
Barry, tell me about this chicky baby.
She grew up here and now lives up in East Tennessee.
She's really, really good.
Soulful country.
Soulful, I mean, it crosses all kind of genres, right, Taco?
I mean, it's just got a great voice.
She has a wonderful voice.
And Brad, are you aware of any other black country singers?
Her name is Yola.
Well, yeah, I thought you were going to say Hootie.
Darius Rocker is another one.
His name is not Hootie.
His name is Darius Rocker.
No, he's Hootie.
And then the other guy is a blowfish.
His name is not Hootie.
His name is Darius Rocker.
The other guy is blowfish.
Yeah, which one of you is blowfish?
Love Hootie, hate blowfish.
None of them are blowfish.
None of them are Hootie.
His name is Darius.
I wonder if they get that a lot.
Which one of you is blowfish?
Yeah, which I can't...
Barry, this question has been asked for 30 years since they put out the cracker.
The question is which one is Hootie?
Guys, I will say this though.
As an aside, don't you think that Hootie would be an incredible Bonnaroo artist?
Oh, absolutely.
Like on a bizarre early Friday, Saturday afternoon, if they put them on this tent and they play
nothing but cracker view things, that place would be exploding with letter cry.
Yeah, I don't disagree.
I think they are a great Bonnaroo artist.
I know, and I'm fascinated that you were such a big fan.
Yeah, I'm fascinated.
Have we talked about this at the show though?
Have we talked about this?
Yes, you followed them all over the country.
Yes, you followed them all over the country.
We literally told this story?
Thank God I'm telling it again.
I don't want to interrupt Taco, he's on a roll.
We're still going on Thursday, so my next pick for Thursday is Devin Gilfillian.
Again, because we had him on the show.
I had such a good time talking to him.
Really intrigued by his music and just him as a person.
I don't want to miss Devin, 845 to 945.
I think that that's going to be that slot on Thursday that you saw with Courtney Barnett
and you saw with Alabama Shakes.
He's not on the same stage, but it does feel as though that's going to be the moment for
If it's not Larkin Poe, it's going to be Devin.
I agree.
I might think that Big Something is that thing, but I'm a Devin Gilfillian fan to begin with.
Me too.
Yeah, I don't want to miss Devin.
And then late night Thursday that you got Too Many Zoos, they're also playing Friday
at the beer exchange.
I don't know if you saw that.
I did see that and the dudes hit me up and they're like, if you guys come out and do
the podcast, it'll be Too Many Brews.
Am I right?
Am I right?
It's really good.
It's good.
It's good.
It's good.
So yeah, we'll see what happens Thursday night.
If I don't make it out for Too Many Zoos, you know, I'll just catch them Friday at the
beer exchange.
You know why you're not going to catch them?
Because you take it easy on Thursday.
Just pack it in early Thursday.
Pack it in early.
It'll be okay.
Yeah, I need to do that because my last Thursday at Bonnaroo didn't pack it in.
Before you go to Friday and Saturday and Sunday, what is the busiest day for you?
Oh, Saturday.
Well, Friday and Saturday are both equally busy, but Saturday is a little busier.
So you could hit a little hard on Thursday.
No problem.
Well, the difference is 2019 Thursday was my stacked day and Thursday's the day I missed
I went too hard.
Yes, you did.
Mistakes were made.
I came back to camp.
I was told I was pinballing between the big heads.
I was just, yeah, yeah.
Couldn't make a straight line.
But I did put myself to bed.
I needed no help getting to bed.
I can always get back to bed.
That's true.
You know, when you get out, when you write like the tombstone of taco, Barry, you're
going to say two things.
It's going to, here lies Lord Russ Jackson, Lord Taco.
And the next two lines are going to be good at identifying babies.
Good at getting in bed.
I can always get myself to bed.
I can always, I can always point out if it's a baby or not and how to get himself back
to bed and get myself to bed.
Some guys can't do that.
There are a lot of people at Bonnaroo that crawl in the wrong tent.
It happens.
I'm like a homie pigeon.
I can always get home.
And weirdly enough, Bryan Stone has had every woman that's ever done that.
I wouldn't get a name names.
They always seem to crawl into the wrong tent and they wake up and see him.
All right.
Here we go.
That's Thursday.
All right.
That's a good Thursday.
That's strong.
And you know, there's some other stuff happening.
I know that I've, I definitely got some blind spots.
I feel like there's, I'm probably missing something that I probably should see, but I
don't necessarily know.
So I'm open to suggestions.
We all are.
Thursday, I'm starting out with M.Doo Marktar.
That a baby.
And we all need to go.
We all need to go.
We all need to go.
Hoist one for M.Doo.
Pay our, pay our, yeah, pay tribute to the ones who leaked the lineup a day early.
Hashtag never forget.
Hashtag never forget.
Never forget.
That's honestly an amazing show.
We never would have heard of him.
We probably not would have even listened to him.
But if you go back and listen to him.
Oh, he's great.
It's really good, right?
Really, really good.
Surprisingly good.
Yeah, I agree.
But I can't wait to see, I can't wait to see what that crowds like.
Oh, I think it's going to be a fantastic crowd because everybody's going to want to just
be there just to, just to say thanks.
Just to say thanks.
