This week on The What Podcast, Barry shares which acts are on his Bonnaroo 2024 don't-miss list and which will be "walk bys." He also explains why the Beer Exchange on Friday is at the top of his list of things to do. The guys go old school, really old school, as Barry shares photos of a 1916 Victrola he's refurbishing, while Lord Taco talks about an old iPod he's brought back to life.
Bryan and Lord Taco also weigh in on news that Fred Again.. played in Las Vegas and the just-announced Outeroo schedule.
Don't forget, the latest competition from The What Podcast is still on, and gang wants to hear from you! Give a call to The What Podcast official voicemail line at (423) 667-7877 and share your best Bonnaroo tips, tell a favorite Bonnaroo memory, or ask a question. They'll then select one winner to receive a prize package of Bonnaroo memorabilia from Barry's basement!
Listen to The What Podcast chat about Barry's Bonnaroo 2024 schedule or watch it on Youtube. Do us a solid and also like, review, and subscribe to The What Podcast wherever you listen.
Topic: Bonnaroo
00:00 | Intro |
01:33 | Barry restores a Victrola |
06:06 | Lord Taco restores an iPod |
09:26 | Brad came to town |
16:47 | Bryan sneaks onto The Farm |
28:08 | Fred Again at EDC Las Vegas |
29:46 | Alison Wonderland announced as surprise guest |
32:23 | Outeroo schedule released |
42:56 | Barry's picks |
51:38 | Thursday |
54:11 | Friday |
58:06 | Saturday |
01:01:58 | Sunday |
01:06:38 | Outro |
Bonnaroo 2024. We are less than a month away. It's time to start packing. It's time to start buying your groceries.
It's time to start sweating. Having those cold sweats at night. Worried about how you're going to handle the heat.
How you're going to handle the rain. If it happens. It's Bonnaroo. It's time to start looking at your schedule.
It's time. Here we go.
Alright guys. Here we go. We're less than a month away. This is the What Podcast.
All we do is talk about Bonnaroo and music festivals in general. But mostly we talk about Bonnaroo.
I'm Barry. That's Lord Taco. With us also is Bryan Stone who's been to every single one.
I've been to I don't know 18 of the 21 whatever. Russ you've been since 2018.
Guys we're veterans. We know what this month means right? We know how to act.
Taco that number is starting to build for you. 18 was a while ago now.
It is. It should have been more. Of course you know we missed two.
That thing's a number over there.
But yeah going back to 2018 that's that's quite a slice of time now.
And that's kind of what we're going to get into a little bit here and we'll do it a little more later on.
But we kind of know literally the lay of the land. We're even going to have Brian has been over there and took pictures as he does every year.
We're most of us the three of us are what less than an hour away from Manchester.
So we you know we kind of feel like it's our own. We know the place a little bit better than most.
And I don't I don't mean that any other way than we know it. We drive by it all the time.
Yeah been there so many times it's ridiculous actually.
Right. Yeah right. So we're going to get into a little bit of that and we're going to do some silly stuff.
And then later I'm going to do my picks.
But what I want to start with Russ you've been to my basement. You've seen my collection of records.
I'm into music. Brian you've been in the radio business forever. Russ you have a nice collection of records.
We're into music. Guys I was given a Victrola. 110 year old Victrola.
Oh my god I was looking I apologize for my scratchy voice today everybody out there.
We're just going to deal with that. But I saw your picture in our in our thread and I thought I was like I think that's what I think it is.
Yeah an old at least record player of sorts. That's what it is. Victrola 110 years old.
110 and so I don't know why I just wanted to I'm so fascinated by it.
I've got sorry I've got like five old consoles. Now the oldest is a 1942 I think.
A 1940 something Zenith. That's my prized console record collection.
And the radio worked still AM only. Last I checked that was like 10 years ago.
But it's beautiful but it ain't 110 year old Victrola. It ain't that.
No and so I mean I'm refurbishing this thing and as soon as we get off here I'm going to go elbows deep back into it because it is gunked up in oil and grease.
And I'm going to be covered in it from my earlobes down and I can't wait.
That's a big that's a big chore and it sounds like a pretty exciting chore.
Oh I mean Russ is going to if you guys are not if you're on YouTube we're going to I posted some pictures and he's going to share them.
But it's so cool man. I mean this thing is literally 110 years old.
I have along with it came several Elvis Presley records. A Buddy Holly record.
And Thomas this Thomas Edison thing that I don't even know what it is. It's got like a holographic on it.
It's it's got to be a quarter inch thick you know and I'm just fascinated by the whole evolution literally of how this stuff works.
I was going to say I might have some records that could play on it. Does it take the 78s?
Yeah see that's the next level. So that would have been in the 40s.
Okay so this is even earlier because I've got some old SWAC records.
Yeah I mean it's from 1916. Yeah 1918 era and you think it's old and rare but they sold millions of these things.
The exact one that I have. This was the thing but it was like $1,500 in today's money.
Yeah I mean back in those days it was go to a baseball game a horse race or listen to the radio.
Exactly. That's what you did for fun.
And the interesting thing is I had to buy some new needles and you can get all kinds of parts.
You can get brand spanking new parts for this whole thing.
I bought 300 needles because you get one needle per record. Think about that.
Is that right? Is that how that is? I mean those are those sharp like super sharp.
Oh yeah they're like you could hurt somebody with those needles.
Half inch long super sharp but the record is harder than the needle.
Yeah so you get one. Right the record wears down the needle versus the other way around.
It's like that old when you see someone smash the record and it goes into a thousand pieces.
If you take a vinyl record that's not going to happen.
No no no. This is that like breaking a porcelain plate or something.
I'm so excited about it because it's so crazy because I love the new technology.
My whole house is wired. I can literally get on my phone and play music in any room in my house.
But I'm so excited about this stupid thing which I'm going to spend all this time making work
and then I'm never going to touch it again.
It's great and not to go all old men on on new generations but technology has made us
uh conditioned to think old is junk. Your old phone is junk. Your old car is junk.
Your old computer is junk. Right.
