Sound the alarms: Bonnaroo's 2024 lineup is finally here! Barry and Lord Taco are, of course, fired up and ready to go deep into every detail of their most anticipated poster of the year.
On this episode of The What Podcast, the two sit down and run through which bands will be joining them on The Farm this year. They give their knee-jerk reactions, talk about who they are most excited to see, and try to parse out what the vibes of Bonnaroo 2024 will ultimately be. From Red Hot Chili Peppers to Post Malone to an emo Superjam, there's a ton to discuss, so stay tuned as they continue their conversation in the coming weeks!
Listen to the full chat on The What Podcast here and you can also watch it on YouTube. While you're at it, go ahead and like, review, and subscribe to The What Podcast wherever you get your podcasts.
Topic: Bonnaroo
Well, well, well.
For some people it's Christmas, for some people it's a birthday, for others it's a wedding
or the birth of a child.
Oh, I hope not.
For Bonnarooians, for Bonnarooians there are two great days of the year, right?
That's right.
First day you arrive and line up day.
Well, it's not June, so we're not ready to line up, though I'm sure Russ has probably
got the van, the bus already packed and ready.
I'm gassed up, ready to go.
But so obviously it's line up day, which is such a, I mean, it's a great day.
So we're going to get right into it.
First I'm Barry, that's Lord Taco.
This is the What Podcast.
This is the start of season seven, right?
Season seven, that's right.
Can you believe we've been doing it seven years?
No, and for people who've been dropping in for all those years, thank you.
You'll notice that Brad is not with us today.
Brad has taken some time off.
As we've said before, he does plan to be back.
We just don't know when.
He's still involved, kind of behind the scenes.
We actually saw him this past weekend and probably we'll see him again this week, which
means he's in town.
He lives in New York.
Yeah, no, yeah, you're right.
He's in town for a week.
So we will get to see him.
We've already seen him a few times and probably see him again.
But yeah.
And we have some plans for the season to come.
But today is line up day.
So let's go ahead and jump right in real quick.
This is going to be a fairly short episode because we are very honored and pleased that
we're going to have Corey and Brad from C3 on a live show tomorrow.
And we're going to talk about the sausage.
I mean, I don't know how else to put it, right?
It's our favorite subject.
It is.
That's why we started this whole crazy ride.
We love the sausage making.
So I'm sure we'll talk some more about the lineup with them, but we'll also talk about
some of the changes.
If you again, if you've been a listener to the show, we had them on last year and let
them introduce some of the a la carte camping, parking, ticket buying experiences.
And so we'll talk about how that went and the changes that they've made.
So that this is sort of the official kickoff of season seven, and then we'll have them
tomorrow live.
And that'll probably be our show next week.
And if it goes the way we think, it'll probably be a second episode as well.
So yeah, hope we can tune in live.
If not, we will have it available to download in the coming weeks.
But yet, like you said, today is pretty much just our first impressions.
I mean, you and I literally just sat down and hit print and we've got it in front of
us, but we really haven't dove in.
So this is our chance.
And in years past, we've gotten a little bit earlier than this.
But let's just, we'll get into that in a minute because I do kind of want to go through that.
But first impressions, you said right as you hit record, what do you think?
There's a few names that jump out already that are make me pretty happy.
And did you notice what's up here in the corner, Barry?
Did you see this little circle that says, featuring once more with feelings, the dashboard
confessional emo super jam.
Nice, nice.
I saw that.
I didn't see that, but I saw the Pretty Light Sunrise set.
And I also jumped right out at me besides the headliners, which real quickly, I'm sure
people are looking as well, but Pretty Lights, Post Malone, the Red Hot Chili Peppers and
Fred again.
That's the Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday headliners.
But right there on Saturday, and we've talked about this before, some of those acts that
got canceled during COVID that we were excited to see, John Baptiste.
That's one that jumped out at me.