That's the problem.
It's good.
I'm really worried about it.
Well, and you know, and for, you know.
I've been here for so long, it's going to be empty.
I don't know if there's any sanctions from AC.
The difference is like, we were all excited about Little Dicky two years ago and that
was a horrible show.
I think.
That was the biggest disappointment.
I think M.Doo is going to be good.
I think he's going to be good, but I don't know what kind of sanctions AC puts on people
that, you know, maybe they're going to blacklist them.
This may be our one and only chance to see them.
You know, I don't know if there's any.
I think they're cool with it.
It's probably, yeah.
It's probably fun.
It might've been, it might've even been a plant, you know, it might've been on purpose.
It would have been, it'd be a horrible backlash if they were to do something mean to him because
everybody just thinks it's funny.
Well, it's going to be a good show.
My next pick, as you know, it's Turquoise.
And yeah.
Be there.
You know, we saw Turquoise.
That was the last show Brad, you and I went to.
That was like February, 2020 and it was right before the world shut down.
That was like the last quote unquote normal thing I remember doing.
It's really nuts to Barry because that was the last thing I did before I moved to New
It was like the last Chattanooga thing that I did.
It was the last Chattanooga thing.
And we fought, we fought till the minute we left.
Do we really want to do this?
Do we really want to go?
Do we really want to go?
It's so late.
And it was like a Tuesday, wasn't it?
Yeah, it was like it was like a weeknight and it was just a random let's just go to
this concert.
It's Turquoise.
And so then they had they had a local opening band and all the crowd was there for the local
opening band.
And once they went off stage, the place emptied.
Nobody was there for Turquoise.
Like they didn't know what they were.
They didn't know what they were coming to.
You know, the show at Bonnaroo is going to be much better.
Let's talk about the show at Bonnaroo because it's not going to be a Turquoise show.
They are doing not their own material.
They're covering the entire Talking Heads album Remain in Light.
And they have Jerry Harris from Talking Heads and Adrian Blu.
Adrian Blu.
I think.
No, go ahead.
I'm sorry.
Adrian Blu is one of my favorite artists, period.
I'm a big King Crimson fan.
Adrian Blu has done.
He's done work with David Bowie.
If you've listened to any artist in the 80s or 90s, Adrian Blu was probably a session
He's worked with so many artists.
I look you guys.
You guys pointed this out to me the moment that this came out two years ago.
I beat you up for it.
And that show at that tiny little club in Chattanooga really changed my mind.
They are incredible.
They don't miss a note.
They're much younger than I thought they would be.
I thought they were just a group of old guys.
This was a fun.
They know what they're doing.
It's a fun dance party that they know how to pull off.
And I think you're exactly right about this taco.
And the Adrian Blu thing is so incredibly important because we keep looking for these
moments on this lineup over and over and over.
Every lineup, we do this every year.
These moments where it ties us to some sort of tradition or the past.
And they're there so long as you're willing to go get them.
It's interesting.
I was thinking about this today, this very thing.
There are certain albums and bands that are milestones, I guess, that other bands can
look back to.
And I would think the Foo Fighters, for one, would probably point to Remain in Light as
one of those albums that influenced them, whether you hear it or not directly.
But that album was seminal.
I mean, it was huge.
Even if you're not a Talking Heads fan, I guarantee every song on that album, you will
recognize you'll be like, oh, yeah, because it's such a...
Not just with the bass and the funk and the stories behind the bass and the funk.
No, it's a great pick.
You and I are both going to be there.
It's definitely on my list.
No surprise there.
I hear this kind of stuff and I wonder if this is setting the stage of having a Talking
Heads show.
I hope so.
Oh, I would be ecstatic to have Talking Heads.
I think that the one thing that this festival has not had is that the David Byrne show that
I saw in ACL Fest was really great.
It really is.
In fact, it was fine in the moment.
The theater show was 10 times better because he got to expand and be a lot...
The stage show was just incredible and it became so much more expansive and they did
the entire history of that band.
I really do think that if one of those moments that sets Bonnaroo apart in the years future
is finding some sort of way of having David Byrne say yes to a Talking Heads show.
Oh, that would be fantastic.
If he's going to say yes, he's going to say yes to Bonnaroo because it's the only festival
that's really invested in him.
He's been invested in other festivals.
Don't get me wrong.
He's been in other places.
Well, he did.
Was he there?
Was it 08 or 09?
And he did a lot of head stuff.
Yeah, yeah.
And he did some head stuff.
I know.
But if you could bill it as a Talking Heads show, even though he doesn't get along with
any of those guys and he does not want to do this, if they could pull this off, you
can keep the Raids Against Machines.
Keep them.
I want that Talking Heads show of Bonnaroo.
Oh, me too.
I don't know if anybody talks about it enough.
And you know what's interesting is he apparently brought a bicycle with him and hung around
for a couple of days and rode back and forth on that back road.
I don't know if you ever heard that.
I did.
He was there checking out all the...
Yeah, isn't that cool?
I just imagine David Byrne riding around backstage on a bicycle.
I mean, I...
No, I mean, he could get up and start running lights and it wouldn't surprise me.
He could be doing those bizarre random...
He could be serving you corn dogs and it would not...
Fair enough.