And there's a certain cross-pollination of generations
I would say boomerish to gen x to a little bit of maybe millennials maybe that appreciate the old
and the new and those are the people that are the smartest people in the world and we're included in
that because yeah I'm glad you brought that up because speaking of refurbishing old things I
just finished refurbishing my old uh iPod yeah 110 year old iPod. I wonder what you were doing
with that thing uh Russ. So uh yeah I cracked it open um took out I replaced the battery first of
all the battery was absolutely shot wouldn't hold the charge for 10 minutes and then also
yeah replaced the hard drive because these things came with physical hard drives in them
replaced it with a flash storage which is obviously what we use now so you know it's like
quadrupled the capacity and uh so now I've just been loading it up with songs I've got and that's
the other thing I've been doing is ripping all of my CDs there's probably 500 CDs here uh that just
never made it to the uh you know to the computer to rip so that's what I've been going through and
going through and doing and now I'm loading them all up on the iPod um so what are you going to do
with this iPod taco you're gonna plug earbuds in and listen are you like me you're gonna spend all
this time and then you're gonna get it working and not your one song and then never touch it again
that's usually how it goes yeah but in this case I this is specifically for the bus I like having
my radio in the bus I put a new radio in obviously um and it's new enough to have Bluetooth but also
old enough to still work with iPods so I plug this thing in I can have music for days literally
and you don't have to have your phone tied up I don't have to have my phone tethered to it
and if I drive through a dead zone where there's no cell service you can't stream
Spotify so you know this way I'm always gonna have ladies and gentlemen man's genius are you guys like
me so this is what I've been working to are you like me I can't stand having something in my house
that doesn't work I don't care what it is yes I will obsess over it until it works and then I
don't care anymore yeah I get where you're coming from that I'm just the least I mean Brad uh Steiner
founder of the show one of the co-founders might be the least handyman in the world yep I'm like
tied or right behind him is just as bad I can't fix a damn thing I can't fix anything I'm like
taco I wish I had my iPod Nano I loved that thing you remember that was about that big
yeah I don't know where it went I still have the charger why do I still have the charger but I do
I don't know where it went but I love that in case it turns up I never owned a hat I never owned an
iPod never owned one I love those things I get it I had a smartphone from a very early age and
it turned into an iPod but I you know I've never actually owned the thing because I was like no no
CDs I collect CDs I mean I have 500,000 CDs too that are just stacked up in boxes that
won't have the same collectability as records but they have a little collectability to me
so I let those stack up and just sit everybody asked me this shelves behind those are CDs that's
real that's not not a green screen those are that's part of my collection I can't get rid of these
CDs I ain't getting rid of a damn one of them like a VHS you know I do have some VHS yeah you need
the Avengers on VHS I got it I'm looking at it right now but I'm with you man I understand
taco you know if it's in the house man it's got to work it has to work and I'll spend I will sit
there and tinker with something for hours crazy money days to make it work and then I won't touch
it again yeah all right well you mentioned Brad Steiner I'm glad you did uh we all three or
all three of us got to hang out with uh Brad uh Brad Guy as some of us know uh Brad was in town
he's the co-founder of this show uh long he's the you know basically the
not what do you want to call him not that he's the driving force I guess behind Camp Nut Butter
the name came from his wife Hillary Brad's the one who brought the fence and the carpet and
made it you know stupid crazy Camp Nut Butter we all had our own uh contributions but his vision
is kind of what really set it off once upon a time I hate to give him too much credit too often
but he does he does deserve it in a lot of cases and this is one of them and he does and when he
was in town it's like the idea guy it's like he never left it's like he's been here the whole time
it was actually almost annoying you were gonna say something Russ yeah well he's the idea guy
and then so he dreams up all this stuff and then we're the ones that have to do it yeah I'm the
one stuck with the couch that I got to drive there every year because he wanted the couch
yeah that's exactly the year we were gonna make the and this was before the podcasting became a
more uh I don't have my good piece of equipment here but basically the size of this you didn't
we had to bring a lot so this would have been like 2018 maybe 19 and we were making the podcast
studio and his brain was working 100 miles an hour and we were sitting at the station and just
going through that he was calling you Barry over and over I mean do you have no reason probably
remember this he called you like five times in a row in like 20 minutes about the podcast studio
you're like man your brain is working overtime man what do you got now yep and then of course
it's like you guys go make it happen well yeah that's what we did we were I have said this many
times we were at lunch and I said we need to do a live show from from camp nut butter and his I mean
what you just described you could see the wheels you know two days later he's got I got a I got
us a website I got a name I got graphics Nick Turner's already done yeah and by that Monday
I think I was in the studio recording the first podcast so uh yeah he's definitely an idea guy
but it was so fun hanging out uh and and Brian I mean you you I don't know you went full Keith
Hernandez right I mean who asked somebody to drive them to an airport number one
and an airport in Nashville oh god it was so terrible it ruined my whole week you drove the
man from Chattanooga to Nashville on a Saturday morning he had a what 10 a.m flight 10 a.m flight
we I was up at oh my god 30 you know 6 30 in the morning I know Barry that's just a day for you but
yeah yeah that's breakfast that's an event like that's an event I need 48 hours to get ready for
that plus he wants me to go hang out eat crawfish all night long the night before like Brad if you
want to go to the airport tomorrow you're gonna have to uh yeah what does he care he's gonna sleep
in the passenger seat while you drive to Nashville yeah but um he I that wasn't a very hard uh uh
favor to fulfill because I will be leaning on him heavily in September yeah we talked about that
when I'm up there in New York I will be leaning leaning leaning on him for everything monetarily
uh yeah room and board I'm we're going to Pearl Jam at Madison Square Garden and I'm
I've even hinted it's better be good seats Brad you better not you you know always comes through
we said that uh it was shaky knees right I mean yep taco day before was like I don't still I still
don't have shaky knees tickets I'm like Brad always comes through I mean bluster whatever you want to
say he's never let anybody down that I know of so yeah I wasn't too worried I was a little worried
just to not have the always worried because he said yeah you'll get an email I didn't have an email
yeah it's Thursday we're leaving tomorrow it came through and then he gets mad at you yeah I told
you I told you I handled it do you know who I am but it was that it was it was nice too uh it was
a beautiful morning and it is I do understand and and the value of waking up early especially on a
nice day it gives you a fresh start rather than dragging your ass out of bed like I normally do
at 10 a.m. if you know if I'm lucky and um and as we were on our way up Brad said um kind of throw
away comment but kind of kind of serious but it was like man wish we had a little bit extra time
you know I've never done this trespassing thing I mean it's not really trespassing I have I've had
clearance kind of sort of before um I was like yeah but I mean mostly I know you're joking but
surely the the farm's starting to be busy at this point I I don't know I don't know the timeline but
I thought this is probably pushing our luck to go trying to get close to the farm when we're 27
days away from the festival and after I dropped him off and headed back down and just got lucky
no traffic at all beautiful drive in and out two hours from where we live to the Nashville airport
and I said you know what I'm gonna just go take a look nice I got nothing to do it's it's at that
point it's like 11 a.m. and I'm like I'll just go take a look and there was nobody there yeah nobody
and then the next week they start showing up maybe it's yeah I don't know everybody just the calm
before the storm as they say and um boy the place looked great I mean it's manicured though I mean