There's a few on here that we kind of were teased with and then denied with the subsequent
So it's good to see them come back.
I'm very excited to see John Baptiste.
I don't know if we want to read it all.
I'm assuming by now people will be looking at it as well.
Maggie Rogers, I know is going to make my daughter very, very happy.
Might actually get her back on the farm.
Krungben, that's one of my favorite interviews that we ever did.
I think you enjoyed it as well.
Those guys were so nice.
Oh, and I just saw right at also Saturday night, there's Brittany Howard.
That might get our Brad back down there too.
I hope so.
We'll see if we'll get Brad back to the farm.
But if anyone could do it, it's Brittany Howard.
If he can get that, you know, that FBI restraining order lifted.
For those who are just tuning in, Brad is a huge Brittany Howard fan.
They've talked several times.
He's met her family even.
So I always tease him about having a file.
Who else is jumping out at you?
The Mars Volta.
I just saw them last year at Shaking Knees and that was one of my favorite sets from
that festival.
So that one's a big surprise.
I didn't hear that one rumored at all.
Who else?
Is Bulls back with the 400 unit?
That'll be a good show.
And Carly Rae keeps jumping up.
You have a history with Carly Rae, right?
A 10 minute, wasn't she the one on the stage at Moon River when it got rained out?
No, that was, who was that?
That was a different, that was a Sammy Rae.
Sammy Rae.
Sammy Rae.
All right.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
But yeah.
That's right.
Cage the Elephant is on there.
Megan Thee Stallion.
There's, yeah, I'm happy that the Chili Peppers is an interesting one.
They are, I've been a fan since the Uplift Mo'Foe Party Band.
I saw them in a little bitty club here in probably about 1983 or four.
One of those sort of legendary shows.
I'm sure every city and club has them where, you know, everybody says, yeah, if everybody
who went attended, there would be a million people.
When in actually, it was like 20 of us.
And we all kind of know who we are.
But so I've been a fan, but there are a lot of people who just don't like them at all,
which I always find kind of interesting.
But they were, they were there, been here a couple of times, been at Bonnaroo a couple
of times.
So I'm always glad to see them again.
And, you know, Post Malone is coming back.
He played in 2019.
Let's see.
Who else?
And then quite honestly, there's a whole bunch of names that are all brand new to me.
Me too.
And that to me is the fun part.
Green sky, blue grass, of course, been there before.
I've seen before.
They're a lot of fun.
Yeah, it's, you know, there's a whole lot to like.
There is a whole lot of new.
And we've got a whole season ready to dive into this lineup too.
I see, of course, there's Guar.
We knew they were going to be on there.
Next to that is Geese.
Is that related to Goose, do you think?
They're a German, I think.
They're a European electronica band.
It's not related to Goose.
Well, I haven't seen Guar in forever.
You know, wear your raincoat or whatever, or don't get up close.
Don't get up front.
But it's a lot of fun.
Who else?
Yeah, I don't know.
I'm looking forward to digging into this and that's what we do.
Me too.
Oh, ThunderCat's coming back.
That was a good show.
Don't miss ThunderCat.
So I was thinking, you know, a couple of things, like I said, just sort of business related,
I guess, is that we've got, like I said, the show tomorrow, the live show, and that'll
be their next one, maybe two episodes, and then we'll dig into this.
But while we were waiting to get this line up this morning, I was sort of thinking about,
we talk about evolution a lot, just for, again, for new listeners.
I have been going, I went to the first one in 02 and been going regularly since 07.
You've been going regularly since 2018, right?
That's right.
Our Bryan Stone is a regular.
He'll probably be on quite a lot more often in the coming weeks.
He's been every year.
And so we have a lot of history with the festival.
But while we were waiting, I was kind of thinking, and I couldn't remember the exact lineage,
but I was thinking about the way they've announced this.
You know, the first one with Phish, there was absolutely, I don't think they spent a
penny on marketing.