Slicy pie or spicy pie.
Fair enough.
We're only into the afternoon on Friday.
Come on.
We're not even scratch the surface of Friday.
All right, next up.
By the way, if the next two shows of picks become really short, just come back to this
We'll give you all our thoughts on the picks of this one.
We'll go back to...
We'll talk about Talking Heads all day long.
All right, next pick.
I'm headed over to Orville Peck.
I just want to see what the fuck...
I am so intrigued by Orville Peck.
He's so weird and he wears the mask.
He's got the flashy mask and it's so bizarre.
So at Lollapalooza, I'm sitting in like a little lawn chair or something and coming
through where he's like, it's Orville Peck and it's one thing that's Orville Peck and
wearing his little mask and his hat.
But he had like five people behind him all dressed the exact same way.
And it wasn't like they all walked in individually where you could be like, well, look at that
No, it was they all walked in exactly the same way in like this perfect like geese flocking
to the south moment where like they were waved out.
It was brilliant.
He had it all planned out even walking through the artist area.
This guy has every second of this show figured out.
He's got every second of his life figured out when he puts on that mask and his hat.
There is not a moment of his life where he is not like absolutely scheduled.
That's nuts to me.
Yeah, it fascinates me.
Every second is scheduled for him.
Yeah, I want to see what the show is like.
I want to know what this is all about.
Well, that's a good thing for you, but also you are now four and a half hours into the
We're only halfway through.
Four and a half hours and it's 5.30 now.
I hope you have some sort of nap time for Friday.
Well yeah, so from next up for me at 6.15 is Dashboard.
Dashboard confessional.
Over glass animals, huh?
That's right.
And I'll tell you why.
Think of how many 40 year old moms are going to be at that Dashboard show.
You are there to bring somebody back to camp.
I know it.
You're bringing somebody back to camp.
If there's ever a chance, this is just my chance.
You are preying on the weak, sir.
They're going to be crying.
He's going to be screaming.
He's at the end.
They're going to be bawling and you're going to find somebody that you can pull into your
That is obscene, sir.
I think it's brilliant.
I like the hustle.
I like the hustle.
I like the hustle.
You like the hustle.
Well, there's another Chattanooga connection here because Dashboard's guitarist is from
Yeah, that's true.
It's very true.
This is a long day already, Taco.
I mean, what are you doing next?
It's curating.
Macedon's next.
Dashboard to Macedon.
How about that?
Unless the whole Dashboard confessional thing works out for you, then what are you going
to do?
He's done for the rest of the night.
He's going to find that.
He's going to find that.
Who might be?
I might close it out at Dashboard.
Honestly, Barry, that could be the best case scenario because knowing the way that he drinks
PBR, there's no way he's lasting another show.
Can we set up a woman to just take him back to camp and put him to bed?
No, I can put myself to bed.
I don't need any help getting to bed.
I'm going to be going if you're not taking care of it.
And his diagram is going to have one of those, you know, if do not.
Yeah, it's going to be like a flow chart.
It's either going to go this way or that way.
We'll see.
Or Russ.
I mean, you are setting yourself up for an absolute disaster.
On every level, this doesn't feel right.
What are the chances of finding the 40 year old dashboard who then wants to go to Mastodon?
Well, I'll be honest, Barry, I know Taco, she's moving in.
She's moving in.
I know.
Hopefully not, but we'll see.
All right, so Jesus Christ, you're going to Mastodon and then what?
This day, this day is not you can't do this.
This is not possible.
You can't you cannot fill your entire day up like this, dude.
Don't tell me I can't do it.
OK, next is going to be what?
Foo Fighters?
Oh yeah, Mastodon goes straight into Foo Fighters.
But see, here's the thing.
Here's my first conflict because Primus is at 12 o'clock.
So I'm going to have to leave Foo Fighters and head over to Primus.
And are you familiar with you know Primus, right?
Never heard of him.
Never heard of him.
Well, this this this tour this year is they're they're doing a special cover.
They're playing the entire Rush album, Farewell to Kings.
And so that's going to be about half their set.
From what I've heard, from what I've read, it's the beginning.
They start out with that.
They'll do the entire album and then they'll do starting out.
That's what they've done so far.
That's what they've done so far in their tour.
So it's a 45 minute Getty Lee and then drum solo.
But which half do you care about the most?
The Rush set.
Oh man, if only they did that on the second half.
Yeah, I wish it was flipped.
I wish they were doing Primus first and then Rush.
You know that for certain though?
No, not for certain, but they've already they've already began this tour.
There's some like footage of you know, some shows they've already done.
And so far they've started out with Rush and then they get into Primus.
So I don't know for sure.
But we're sure with Rush, huh?
Yeah, but I got to be there.
That's something to ask.
So Primus was actually supposed to be on this show and some scheduling things did not work
I'm going to find out for you that Rush part is the first half of it.
Well it would kind of work out to be the first half because...
Ask them if they can switch, Brad, will you?
Will you do that for us?
Yeah, I'll make that one.
I'll make that call.
Well, but I got to I got to cut out and head over to Run the Jewels at 1245.
Taco, no, you're not.
You are not at this point going to go 12 and a half hours in a day.
You're not going to do it, dude.
I know you.
You're not doing it.