the place is manicured it's ready but nothing's there yet nothing that's not there year round
and um so it's just a beautiful day got a couple shots there's a I have a secret I'm gonna keep it
with me and how this works um all right don't disturb anything don't hurt anything don't take
anything I want to go back uh just real quick because uh Russ and I got to hang out with Brad
on Friday and his nephew Emmett um yeah and Russ I mean Brian you weren't there but Russ have you
ever seen worse pool than what we played on Friday night no and I include myself oh I'm not a percent
we're all in I'm yeah the eight-year-old might have been the star and he'd never played before
he was trying to teach the child how to play right and it was awful yeah Brad pool awful
yeah I'm not any good either it was a lot of fun it was fun seeing him again it was
fun hanging out with his nephew who by the way is pretty good at the trash talking uh I can't
remember all the names he came up for me but uh some of them landed they they stung a little yeah
he knows how to yeah he knows how to hurt you with those name calling and the trash talking it was
it was well uncle Brad has a lot of influence in a lot of people's lives yeah he does he looks up
to Brad it was a lot of fun I don't know why I hang out it's fun to see him and uh fun to revisit
a lot of memories so and all right yeah you uh I know Russ has already posted that picture that you
took how many years have you done this Brian you go every year right yeah I started this quite
2004 probably we're in the off season I would just I mean they used to not even have a
hardly offense I mean you just right it wasn't even a challenge you just walk around uh that's
changed over the years and it is trespassing let's just get totally clear if you go on this farm
that's not yours on anybody's property that's not okay in a lot of in a lot of senses and
and I and I do I said it flippantly but I have once upon a time a long time ago knew somebody who
was or got to know somebody who was kind of one of the year-round groundskeeper guys and uh I would
wear my Bonnaroo crew shirt and and I was I I kind of made stuff out like hey yeah I'm working on
website stuff we're doing this is like oh yeah go right ahead checking out the flux capacitor
so I noticed this time as I was uh driving down brushy branch road that there's this really nice
fence not a chain link not something you can just easily jump over bend apart and that's that's
keeping people out quite a bit but there's still one little spot that no one's gonna know about and
it's just it is just beautiful it is it's kind of like a zen thing you know I have anybody who
who's listening to this can understand it I would guess that where I'm coming from on that and it
it makes my damn day I'm just it's just the weirdest thing in the world I hate everything
I'm the worst guy ever and then I get I'm just like oh my god how peaceful is this on a beautiful
it's just such a beautiful property and just to see it in in the off season and it's the same
thing every time and I'm still like whoa there's that again it's just so much it's just neat it's
just neat well I think it's important maybe maybe I need to bring people up to speed we it's called
the farm everyone affectionately calls it the farm yeah that's because it is a farm it's a 700
acre farm in Manchester Tennessee surrounded by farms yeah there's nothing there the mountains are
40 minutes away 20 minutes away yeah it's gorgeous and it is nothing other than three weeks in June
other than a farm right and and there's just enough infrastructure left over all year round
there's not much they tear down just about everything but there's just enough structure
infrastructure that that that's got its core foundation like the what the fountain a couple
of different uh the barns and things like that and it's just uh and the that tent and this tent
and this tent and the uh the Montero Superstore that you've seen at the at the official merch tent
those kinds of that's what I wanted to ask I always wondered they don't they don't take
everything down no they leave enough up to where it it well those side though the this that
merch those things those have been you know long since those do stay I see I always got conflicting
information on that some of that some people had told me that stuff comes down so they're hardwired
into the ground I'm guessing that's what I figured and they because they bought it uh and you know
when they first uh when when it first went online so to speak in 20 or 2002 it was rent they rented
yeah and I think what through 2005 if I remember right they started buying I think they yeah started
buying the property started picking up a little extra piece every few years until the where
eventually they uh you know whoever they ended up being they owned majority of that 700 acres
so a lot so they could yeah I'm sorry so like so they could do infrastructure repairs exactly
plant trees exactly grade roads figure out uh storm water runoff you know little things like
that that I've talked about for years that we notice but most people when you come you don't
know like if it rains it doesn't puddle you know in this spot it took them a long time to get that
storm runoff stuff figured out and they probably still don't have it completely because it you
maybe never could there's just so much so many people there in such a small area but they've
got a lot of concrete that was thrown down I remember when that first happened we even
talked about it like I don't know what I want I don't know what I think about it like the
grass it's better it's better it's way better but the other the other big part of the reason this
I think is worth talking about is part of the reason we started this podcast is we were
fascinated with how do you turn a 700 acre farm in Manchester into the fifth largest city to its
own little city yeah with everything with eight that can handle you know 80,000 ticket buyers
plus 10 to 15,000 staff and uh I mean it's so funny to think Brian you were there yesterday
yeah and in four weeks or less three weeks there will be you know the track close to 80,000 people
and the traveling circus eating yeah yeah the traveling circus yeah that's what that's what we
it's just wild I usually and when I've done this in the past I go on days like um Good Friday or
uh just days where where communities especially in rural areas are dormant for the most part like
I don't know what the work schedule is on on the farm but I'll I'll pick times when I know or I
feel like I know that that you know there's not anybody but I'm not there to cause trouble and
if anybody has ever taught you know I'm gone and it's it's a it's a very respectful situation
this was a roll of dice because I thought I didn't think I'm pushing my damn luck because I can't tell
if anybody's in there or not and I you know it's kind of a silly thing to run into any issues with
I mean there could be somebody who's like I get out of here or you know we're calling you know
we're calling the cops or something you never know because there is valuable stuff on that
farm technically from tractors and I mean there's still plenty of things there and there were people
there working um but it was off in the distance and I think it was uh bringing in trailers you
know that smaller stuff I heard some lawnmower things going on those kinds of things but it was
off in the distance and they were um and I you know I'm in and out in 30 minutes like so I don't
I mean it's interesting because I know uh my daughter uh you know worked for AC
interned and then worked and so she did uh work with them so she they used to go the staff would
arrive uh if it's middle second week in June they would arrive the first day of June 1 yeah somewhere
in that depending and they would mostly stay off site in hotels a lot of them and then they would
start building all the camping areas and they would build their own and then she would be on
site for a week I know a lot of people who have done work like that over the years so I have a lot
of stories about and and and those are I don't can't remember any of them they're not they're not super
notable but they're interesting in themselves the way the as it you know the the frog boiling like
it's as it starts to come up around you it's a whole nother experience people and they and they're
the same deal they're working but they're like this is this the the beginning is the best part
like this is so cool to see come together and that's what makes that that uh September rue
with the with the hurricane that much harder to kind of wrap your head around they do all that
for that two and a half three weeks whatever it is exactly but roughly about that build this city
put their just hearts and souls into these stages and lighting and and everything forget all the
manual labor of just the heavy lifting just and then what was it was it 48 hours or less was it
24 hours and we have to cancel and it's like we gotta tear all this down like immediately and we