It was all word of mouth, and it was all, you know, this brand new email, online sort
of websites where people could go, and they announced the lineup and sold it out so quickly,
they had to add more people.
And so they didn't really bother with or didn't have to do lineups.
And then as other festivals sort of came online and became creative, Bonnaroo did the same.
And I can't remember the year or exactly who the person was, but I know they did an online,
it was maybe Adult Swim.
It wasn't MTV, but it was sort of one of those pop-up video kind of things where they had
a comedian and some bands and did about a 45-minute show, you know, announcing each
And that lasted, I know in 2014, they had a video presentation with a lot of acts popping
in and popping out.
And then we've gotten, had the advantage of getting the lineup a little bit early each
of the last six years, right?
As far as I can, yeah, as far as I've been around.
And I mean, I was thinking about that.
We've done everything from when I worked for many, many years at a newspaper and the entertainment.
So I can remember getting there at seven o'clock in the morning and doing a Facebook Live announcement
for this thing.
And it was at 10.
And then I remember one night we were supposed to get it the night before, right?
And we waited.
We went to Brad's radio studio and waited.
And then we went to get a burrito and a beer.
Yeah, we went to go get dinner.
And then I think we got a second dinner because we were still waiting.
And yeah.
So it's just, you know, kind of going down really our history of this.
I'm just trying to think if I was somebody and popping in and be like, why are these
guys talking about Bonnaroo?
It's because we have this sort of history with it.
And like I said, Lineup Day is one of the great days of the year.
It is.
It's one of our highlights.
And we get to look at all this and talk about it.
And the other thing, and I showed you and I sent you and you can, I don't know if you
have time, you can drop it on, but I was going through some of my old Bonnaroo beacons.
I saw those pictures.
And I got a bunch of them in the user's guide.
Probably maybe we'll go through some of those one episode and just kind of pick through.
I know I sent you a picture of, I was kind of surprised.
I opened right to the centerfold and there was our guest from a couple of weeks ago,
Danny Clinch on stage with Jack Johnson.
I think he was 2013.
So that was kind of cool.
It was kind of fun to go back through and see all the people that have performed and
how they used to do it and what makes it cool.
That Bonnaroo beacon and that guide.
I've said before, when you walk on into that, you don't know what to expect.
You're going to see live music.
You're going to see stages.
You know you're going to camp, but you don't expect things like a working post office.
Or a newspaper.
A daily newspaper.
A daily newspaper or a radio station.
They had a radio station for a while too, didn't they?
Yeah, sure did.
And a comedy tent.
So we may go kind of down those memory lane sort of things.
It makes it more immersive and it kind of seals you into that bubble because when you're
on the farm, you don't really pay attention or talk about the outside world.
So to have your own little ecosystem, you know, all built in makes it just all the more
And all the less reason you'd need to check in on social media or see what's happening
outside of Bonnaroo.
Well, just a spoiler alert.
Just got a text from the aforementioned Bryan Stone.
He's not impressed with the lineup.
I'm shocked.
You're shocked.
I know.
Pearl Jam's not on there.
Pearl Jam's not on there.
So it's, yeah, it's trash.
It's not going to be like ever.
It's funny.
And we'll do this because we always do.
It's a roller coaster.
You know, there have been years where we've gotten it and been overwhelmed at how great
we think it is.
And then a deeper dive and it kind of changes.
And then it looks good again as you take a deeper dive.
So yeah, I'm kind of with you.
I'm always glad to see the chili peppers.
I'm really excited about John Battiste, Crungvein, Brittany Howard.
I just noticed Larkin Poe's on there Thursday.
I mean, Friday.
I'm glad you, yeah, I mentioned that Grammy nominees.
I'm so excited for them.
So yeah, we'll take a deeper dive as we get into this.
And I'm sure a lot of other people will as well.
And it will, like I said, I'll be honest.
There's a lot of people that I don't recognize.