No, I'm not going to hit everything.
But I do want to hit.
Okay, I do want to hit your quads.
I do want to hit Macedon.
I do want to hit Primus.
And Run the Jewels.
So what we're now figuring out is Orville Pack and Dashboard Confessionals are totally
getting scrapped in a spin.
Those three hours taking a nap.
It's not a bad idea.
The picks are now changed.
Game day.
Game day to see.
I'm guessing there's nothing else left in the night or do you have a Roman silver moment
you want to bring me?
That's it for Friday.
I'm getting excited.
Jesus Christ.
You've exhausted me on this.
I might be biting off more than I can chew.
But you know, it's been two and a half years since we've I'm aiming high.
I'm shooting for the moon.
Shoot for the moon.
Say who shoot for the moon and say, well, I'm saying, well, yeah.
So what time to Saturday start?
Well hang on.
We've got two more days to go.
I'm going to need a breather.
I can't wait for Saturday because Lord knows if your 12 hour day went that bad on Friday,
I can't wait to see what you're doing.
All right.
It's not going to be much better Saturday.
He starts with Stephen Sanchez.
I can't wait to hear it.
Remember the diagram if the dashboard confessional thing goes well.
That's true.
This is great.
I could take a left turn.
Man, that's a great point.
All hell could break loose from that moment on.
We have no idea what his pick might be.
You finding him in the bus.
I know.
And we meet a new we have a new camp nut butter mate who we've never met before.
Don't be.
It wouldn't be the first time.
All right.
I'm starting Saturday.
I want to check out Kingfish.
Tell me about them.
He just Chris.
I am a non-binary person.
I do not say he or she's excuse me.
All right.
He looks good.
I don't even have my Kingfish.
He can play a little.
He can play a little guitar.
He's pretty good.
It's not a it's not a must see.
But you know if there's if there's nothing else going on if you're up and the new girlfriend
wants to go out I'm sure this is a great place for you to you know shake off the late night
It's a chance for me to you know show my cultured.
Yes you want to come to see Kingfish because she hasn't figured out how cultured our group
is yet.
I can't wait to leave.
But we got to go.
Well my first real must see Saturday.
He is terrific.
Is Uncle acid and the dead beats.
I think this is going to take our you know we had a big loss with King Gizzard.
But I think these guys are going to fill that fill that space.
They're a King Gizzard for you.
For me.
Yeah I don't know them at all.
What's the name again.
Uncle acid and the dead beats.
Would you say this is a must see for you.
Yes I.
I drove home.
What was your must see on Friday by the way just to back up.
What was your absolute must see on Thursday and Friday.
Thursday's you know.
No I would say it's a.
Well you know Bristan and Devin.
But Friday my absolute must see is Turquoise and Primus.
Those are the two I you know cannot miss.
Yeah my must see for Saturday.
First one is Uncle acid.
First ones.
All right.
Now if you had a choice would this be the one that you would drag camp to see.
So I always feel as though like the one like everybody should be allowed to say guys I'm
I'm pulling rank.
I want you to come to this show because I think everybody here will like it.
No I don't think it's for everybody.
But they are they've got a lot of like heavy classic rock.
They definitely influenced by Black Sabbath.
And OK.
I'm down for any band that has a Melitron.
I'm down with anybody's got Melatonin.
So you're by the way you're a big King Crimson guy right.
Yes that's correct.
And see I don't know.
I mean I like King Crimson.
I don't know that you are Brad.
I mean that's maybe one of the.
But I get it.
I get it.
So that that defines tacos.
It really does.
But you know just to say you know King Crimson spans 60s 70s 80s 90s 2000s like I get it.
There's many different incarnations.
And Adrian Blue is only one part of that.
You know he was only.
That's right.
80s 90s 2000s.
And their musicianship is incredible.
I'm with you.
I love it.
They've had incredible musicians.
But I'm with you.
I'm just I'm just pointing out that's kind of where you're.
That's kind of where I'm at.
That's my lane.
And driving the whole way home you know I had a three hour road trip coming back home.
I listened to Uncle acid the entire way.
All right.
I'm writing it down.
That's not what I would have expected but I'm very intrigued.
I know.
I'm writing it down.
Now I'm not going to the show.
But I'm very intrigued by this.
You don't have to go but.
I'll definitely be there.
I'm very happy about this.
All right.
So you've already tied yourself down to 415.
Now what?
That's right.
Then I will join John Baptiste in progress.
Uh huh.
Because he's 445 to 545.
I think John Baptiste is absolutely so much fun.
He's very much a you know embodies what Bonnar is.
He's very New Orleans.
I think that's a really good point.
And I don't think that I've actually thought about it like that.
John Baptiste is Bonnaroo.
I mean if you found somebody that was a really.
Where does from great human encompass like the one human encompasses what Bonnaroo is
supposed to be.
Boy John Baptiste could be the mayor of Bonnaroo this year.
I agree.
I think that's my fun show.
I can't wait to see it.
Well that's the thing.
Like you know it's gonna be a fun show.
You don't really need the songs.
But I just know I just know I like him.
I just know I like watching him.
Freedom is a great.
Freedom is a great song.
I did play freedom the other day.
That is a great song.
It's a great song.
It's great.