can't because we can't drive through the mud so that's the year I even remember thinking that the
most like because I'm starting to understand what it takes to put just build this and then the the
heartbreak it must be to the people who you know that's an art you know that that's an art form in
itself that you know you're proud look at what we just did and now we gotta tear it all down
that's probably that brad again bringing brad back that's that's what he always says is walking
along and seeing the eight million minds of lines of cable you know on the road that we all step
over and he was like somebody had to put this here and this generates the stage and this does this
and this does that and yeah that's what's so fascinating and it's always so uh you know I
can remember if you show lord is the first one that pops in my head in 2017 that a major power
issue on the stage we know there's been a few over the years but generally speaking everything runs
without much of a hitch I mean it really is uh yeah it's pretty well oiled yeah to the point you
don't even really think about it that's right yeah I remember coming back uh after the first year
first full year that I went which would have been 07 I guess first full time that I was there every
trying to describe people back at the paper where I worked the newspaper what was the paper
where I worked the newspaper what's it like I'm like well you see that building across the street
that's like five stories and it's about a block long or half a block that's how big the big stage
is and they're like what I'm like yeah no I'm not kidding it's hard imagine it's hard to explain
it's so hard it's hard to explain and there's and there's 10 of them for those who do
uh who wonder um the witch stage is does not have any foundational uh leftovers it is a 100 built
and torn down stage every year we've been wondering for years if they might build something a little
more um permanent but they have not so the what has its skeleton and it's a beautiful skeleton
because you know what it looks like when it's done and it's it's it's a it looks it's it's fun
to look at but the witch is just you got to kind of just use your imagination okay which is about
right here that kind of thing right right right all right so for you guys and and we probably
spent more time on this than we should have but it means a lot to us and I'm I keep thinking about
you guys that have never been you're like what are they talking about when you're there in three
weeks and you're stepping over miles of cables and everything this is what we're talking about
that stuff was not there a month ago 27 days before there was zero amount of that stuff like
you said I I bet by this weekend you know we're on Thursday the whatever day it is 22nd
by this weekend that place will be we will be just hustling and bustling and then um
so yeah don't try to go get a look at the farm starting now because they will run you off
all right so let's get into a little bit of news and then later we're going to do
my picture such as they are uh rust you saw a thing uh fred again uh what was that about
uh apparently so edc las vegas which is a big uh edm festival in las vegas apparently yeah um
apparently they just brought out fred again as like a surprise headliner guest i don't know
which directly contradicts what uh c3 told us back at the beginning of the year that bonnaroo
was going to be fred again's only north american festival that he's headlining so are the semantics
there that this is not a festival that that he was just at or it's a festival yeah i don't maybe
they're gonna say oh he didn't headline he was just a guest or something i don't they're just
hoping nobody asks yeah well people have people have taken notice online and uh have pointed it
out so yeah that that fred again uh show is excitement is built i can tell i can feel it
online yeah i mean i can i can feel that that's happening more and more i don't think it'll take
away from it but it does go leave it to these live nation guys and gals just do whatever they want
tell you one thing do another well life is you know what we're gonna do things change i'm not
i'm not gonna i'm not butthurt no i'm not either no i'm not either they they did say one thing and
do another right right and then uh we you can also confirm you think right that skrillex is not
gonna be the surprise guest right no we've been saying this whole time don't expect you know
because you get your expectations out of control you're just gonna get disappointed when it doesn't
happen and you know everybody thought this surprise wearing the woods headliner was gonna be skrillex
that can actually lead to some problems too when you leave people guessing too much and um just
the fastest reference was the the woodstock 99 thing i think it was gonna blow up anyway like
literally on fire but there was a surprise announcement at the end and and you know no
phones back then what's gonna be that final the rolling stones people were talking about we're
gonna show up and play at the very end i mean what a what a ridiculous thing to do and you know
what a what a ridiculous thing that was and there was nothing there was a hologram of jimmy hendrix
and then the place went up in flames so i'm not saying that but one thing i will say about this
alison wonderland thing she's scheduled for midnight to 3 a.m at where in the woods on that
sunday yeah that is bonnaroo letting this festival continue to roll like sanctioned till very late
no i mean by the time the headliner is done on sundays which is usually around 11 they're done
with us they're done that festival the security the the employees the volunteers everybody they
are done with you to the point where they are will be rude when they and it's that's fine it's it's
over it's like and most people are still being jackasses and don't want it to end and it's like
no out of here almost like barricaded off um and and to add this i know it's in where in the woods
which is not in cenarus they can still do a do a version of you know no here but go party over
there to be able to let that party just keep rolling into it it schedules all three so that
means four five that's pretty cool i mean bonnaroo's giving you every opportunity to milk how much money
you're spending for this festival from how much they've added for thursday and how much they've
added to outeroo which we we've have the list in front of us and i don't have a lot of commentary
on much of it but it's loaded they are they are giving you every opportunity to stretch the dollar
you spent to go there and that's to me that's awesome credit to the to the festival organizers
yeah yeah anything else on that either of you could we're gonna i want to jump into outeroo a
little bit yeah let's do it yeah that's a schedule came out i don't have a lot of comments other than
it starts on tuesday yeah yeah forgive me i've left i've threw away all my printouts on accident
so i'm having to use my phone uh just for the few notes that i have but yeah it starts on tuesday
there's three acts and we're in the woods on tuesday uh that's including the mojito brothers
which i think is hilarious because i'm sure to play on the burrito the flying flying mojito brothers
i don't know if you guys remember the flying burrito brothers the name only um yeah it's chris
hillman and graham parsons i mean he was sort of after the birds wow okay yeah so it's the whole
california country rock sound and apparently these guys are way into that but they do uh it's more
edm but yeah yeah they're the head with that twist i would say i think is hilarious they're the outeroo
headliners on tuesday at med 12 30 the fly mojito brothers so i think that makes you up a mojito
and head on over jump out of you you know guess who's gonna be there on tuesday yep that's why
i brought it up uh let's see not me yeah not mary not that one not that so well and you're right
there's usually nothing to do tuesday right so the fact that they've got programming starting tuesday
is yeah that's the point that's the only really thing i wanted to say about it i mean the rest of
it is you know if you're there and you want to stay in camp there's plenty to do there's and
it's pretty good stuff when's wednesday um every time i look at a schedule right now and i know
this isn't true but it feels like it i'm seeing boots scooting boogie nights like every time i
look at one of these and they're playing on wednesday on uh let the uh the gattel uh the
giddy up galactic giddy up yeah so so you're are you saying corey might know a guy yeah and he must
know somebody and and it would be it would be criminal for me not to have caught one of these
too many times are gonna do this yeah i don't even know the guy you guys do but i've just plus i know
i'll enjoy it i mean i'll know i'll enjoy 90s nostalgia every day of my life so that was uh
wednesday and then the the only other like commentary quickly that i would have is on that same stage
on thursday eggy and geese are playing and they're also playing unless there's been some
schedule shifts which i've saw some threads saying maybe there were but i haven't seen it on the