Me too.
That's not a bad thing.
That's what I love about this festival.
So yeah, if this is your first time listening, thank you.
And be sure and hit subscribe and stay tuned because we got a lot more coming out this
A lot more to dive into.
You can find us just about on every platform, primarily either YouTube if you, for whatever
reason you want to watch.
But also Consequence Network.
This is our third season as part of their podcasting network, right?
I think so.
That's crazy to think about.
That's crazy to think about too.
But all right.
Like I said, this was going to be a pretty short one.
I'm sure everybody is going to be doing what we're going to be doing in the next days and
weeks and months and breaking it all down.
Oh, I was also going to, I'm still so glad that they break it down by day.
Me too.
Remember when we used to get it and it was all...
Yeah, it was just a wall of text.
Just a wall of names and text.
And then it was kind of fun to wait till they would wait till what, a couple of three weeks
before maybe a month or two and then break it down by day.
And then you had a whole nother discussion.
But yeah, this, I like this better.
There's also on Friday, there's MDU Marktard.
Do you remember a couple of years ago, they were the ones that accidentally dropped, released
the lineup a little bit early.
And we kind of joked that they might've gotten a little trouble, but I guess not since they're
back on the lineup.
I'm glad to see them back.
That's funny.
Gary Clark Jr., Group Love.
I know.
As we keep hearing and talking about, and I'll be very curious to see and talk to Corey
and Brad tomorrow.
The lineup is important.
The lineup is what we spend a lot of time talking about.
But for veterans, you will hear them say over and over, it's not about the lineup.
We hear that every time we talk to somebody.
Coming back to when we talked to Yvonne, who hitchhiked her way from New York all the way
to Tennessee for Bonnaroo for years, and Cassie before that, and just pretty much every guest
has said, you're in it no matter what the lineup says.
And this, of course, doesn't include the experiences out in camp, group camping and all that other
So that's right.
We still got that as it comes out.
We still got announcements coming up.
And of course, the Who stage and yeah, like you said, Plaza programming and stuff like
I mean, there's still a lot to come.
But this dashboard...
Pre-sale, passcode.
Sorry, go ahead.
This dashboard confessional emo super jam.
I'm excited about it because you know, there's going to be a lot of dashboard moms there.
The blue hair.
I like it.
And the pre-sale January 11th, if you don't already have your tickets.
So yeah.
All right.
Well let's get into it deep tomorrow.
Join us on YouTube tomorrow for the live stream with Brad and Corey from C3.
And I'm not sure how we're going to do that.
I'm sure we'll have, you can take, you know, send questions and all that.
We'll probably just have those guys on.
If we open it up to too many, it gets kind of hard to manage, right?
We'll try to take a few questions from the live chat, but we don't want to...
We don't want to overwhelm them.
And I, from, we've talked to them in the past since immediately after the event and then
at Moon River and they're excited because there's a lot to talk about according to,
according to those guys.
And if you've, if you've caught them on the past episodes, we've had them on, you know,
they, of course they work for C3.
So they're part of the Bonnaroo machine, but they are first and foremost music fans and
they came to this as fans first.
So they have a very different perspective than just maybe somebody that this is just
their day job, right?
No, that's a great point.
I'm glad you brought that up.
And that's part of why we like this festival so much.
The people who run it are festival fans and when they do it right, you can tell.
You can tell that it's been curated by people who like it, you know, maybe not the exact
same things, but they at least are trying.
And just the few times we've talked to them about coming on, you can tell they're excited
and so they've got a lot to share and so that'll be fun.
All right.
Well, good enough.
Like I said, one of the best days of the year.
That's right.
Happy, happy Roo, happy lineup day.
And before you know it, it's going to be June and we're going to be back on the farm.
Less than six months.
That's the other thing that makes this so great.
All right.
We'll see everybody tomorrow, I hope.
And radiate.
Thanks for having me.
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