But but other than that you just know it's going to be good.
I just know it's gonna be good.
It's gonna be fun.
It's gonna be upbeat.
It's gonna be positive.
Barry so that's the show that should have been on.
Every year we talk about this.
Every year we say how much we miss that Sunday morning church service on the wet stage.
That should have been Sunday.
That should have been Sunday.
I wish they'd put John Baptiste on Sunday because.
You know they've always had that sort of New Orleans with Alan Toussaint and Dr. John
going way back.
Well it's a superfly connection obviously.
And I mean the word Bonnaroo means a good time and it's a Cajun New Orleans.
And it was a Dr. John album.
Gonna have a Bonnaroo.
I hope you all are there at John Baptiste with me.
I think that's gonna be fun.
I will be right there with you on John Baptiste.
There is not a...
You know I'm not gonna bore you with this but there is not a show I want to see more
on Saturday other than Lizzo, than John Baptiste.
Good point.
And then next for me is Phoebe Bridgers.
I mean I'm in love.
I'm in love.
Oh me too.
I love Phoebe Bridgers.
I think that there's...
Oh go ahead.
I'm sorry.
It's your time.
I listened to Phoebe's cover of Fake Plastic Trees by Radiohead.
Oh yeah.
It brought me to tears.
Stop it.
I'm serious.
It was that.
I was like man.
So I hope she plays that.
I really don't know a lot of Phoebe's songs but I've listened to some covers and she just
put out a cover of Nothing Else Matters.
And I know Miley did that too.
She did that part of the Metallica album that...
Barry, do you know anything about this Metallica album they put out that's nothing but covers?
There's like four artists that did the same song.
It's actually kind of brilliant.
And I'm not even a Metallica fan but I really like some of these songs that were done.
Same Phoebe.
The ones I've heard are good.
They're really, really creative and fun.
And what they did was like they didn't attack an A artist to do a song.
They did four artists to do a song.
So they could run the gambit of the different types of styles that could be...
It was brilliant.
Absolutely brilliant.
It was.
I was really impressed.
So yeah.
I want to be there for Phoebe.
And then, you know, I guess we'll go to Tame.
Well, you got a lot of break there.
That's a 2.15 break, huh?
I engineered a break right there.
Going from Phoebe to Tame.
I don't really have anything else.
Not worried about Jason Isbell, huh?
I could be talked into Jason Isbell.
Yeah, I got no problem with that.
You're not going to be talked into Jason Isbell.
Pine Grove?
No Pine Grove.
I've heard of Pine Grove.
That's probably where it stops.
I'll talk to Pine.
I'll talk about Pine Grove in my own day.
But you're not going to...
So so far, all the way through, and I'm guessing your night is going to go from Tame and Apollo
to Lizzo to My Morning Jack to Goose.
But at no point have you gotten to the other stage or the Who stage yet?
No, I have not.
All right.
Yeah, I don't have any...
Have you gone to a plaza yet?
Have you gone outside to GA?
The beer exchange on Friday.
And then the robust thing on Wednesday.
And the robust thing on Wednesday.
But other than that, no, I don't have any plazas planned.
Barry, are you okay?
I'm just sitting here thinking how this changes.
This changes your day.
Because if we are, we're going to go out into those and you're going to go with us.
Yeah, I definitely want to go, but I don't have anything.
You know, maybe...
Why are we going on Saturday?
We're probably going to go every day, I would think, because there's happening.
My point is it just...
It's going to be a bunch of long days is all.
Well, there's some secret shows.
It's a...
You can't save yourself for retirement.
I know.
When's the one in the woods?
I'm okay with that.
Like I said, yeah, there's some...
I got some blind spots.
I don't...
You know, I haven't checked out everything.
I could be talked into some other stuff.
I love that.
All right.
So then you go to Tame at 845.
I love this.
Yeah, but also there's a big conflict because Incubus is playing.
What's the conflict?
Incubus and Tame.
Well, it depends on if my dashboard girlfriend wants to go to see Incubus.
Man, this girl is going to be amazing.
That is exactly the right thing to do.
She could not be more in Incubus.
She's like, I love dashboard and Mastodon and Incubus.
In my chemical romance fucking lineup, you would be the biggest MCR fan on the planet.
Yes, this girl is so...
I forgot all about this girl.
I have a whole theoretical date to plan.
She has slept all day.
By the way.
She's slept all day.
And she's waking up to go with you to Incubus.
That is so hierarchical.
Is that Mastodon show?
I was a killer when I was there before.
I love that.
Man, now I'm wondering if there's anybody that she forgot on Friday.
Oh, you know she's into Nellie.
She will get into Nellie.
So you're gonna screw up the Primus thing and you gotta go see Nellie on Friday.
I might have to break up.
I would love to see Nellie.
Here's the question though.
Is Nellie still doing the entire Country Grammar album?
Because it doesn't say that on the lineup.
It's a good point because when we first got that lineup in 2019, 2018, 2017, literally
get this lineup again.
You got it.
And it said that we got Nellie Country Grammar.
Is he still doing Country Grammar?
Another one that was supposed to be on the show and scheduling got messed up.
Now it just says Nellie.
But what else is he gonna do?
He's got a wonderful group of songs on his...