things i've pulled up that eggy and geese who are are scheduled for the um the centeru somewhere
centeru thursday so they're doing double dips on that thursday i think so if you if you want
eggy and geese you're gonna get plenty opportunity for that all right and fisher's over there at four
exactly good there you go good mary because i forgot about that one he's two excuse me two to
five he is on headliner edm level according to our edm people we've met and talked to and he's also
yeah playing the wear in the woods on that what is that again that is thursday let's talk about
this for a minute this is thursday and they're programming eggy geese fisher until 5 a.m yeah
and we've set it on here a million times don't go hard on thursday man i mean what does this do
to people you don't have a choice you gotta go hard you gotta go check out all this you know i
don't know young people are resilient man they can shake this stuff off quick and if i was
you know if this was the thing 15 years ago i would not i would not listen to the advice of don't go
hard on thursday and especially if you gave me an opportunity not to and that's what they are now
you know just because they're giving you some stuff to do doesn't mean you have to go hard i
mean come on we all gotta be responsible for ourselves but but but let's not kid ourselves
it leads to you know it leads to that so it's just all you can do is continue to warn continue
to warn and someday someday son you will understand that's yeah i'm not trying to be get off my lawn
sure sure it's just the truth it's just the truth it's just the truth i mean bonnaroo in a normal
year is a slog i mean thursday to sunday or monday is tough now we've added tuesday wednesday
and late night thursday so good for them i mean i'm not complaining uh like you said it's you're
you know we're supposedly adults uh i'm just i don't know raising my hand and saying guys be
careful i'm just happy they're giving uh all this extra i'm happy that that's giving what i hope is
making people feel the value the ticket is worth oh they're that's what i hope comes from this the
excellent point i mean the and we've said that to people say wow that's an expensive ticket i mean
yeah but you're getting your money's worth in one day you're into this all this stuff i mean you can't
yeah you can't buy all this you do it right you can't buy all this together anywhere else
and so i think that that might be the biggest motivation and and again to it's just another
bonnaroo ahead of the curve and and um and these a lot of these acts are not expensive so this isn't
that expensive for them to put on i mean no fisher might be but a lot of them aren't full shows right
you might get a band member or the lead singer or something who's been in record you know doing
whatever it's not like they're moving the full you know what show what stage show out into outer
roo yeah but even that's cool because you're getting to you're getting to see something you
would not see anywhere else well then friday also still on outer roo um the sudden death
uh that was one of the bands that one of our adm guys were telling us about they're doing also
another set there too so so many of these are doing multiple sets now i think that's part of
the culture of that i think playing multiple sets anywhere they go is part of what they do um
um yeah and i would hope so i would hope you know you you you've got your your uh if i were the
artist which i'm not but if i were the artist i would do my my set and then this is an opportunity
to do something i've always wanted to do the the the deep cuts yeah if you will or whatever so no
i think it's great i don't misunderstand i'm not trying to poo poo any of this i'm just trying to
raise my hand of caution and be like my god guys we're talking thursday you still have friday
saturday and sunday well speaking of friday there's our uh there's our guys and gals uh camp
retteroo annual craft beer exchange at 11 at group camping on friday that's that's i i you know i even
when i did drink i didn't drink uh craft beers but that was fun a lot of fun that one time went
that was so many years ago now i can't imagine how much better it is i've got to get out oh we
we gotta go back yeah we're gonna taco that's gonna be a big part you have to take charge in
this you have to take charge and you have to be forceful and making sure that we all do this as a
group yeah all right we'll get the golf cart ready we'll all load up we'll head out there i'm gonna
get into that here in a little bit that's a big part of my whole picks okay we'll slow down there
all right so sunday alice in wonderland yeah so yeah and then yeah there's nothing else i really
have to say other than that i am bonnaroo nice i'm bonnaroo is on there is he on the every other
day or is it just that one i'm not sure about that under the rust rest stop
uh i know his name's on there a time or maybe two but i do not know for sure
yeah he's on there okay okay good okay all right uh so that's outeroo again again guys you can
curate this lineup bonnaroo any way you want to you could literally never leave your camp
you could never leave outeroo you could only do centeroo you could jump around
it's to your point brian about the value added there's a lot to do there's too much to do no
there there literally is too much to do because it's not humanly possible to get to all of it
but can't do it all that's no that's that's always been a bonnaroo thing and it's done
in very purposefully it's not designed for you to see all these bands uh and it's not
designed for you to see all these bands um it's designed to appeal to the most amount of people
and and make and i believe this me just thinking right this moment make your imagination go wild
and and and and give you this sense of specialness that that we all believe it actually has and uh i
love it that's one of the things that uh in talking to organizers of these types of events
over the years one of the big shift was shifts came when they figured out that everybody whether
it's 40 000 or 80 000 people wants to have a unique experience they want to feel like they
did and saw something that no one else did they they get the ultimate platform to do that
and while so many other festivals have gone to that kind and i like this too you know it depends
on what day i want to be in the this stage ends this stage starts this stage ends you'll never
miss a set you'll be able to see them all that's fine too that's a different model um that by no
means and they would never you know bonnaroo would never even apologize for it that's not what we do
we put on a non-stop just rotating party that you can make it just like you said you can curate it
to whatever you want that's that's the beautiful part about it i agree i agree all right well let's
go through my picks and i'm gonna do them a little bit differently i mean i'm still gonna go through
day by day but i've thought about this for probably six months and i don't know why um but i'm about as
excited about this year as i've been in forever um and i think it's because i think i've settled on
i there's a lot of people i want to see and they're not just artists um you mentioned the beer
exchange and i started making a list this morning of my priorities what i want to accomplish this
year at bonnaroo and number one is the beer exchange um i want to go and hang out with
all the people that we've been interacting with because of this stupid podcast and
discord and i mean you know having kevin on kevin barnes i mean we've known that guy how long now
because of bonnaroo yeah uh parker uh you know the RooHamm guys daniel and charla um michael uh
uh my number one priority is to get there to that beer exchange and stay as long as we can
and just hang out yeah just gotta hope we get some weather for that and get a little uh
assistance transportation if we i i would love to record out there too we've talked about that
yeah that's the plan so that's that's gonna be a big day i agree and and um i just can't wait to
see what it looks like now because i i want to say i think it was
i think it was maybe 2019 or 18 it could have been 18 yeah yeah and that would have been the
infancy of those of the of that idea that was like just like kind of organically coming together at
that time so were you there Russ i was there and i thought so yeah we slept all that equipment over
there and i know yeah it was a nightmare yeah it was all my stuff and and uh and i was and and and
i remember brad i was a little annoyed because i didn't know what we were doing exactly and and
then brad to his credit uh brad steiner was gave me a very very heartfelt thank you and like half
hug because he could tell and i was nervous because we go this was absolutely this was the
older days of having i had to bring my laptop and i had to bring everything not just a little
recorder and i was like oh my god do we have enough power things aren't working i'm not having fun
and it was and brad's walking around like i'm the talent yeah i don't i don't do this