All I can call it is his Country album.
He picked up the banjo, learned the banjo, picked up a flute, did some flute flouting.
He's a flautist?
He's a flautist.
Very accomplished musician.
Yes, very detailed.
Moving on.
Very is.
Moving on.
I'm fucking bored.
I don't want to talk about Nellie and the flutes.
Well speaking of flutes, Lizzo, we got to see Lizzo.
She's playing unopposed.
So everybody's going to be at that Lizzo show.
She's the Saturday night unopposed.
And I do have a little regret because I remember...
What year was it?
2018 maybe?
My buddy Brad is like, hey Lizzo's doing this exclusive show in Chattanooga.
I can get you tickets.
Me too.
And what did I say?
I gotta work.
Actually, I have a more bitter reason.
Now I have a more hateful bitter reason for not being there that I won't get into.
I didn't show it.
Brad had Lizzo in Chattanooga by herself with how many people?
Like 10.
Well, I don't know because I didn't go.
I don't know what kind of...
I didn't go.
That's the point.
And so...
The only promo free show she did in the country was for this random radio station in Chattanooga,
And she did...
I missed it by 10 minutes.
You missed it by 10 minutes?
You know why.
You know her now.
I don't know.
I don't know what happened.
You know her name.
Does she like dashboard?
Was her name Kelly Porter?
Oh, I know who you're talking about.
I know who you're talking about.
Say no more.
Say no more.
Say no more.
Say no more.
Say no more.
Anyways, I missed the exclusive Lizzo show.
So I've got some regrets there, but I do want to see Lizzo at Bonnaroo.
All right, here's a question.
Are you going to try...
Where will you see a show like that?
Are you going to try to get up front or you go to the back?
I mean, you could say the same question about his Foo Fighters show because he is tied up
until every minute up until the Foo Fighters show.
Yeah, I'm just going to be hanging out in the back.
You know?
Oh, you're willing to go back in the back?
Yeah, I don't have to be...
He doesn't care about being way back there, does he?
Barry, he is totally okay.
Me too.
Good for you.
All right.
All right.
It sounds great anyway.
I'm with you.
Saturday night?
And then Saturday night, I want to go...
I do want to go see some My Morning Jacket.
I know nothing about My Morning Jacket, but I know Barry's a big fan.
I want to experience it with Barry.
I think you're a lot better.
Barry, do you want to experience My Morning Jacket with a Lord Taco that's about 25 PBRs
in at this point?
Yes, actually.
Only 25?
Thinking about it.
I mean, 25.
That's a light day.
You're right.
You're right.
But I do want to go see some Loop Daddy.
This is the problem for me.
I have got a...
I got turned on to My Morning Jacket by Barry Courter, and I have no problem with them.
I used to not be a fan, and then I became a big fan because of BC.
But man, Big Cat, I love you.
I really want to see the Loop Daddy show, even if it's an hour, even if I go over there
for 20 minutes, and then I'm really, really, really into this goose.
See I really want to see this goose set.
I want to spend some time there.
And I feel like I hate to take over this because you're going to hear this from me in two weeks,
but I kind of feel like I'll see another My Morning Jacket show.
I have a feeling at some point...
Now there are these moments, like if you start thinking about My Morning Jacket and what
they're going to bring to the Bonnaroo stage, it probably will be the upper echelon of show
you'll ever see of My Morning Jacket.
If you're a jacket fan, this is going to be the best show they've ever put on.
This is going to be the one, if there's a possibility for somebody to show up, this
is the one.
This is going to be the best set list.
This is going to be the best performance.
There's just no possible way I think that in this moment, Jacket says to themselves,
you know what, we'll give you the Charlotte performance on this one.
I've said since 08, I think, yeah, 08 was when I first saw them.
I had no idea who they were.
They are the perfect Bonnaroo band.
There's not a better Bonnaroo band.
I mean, there are a lot of very, very good ones.
Warren Haynes.
I don't disagree at all.
I don't disagree at all.
They are the perfect Bonnaroo band.
Anything else on Saturday?
And for them to get three hours is amazing.
That's about it for Saturday.
I do want to see Luke Daddy.
I want to see Goose.
Yeah, I know.
You are busting it on Friday and Saturday.
I don't know how you live on Sunday, but how in the hell are you waking up on Sunday and
where are you going on Sunday?
Sunday's light, I will say that.
Thank God.
Sleep till three.
Yeah, I can sleep till three, wake up, get ready, go see Brittany Howard.
My man.
My man.
And, you know, kind of, of course, I have heard Brittany Howard.
She's great, but kind of the same reason with Barry in My Morning Jacket.
Like I know, you know, he's a super fan.
I know you're a super fan.
I want to see Brittany Howard with you.
Yeah, I mean, I love that album so much.
I just can't stop saying how much I love this album.
I've heard so many people talk to me like, yeah, but I don't really hear a hit.
Oh, fuck off.
I, you know, this this idea of like not understanding how beautiful, incredible art is is is created
without hearing a hook all the time.
I agree.
And same is a true artist.
Yeah, that she's great.
So seeing her perform.
And in the last time I saw this show, the last thing that I saw before quarantine was
Brittany Howard.
And the show had just started like the the the the local I'm sorry, the live show for
her solo album had just started.
They played the whole album in its entirety before it was released.
That to me was good.
But man, do I want to see how that has progressed.
I'm dying to see how that's gotten better, because what all I remember from the Alabama
Shakes is every show that I saw just kept getting better and better and bigger and bigger and
better and better.
And she started owning the space so much more.
Something something's going on with her.
And I want to be on the front end of it, I guess.
Yeah, yeah.
I want to be there with you.
I want to see it.
I want to see Brittany Howard.
And I know Julian Baker is kind of a conflict to there.
I don't want to talk about it.
OK, we'll just move on.
But I also really want to check out Oliver Tree.
I am so intrigued by Oliver Tree.
How about that?
Never in a million years would I have expected you say Oliver Tree.
I can't figure out if he's like the world's biggest troll.
I feel like he trolls his audience so much.
You never know what he's going to do.
He's announced he's leaving the music industry for good.
He's doing all these crazy stunts.
He's actually like a really good scooter rider.
Well, that's a selling point, Barry.
Barry's there.
He's got a plan B. He's got a plan B.
He's got a plan B. He didn't start out as a musician.
He started out as a like a world class scooter champion.
Barry, I think we found Tacos first ever, first one of the weekend.
We had to get to Sunday to get to I'm either there for 15 minutes or an hour.
I'll walk by.
Yeah, I got to go walk by and see what Oliver Tree is all about.
I might be intrigued and stay for the whole thing.
He might just get on stage and just give everybody a middle finger.
I got to look him up.
I don't know what he's going to do.
He's weird as hell.
He is.
I'm not just to see if Scooter Thing is on his resume.
Scooter Thing.
Scooter Thing.
So if this whole music thing doesn't work out, I'm going to go pursue the Scooter Thing.
He actually is like a competitive scooter.
How is anyone a competitive scooter rider?
I took this train to the Grand Canyon.
I got to see what this is about.
I got to see what he's going to do.
There's no telling what he's going to do on stage.
I'm just glad he's got a plan for his life.
And he makes some really bizarre life choices, Tacos.
He makes some very bizarre life choices.
How bizarre is Oliver Tree?
But it's one of those things.
Please tell me your festival's over now.
Please tell me this is the last show you're seeing because you're not going to survive
This is too much.
Well, I'll say this about Oliver Tree.
He could be the next Andy Kaufman because you really can't tell.
Is this an act?
Is this some type of performance?
Is this some type of troll?
You can't tell what he's doing.
I'm fascinated.
Absolutely fascinated.
That's what I kind of thought that of Little Dicky.
And I can tell you that show was horrible.
I was very disappointed in Little Dicky.
Little Dicky sucks.
Little Dicky sucks.
Oh, hey, everybody.
I'm sorry.
What are we doing right now?
Are we losing our minds?
What are we doing?
Are we taking a break?
No, we're not.
We're not.
I think Hillary's having a good time.
She's had enough.
She's out.
She's she didn't want to hear about all the tricks.
She's even tired of your day.
She's tired.
Yeah, she's tired of it.
Everybody needs to get the fuck out.
All right.
Well, the last thing on my list, the absolute last thing is I've got to go check out little
baby and see if it's a baby.
I have to know, is this a baby?
Not official, not official.
I will tell you definitively if this is a baby or not.
Well, that will be the end of the close of Bonnaroo.
That's the close of my taco.
When taco lets everyone know little baby is in fact a baby, we can finally all go home
once I tell you if this is a baby or not.
Nobody leaves until then.
If I have never wanted something more than if we have any poll, any poll whatsoever,
any sort of muscle flex, Barry, anything with anyone.
Could we please God have somebody put on that big screen?
This is a baby.
This is a baby.
This is a baby.
I'm begging anyone.
Can we?
Give me the crown jewel of if two things that taco wants in his life is acceptance from
He's got it.
Sponsor me.
He's the 69th follower of PBR.
That's right.
And the second thing is to be the end all be all of the baby community.
The official baby community.
Speaking of babies.
Don't you think Bonnaroo dodged a bullet here with their, they switched up from da baby
to little baby.
Either way.
In hindsight, that was a really good move.
Either way.
I still wonder if it's a baby or not.
Well, they couldn't just do away with the baby demographic.
They had to have a baby.
We gotta find out if it's a baby.
And I'm going to find out.
I will get to the bottom of this.
Who is the person that runs the screens?
Who is the guy that does that?
Find him.
We can work on it.
And I will spend every damn minute, day, dollar of my life to get just on the screen once.
Please make this happen.
It's a baby.
It's a baby.
It's a baby.
It's a baby.
And it'll be me pointing.
I'll be like, just point it's a baby.
Right there.
It's a baby.
Right there.
That would be hilarious.
That would be the greatest finale of a ball.
I would die so peacefully.
Taco made it.
All right.
That's it.
That's my Bonnaroo.
That's my whole good.
That was a dude.
That was too much.
Am I going to make it to all these?
No, I'm not going to make it to every single one of these.
My list is going to look like Bryan Stone.
It's going to be like one Joe.
I'm never leaving camp.
I love this idea that Taco just...
35 bands he wants to see.
We'll see three.
Watch how many shows I end up at.
It's going to be...