you figure it out what time do we start around here you know yeah how's my hair how's my hair
i'm the talent tell me when to start talking and it went great it went great that that lives
somewhere you know you want to go back six seven years that show lives it's on the it's
yep it's up there it's up there with all the others and uh that was cool and i think uh for me
it was it was it was kind of an aha in a lot of ways it was one we asked for a golf cart right
and they gave us a golf they gave us a ride pretty easily too well that well we got the
you know we got that yeah we got that both years yeah we've had done it three or four times we've
gotten the golf cart so it was an aha like uh okay these guys think we're legit they don't think we're
you know we're not yahoos yeah right so there was that there was we can do this i mean to your point
brian you brought everything i did too i brought everything i had we had cables microphones way too
much stuff we got power way too much stuff because at that point you didn't know exactly what you
might or might not need so you got brought it all bring everything right and we went through i mean
i don't remember you remember how we had to like work our way back into that little tent area where
they were yeah and i'm one of the yeah we were kind of in the back yeah one of the years i think
there was a little bit of weather coming in where we had to cut it a little short if i'm
remembering right or well that was last year we had to leave that was was that what it was
you weren't there because you didn't get there yeah last year okay but yeah but anyway it was so it was the aha we can do this and it was also
an aha because this damn beer exchange is legit yeah they have those big tubs to just full of beers
and it was it was one of those where it's like okay bonnaroo is more than just an act on the you know
the 10 main stages there's a whole world happening out here yeah in uh in outer rue wouldn't call that
then no and to their credit i was about to say to their credit this was early days stuff before
any of this outer stuff that they had a little bit of stuff like oh go to the barn over here and maybe
there's you know a little just shake down street disco light or whatever yeah there was and the art
yeah yeah yeah the art plazas that was about yeah this i mean i don't know if it was a jumping off
point but i bet they can claim that and no one can refute it refute it so uh big i mean just
excellent work they've done so i look forward to seeing it 100 so i want to do that that's high on
my list and then the rest is very similar i want to hang out with uh uh parker and dolby and the
RooHamm guys i wanted i want to do what is that i don't know that i want to do uh cornhole or
whatever pong or whatever but no i don't play cornhole at a football never i have either i
refuse to even say the word typically um you gotta come up with a better name for your game for
how many but i want to have hams with those guys uh and i want to i want to see pondo and evan
bonnaroo and bonadude and uh yeah i got i gotta hang out with evan bonnaroo and we we become like
tech snap like best friends i've never even met the guy but i feel like he's like my second or
third best pondo friend those are those are way way up on my priority and so how the how the
festival plays out you know the the beer exchange is a fixed time you know it's what friday at 11
it is and we want to uh you you mentioned the rain we had uh romey um shout out to romey she
was great drove us there last year in almost what 10 minutes she started getting the walkie talkie
uh you need to come home you need to come back to base because there's a storm coming that's what i
was i thought i was remembering yeah yeah we had about enough time we got out we bingled we opened
a beer and then yeah romey is freaking out because she just got the call that you need to come back
to base and we're thinking okay well you're all right should we go with you and yeah glad we did
and the beautiful we had to vacate thing is which you know maybe everybody in the world already knew
this but i was just looking at the friday schedule the the centeru schedule everything gets started
at one or later 115 or later so that the rhetoric of beer exchange is happening two hours prior to
what i still consider as a 20 year ago and got friday is still my day one everything is is is
is that i'm there for early if i am i enjoy i'm happy it's there for me friday is when it really
starts to hit like in your heart right your soul like today's the day it's friday man and i know
that uh might not be shared by everybody these days because it's it's stretched out but friday's
my day no i'm glad to hear you say that because that's you know i won't get there until thursday
morning um really because i want to i mean i know russ we joke you're gonna go tuesday
yes and in the past i would have and have um wednesday was my day for years because they used to
let everybody walk the grounds after the places the media lit up lit up correct they're testing
all the lights and it's just that's another site to be seen you can see it from a distance while
you're there but to walk around with almost nobody else around and see the the uh the clock tower
that's what i love too clock tower and all the stages are testing all their lights it's right
dorky weird stuff that i love but they don't let you do that as much or at least every year you're
not sure and so i've kind of cut wednesday out well that's what i'm kind of curious about the
you know the tuesday outer root thing and i know people can arrive tuesday so we'll see
um but for me it's gonna start thursday i'll probably leave here here casually you know which
means i get up there 10 10 30 in the morning uh russ you will already have been there i assume
the villains will have already been there uh maybe our friend nate gale so gonna hang out
a can of nut butter yeah gonna hang out and uh i mean i want to see michigander so i may walk over
say she she you know i can see me going over and checking that out because that's a three four
o'clock thursday early stuff on that and i remember one of our callers said specifically barry that you
were a say she she guy whether you do it or not oh i and i agree i like it i like it i like the
vibe the the thing is um because of the way the festival has changed with everybody arriving so
early people are ready to go so the center is is very crowded yeah believe it or not by that time so
that may dictate but i'm into it uh the heavy heavy you know it's going to be a walk-by kind
of thing and i do definitely want to see pretty lights um so that's that's going to kick off
bonnaroo for me uh thursday night uh where i see it i'm not sure yet yeah that's a nine o'clock
start that's a beautiful start time for me um yep i i listened to some pretty lights uh the last
couple of days and that's going to be fun that's going to be really good and i really want to see
guar um so i should say me too but i don't know if i do well you've seen them i think i did no i
didn't see i wasn't there for the no i didn't go i and that's why this is kind of a must i'm looking
at my wall i have a signed photograph of guar because they were here at the bay in a local club
many years back record strike is there is there a more appropriate place for guar to play than
the bay no kidding i'm sure that place looked like a slaughterhouse i love jim striker and i love the
bay it's some of my earliest music uh watching live music experiences but boy what does guar not
fit into the bay better than anybody oh my god and shout out to jim he's recovering from some open
heart surgery so heard he was doing doing all right so that's great doing great yeah good he
recovered very quickly but he brought a lot of those types of bands to chattanooga so um all right
and then uh friday for me uh you know i gotta go see lark and poe i'd be a rock show this would be a
good rock show just down from down the street calhoun i interviewed them when they were still
uh just the sisters there were three of them um i think they're great i think they play rock and roll
it's good good old southern rock and roll and that's that's the opening set on the what that
that's that in itself is a cool uh accolade to say it's huge anyway boy and that'll good for them
god those those guitars are sound good now it's it's it's a little simplistic overall you know as
far as a it's it's a country alt rock act yeah southern rock so the guitar screaming bailing
yeah yeah yeah i love it they they but they can go though it's it's a good 90 or whatever they're
gonna do an hour uh yeah one i like them i feel like you know just out of respect need to go see
him do mock tar but i don't know that i can make that work uh but we'll see yeah you'd have to be
crisscrossing the uh the property pretty quickly certainly doable but you would have to be well
planned for that that's right and then i don't really have go ahead Russ i'm sorry i said that's
the right opposite of larkin pole yeah it's gonna be tough yeah and then i don't really you know gary
clark jr i'd like to go see maybe depending on what is happening um again this is friday so
you know i i want to see all the people that i mentioned so you know maybe it's hey meet me at
gary clark jr and centeru type of thing or or maybe i'm still out at uh i know i wouldn't be out
because we'd be in there seeing larkin pose so friday day for me is just kind of figured out
krung bin is on my definite list just because i so enjoyed their interview with us um and i really
think they're unique enough you know that that's the type of thing i want to see and it goes right
into maggie rogers so you know there's a lot of crisscrossing on the which and what you can do that
day i would think any of us would would fit our taste uh just kind of weaving in and out of those
two stages right and uh post malone probably is gonna be if i'm close you know our camp is close
enough i can go see a few minutes i can wander in depending on what's happening that's gonna be a
that's gonna be a you know moment yeah that's gonna be game time decision yeah game time to
call it on the first t kind of thing uh same with t pain it may be friday night i'm i'm
loading back up for the rest of the weekend i know mars volt is big for you right russ isn't that
your that's me i'll be glued to that stage for that whole show potentially yep yeah it may be
one of those where you talk me into it and and i go with you depending on what has happened leading
up to it my daughter i think would kill me if i don't go see maggie rogers so yeah she's hot
she's hot right now and grace my daughter just adores her uh so that one's uh depending on what
happens after that um you know maybe i go with Russ and we go see mars volta so friday's pretty
light uh but maybe you know maybe it's uh that's when i get to see all these people that i'm
every year you know somebody says hey are we gonna hug and howdy and i'm like yeah and then
something happens and we don't so yeah um yeah you definitely don't want to overload plan too much
right right um saturday for me britney howard is probably the start of my day
yeah good place to start it good start yeah john batiste like i said where else am i gonna see john
batiste right i think he feels like he feels kind of like the sleeper act in this one for me for
point for for some reason i mean yeah and wasn't he on one of the cancelled lineups we were pumped
to see him and then of course it didn't happen so yeah i think so this is kind of a makeup almost
i think you're right it might be a underrated act of the whole thing yeah um and it's got that new
orleans it you know brings that back into the bonnaroo vibe and and so i would say krung ben
maggie rogers john batiste and a couple others are the don't miss acts for me some of the other
pretty lights probably because i just think that show is going to be epic and i really don't know
what to expect yeah type of thing cage yellow and do anything for you um yeah uh but not like have
to yeah i'll be there um renee rap is interesting gonna figure out how to make one of those work
uh i the emo super jam definitely is interesting i'm not happy about the eighth of the eighth
interesting i'm not happy about the 830 yeah i don't like the timing of it either but i'm not
i ain't an emo guy but uh but i want i want to see a bunch of emo and i want to i do plan to go
over to the other as often as i can that'd be a people watching thing all day long correct
correct but not at 8 30 that's early that just feels like and then cigarettes after sex yeah that
might be that's one we probably all need to gather together and go do i think that'll be fun you can
do that that would be fun chili peppers you know i know you're feeling brian i you know i go back
to uplift mo fo party plan i'm a huge fan since the beginning um but you know i i want to
it's gonna sound flip part of me wants to go just to see if anthony ketis has shaved that
god awful mustache off of his face uh somebody needs to tell who knows who knows right yeah i
mean like red hot minute back in the 90s is one of uh the better albums of the entire uh uh decade
but that was an experimental record from uh red hot chili peppers then they have what you were
talking about before that and everything after that i mean there's enough music out there for
everybody and i yeah i will likely i'll likely go take a look at it i mean you know again i'm
looking at my signed my photographs i've got a chili peppers signed by all of them with hillel
when he was still alive oh wow nice this group now has frusciani back right and that's a big deal
that is a big deal um and i you know flea is uh i think i've told you when i got to interview flea
he caught he answered the phone he was at the mall with his daughter and i don't know why that just
struck me as funny but the idea of flea walking around a mall with his teenage daughter they're
just regular people like us just people man they're just people um but i'm a big big fan of a lot of
their work so i will see it uh and then after that i'm gonna be back at camp for sure yeah um or
hanging out you know again my real goal this year is to hang out with people um who we've met you
know through whatever through this podcast or online or whatever um so the the music is important
but that's my main goal sure it's half the fun yep and then sunday typically like you brian i'm
thinking i'm going home yeah i hate to admit it but it's where i've gotten in life my plan is to
stick around uh i'm committed to it um there's and there's enough there to keep oh there's so
much there that's the problem or that's the good thing exactly i mean green sky i can see hanging
in the field there sure just listening to bluegrass and you know i don't care for bluegrass but
that's a perfect time perfect environment uh yeah that could be if you got lucky with a little
overcast skies and an 89 degree start to the day right a perfect place to start the day
nice cold beer just sort of hanging out um or whatever your preference is wander over to see
beaches hang around milky chance gets me to chapel rhone definitely want to see chapel
rhone we talked about that on my picks i i i think that's going to be just fun just fun too
and carly ray you know like you said you got to do it right if you can make it happen you would be
foolish i believe not to right it's just one of those acts where it's kind of like
there's just no reason to not go to this i know yeah because you'll never do it again why you
know that that's the cool one of the cooler things of bonnaroo there's so many things that
if i don't go do this it'll never happen again corn was that last year if i don't go see corn
i'm it's never gonna happen and then it turns out to be one of the best shows i've seen in a half a
decade so and you walk away and you're like i'm glad i did that yeah yeah i got that in my pocket
so megan the stallion is the same when else you know when am i ever going to see megan the stallion
yeah for me the answer is just going to be never yeah that's just me is bull on the witch
if i can make it and i'm planning to that's awesome yeah you'll also see jason is bull about
500 more times if you want to so that's not one of that's not one of those if i miss it i'm
i'm missing unless you know i don't know he's recently divorced maybe he's rocking a little
bit more maybe the lullabies are going away and i'm an isabel guy i'm i'm as isabel guys anybody
and i'm totally on board with that show but you never know what you're gonna get and that might
mean i might be contradicting myself maybe that's the reason to make sure and say it it kind of for
some reason has that brandy carlyle on sunday vibe on that well because he's a male brandy carlyle
these days well i know i know but it's very that show surprised me uh i mean it was she was oh
yeah oh i mean they're both great but it can be very kind of you know hug your girlfriend songs
right like or you're you know the girl next to you that wants to be your girlfriend for an hour like
you just that's fine but jason is bull is a rock and roll guy too and he's kind of he's kind of
moved away from that over the last decade but and then you know if i'm there obviously fred again
so you know that's sunday the whole line up vibe has flipped where thursday now looks really really
good and sunday looks really really good whereas not that long ago thursday was a you know let's
go discover somebody and then sunday was i'm going home uh because they would have one headliner at
nine o'clock that was worth sticking around for but the the rest of the day was tough tough tough
many times that's been the case and right and with that thursday opening up the what field that is
going to alleviate crowds and make that much much better for thursday so yeah thursday it's
this is the first year ever how and how long have they done thursday is an official day
12 years you know maybe 12 13 years this first time i've ever been like i'm looking forward to
thursday every other day of this festival every other year i should say that thursday was just the
right yeah get there get there get your camp set up get comfortable until until though when i did