And the one that he absolutely will do is Little Baby.
We'll go to Little Baby.
His name shows up on the big screen.
This is a baby.
That's a baby.
That is a little baby.
That is a little baby.
The entire weekend is all based on is this a baby?
That's what it's all leading up to.
Because why, Taco?
Your two biggest skills are?
I can identify if something is a baby or not.
Yes, you can.
And what's my other skill?
I don't remember.
I think just drinking BBR.
Probably, yeah.
Well, if that's a skill, then...
And you can find your way home.
I can always find my way home.
I'm like a little homing pigeon.
I can get to bed.
I don't know if I can make it.
I can't keep up with time.
I promise you, my schedule will not be this involved.
I told you you'd be surprised.
I should block off, doesn't leave camp.
Doesn't leave camp.
Man, what happens when he finds a dashboard mom?
Then I'm gonna have to leave camp.
Everything's hinging right there.
Everything depends on that dashboard show.
It's a great point, man.
That entire weekend of yours all depends on if you meet a dashboard mom.
That really dictates how the rest of my honor goes.
See, what happens if...
We can go to a show next weekend because I'm exhausted.
What happens if dashboard mom doesn't show but mastodon mom does?
I don't know if I'm into mastomom.
Let me tell you about mastomom.
She is going to chain you up.
You're not leaving the bus.
She is...
I don't know if I'm into mastomom.
Mastomom is not letting you leave for the rest of your life.
In fact, you might not leave Bonnaroo at all, ever.
You're a goner.
You may just live there.
I think I just got the bus.
Well, Barry, I think I got nothing left.
I am exhausted.
I'm pretty exhausted.
Are you worn out?
I mean, I feel like I need to pack up camp and it's not even out yet.
I need to pack up my own goods and say, hey, no sir.
I'd yell at the dog.
Oh, right.
Well, I did just come off a camping trip, so I'm a little amped up.
I'm a little hype to get out to the farm.
Pretty hype.
Oh, it always looks good at this point.
I mean, when you get the schedule, it always looks good at this point.
You're going to do all of it.
Yeah, I get it.
Aim high.
I can't wait to see Grand Ole Opry.
I'm going to run from this side to that side.
Let me tell you straight up, I can knock off about 30% of your schedule just by putting
Grand Ole Opry off the list.
Yeah, you're probably right.
Get rid of it now.
Amethyst is really good, but like you said, she's going to be at Moon River.
I can see her at Moon River.
So that's a week later.
I don't deny that.
She's probably really good, but she'll find herself on another stage at some point.
I agree.
She's going to be at Moon River a week later.
By the way, you didn't even mention the super jam with Sylvanesso.
No, I have no idea.
I can promise you she's going to be at that.
All right.
Like I said, I've got huge blind spots.
There's big parts of the schedule I've just not even considered.
So I'm open for suggestions.
I can be dragged to things.
I hear you.
All right.
Anything else before we go?
Next week is Barry.
Barry, you're up.
And at some point we're going to get Jeff Clayar in here to talk about-
I hope to know tomorrow or Tuesday.
Yeah, we got lots of questions for him.
Barry, you ready for your picks?
Whatever else.
I'll be ready next week.
It'll be a lot quicker.
Can Jeff get us on the screen?
For Little Baby?
I'm working on it.
I'm working on it.
I think that's a great idea.
Also, Taco, what I love about this show and what I love about this episode is that this
is the latest that Barry has been up for 10 years.
We kept Barry ever since modern.
Outside of modern, this is the latest Barry has been up.
I'm pre-gaming.
This is my pre-game.
Sorry the list was so long.
Today I stay up till seven.
Next tomorrow night at 8.
Then in three weeks, I'll be ready for 10 o'clock.
Do you guys do any sort of body workout for Montero?
Because I feel as though I can lift weights.
No, I have been for three months.
Walks and stuff and body, back stretches.
I'm in peak physical shape.
Along those lines, I pointed out to a couple of our people with the festival.
What did he say?
He's in peak shape.
Is that what he said?
He said I'm in peak physical shape.
No, it's still 100.
Let's see it.
My man.
There you go.
Barry, I'm sorry.
For whatever it's worth, I was just going to say for whatever it's worth, it's still
very, very hot, but it stays darker till about 7, 715 in the morning.
That's right.
It gets darker earlier.
It's a little bit different than what some folks are used to.
I was incorrect.
I said the time change will happen.
The time change happens in November.
I was wrong about that, but we do get an extra hour of nighttime because the sun sets earlier
because we're in September versus June.
That's going to make things a lot cooler.
I mean, if the day only starts at three and the sun starts going down at 630, I mean the
day becomes a lot easier to manage.
And it used to come up and hit your 10 at 615.
Now it's about 715.
That's right.
You're going to get a little extra sleep in time.
Oh man, that is a really good point.
It's going to be nice.
I love that.
All right.
It's still hotter than Devil's Last Ride.
It's still going to be hot as balls.
Guys, I'm glad that we made this one a quick one.
All right.
Lord Taco, great picks this week.
Barry Carter, can't wait for next week.
Barry's picks next week and maybe Jeff Cuellar.
I'm Brad.
That's Barry with Lord Taco.
Talk to you next week with another podcast.
Love you.
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