have a little shift in that when i when i found cordny bernat on a thursday or blew it all up and
that was one act and maybe two yeah you know what i mean that was 2015 that was a long time ago
one of the things we need to mark it down uh one of the shows i want to do
after is to talk to corey and brad and just ask him you know going back to the whole uh hey we
like the sausage making i want to ask them how this has stressed the staff i bet it stressed them
out a lot because there's so much logistically to keep up with for for a week yeah that's what i
mean not just four days now we're talking tuesday a lot to coordinate there's a lot of ear pieces
getting screamed into and not just days but centeru outeru yeah uh yeah this is like three
festivals packed into one most festivals are not this big yeah at least three well i don't know
about y'all and i think i mean i can tell it's starting to you know i can tell from our conversations
every week i mean i'm the excitement level is getting up there and there's been a few years
here recently where i that excitement level felt like it leveled off and felt like maybe it wasn't
even getting close to what it was not that i wasn't wanting to go or feeling like it had lost its way
or was negative on it but that sometimes you can't you can't fabricate real genuine and
emotional excitement you can't make that happen just because you want it and yeah i can tell you
two years ago um i mean a lot of things that happened and not to wow wow wow but you know i
had i just had a hip replaced uh it was four bazillion degrees yeah uh logistically getting
there that day was tough uh they moved us from our you know was that our first was that our first year
our new that was their first new new digs and so you know and uh all of our camp nut but most of
our camp nut butter people were not making it for a variety of reasons it was actually yeah it was
it was a little sad like it was i think i know that's where you're going with this a little bit
exactly it took the air out of the excitement balloon but then you just gotta you know realize
what you're doing for me i realize where you're at what you're doing and recreate you know kind
of recreate your own new excitement well and and also i should you know work was not nearly as uh
into it so i mean there was real internal discussion with me whether i was even going
you know that year um well that was the same time frame i was having work issues that were making
you know these were all things that used to be so easy to us and it's like my gosh this is now and
then we take it for granted and i i certainly did and i would be like well i mean i yeah it's time
right like wait who are you again who are you with oh remember all that stuff no we don't who are you
yeah yeah exactly got there that thursday and it was the hottest ever oh god and i thought why am i
super hot is that the year i left for the yeah oh yeah they took your was i took my blood take
your meds blood pressure medication yeah everything was yeah and you know but as we've said and we
joke it's never not great and i was glad i went and you know super glad i didn't miss it yeah that
ended up being a good nice thing that is not being a good year anyway and i did i did come back i came
back on friday but yeah yeah well i was a dummy just real quick tip here we're not doing tips show
if you're bringing medication bring the bottles with your name and i learned this from terravi
for market from camp nut butter put them in a bag where they're all lined up with the name where
they can just grab the bag see the name see the dates and then hand it right back to you and that's
how it'll be i was a dummy that put them in the elderly take your vitamins every day tuesday
wednesday i just brought that thinking well this is beautiful i don't have to bring all these bottles
they're portioned out per day and it's just blood pressure medication is the main thing
it might be a little bit more than that but not much and uh yeah no no this won't work
it's about to be done you're uh you just and what was you just caused my blood pressure
yeah melatonin which i could have worked around that but yeah you've just now given
i might have a heart attack right now because yeah my anxiety is exploding um and and they you know
that that's just they weren't doing anything wrong you're not allowed to bring in undocumented
medication they don't know if that's a fentanyl pill they don't now 40 year old some guy media dude
i've yeah can we have some discretion that another conversation another day they did nothing wrong so
don't do that don't be dumb like me bring your bottles that have your name on it you won't have
to deal with that right yeah i'm glad you mentioned because we will have a uh tips and tricks episode
do's and don'ts coming up we've got a lot of calls oh good good good good yeah yeah we got to fight
we guys still dig up uh all that stuff i keep thinking i'll hear something for the prize pack
i want to yeah yeah yeah next week getting prize packets yeah i think next week uh is a good time
uh we'll include some of those phone calls four two three six six seven seven seven call and uh
share us your your best tips jeez biden we'll have two shows left before we're off to go so let's
let's yeah let's do it let's get interactive we're gonna do do's and don'ts and also i asked last
week uh what's your favorite memorabilia and we've gotten some of those uh we got some of that too
literally some cool stuff um yeah some you know and as i said it could be you know the the blade
of grass you were sitting on when you met your future significant other or you met a celebrity
or you saw a show that meant something or or you looked up at the sky and it just felt right you
know whatever there's no right or wrong answer and uh i'm not so much interested in you know i got uh i
don't know whatever expensive memorabilia i'm more interested in the yeah like from the official
merch 10 or something like that i mean if you want to that means something to you that's fine but yeah
there's although there's a lot of ways speaking of official merch yeah official merch they just
announced a uh a package of a like a blanket a bonnaroo blanket plus a a cooler like a cooler
you can put over your shoulder i thought that looked pretty cool nice i could get into that
all right yeah well the merch tent is just like you know many other traveling festivals and concerts
merch like the official we'll call it tent i guess it is a tent but sometimes it's like a big mobile
thing and in other bands uh uh setups that thing is popping and bumping every day and those are
some expensive stuff and that's true with all merch tents you can still hang out on shake it you
know shake down and go find the the bootleg thing that came from somebody in paducah kentucky oh
yeah and that's the kind of stuff i got a bootleg that's kind of stuff i'm looking for i got a
bootleg shirt yeah yeah i think it's pretty neat love the bootleg stuff all right so
oh god like you said what three more shows oh yeah something like that i mean it's it's close
yeah yeah can't wait can't wait uh any other business for us we need to do clean up uh call
that number four two three six six seven seven eight seven seven or what is it comment or what's
the yeah comments comments at the what if you've got a picture you want to send us email
it yeah oh yeah we can run some i guess we can run like a slideshow or something or not not a
slideshow technically or but pop up some stuff taco you i'm trying to talk about your world i
don't even know what i'm talking about send us a picture even though you're your merch we talked
about that i'm looking at all the stuff i've collected and i'm trying to figure out how i may
set send you some pictures rusk because i've got mailbox i'm not mailboxes lunch boxes uh
bandanas we all have bandanas rufus the little action figures so yep might have to just get
into that because that's a part of it too but uh all right well another great show thank you guys
i can't believe we do this every week and uh it holds my interest yeah y'all aren't y'all aren't
boring me yet keep it going it's almost time it's almost time ru we need to get together and uh
compare our our camp knows russ and i talked about that friday yeah we need to have a camp meeting
yeah not just us everybody out there listening get together with your people actually you know
shake that tent out and make sure the rats haven't eaten it the pre-show bonnaroo planning meetings
are actually very very valuable they help uh with all things the whole week rather than just
a text thread that's got 25 people on it saying yeah i'll bring the uh extra ice and then you
don't even know who that you didn't you didn't even know that number that number is not like
plugged into your phone you don't even know that person is yeah so i thought you had the tent poles
i know gathering together is not you know in person is not as popular as it once was but
a lot of fun all right let's do that soon yeah all right guys see you next week all right yea
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